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What do women want? “Some stupid savage to breed them,” Reddit MGTOW explains

Did they really need to bring The Breeders into this mess?
Did they really need to bring The Breeders into this mess?

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At long last, Freud’s famous question “what do women want” has been definitively answered. By some dude on Reddit.

In the midst of a thoughtful discussion of cuckold fetishism on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit — the MGTOWs are against it — a Redditor calling himself T0000009 explains how feminism has enabled “females” to push the “mating strategy” they’ve secretly been hungering for all along.

Which apparently involves them being raped by, well, let’s just say he uses a word that white people really shouldn’t be using at all.

T0000009 starts off with a standard denunciation of hypergamy, giving us a small taste of the racism to come:

Even married women who proclaim how pure and innocent they are, will f*ck some thug convict or dump whomever she married to chase some jackass because of hypergamy no matter how good the deal she has is. Every dating site is flooded with washed up over the hill St Single Mommy’s looking for a free ride because what she has wan’t good enough. All of those stupid broads already had a million offers, f*cked their way through life and married a man, then cheated, lied, and manipulated him before they filed for divorce.

Naturally, it’s all the fault of “girl power” feminism and Social Justice “retardation.”

With all the blatant propaganda being force fed to everyone for the last 40 years is it really any surprise to see this? All the girl power in every part of the media, gender switching of super hero’s, social justice retardation everywhere you look, and now they are pushing females real mating strategy out there which excuses all the 3rd world n***ers and ragheads females want to be raped by.

Woah, that took quite a turn at the end, huh? Apparently the alt-right is leaking.

Females do’t give a f*ck about culture or society, their family or heritage, they just want some stupid savage to breed them and it’s the only thing on their tiny mind.

Huh. The only people I see who are obsessed with this subject are the Internet Nazis who won’t shut up about “mudsharking” and “white genocide” and, of course, “cucks.”

Do you think it’s a coincidence that all their attention whoring revolves around showing off their tit’s and ass? The stupid broads don’t even care about their kids, or we wouldn’t see abortion mills, or the explosion in St Single Mommy’s because they don’t care if they have our “protection & provision” they just want Biff Badboy and his thug spawn and this is the next step to achieving their delusional fantasy.

Wait, his name is Biff? Biff? 

Dude, if you’re going to launch a racist tirade against “savages” and “thugs” and, well, I’m not going to repeat the other terms you used, at least have the sense not to give your archetypal villain what is literally the whitest name ever. 

MGTOWS: They’re even bad at racism.


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occasional reader
occasional reader
8 years ago


Well, they are like an old disc platinum and a scratched vinyl which play the same music again and again in a infinite loop. They autofuel their own garbage speech, so they never stop the rant. Could have been “Is this the real life ? Is this just fantasy ?”, but introspection and cogitation need them to stop ranting, so it seems that is never going to happen.
And their reasoning is so biased that it make the non-euclidian R’lyeh and Esherian designs looking straights. It is like a cult, except they do not worship a particular entity, they just worship themselves while flattering each other to reassure themselves. And the problem with sectarian groups is that you hardly can help the members, unless they see themselves the wrongness. So we are up to this kind of discourse for some centuries, or even milleniums, at least, i fear…

Have a nice day.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

Brits of a certain age know there’s only one Badboy Biff(a)

8 years ago


“Biff” seems to be a favourite among old-school British cartoonists- see Biffo the Bear, who was definitely not a Mickey Mouse ripoff, no sir…

Lone Galtian Bootstrapper
Lone Galtian Bootstrapper
8 years ago

Just a nice funny quiz I found online, worth a look for the giggles:

Now I’m off to read this post.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ jennywren

Speaking of rip-offs, do you remember when DC Thompson had a go at Viz about copyright infringement? Then Viz did a strip “DC Thompson, the Miserable Scottish Git”. Then of course DC Thompson did a version of their “Jocks V Geordies” strip with the Viz team as the Gerodies in retaliation.

That’s how you settle a dispute. No recourse to litigation, just (very funny as it happened) comic strips.

8 years ago

@Lone Galtian Bootstrapper

Well, I took the quiz you linked to and apparently I’m an Alpha Male and I’ve accidentally impregnated the person who wrote the quiz by my manliness. :O

I…I may have to re-evaluate my life. Though, to be fair, I was picking the most ridiculous options for most of the answers…

8 years ago


Well, it’s long been said that we prefer satire to conflict in this country.

8 years ago

they just want Biff Badboy and his thug spawn and this is the next step to achieving their delusional fantasy.

Someone’s been watching “Back to the Future”.

8 years ago

Every dating site is flooded with washed up over the hill St Single Mommy’s

…except for Ashley Madison, which is flooded with married ladybots. Who probably don’t have any kidbots, fortunately.

Dude, you need to get out more. Preferably to someplace where they can teach you how to rite gud.

