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What do women want? “Some stupid savage to breed them,” Reddit MGTOW explains

Did they really need to bring The Breeders into this mess?
Did they really need to bring The Breeders into this mess?

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At long last, Freud’s famous question “what do women want” has been definitively answered. By some dude on Reddit.

In the midst of a thoughtful discussion of cuckold fetishism on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit — the MGTOWs are against it — a Redditor calling himself T0000009 explains how feminism has enabled “females” to push the “mating strategy” they’ve secretly been hungering for all along.

Which apparently involves them being raped by, well, let’s just say he uses a word that white people really shouldn’t be using at all.

T0000009 starts off with a standard denunciation of hypergamy, giving us a small taste of the racism to come:

Even married women who proclaim how pure and innocent they are, will f*ck some thug convict or dump whomever she married to chase some jackass because of hypergamy no matter how good the deal she has is. Every dating site is flooded with washed up over the hill St Single Mommy’s looking for a free ride because what she has wan’t good enough. All of those stupid broads already had a million offers, f*cked their way through life and married a man, then cheated, lied, and manipulated him before they filed for divorce.

Naturally, it’s all the fault of “girl power” feminism and Social Justice “retardation.”

With all the blatant propaganda being force fed to everyone for the last 40 years is it really any surprise to see this? All the girl power in every part of the media, gender switching of super hero’s, social justice retardation everywhere you look, and now they are pushing females real mating strategy out there which excuses all the 3rd world n***ers and ragheads females want to be raped by.

Woah, that took quite a turn at the end, huh? Apparently the alt-right is leaking.

Females do’t give a f*ck about culture or society, their family or heritage, they just want some stupid savage to breed them and it’s the only thing on their tiny mind.

Huh. The only people I see who are obsessed with this subject are the Internet Nazis who won’t shut up about “mudsharking” and “white genocide” and, of course, “cucks.”

Do you think it’s a coincidence that all their attention whoring revolves around showing off their tit’s and ass? The stupid broads don’t even care about their kids, or we wouldn’t see abortion mills, or the explosion in St Single Mommy’s because they don’t care if they have our “protection & provision” they just want Biff Badboy and his thug spawn and this is the next step to achieving their delusional fantasy.

Wait, his name is Biff? Biff? 

Dude, if you’re going to launch a racist tirade against “savages” and “thugs” and, well, I’m not going to repeat the other terms you used, at least have the sense not to give your archetypal villain what is literally the whitest name ever. 

MGTOWS: They’re even bad at racism.


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Weird (not wired) Eddie
Weird (not wired) Eddie
8 years ago

@ Ellesar

“Biff Bang Pow”?? Wasn’t that the band Batman was in?? (… wow, am I dating myself there!!)

(((Hambeast))) Now With Extra Parentheses
(((Hambeast))) Now With Extra Parentheses
8 years ago

Handsome “Punkle Stan” Jack said

Blah blah evo psycho yadda yadda females mating plan is inferior to male mating plan meh meh white penis is superior for some reason bleh.

Inorite? Guess that’s why humans (and especially white ones) are so rare and hard to find! It’s that darned female mating plan!!

Jo, that hanging chad joke made me try to groan and lol at the same time. I think I hurt myself.

Bina – Hans Jonatan’s story would make a kick-ass movie that I would watch the ever-lovin’ FUCK out of!

(((Hambeast))) Now With Extra Parentheses
(((Hambeast))) Now With Extra Parentheses
8 years ago

Weird (not wired) Eddie – I did all of those things, but I never had but three 45s (loads of albums, though) but playing the stereo AND the TV at the same time was never going to fly at my house!

Oh boy, kitty talk!

My lovely old man kitty spent most of the last two days at the vet’s with low potassium on an IV drip. He’s home now, with a diagnosis of kidney failure and supplements and special food and possibly thyroid meds (that test isn’t back yet.)

They left the IV port in his left front leg which made him most unhappy, even while being home again cheered him enormously. I had them take the IV port out this morning and he’s WAY better (less stressed) AND he seems to like the special diet! ((happy dance))

He’s still got the potassium supplement to hate on for a while, though, and daily subQ fluids for a week or so.

I’ve been quite stressed the last few days, to say the least!

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

So, off topic: I went to work today, it was long and boring and my feet still hurt, but I was so tired, I got home, took a quick shower, and then went to check the mail (because if I sat down, I wasn’t going to get back up unless completely necessary), and I spent a good minute trying to shove the house key into the mailbox keyhole and I was genuinely concerned as to why it wasn’t working.

Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
8 years ago

Fuck. I’m glad I’m asexual. I’m not lining up to breed thug spawn with anybody. Yuck.

8 years ago

Still on the “women would rather get raped by [insert racial slur here] thugs than have sex with a white supremacist” kick? Geez, find some new schtick for godsake. No woman wants to raped by anyone of any color and few want a white supremacist’s sorry ass.

8 years ago

Scildfreja, have you ever heard the story of Aud the Deep-Minded? Sounds like you’d love it if you haven’t. The Vikings didn’t leave evidence about many real-life, great women, but Aud is one of them. One of the first settlers in Iceland, she was a leader of men and seems like she was pretty darn well respected. (Apparently she was so strongly-spoken that the refrain of those being “advised” by her was, “Whatever you say, Grandmother”.) And she has the best nickname. Even by Viking standards, “Deep-Minded” is pretty darn epic.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

Aud was amazing, I love her story. I don’t know a huge amount about her, mind you, but you inspired me to go hunting for details again!

