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At long last, Freud’s famous question “what do women want” has been definitively answered. By some dude on Reddit.
In the midst of a thoughtful discussion of cuckold fetishism on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit — the MGTOWs are against it — a Redditor calling himself T0000009 explains how feminism has enabled “females” to push the “mating strategy” they’ve secretly been hungering for all along.
Which apparently involves them being raped by, well, let’s just say he uses a word that white people really shouldn’t be using at all.
T0000009 starts off with a standard denunciation of hypergamy, giving us a small taste of the racism to come:
Even married women who proclaim how pure and innocent they are, will f*ck some thug convict or dump whomever she married to chase some jackass because of hypergamy no matter how good the deal she has is. Every dating site is flooded with washed up over the hill St Single Mommy’s looking for a free ride because what she has wan’t good enough. All of those stupid broads already had a million offers, f*cked their way through life and married a man, then cheated, lied, and manipulated him before they filed for divorce.
Naturally, it’s all the fault of “girl power” feminism and Social Justice “retardation.”
With all the blatant propaganda being force fed to everyone for the last 40 years is it really any surprise to see this? All the girl power in every part of the media, gender switching of super hero’s, social justice retardation everywhere you look, and now they are pushing females real mating strategy out there which excuses all the 3rd world n***ers and ragheads females want to be raped by.
Woah, that took quite a turn at the end, huh? Apparently the alt-right is leaking.
Females do’t give a f*ck about culture or society, their family or heritage, they just want some stupid savage to breed them and it’s the only thing on their tiny mind.
Huh. The only people I see who are obsessed with this subject are the Internet Nazis who won’t shut up about “mudsharking” and “white genocide” and, of course, “cucks.”
Do you think it’s a coincidence that all their attention whoring revolves around showing off their tit’s and ass? The stupid broads don’t even care about their kids, or we wouldn’t see abortion mills, or the explosion in St Single Mommy’s because they don’t care if they have our “protection & provision” they just want Biff Badboy and his thug spawn and this is the next step to achieving their delusional fantasy.
Wait, his name is Biff? Biff?
Dude, if you’re going to launch a racist tirade against “savages” and “thugs” and, well, I’m not going to repeat the other terms you used, at least have the sense not to give your archetypal villain what is literally the whitest name ever.
MGTOWS: They’re even bad at racism.

@EverythingIsRidiculous: Thankyou 😀
Pictured: Biff NotaBadBoy.

eeeeeeee biff looks like my kitty! Right down to that smug look on his fuzzy face!
Well, as someone who idolizes Grainne ni Mhaille, and is prone to wax rhapsodic about the ethnic harmony, equality and brotherhood (and I do mean brotherhood, unfortunately) of the Buccaneers, I’m hardly in a position to point fingers 🙂
I’ve always thought that contact between Europe and the Americas would have worked out a lot better if the Vinland Norse hadn’t done whatever pissed off the locals so much they rolled in and killed everyone. (A popular hypothesis I’ve encountered for what this was involved the idea that they may have given/traded cheese or milk products, which the lactose-intolerant local folk interpreted as an attempt to poison them. Given that it’s actually recorded that their first meeting with the Tunumiit in Greenland was to stab one of them to see if he bled like a ‘normal’ looking man, it’s possible it was less benign, though.) Anyway, my figuring is that the North Atlantic route would’ve not brought as many Europeans over, and for various reasons the Norse were considerably less disease-ridden than the majority of Europe. Long-term contact in Vinland (probably somewhere in what’s now Newfoundland IIRC), would’ve led to various livestock being introduced and spread across the continent. They’d have brought less virulent forms of pox and flu and such with them, so by the time lots of Europeans started coming around by other sea routes, the diseases they carried wouldn’t have had nearly such a devastating effect.
@ scildfreja
Another diversion for you which I hope you’ll like as its a language thing.
When William the Bastard conquered/was invited to England he wanted to centralise the government of the country. One area to be addressed was the legal system. He sent out a commission called The General Eyre with the remit to investigate best practice in various locales so that they could be adopted nationally.
All went well until the Eyre got to the old Danelaw. The local populous could see the sense in a unified law for national things but they liked the idea of each settlement being able to set its own laws in relation to local issues. As the Danelaw was still a bit of a threat to William he agreed on a compromise.
There would be a uniform code for the country generally. That would be the Common Law. However each settlement could have its own laws for internal matters.
