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Alt-Right civil war! Neo-Nazi Daily Stormer urges its fans to disrupt Milo’s college tour

U mad, bro?
Uh oh, now he’s mad!

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With Donald Trump flailing in the wake of his disastrous debate performance Monday, his Alt-Right superfans are turning on each other.

Hitlerphile Andrew Anglin of the Daily Stormer has launched what’s he’s calling “a Holy Crusade” against the most famous fanboy of the Alt-Right, Breitbart’s Milo Yiannopoulos, whom Anglin considers a “kike infiltrator and co-opter” of the Alt-Right and “the single greatest threat our movement has at this time.”

Milo is half-Jewish, you see.

Anglin’s “Final Solution to the Milo Problem,” as he so charmingly puts it, involves sending The Daily Stormer’s real-world troll army, such as it is, to confront Milo at his public appearances on college campuses. He’s also urging all true Alt-Rightists to boycott Breitbart unless it fires Milo (which is not going to happen).

The aim of the boycott is to deprive Breitbart of the “significant portion of their traffic” that comes from Alt-Rightists. The aim of the campus confrontations is to put Milo on the defensive by asking him questions he’d rather not answer. And, not incidentally, to scare the hell out of him.

“He will … be in a state of constant fear when he knows that real Nazis are going to show-up at every show and confront him,” Anglin wrote. “[T]here is nowhere to run.”

While Milo himself has yet to publicly respond to Anglin’s “crusade,” as far as I know, everybody’s favorite racist fantasy author Theodore “Vox Day” Beale has launched a counterattack of sorts, denouncing Anglin and his allies as #AltRetards, a teensy tiny group of confused malcontents who are no more than “the flea on the tip of the tail” of the true Alt Right.

“Neither Milo nor I,” Beale writes in a post on his Vox Popoli blog today,

want anything to do with them, their finger-painting, or their swastika panties. The Alt-Retard is the idiot branch of the Alt-White, which unfortunately does make them part of the Alt-Right despite their ideological incoherency, but then, every village needs its idiot.

As best as I can tell from Beale’s post today, his master plan to defeat the “Alt Retards” is … to call them “Alt Retards.”

“They want to babble about branding,” he declares, “well, they’ve just been branded.”

The enmity between Milo and the Daily Stormer isn’t new. Milo fired the first shot in the war in March when he and fellow Breitbarter Allum Bokhari wrote a 5000 word apologia for the Alt Right that, as I put it at the time, “celebrated the can-do spirit of the proudly racist and anti-Semitic alt-right and tried … to pretend that the virulently racist movement’s virulent racism was all a big goof.” All those angry dudes endlessly shitposting about “kebabs” and “dindus?” Just lovable scamps trying to get a rise out of the world’s grouchy Guses.

Just as the kids of the 60s shocked their parents with promiscuity, long hair and rock’n’roll, so too do the alt-right’s young meme brigades shock older generations with outrageous caricatures, from the Jewish “Shlomo Shekelburg” to “Remove Kebab,” an internet in-joke about the Bosnian genocide. …

Are they actually bigots? No more than death metal devotees in the 80s were actually Satanists. For them, it’s simply a means to fluster their grandparents.

Oh sure, the two admitted, there are some real Nazis in the Alt Right, but

there’s just not very many of them, no-one really likes them, and they’re unlikely to achieve anything significant in the alt-right.

To Anglin, them’s fightin’ words. He replied with a blunt tirade denouncing Milo as a “homosexualist half-Jew” and warning his readers that

Any attempt to downplay the Jew role in the destruction of Western civilization should be looked at as subversion.

This Breitbart article is the first large-scale attempt to co-opt the movement and remove the Jews. … Probably, they’ve been awarded this task by other Jews.

The Jews have their schemes.

But we also have schemes.

Anglin and his fans do indeed.

UPDATE: Breitbart says that a Milo event has been cancelled due to death threats. It’s not clear if they’re related to The Daily Stormer’s “crusade” or not.

Here’s today’s Pledge Drive capybara. I would like to apologize in advance for this.


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8 years ago

WHy apologize for that capybara ? 🙂

8 years ago

Come on and burn each other’s servers to the ground already. It’s so dull waiting for them to do more than posturing.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

Oh my gosh, I would love to have the Breitbart traffic data for the next couple weeks. There’s no way that it wouldn’t be delicious. Either there’s no bump at all, at which point we can point and laugh at Anglin’s baseless threats, or we can point and laugh at Breitbart as it reaps the rewards of catering to literal Nazis.

There’s no way this can’t end up entertaining. Who needs popcorn?

