It’s not news that alt-right lawyer and juice enthusiast Mike Cernovich is a little, well, off.
Now he’s taken that weirdness to a whole new level with a post suggesting that he and other Trump supporters caused Hillary to get sick … with their minds. Or at least with their Tweets.
Life is about feeling the music rather than listening to the words. …
When you feel what I’m writing, when you look behind the text, you see something far deeper and more spiritual.
What if we caused sick Hillary to have her coughing fit?
What if we manifested her health problems?
Sound crazy? Then don’t look at the date of this Tweet.
Here’s the tweet that apparently gave Hillary pneumonia:
Cernovich then links to another post of his in which he explains how he made himself, like, the coolest dude on the Internet with the power of his imagination:
I imagined myself becoming the hottest journalist breaking the biggest stories. Then I went to Hungary to expose the media lies about “refugees.” I busted hoaxes, and then I faced down an angry mob of hundreds of people.
I imagined myself changing the culture through the power of my mind. Now I’m making films and my Twitter receives over 30 million views a month, and multiple stories have gone viral.
How do you imagine me?
You imagine me as I imagine myself.
My imagination manifests itself as will, which imposes itself on reality.
Hate to break it to you, dude, but I’m pretty sure most people who are even aware of your existence imagine you just a teensy bit differently than you imagine yourself.
But, hey, maybe he really did give Hillary pneumonia with a tweet. If tweets really do have that kind of power, Donald Trump may soon have to buy some baggier pants — to hide his TAIL.
Show us your medical records, @realDonaldTrump, or we'll just have to assume you're hiding something. Like a TAIL. #TrumpTail
— David Futrelle (@DavidFutrelle) September 15, 2016
I notice the topic of @realDonaldTrump having a tail didn't come up on Dr. Oz today. Is Dr. Oz part of the #TrumpTail coverup?
— David Futrelle (@DavidFutrelle) September 16, 2016
More confirmation of the #TrumpTail coverup! https://t.co/pbPXDqTQUd
— David Futrelle (@DavidFutrelle) September 16, 2016
Keep your eye on Trump’s posterior. We can do this, people!
You already know.
See, I knew you knew.
Whoops, wasn’t thinking that at the time. I was saying that quote in connection to his “Gorilla Mindset” with a joke about primates and shouting…but forgetting about how it can be a direct jab considering his history.
My bad!
Remmet skrev:
Can you remember what Ability governs it and/or which supplement it’s in? I just dug out my copy of The Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals and couldn’t find it under Linguistics, which would seem the logical choice. I know that Exalted Third Edition has a Linguistics Charm (Cup Boils Over, p.327) which can cause targets with a sufficiently empty life to just drop dead on reading the letter written with it, but that’s an all-or-nothing proposition.
Also toxic masculinity, which has a lot of overlap with transphobia if you think about it.
I hope this isn’t discriminatory to people with mentall illness. But what do you think when I say that Mike Cernovitch has the mind of a child?
Seriously, the thing he says and seems to believe line up very well with myself when I was a five year old or younger?
These don’t sound like the words an adult would be caught dead saying.
Aight, so you know this bit right here?
That’s probably when you shoulda stopped typing…
While I do understand your sentiment to figure out how Mike thinks, you really shouldn’t have tried to internet diagnose someone here, or anywhere really.
@ Dan,
Hello and cuck you very much. I have a mental illness and except for my compulsive tendencies my thinking is quite “mature”, thank you.
(And no, I don’t really think that people with obsessive or compulsive tendencies are child-like. While the thought-patterns resemble magical thinking, it’s something that people do all the time. Most of us get annoyed at a computer if it doesn’t work, even though the computer cannot compute this 😀 People are animistic animals.)
Please be more considerate.
I can see what you’re getting at, but there’s a difference between making comparisons and pointing out traits.
If you say “Mike Cernovich has the mind of a child”, then you are making a comparison between him and children, and therefore implicitly stating that “children have the mind of Mike Cernovich.” This isn’t true, and is unfair to those children.
If, however, you were to list the specific traits which you believe Mike Cernovich has in common with those children, it would go something like this:
– Limited ability to defer pleasure
– Little or no self-awareness
– Poor impulse control
– Insistence on shouting a lot
– Inability to compromise
– Focus on social dominance
– Belief that if he dresses up as something, he actually is that thing
Et cetera.
On the other hand, he doesn’t have many of the positive traits that children have. He’s never made me a portrait with macaroni and glitter, for example. Not even once.
Pointing out the specific traits is is far more insulting, far more accurate, and doesn’t carry the risk of harming innocents along the way.
First reply in month but to Dan, it would be a lot better to just say he acts childish, then people will understand what you mean, and you would even have to bring up mental illnesses or act like the two are even remotely related 🙂
I would say he acts immature, since there’s no age limit on that and it’s not insulting (if that’s the right word) to innocent parties. And if you have to preface something with “No offense . . . . ” or “I hope this isn’t offensive/insulting/demeaning/whatever to . . . .” you probably shouldn’t say it.
It’s under Performance. Killing Words Technique.
It’s in the Abyssals book for 2nd edition.
You think that’s bad? There’s a woman calling herself “Erika Awakening” who thinks that she created the ability of kidney cells to regenerate themselves.
Acting like spoiled children throwing a temper tantrum is one of two core tenets of the alt-right. The other one is being hateful.
Or, y’know, you could’ve just gone the usual route of calling him a manbaby.
Instead of drawing a weird parallel with mental illness.
Oh. Look. It’s “The Secret” again.
I am not sure who finished studying Neitzsche and thought “This will to power stuff would be way easier to sell if it wasn’t so anti-metaphysical. Wait…1. Will to power 2. New age spirituality 3.??? 4. Profit!”
Someone poke me when juice bro starts questioning his thetan levels…
If it’s “stupid and not cool” it doesn’t suddenly become totes reasonable and fair when the target is someone you disagree with.
Also, no, it’s neither reasonable nor fair to assume that because someone claims X about themselves a lot that they must really be -X. Likewise with assuming that someone who complains about X a lot is secretly X. Both implicitly concede that -X and X respectively are Bad Things.
Weirdo here – sometimes mind power works – but only for protection. I imagine wearing a suit of mirrors when dealing with manosphereians or alt-righters. Never even thought of attacking – just protecting self.

Quoted for truth. Just like it’s not cool to use misogynistic insults against Sarah Palin or transphobic insults against Ann Coulter.
Wait, what ?
Hey David, you’re going to have to write about BrokenIndigoCrayons. He has apparently made some pretty eye-popping (no pun intended) posts in /r/incels.
The first one: 95% of female infants should be blinded at birth.
The second one: Game Of Thrones style punishment for “cheating whores”: they should be stripped naked and have the pictures posted on social media.
Sinkable John: It’s because Ann Coulter comes across to some people as masculine. I’ve heard her referred to as David Duke in drag, for instance.
Lady Gaga was subject to a lot of the same types of rumors and innuendo, but for different reasons.
Woman + assholery + ugliness* + aggression/hostility = [slur]
And it’s mostly the ugly bit. But she’s a despicable person, so people on the ‘left’ think they can get away with it. She opposes LGBT+ rights, ya see. That makes it OK… ?
*disclaimer: common judgment held by other ‘lefty’ types. The opinion expressed is reproduced from them and doesn’t necessarily reflect my own