capybaras hillary clinton open thread trump

Clinton-Trump Debate Open Thread

The Donald, no doubt saying something truly awful
The Donald, no doubt saying something truly awful

This is Pledge Week here at WHTM. If you appreciate this blog, and can afford it, please click on the “donate” button below!  Thanks!

It’s Debate Night here in the USA. The debate proper starts at 9 PM Eastern, but you can start talking, yelling, whatever right now and for as long as you want. Should this be a no-trolls thread? Yeah, let’s make it a no-trolls thread. And no Trump supporters, obviously.

I will be live-screaming the debate here in my apartment. If you’re outside my window, enjoy!

Here is another pledge week capybara for you all. Two of them, actually, with some hot capybara-on-capybara action:

Sleepy Capybara says: Donate!
Sleepy Capybara says: Donate!


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8 years ago

Trump is so bad. Going after Hillary for people taking the fifth and then talking about how he settled with no admission of guilt? Bleating wrong at provable statements of fact? Responding to a question about stop and frisk being racial profiling with an answer including “these are bad people” (just like the central park five, right Donnie?). I feel shame that he got this far.

8 years ago

So, here’s a thing I’ve realised: if you’re an alt-right douchebag, you have to vote for Clinton to save yourself from crushing disappointment and keep the dream alive.
See, if Trump actually wins, you’ll quickly be disappointed that he won’t build a wall financed by Mexico, won’t gas all the Jews, liberals, feminists, homosexuals et.c. Even if he wants to do all the things that the alt-right dream of, those aren’t actually realistic.
But if he loses, you can still dream that if he’d won, he would totally have done all those things.

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen
8 years ago

Missed the debate last night due to needing my sleep more. Whether this was good or bad remains to be seen.

IF Clinton does need a colostomy bag, why would that be a disqualification for President? All having one would mean is that she would have to ‘take a dump’ facing the toilet standing instead of sitting on it, and watching her food intake so the the, er, ‘end results’ aren’t too thick or too thin. Nothing that would interfere with making major decisions or stuff like that.

As to the over-preparedness thing, maybe Clinton was supposed to look knowledgeable naturally without looking like she did any work to get there? Like, the same way women are supposed to look beautiful without showing exactly how much work goes into getting/keeping beautiful to begin with? That make sense?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

The ‘over prepared’ thing reminds me a bit of school where it would be considered ‘uncool’ to actually revise for an exam (even though you wished you’d actually done it yourself).

8 years ago

I was actually worried about watching the debate but I ended up laughing out loud a few times because of how ridiculous the man is. That temperament line was amazing. It was like “oh no. You’re not supposed to be buying into the shit you’re selling.”

The only thing bugging me is the folks that still aren’t over Bernie trying to pin Clinton’s win on him. As if she hasn’t been in politics for a long ass time. As if she hasn’t already run for Prez before. I just don’t think they’d be praising Hillary if the tables were flipped. Strikes me as sexist. I dunno.

All in all, I hope Trump pretends he did great so he is just as unprepared for the next 2!

PeeVee the Sarcastic
PeeVee the Sarcastic
8 years ago

I have never heard being “overprepared” used as some sort of insult before. It just mystifies me that people would honestly think this is a bad thing.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

I guess that memory-forming trick opens up our brains’ ability to learn from serious error — but also to suffer PTSD?

The hippocampus is responsible (amongst other brain-greebles) for encoding memory, both short term and long term. The neurons there use adrenaline as a neurotransmitter. I imagine that the sudden burst of adrenaline responsible for preparing you for danger in the fight-or-flight response has a knock-on effect of increasing availability for the hippocampus, making the short term memory form more completely, and encode into long term memory more quickly. (The adrenaline will also make you think about the event over and over, further reinforcing the memory). I’m not sure if it’s evolved-for, but it’s certainly a feature.

I’m so relieved that the general debate-watching public perceived Trump as losing that debate. Now we get to see whether that translates into poll changes for Trump. Here’s hoping…

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

I think the alt right’s deflated response to the debate proves what I’ve (we’ve?) been thinking all along: If the media was willing to report on Trump, not cover and lie for the mythical horse race, he wouldn’t have even gotten past the primaries. It took, what, three hours with no media meddling for him to sink his whole damn campaign.