8 years ago

I’m not sure if the poster has even read the article he’s so worked up about, because if he did he’d realise that it was the husband who first suggested that they try cuckolding. How hypergamy fits into the sexual lifestyle of two consenting adults is beyond me.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

Googled “ladybot” ’cause it’s a funny word, hoping for a funny animated gif. Found this picture instead

comment image

Gonna go hunt down their music, that looks kewl

8 years ago

My initial thought was that David was getting stumped for decent material and has just gone for the lowest of the low hanging fruit.

In these crazy times though, I gotta say, that the fruit is getting higher and it is ripe to be picked off.

8 years ago


I’m not sure if the poster has even read the article he’s so worked up about, because if he did he’d realise that it was the husband who first suggested that they try cuckolding.

Oh noes, INTERNALIZED MISANDRY! The Matriarchy got to him! NOOOOOOES!

(And if he HAS read it, he’s totally missed the point; he was only looking for bias confirmation, and by Jove, he found it!)


Googled “ladybot” ’cause it’s a funny word, hoping for a funny animated gif. Found this picture instead

That IS rather kewl. Honestly, though, I was just making up a word* to describe what Ashley Madison is using to try to reel in the paying users. Who, it turns out, are mostly male. And mostly very sadly gullible.

*This should drive the necrotroll on the other thread positively berserk. (Berserk being derived from an Old Norse word for shamanic warriors who wore bearskin shirts — sarks — in the belief that it would give them a bear’s spirit, strength, and fury while fighting. They were called bear-sarkers, which eventually became berserkers. Ain’t linguistics fun?)

8 years ago

I honestly can’t understand why these guys hate so much. I know people who have been regularly beaten and raped who don’t hate anybody this much. I know people who have fled from war zones who don’t hate anybody this much.

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack


You know when a dog or cat isn’t raised around others, they will play rougher than those who have been raised around other dogs and cats from a young age? They bite too hard because they never been bitten themselves. I think it’s the same concept, or at least a good metaphor.

8 years ago

@ Handsome

My ex-housemate had a cat that was not raised around others. And that cat did not like to fight or bite.

I think that you are making excuses. For what though, I am not sure.

What are you meaning?

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

I think that you are making excuses. For what though, I am not sure.

I think you’re confusing trying to figure something out with making excuses.

EJ (The Orphic Lizard)

If people are used to power only ever being something they themselves wield, they tend to be slow to appreciate its harmfulness.

8 years ago


I like people who are trying to figure things out. I try to do the same thing. So excuse me if I was confusing things.

What was it exactly that you were aiming to understand? Maybe we can see the same thing?

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

@Bina, <3 language! My favourite is viking, which is a verb describing what the Vikingr did. It means “to adventure“.

I love this word. It really crystallizes what I find admirable about their society. They ended up being defined by their will to leave home and brave the world, cast off the tethers of home and hearth to find their destinies. Some found gold and bloodshed and glory, they are the ones we think of most when we think of Vikingr.

Others found new homes and new lives, and new ways of living. The Varangians who stayed in the Eastern Roman Empire, the traders who sailed the rivers to Persia, to trade for steel and gold for northern furs. Some returned home, wealthy and proud, and world-wise; others stayed and took on new lives.

It’s what makes me so angry that the Alt-Right seems to think they have some sort of connection to the pre-Christian pagans of the north. They traveled far and wide, and lived with the people they met. The idea that they were nothing but savage warlords was introduced by later Christian thought to make them into devils (which is understandable, given the invasions). The Vikingr were bold and brave, and must have seen themselves as people of the whole world, unbound.

Anyways, rambling. I really should get to work here!

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ scildfreja

To revert to my precious thing about limited companies being a Cornish invention, the members who signed up to these ‘cost-book companies’ were called “Adventurers”. That’s so much cooler than ‘director’.

(It makes sense though as even the ‘company’ bit derived from that idea of setting off with a bunch of mates into the great unknown to make your fortune)

varalys the dark
8 years ago

Hey, hey HEY! I’m super-offended internet racists. My cat’s name is Biff. He’s black AND white as well and is very sweet to women. Don’t make Biff the new Chad 🙁

8 years ago

To be totally fair, the Vikingr did sometimes enslave people they met on their travels, and many of them did not object to gaining wealth at the point of a spear if the locals didn’t want to trade for what they had (or if they hadn’t anything to trade). On the other hand, they were hardly unique in these practices, they were just better at them than most anyone else operating in Atlantic waters at the time.

8 years ago

I’m sure your cat Biff is lovely, and given half a chance I would pet the hell out of him.

In New Zealand, ‘biff’ is synonymous with ‘drunken fisticuffs’.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

@Dalillama, oh, for sure. They didn’t sweep over Mercia and impose the Danelaw by asking nicely, after all. That sort of bloody violence wasn’t the core of what they were doing, though, that’s all. They were testing themselves against the world. It’s a beautiful sentiment, and I love it to bits.