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At long last, Freud’s famous question “what do women want” has been definitively answered. By some dude on Reddit.
In the midst of a thoughtful discussion of cuckold fetishism on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit — the MGTOWs are against it — a Redditor calling himself T0000009 explains how feminism has enabled “females” to push the “mating strategy” they’ve secretly been hungering for all along.
Which apparently involves them being raped by, well, let’s just say he uses a word that white people really shouldn’t be using at all.
T0000009 starts off with a standard denunciation of hypergamy, giving us a small taste of the racism to come:
Even married women who proclaim how pure and innocent they are, will f*ck some thug convict or dump whomever she married to chase some jackass because of hypergamy no matter how good the deal she has is. Every dating site is flooded with washed up over the hill St Single Mommy’s looking for a free ride because what she has wan’t good enough. All of those stupid broads already had a million offers, f*cked their way through life and married a man, then cheated, lied, and manipulated him before they filed for divorce.
Naturally, it’s all the fault of “girl power” feminism and Social Justice “retardation.”
With all the blatant propaganda being force fed to everyone for the last 40 years is it really any surprise to see this? All the girl power in every part of the media, gender switching of super hero’s, social justice retardation everywhere you look, and now they are pushing females real mating strategy out there which excuses all the 3rd world n***ers and ragheads females want to be raped by.
Woah, that took quite a turn at the end, huh? Apparently the alt-right is leaking.
Females do’t give a f*ck about culture or society, their family or heritage, they just want some stupid savage to breed them and it’s the only thing on their tiny mind.
Huh. The only people I see who are obsessed with this subject are the Internet Nazis who won’t shut up about “mudsharking” and “white genocide” and, of course, “cucks.”
Do you think it’s a coincidence that all their attention whoring revolves around showing off their tit’s and ass? The stupid broads don’t even care about their kids, or we wouldn’t see abortion mills, or the explosion in St Single Mommy’s because they don’t care if they have our “protection & provision” they just want Biff Badboy and his thug spawn and this is the next step to achieving their delusional fantasy.
Wait, his name is Biff? Biff?
Dude, if you’re going to launch a racist tirade against “savages” and “thugs” and, well, I’m not going to repeat the other terms you used, at least have the sense not to give your archetypal villain what is literally the whitest name ever.
MGTOWS: They’re even bad at racism.

Didn’t Biff Badboy steal a sports almanac from the future in that one movie?
Honestly after all the things I’ve read on this blog I’m really not surprised that MRAs, PUAs, and MGTOWS hold ideals in common with the Alt-Right. Seriously Judgy Bitch said she would support nuking Mecca, Aurini calls African Americans the n-word, and Roosh is Antisemitic.
I hit this part: “females want to be raped by.” and I arglebargled. Is it so difficult to comprehend that you literally cannot ‘want’ to be raped*, that the very act of doing so makes it not-rape, and that the sentence thus has less conceptual integrity than a Trump campaign speech?
*: There are, of course, women who report rape fantasies, but these are explicitly not rape, and anyone who is confused on this point should stay far, far away from that sort of bedroom activity.
Why is Single Mommy a saint? In this context at least.
So afbb is no longer a thing. Now it’s just af, full stop. Got it.
This is the only Biff.
Cutest capybara picture yet!
Blah blah evo psycho yadda yadda females mating plan is inferior to male mating plan meh meh white penis is superior for some reason bleh.
Again, can we get that white genocide plan rolling, for real? I enjoy pissing off racist white men off. You know you’re doing something right if they’re angry.
Really? Because it seems to me that the society pages were always directed at women, etiquette teachers and advice columnists are generally women and women tend to be the ones who have family genealogy as a hobby.
Wait. So he’s saying women want to be bred to other women and we want the savages as our breeders? Huh?
Sometimes, the real “savage” is the face you see when you look in the mirror. I don’t think that the MGTOW and other nuts of the alt-right actually realize that though.
The more I read this site, the more obvious it becomes to me that everything these guys think they know, they learned from Internet porn. Do they know they’re not watching documentaries?
I, for one, want to cut down on the undeniable overbreeding of apostrophes in T0000009’s version of the English language.