Hey, alt right, you’re always pissing and wanking about TEH MEDIA BIAS – well there‘s your fucking media bias. Even you admit he lost and they’re still humping his leg.

8 years ago

Now Giuliani is saying that Trump should skip the remaining debates. Can you imagine? The attack ads would write themselves! How can you have a president who is too scared to face an opponent?

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

I mean, yeah, they pulled this shit for Romney the Randbot too, but at least Romney wasn’t a GENOCIDAL SERIAL (alleged) RAPIST.

*annoyed GLaDOS noises*
8 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw

I’m going to dedicate time to finding more material by Philomena Cunk and Barry Shitpeas.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago
8 years ago

Some reputable polling results about the debate, with breakdowns by gender and race.

EJ (The Orphic Lizard)

Thanks for the link, that’s really interesting. That data is crying out to be thrown into Tableau or another visualisation tool. There must be some cool correlations in there.

8 years ago

As a poor person I hate paying taxes because I get it all back in my tax returns but I need the money NOW and it’s annoying to have to wait to use your own money

8 years ago

I’m busy reading the mixed responses from the alt-righters about the debate. They’re actually split almost down the middle on it and attacking each other with fervor usually reserved for people like Zoe Quinn or Laverne Cox and it’s honestly horrifyingly interesting to watch.
It’s like watch 2 species of deadly ants going to war over where they’ll live.

8 years ago

That sounds hilarious.

8 years ago

Does Trump know how to say Muslim? I heard him pronounce it “Moo-slim” during the debate.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

PoM: I hate to be that person…

Naw, that was interesting. Nevertheless: gross, and: there are more efficient, less oat-intensive ways of feeding sparrows if that’s your objective. Which is the entire point of the analogy.

This type of analysis is done all the time to find the best price for something, but it only works for small perturbations.

It’s pretty critical for this type of analysis (which, as you say, is done for price all the time) to know 1. where you are on the curve right now, and 2. the actual function of demand. The Laffer curve fails because neither of these are known for tax revenues. A company trying to maximize profits can either experiment, by raising/lowering price slightly to see how that affects demand, or do a market analysis to gather this info. Either of these options is really difficult for a state to do with tax receipts.

There are also a lot of confounding factors in a complex economy. It’s easy to do a profit curve for purses, because demand for purses can be described almost 100% in terms of consumer disposable income + fashion premium. I challenge anyone to construct a comprehensive list of all the things that can affect tax receipts in a medium-sized economy, let alone one as large as the US economy.

(((VioletBeauregarde))): Social Justice Necromancer
(((VioletBeauregarde))): Social Justice Necromancer
8 years ago

Hey guys! I found a Bingo! I can take no credit for this one, but it’s a bingo all the same.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

It’s time to move on from this debate and prepare for the next one:

Is there a debate drinking game possible that would get you intoxicated without killing you? The time to start thinking about this is now.

Robert Walker-Smith
Robert Walker-Smith
8 years ago

I skipped the debate and went right to the drinking.

I have no regrets.

8 years ago


Does Trump know how to say Muslim? I heard him pronounce it “Moo-slim” during the debate.

It’s a shibboleth of the right; kind of like Democrat Party.


Probably that wasn’t meant to imply that airports are private enterprises,

I fully expect that it was. This kind of ignorance is ubiquitous on the Right, and is one of the reasons they can’t craft a workable economic policy to save their lives.


What’s that posh coffee that’s been through some animal’s digestive systems first?

Kopi Luwak, which has been passed by a palm civet. It’s my understanding that originally it was the coffee of the extremely poor, who couldn’t afford to buy it and had to scavenge beans from animal feces (despite being the ones who actually grew the damn coffee; the Dutch plantation owners kept all the cash and prohibited the workers picking any for themselves.)

Podkayne Lives (Hairless Marsupial Gutter Nun)
Podkayne Lives (Hairless Marsupial Gutter Nun)
8 years ago

I also liked Trump’s “the lurkers support me in e-mail” thing about how people in the inner city have totally shared with him how upset they are with the Democrats.