capybaras hillary clinton open thread trump

Clinton-Trump Debate Open Thread

The Donald, no doubt saying something truly awful
The Donald, no doubt saying something truly awful

This is Pledge Week here at WHTM. If you appreciate this blog, and can afford it, please click on the “donate” button below!  Thanks!

It’s Debate Night here in the USA. The debate proper starts at 9 PM Eastern, but you can start talking, yelling, whatever right now and for as long as you want. Should this be a no-trolls thread? Yeah, let’s make it a no-trolls thread. And no Trump supporters, obviously.

I will be live-screaming the debate here in my apartment. If you’re outside my window, enjoy!

Here is another pledge week capybara for you all. Two of them, actually, with some hot capybara-on-capybara action:

Sleepy Capybara says: Donate!
Sleepy Capybara says: Donate!


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Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

8 years ago

I haven’t yet seen it (combination of a) it was 2am in the UK, b) my broadband was acting up, and c) my mum was staying on the sofa bed in the room with the TV so watching on that would have been tantamount to matricide). But my broadband is allegedly back, so I shall be sitting down shortly, with either popcorn or Anita Sarkeesian popcorn gifs.

I understand the Donald is already casting aspersions on the moderator (despite what he said beforehand) and saying the audience in the room couldn’t hear what he was saying due to a faulty microphone. Lucky the electorate were largely watching on TV, rather than live, then, eh Donald?

But it calls to mind a well-known phrase or saying about a bad workman and the allocation of responsibility for less than perfect results. Maybe you know it.

@Alan (a while ago)

I love that question. Does anyone here know how to get it in front of the second debate moderators?

8 years ago

@ Podkayne Lives (Hairless Marsupial Gutter Nun)

I also liked Trump’s “the lurkers support me in e-mail” thing about how people in the inner city have totally shared with him how upset they are with the Democrats.

Full circle then. IIRC it was Nixon who coined the phrase ‘Silent Majority’ to imply that most people agreed with his policies but just weren’t as vocal as his opponents.

8 years ago

The thing about Clinton being over-prepared really strikes me as basic sexism.

I have a hard time imagining the news saying a man that competent was over-prepared. He would just be, you know, prepared.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago


A few outlets tried to claim that Obama was “Over-prepared” after the ’12 debates. Of course, that doesn’t prove that they’re not sexist, it just proves that they’re both sexist and racist.

8 years ago

Some reputable polling results about the debate, with breakdowns by gender and race.

“Among white voters the debate was basically a draw with Trump coming out ahead 47/45.”

Fuckin hell, white people.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
8 years ago

“Among some white voters who live on my street the debate was basically a draw with Trump coming out ahead 47/45.”


8 years ago


“Among white voters the debate was basically a draw with Trump coming out ahead 47/45.”

Fuckin hell, white people.

Like I said recently in another thread, I think probably at least 75% of the problems in the U.S., probably more, can basically be traced to white people being really fucking racist. I’m not even joking anymore when I say that we probably ought to just take the vote away from white people for 50 or 100 years, just until someone can get some proper civilisation going ’round here. I say this as a white person; I’m willing to take one for the team and give up my vote too.

8 years ago

@ Scented Fucking Hard Chairs

Ah, okay. I amend my statement. White men are competent and prepared. Women or men of color are over-prepared when doing the same amount of preparation.

Got it, news media!

8 years ago


I understand the Donald is already casting aspersions on the moderator (despite what he said beforehand) and saying the audience in the room couldn’t hear what he was saying due to a faulty microphone. Lucky the electorate were largely watching on TV, rather than live, then, eh Donald?

Also, he may have seemed under-prepared, but that’s just because the dog ate his homework.


Kopi Luwak, which has been passed by a palm civet. It’s my understanding that originally it was the coffee of the extremely poor, who couldn’t afford to buy it and had to scavenge beans from animal feces (despite being the ones who actually grew the damn coffee; the Dutch plantation owners kept all the cash and prohibited the workers picking any for themselves.)

Please don’t buy this coffee! Since it became popular, Indonesian coffee producers have turned to intensive farming to produce it. The civets are kept in tiny cages and fed a terrible diet consisting mostly of coffee beans. They suffer horribly. If you care at all about animal welfare, avoid this coffee.

8 years ago

There’s an outfit that’s working on fermenting the beans drextly, without involving any civets at all.

8 years ago

Just wanted to pop in and say thanks, Jaygee, for the transcript link! I wasn’t able to watch yesterday.

8 years ago

Trump is now saying he lost the debate because he had a very bad microphone. I’m not sure how a bad microphone made him attack Rosie O’Donnell for no reason, interrupt Hillary with “You’re Wrong” like a five year old every two minutes, fail to know that sinking other countries ships is an act of war etc… but I guess it did.

8 years ago


Trump is now saying he lost the debate because he had a very bad microphone. I’m not sure how a bad microphone made him attack Rosie O’Donnell for no reason, interrupt Hillary with “You’re Wrong” like a five year old every two minutes, fail to know that sinking other countries ships is an act of war etc… but I guess it did.

No no no no, see, it was a bad microphone because it was on. If it was off, nobody would’ve heard all that.

8 years ago

I’m just gonna leave this link here.

Oh and of course even that is somehow caused by women.

In one court motion, Weichselbaum’s lawyer contended that his client’s drug trafficking was an outgrowth of his “addiction to cocaine, compounded by an extremely stressful marriage.” The filing did not further detail how Weichselbaum’s wife, his second, drove him to sell cocaine at $50,000 per kilo.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
8 years ago


Wasn’t paying much attention during the 2008 primaries, was Clinton being racist towards Obama back then?

My vague recollection is that there was some racist commentary coming out of Clinton’s campaign staff, but nothing really notable from Clinton herself. (Much like there was some commentary towards Sanders this time around.) When you get a group large enough to run a campaign, some of whom are taking this very personally, you are unfortunately likely to have a few people involved who say things the campaign as a whole would rather disavow.

Of course, there was also some misogynistic commentary coming from Obama’s campaign staff at the time, but again, nothing I recall from Obama himself.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

I know this thread is over but this seems the most appropriate spot to drop this:

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

The debates, the election, and now the very fabric of time are rigged against them. Ha! Lovely…

Croquembouche of patriarchy
Croquembouche of patriarchy
8 years ago

I cannot believe David Futrelle didn’t retweet any of Chuck Tingle’s VP debate coverage. Disappointed. Migraines have much to answer for.

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