I don’t know how you live to be the age you have to be to navigate the internet by yourself and see the world this way. Maybe he lives on some Saudi oil rig where no women ever step foot? Hell, even the shitty women I’ve met are nothing like this. It’s like he’s trying to describe some kind of alien creature he’s never come into contact with. For some people, reality is nonexistent. It’s how Trump can claim that Clinton’s ads are so mean and hurtful despite these ads just being recordings of Trump saying terrible things. He can somehow segment actual reality from this belief of who he is and what he says. There’s got to be some very powerful ability to detach from reality with these people.
New thread, new Ace Attorney sprites. Aw yiss.
Good lord OP, what did commas and periods ever do to you? Besides one of them being associated with those icky feeeemales you hate so much?
Also, how do you know, OP, that every married woman is out “[fucking] some thug convict or dump whomever she married to chase some jackass”, let alone “because of hypergamy”?
Or how do you know how “good the deal she has” actually is? For all you know, she was in a shitty relationship with a shitty guy who treated her like shit.
Oh, wait, I forgot. In the eyes of the MGTOW, men can never do any wrong ever. It’s always a feeeemale’s fault, isn’t it?
Ah, but we can’t forget all our racist dogwhistles, can we? Nope. All us feeeemales are out fucking “thugs” and “jackasses”, and of course you know this because we’re not out fucking you, and that’s why you’re on /r/mgtow, and this is somehow our problem, and not an unfortunate side-effect of your horrific personality.
Nope, it’s always a feeeemale’s fault.
“Let’s talk about women.”
“But we don’t know any.”
“Hm. True… Eh, we’ll figure it out.”
No, no, silly Redditor. If we wanted stupid savages to “breed” us, we’d be chasing after YOU!
Is it just me, or does anyone else suspect that these guys are furious because they imagine “broads” everywhere are doing exactly what they (the angry guys) would love to do if they could?
I guess T0000009 and I must run in different circles, because have never known a married woman who made a point of proclaiming her purity and innocence. What would that even be like? “Hey Ellen, how are you doing?” “I AM PURE AS THE DRIVEN SNOW.” “Um, that’s… um–” “ONLY MY HUSBAND TOUCHES MY NAUGHTY BITS.” “I’m really not sure what you want me to say, Ellen. Congratulations?” “THANK YOU. I AM BETTER THAN ALL OTHER WOMEN.”
I thought “hypergamy” meant “marrying up”. When did it start meaning leaving your financially stable husband for an unemployed convict?
At first it seemed he was upset about people of other skin tone besides his own having sex with his wimmins but in the end there he threw in the mix all 80’s movie baddies who are categorically as blonde as the arian dream. Biff. I’m confus.
eta: Favourite capybara and friend yet!
I am the heavenly patron of Legos, apple juice, and custody arrangements. Novena me if you’re interested.
Speaking of dating sites, it turns out people named Chad only have a 6% chance of getting swiped right on Tindr. Biff doesn’t even rate:
Says the manospherian. HB# anyone? I remember there was an article here a while back in which some dude said ‘big tits and a tight ass’ was every man’s rubric for attractiveness. This, of course, was meant as a white supremacist dog whistle. Point is, maybe it ain’t women throwing their breasts in your face. Perhaps you think it’s all they do, cos you’re the one staring
@Friendly Neighborhood Dragon Arthur
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Biff’s OK, but he can’t compare to Chad Thundercock.
Oh, Chad. *sigh*
My favorite Biff is Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ’s Childhood Pal by Christopher Moore.
I know it’s standard fare for these MGTOWs and other gross dudes to generalize, but really, all married women are like this? It’s like he’s trying to other women and men he doesn’t like, but for me, the effect is that he’s othered himself from all people. He doesn’t have an understanding of how most people work. It’s like he’s never met real people (not even just women). But then there are real people you can see in the media too, and they don’t fit their perception of reality. I mean what about President Obama? I mean maybe they don’t identify with him exactly, but he seems happily married with Michelle Obama. I just feel like it takes some effort to twist everything to fit these weird fantasies.