The Norse word for settlement is “By” (as in the place names Grimsby, Wetherby etc) so those laws peculiar to each settlement were called “By-laws”; and we still have them today.
@ Scildfreja Unnýðnes: Awesome! Black and white cats need more love, in the UK I think they are the least popular when it comes to people choosing them, which played a big part in me wanting one. And it is a smug look, he’s warm and cosy and on the back of my mum’s sofa (we were on holiday there, it’s where he grew up) he’s one happy cat there. Of course when we’re back in my flat he likes to sleep amongst my retro gaming consoles. He’s trashed the box the Master System was in and now sleeps on the Atari Jaguar one.
Black and white cats are my favourite. Lots of personality.
Also the licence is cheaper! (That joke was hilarious in the 70s in the UK)
He is one very cool looking puss though.
I like tuxedo cats but they never seem to like me 🙁
@Alan: We actually had a black and white TV when I was a kid to save money. Which is odd because before Doctor Who started coming out on VHS, I remembered all the Davison stories in colour, which I never saw them in. The mind is odd.
@weirwoodtreehugger: Biff tends to be a bit stand-offish (never aggressive, just aloof) with people until he sees me interact with them positively. Then he will allow head scritches and chin tickles to commence.
@ losername;
It must be exhausting to be them.
@ Scildfreja;
The connection is wishful thinking, I believe. The alt-rite sees the Norse as being the “least contaminated” white group, probably only because they’re farthest away from the brown people. But the people in the Scandinavian countries were trading corn and culture with people as far away as Iran and even India at least by the 9th Century thru the Volga trade route. In my (admittedly amateurish) researches, I’ve noted that those trading corn and culture are usually also trading chromosomes.
I did not know the thing about where “Common Law” came from! That’s fascinating stuff, thank you.
Ah, language, I love you so.
fittingly, entitled “Good Fight”!!
@ varalys
At the risk of this turning into the Four Yorkshiremen sketch, we had to go to my posh cousin’s to watch BBC2!
@Alan Robertshaw
“By” is also the word for “village” in modern Swedish. It’s pretty interesting how words change meaning as time goes by.
The More You Know!
@Alan: LUXURY! We didn’t even own our TV, we rented it. etc etc.
Funny how now I have three TV’s, I have hung onto my old CRT ones because pre-HD videogames look like crap on HDTV’s and suffer input lag.
@ Robertshaw
We had NO television (o_O) got to watch tv on the weekend at grandpaw’s, and it was black and white. I saw Wizard of Oz in the 80’s, I thought Ted Turner had “colorized” it… I didn’t know it was in color!!
@ monzach
I suppose settlement and village aren’t really that far apart.
There’s a lot of relic Norse around Yorkshire and the rest of the Danelaw. When I was a kid the word for ‘play’ was ‘laik’; and there’s ‘bairn’ of course.
A lot of the placenames are Norse too. Lots of ‘by’s and ‘thorpe’s.
@Weird Eddie:
Yup. And in Iceland, where Viking culture and the Norse language are least altered, they weren’t unwelcoming to actual black people of African descent, either. (This fact should make the alt-righturds blanch.)
@ varalys & weird eddie
Ah, to think kids today will never have the experience of being a temporary aerial stand while their mum watches Coronation Street.
(Heh, you’ve reminded me of something, I’ll stick it on your blog)
@ Bina
Thanx, really interesting! This was even before slavery was ended in Great Britain. One thing I find consistent about the Alt- and conventional Right is, they just don’t know much about the real world.
@ Robertshaw
To paraphrase an internet meme, “I’m so old I’ve dialed a rotary phone while listening to a 45rpm record and watching a black-and-white television with tinfoil on its rabbit ears”…. 🙂
Ain’t that the truth! I much prefer actuality to theory or (overly simplistic) fantasy. And that’s why I’m not one of theirs, and never will be. Too reality-based for them to even understand…and complex realities don’t daunt me, they interest me.
Since this is now a language thread, a funny tweet I came across Google Translate’s translation of a one-word answer (Spanish to English) of what people living by an active volcano want.
Aka the perils of machine translations. 😀
I had a friend who was in a band called Biff Bang Pow in the late 80s – he was quite a ‘beta’ so I am not sure if that counts.
Plus we never had sex!
My sister and I went to stay at our grandparents’ for the sole purpose of watching the royal wedding (of Charles and Diana) in colour. I was a lot younger then…
And I’ve watched snooker in black & white. It’s quite difficult to follow (but oddly mesmerising).