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

There are many possible outcomes to this new “Nazis stalk Milo” plot twist, depending on how seriously the Nazis take their task. I’m … actually feeling a little sorry for Milo at some of those possible futures. It’s got to be this new medication regime, giving me emotions and shit.

EJ (The Orphic Lizard)

But Ooglyboggles, they never do anything more than posture. (Except occasionally run harassment campaigns on Twitter, but Yiannopoulos might find that hard without his blue tickmark.)

8 years ago

Wow. Well I hope Milo is not violently attacked by Nazis.

8 years ago

I don’t know which side to take. Surely there’s a frog in an SS cap who can clarify things for me?

8 years ago

Terrible people fight terrible people. Whoever loses, we win.

Fallout Troy
8 years ago

Wait, didn’t Vox Day say he was “alt-west” because he’s 1/8 native american or something? He’s not even self-described alt-right anymore is he? I can never keep up with this.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

OT but I found this out today:

So this college kid with basically no budget and no crew whatsoever made a documentary about Rubbertown, which is a neighborhood here in Louisville. The above is a trailer. I’d like you to compare the quality of that vs. the quality of Tubboy and Professor Skull’s well-funded effort.

Here is the website:

Again, I think a comparison is useful. It probably helps that Remington Smith, the film maker, had a real story to tell and not some made up fauxtroversy.

This film is being screened at an actual theater here locally, and will be shown at some indie film festivals. What’s going on with the Sarkeesian Effect again?

Judas Peckerwood
8 years ago

Poor Milo — he just wants to be loved. By nazis.

Judas Peckerwood
8 years ago

Milo is half-Jewish, you see.

So he’s self-loathing on more than one level, then. Sad!

8 years ago

That doesn’t mean I can’t ask for more.
Props to that man, film making is difficult work.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

‘The arrogance of man is thinking that fuckery is in our control and not the other way round. Let them fight’

‘The saddest gladiator match in the history of the reactionary internet. Racist versus… also racist. Sexist versus… well, ya know. Token of Breitbart versus Führer of Stormfront’

‘I’m sorry, Andrew. I wouldn’t do this if I had anything better to do. But I need the page views’
‘So do I’

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

comment image
So they are eating themselves? This is not surprising. You can’t be pure enough with that way of thinking. Things like “white” do not actually bias for good people. The rest is bigot and founder effect.

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

I hope this doesn’t end in violence. :/

8 years ago

…please let these two sides destroy each other and drag down the bigoted orange troll doll running for President along with them without hurting any innocent bystanders in the carnage…

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

Racists will always fight each other over who’s the whitest and who’s the most racist. That’s kinda what you sign up for when you become a public racist. Milo has never had a problem with commanding a mob to harass people before. Why start now?

I don’t support violence and intimidation through threats of violence, but I have no sympathy for Milo. This is the life he has chosen for himself.

8 years ago

It’s like watching three angry clowns having a slap fight. You can’t look away, but it’s not really funny, because they’re clowns.

Prediction: hardly any Nazis will turn up to heckle Milo. Possibly none. Anglin won’t really lose face, because all of these people live in an alternate reality.

8 years ago

Milo, though. And Roosh, too. “You know what I’m going to do,” say they, “I’m going to cozy up to some Nazis. Sure, I’m not white enough to meet their standards, but I’m sure they’ll accept me once they see how ideologically in line we all are.” And then, later, “Oh no! I can’t believe these Nazis, a group of people defined by their hatred of others based on parts of their identities that they cannot control, would hate me! Based on parts of my identity that I cannot control!”

Seriously though I hope that asshole is safe.

Little She-Bear
Little She-Bear
8 years ago

@Imaginary Petal:

Same, I genuinely don’t want Milo to be hurt/attacked but if he were, I’d really hope it would be a wake up call for him. Do you think he’d learn from it? What are the odds?

8 years ago

As much as I dislike Milo, that’s awful. I honestly hope no harm comes to him as a result of this.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

@Little She-Bear

No, I don’t think it works like that. If he were attacked, it would probably only make him more bigoted and hateful. Change for the better needs to be born out of love and compassion.

I would also like to avoid implying that something good might come of Milo being physically assaulted. In part because I don’t believe it’s true, but also because it could come across as encouraging an attack. I don’t want him to be hurt and I don’t think there’s anything to gain from it. I would, however, feel indifferent and unsurprised.

8 years ago

@Policy: Wish I could. As far as I’m concerned, he’s been swimming around in a chum pool of his own making.

8 years ago

Whaddaya know? Nazis gonna nazi. As far as violence goes, I had much rather they direct it at each other than at people who aren’t total wastes of space, and I genuinely cannot find it in my heart to care how many Nazis get hurt in the process.

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