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At long last, Freud’s famous question “what do women want” has been definitively answered. By some dude on Reddit.
In the midst of a thoughtful discussion of cuckold fetishism on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit — the MGTOWs are against it — a Redditor calling himself T0000009 explains how feminism has enabled “females” to push the “mating strategy” they’ve secretly been hungering for all along.
Which apparently involves them being raped by, well, let’s just say he uses a word that white people really shouldn’t be using at all.
T0000009 starts off with a standard denunciation of hypergamy, giving us a small taste of the racism to come:
Even married women who proclaim how pure and innocent they are, will f*ck some thug convict or dump whomever she married to chase some jackass because of hypergamy no matter how good the deal she has is. Every dating site is flooded with washed up over the hill St Single Mommy’s looking for a free ride because what she has wan’t good enough. All of those stupid broads already had a million offers, f*cked their way through life and married a man, then cheated, lied, and manipulated him before they filed for divorce.
Naturally, it’s all the fault of “girl power” feminism and Social Justice “retardation.”
With all the blatant propaganda being force fed to everyone for the last 40 years is it really any surprise to see this? All the girl power in every part of the media, gender switching of super hero’s, social justice retardation everywhere you look, and now they are pushing females real mating strategy out there which excuses all the 3rd world n***ers and ragheads females want to be raped by.
Woah, that took quite a turn at the end, huh? Apparently the alt-right is leaking.
Females do’t give a f*ck about culture or society, their family or heritage, they just want some stupid savage to breed them and it’s the only thing on their tiny mind.
Huh. The only people I see who are obsessed with this subject are the Internet Nazis who won’t shut up about “mudsharking” and “white genocide” and, of course, “cucks.”
Do you think it’s a coincidence that all their attention whoring revolves around showing off their tit’s and ass? The stupid broads don’t even care about their kids, or we wouldn’t see abortion mills, or the explosion in St Single Mommy’s because they don’t care if they have our “protection & provision” they just want Biff Badboy and his thug spawn and this is the next step to achieving their delusional fantasy.
Wait, his name is Biff? Biff?
Dude, if you’re going to launch a racist tirade against “savages” and “thugs” and, well, I’m not going to repeat the other terms you used, at least have the sense not to give your archetypal villain what is literally the whitest name ever.
MGTOWS: They’re even bad at racism.

That would be like calling a movie “Rocky 1”. :p
The ninths probably just skipped over nine to be the tenth. Seems more significant.
@ IP
Trivia: the earliest recorded use of “First World War” was in 1914.
The writer was emphasising ‘world’ though rather than being prescient or unduly pessimistic.
But what’s the earliest use of “World War 1”?
@ IP
According to some quick internet research (and you know my views on how much reliability I put on that) ‘World War 1’ came about, perhaps unsurprisingly, around the start of WW2. Initially the British started using ‘First World War’ in the sense we now use it. Then American journalists transliterated that as ‘World War 1’.
But perhaps of more interest, especially to Scildfreja maybe, is that some tenth century Norse poem/prophecy (“Völuspá”) used a term that can be translated as ‘First World War’
ETA: The earliest use of ‘Second World War’ in the modern sense came about just after the end of WW1 when lots of people were predicting that in both political discourse and speculative fiction.
Re names being numbers:
When I was small, I was taught about how the Romans invented two more months (July and August) and named them after notable leaders (Julius Caesar and Augustus.) The idea of there having only been ten months once upon a time was just weird, and it took a while before I grudgingly accepted that I wasn’t just being lied to.
Shortly after that, I came across a fictional Roman character in a book who was called Quintus Quartus, and immediately realised that the Romans must have invented the numbers five and four in order to name them in his honour. They had done it to months, after all, so why not numbers?
, anything ending in -wright (Cartwright, wainright), Knecht, Tanner, etc. Apparently in Sweden many people have got surnames like Skold (Shield), Granath (Grenade), etc. on account of their ancestors being in the army where the ‘Olaf Sweinsson’ problem became acute, and the officers just started tagging people with surnames related to their specialty, or to the military generally.
Names being numbers, sure, but what about numbers being names?
Sorry, had a messed up discrete-math dream last night; these cold medications are doing a number on me for some reason. I’m still sorta trippin’. Numbers are super weird you guyse. Like, they aren’t even things. It’s the empty set, all the way down.
It’s fictional, but the Quaddies in Lois McMaster Bujold’s sf universe are given a first name and a number, the number being the number of other people with that name+1. e.g. Joan 6 or Leo 423 (There’s cultural reasons for the latter name being extremely common)
That sounds like it would be hard to keep track of! And sorta long winded! Like, if Leo’s a common name, either the populations are incredibly small, or there’s some poor Leo 4,482,334 runnin’ around, bein really upset that he can’t get a nickname!
There’s not very many of them (Only about a million all told) and they have access to all of human history and cultures to pick names from. Leo is used an order of magnitude more than most names, because it’s the name of the guy who saved their ancestors’ lives and brought them to the system they now inhabit.
More detail can be found in the novel Falling Free
@Dalillama & Scildfreya
Tentatively on-topic Swedish naming trivia: in the region of Dalarna (Dalecarlia) the Sven Svensson problem was solved by simply referring to people with the name of the farm where they lived. A farm might be called something like Hill or Forest or Newacre (except in Swedish, obvs), or named after its first owner, male or female: Jon’s or Lena’s. So Sven Svensson of the farm Hill would be known as Hill Sven.
This “name” normally changed if you moved, regardless of gender: if Hill Sven married Newacre Anna Andersdotter and they moved to her place, he’d be known as Newacre Sven. Or if he married Lena’s Anna Andersdotter, they’d be Lena’s Anna and Lena’s Sven respectively. Sometimes the genitive wasn’t used, which leads to people being known as Lena Sven or Jon Anna. (Take that, misogynists!)
The cool thing is, this usage is still alive to a degree, and protected by a special clause in the naming law (even though official forms and paperwork often doesn’t quite know what to make of it).
With me, the answer always revolves around my dislike of starving in the rain!
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again because it SO bears repeating–friendly reminder to all those who say that being an asshole to women makes you irresistible to them: When a gal screams “Fuck you!” at you, that does not mean she wants to. Sure there are some of us that do like assholes for various reasons, but guess what? That’s because we’re not a freaking monolith! I, for one, dislike assholes…so don’t EVEN try that shit on me!
Heh, sorry for the unscheduled rant…that’s just something that has always ground my gears.
The hamstering is strong with these guys. They’ll make up anything to support their pseudoscience and ridiculous narrative.