I wish that we used Viking-style bynames. Life would be so much cooler.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo
weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo
8 years ago

Anya from Buffy was originally named Aud when she was a human in medieval Sweden. Before she became a vengeance demon and was renamed Anyanka (sp?). I wonder if the writers named her after that Aud.

8 years ago

Not just Vikings; epithets are common anywhere where a) there’s a relatively limited pool of given a names, and b) a rigidly defined system of surnames (commonly patronymics); e.g. if every village has a number of Olafs, and several Sweins, there might be 2-3 guys walking around who are Olaf Sweinsson, and you gotta be able to tell them apart. The Irish had it even worse, since everyone’s surname was the clan’s name, so the number of, e.g. Risdeárd Bourkes around in any given area could be fairly large. (The two I remember offhand are Iron Richard and his nephew The Devil’s Hook), who were both prominent chiefs in the16th century. You see it a lot in Rome too.

My personal favorite epithet is Æþelræd Unræd, usually translated as Æþelræd the Unready, although I understand that ‘Ill-advised’ is a more accurate translation.

8 years ago

Here’s tae Rob Anybody and No’-as-big-as-Medium-Sized-Jock-but-bigger-than-Wee-Jock Jock o’ the Nac Mac Feegle!

Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

The Romans, especially the aristocracy, only had about half a dozen family names to go round. They were pretty limited on first names too. (Of course what was a family name as opposed to a first name wasnt that simple). Just think how many Caius there were, or Drusus. And if you were a girl chances are you’d be a Julia. That was if you were lucky enough to be a first child. After that you’d be a number.

I suspect the main driving force for all the conquests wasn’t territorial expansion or even the hope of being awarded a Triumph, it was just to get some new names (Germanicus, Brittanicus, Africanus etc)

8 years ago

Wait, I thought hypergamy meant going for the rich dudes. Now apparently it means going for “thugs” and “convicts,” classes of people who are generally not rolling in dough

Supposedly the thugs and convicts of today were the dominant alpha types in pre-agriculture tribal societies.

Of course a much more plausible explanation for “Hybristophilia” is the desperation and low self-esteem of the individual.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

@PI, that’s been my *week*. I’m in an absolute fog. If it weren’t for my spellchecker I’d be entirely unintelligible.

I hope your job gets less exhausting! I’m sure it’ll get better once you’re back into the swing of it.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

@Scildfreja: Thanks!

Though, I am still looking for better work. I have a degree, and I’m trying to use it. : P

Of course, when I was being hired, my manager asked me if I would scamper off at the first sign of a better job, and of course I told him “no”, but at the same time…

8 years ago


Im he has a lick of sense, he knew you were lying. I genuinely don’t know whythey bother to ask that kind of crap; everyone already knows the answer. It’s like ‘Why do you want to work here?’ If ypur talking about a game development company, or Greenpeace, that’s one thing, but when its Qwik Mart, it’s just ridiculous.

8 years ago

Translation story from my Russian teacher: Reporters in Poland interviewing a representative of the Soviet government asked what was going to happen to the leaders of the Solidarity movement, and the representative told them they would be shot. The reporters ran off to file their stories. A few minutes later the representative came after them–‘wait! I meant they would be FIRED.’

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
8 years ago

My personal favorite epithet is Æþelræd Unræd, usually translated as Æþelræd the Unready, although I understand that ‘Ill-advised’ is a more accurate translation.

Apparently unraed was a punning insult, as his name Æþelræd meant ‘wise/noble council’, though the case has been made that the insult was more toward his advisors. They gave him crap advice – that he listened to! 🙂

8 years ago

Now I’m thinking about the big difference between a siren suit and a mermaid suit.

8 years ago

I thought sirens were typically winged ladies with alluring songs, but then just became any lovely lady luring sailors to their deaths, and then mermaids who lured sailors to death with their songs.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ fishy goat

Yeah, apparently the Aethelred thing was considered quite witty back in the day because of the juxtaposition which created an oxymoron.

8 years ago

@Weird (Not Wired) Eddie

“Biff Bang Pow”?? Wasn’t that the band Batman was in?? (… wow, am I dating myself there!!)

Maybe you’re thinking of this band.

Banananana dakry
Banananana dakry
8 years ago


Nae laird, nae king, nae quin! Nac Mac Feeeeeegle!

8 years ago

Romans do indeed seem to have said fuck it, just stick a number on ’em quite a lot.

Segundus, Tertius … Quintus, Sextus, Septimus, loads of Octavias and Octavians, Decimus … not sure about the firsts, fourths and ninths? Firsts more likely to get the actual name, as Alan said, but are there any called Primus … ?

As a system, I’m not sure that I don’t prefer that of the Nac Mac Feegle 🙂

So many descriptions and profession/occupation labels … Fletcher, Thatcher, Cooper, Smith, Carter, Fabricant/Faber, Courtois/Cortéz …

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ opposable thumbs

That’s an interesting thought. I can’t think of any examples off hand. I think first born sons usually just got some variation on their dad’s name.

I like the descriptive names that kids got. So Postumus if your dad had died before you were born, Agrippa if you were born feet first, Caesar if you were a hairy baby etc.

There was one interesting one, Proculus. That was when you’d somehow managed to be born despite your dad being away on military service. It wasn’t used a lot.