alpha males crackpottery hillary clinton narcissism trump whaaaaa? yeah totally sure right

Trump superfan Mike Cernovich thinks he caused Hillary’s recent illness … WITH A TWEET

Cerno the Magnificent
Cerno the Magnificent

It’s not news that alt-right lawyer and juice enthusiast Mike Cernovich is a little, well, off.

Now he’s taken that weirdness to a whole new level with a post suggesting that he and other Trump supporters caused Hillary to get sick … with their minds. Or at least with their Tweets.

Life is about feeling the music rather than listening to the words. … 

When you feel what I’m writing, when you look behind the text, you see something far deeper and more spiritual.

What if we caused sick Hillary to have her coughing fit?

What if we manifested her health problems?

Sound crazy? Then don’t look at the date of this Tweet.

Here’s the tweet that apparently gave Hillary pneumonia:

Cernovich then links to another post of his in which he explains how he made himself, like, the coolest dude on the Internet with the power of his imagination:

I imagined myself becoming the hottest journalist breaking the biggest stories. Then I went to Hungary to expose the media lies about “refugees.” I busted hoaxes, and then I faced down an angry mob of hundreds of people.

I imagined myself changing the culture through the power of my mind. Now I’m making films and my Twitter receives over 30 million views a month, and multiple stories have gone viral.

How do you imagine me?

You imagine me as I imagine myself.

My imagination manifests itself as will, which imposes itself on reality.

Hate to break it to you, dude, but I’m pretty sure most people who are even aware of your existence imagine you just a teensy bit differently than you imagine yourself.

But, hey, maybe he really did give Hillary pneumonia with a tweet. If tweets really do have that kind of power, Donald Trump may soon have to buy some baggier pants — to hide his TAIL.

Keep your eye on Trump’s posterior. We can do this, people!

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Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

uuuugh, the stupid Law of Attraction nonsense. Mental note – find out what sort of juice Cerno there likes, and avoid it.

8 years ago

My imagination manifests itself as will, which imposes itself on reality.

I think that means he thinks his will was triumphant.

Seriously, as the election gets closer, the more and more Trump fanatics sound like fascists.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

Is this obsession with the health of the candidates peculiar to this election, or is it a general thing in US politics? (I seem to recall it was a plot point in The West Wing)

It just seems a bit strange from across the pond, especially releasing medical reports.

Dave Alvord
8 years ago

Loved the Cernovich article (9/24) – you totally trolled him – and teased him – but fairly and accurately.

Just be sure – if #CoughingHillary happens on 9/26 – that you do a followup article/interview with Cernovich.

BTW – you also need to do a Troll article on Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) has been hot on #CoughingHillary on his own independent investigations/videos.

Paul always gets hundreds of daily death threats from the Muzzies – so a Troll article on him would make his British heart aglow.

Paul deserves a Troll article hit-piece on him.

And remember – when/if #CoughingHillary happens – it was directly because of Mike, Paul, Pepe, Harambe, the Alt-Right, and…of course…

Our Lord and Savior Kek.

Praise Kek.


8 years ago

Y’know, “I reject your reality and substitute my own” is meant as a joke, not a mantra to live your life by.

8 years ago

Re: The new troll

See guys, Milo Y was right; the alt-right is just made of young men who like to have a little goof, a little jape every now and then. They can take it as well as they can dish it out! They don’t mind you making fun of Cernovich. It’s all fun and games, you see, they don’t really mean anything with their casual racism and sexism.

Except that they do, and in the same breath they are using anti-Muslim slurs unironically, and they are attempting to kill Hillary Clinton with the power of their considerable minds.

Btw, “topkek” is Turkish. It’s a brand of cupcakes made in a Muslim-majority country. Let that irony sink in.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

Jebus this guy is such a sad goofball. He really believes other people are as in love with him as he is with himself. Remember when he thought he was having sex with Seth Rogen’s wife by tweeting at her?

I saw the clip of Juicebro on Red Eye, and he came across as incredibly nervous, insecure and inexperienced. He spoke exclusively in pre-memorized little speeches which had nothing to do with the questions, and he kept a stoneface the whole time, not daring to look anyone else in the eye.

Seems like cucky behavior to me.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Just what we need. The alt right version of Uri Gellar. *rolls eyes*

Is this obsession with the health of the candidates peculiar to this election, or is it a general thing in US politics?

As David said, it’s happened before to a lesser extent. But I think it’s so extreme right now because it’s socially unacceptable to come right out and say “women are inferior and irrational and therefore not qualified to be president.” So the right and other assorted misogynists have to come up with some other excuse to say her (female) body disqualifies her from the presidency.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ David Futrelle

Ah, right. Makes sense. It really is no barrel bottom unscraped isn’t it?

(I remember Reagan’s rather witty response to that issue. The “not making an issue of my opponents youth and inexperience”.)

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

Missed edit window but thanks WWTH too.

8 years ago

No Mike you’re not psychic.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

@Daily Alloted Sodium
Don’t put Ceratosaurus’ blog as your nym link. That’s just sad. Daddy Celery ain’t gonna love you more, cos you pimp his website. Relax…

Wait, is this Mayor Dave Alvord, laughingstock of Utah? Doubt it, but I wouldn’t be entirely surprised…

8 years ago


I saw the clip of Juicebro on Red Eye, and he came across as incredibly nervous, insecure and inexperienced. He spoke exclusively in pre-memorized little speeches which had nothing to do with the questions, and he kept a stoneface the whole time, not daring to look anyone else in the eye.

Really? I thought he was a lawyer? They tend to do pretty well on camera, what with law being a branch of the performing arts.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

Loved the Cernovich article (9/24) – you totally trolled him – and teased him – but fairly and accurately.

What forum is this person accustomed to using? Can anyone tell by the weird syntax here?

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago

Oh hey, a troll. Hello, Dick Mash.

ETA : @PoM

We’ve seen that before, haven’t we ? Either that, or ATALT, the second T being Trolls.

I guess both hypotheses are valid.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago

Damn you, edit window ! You have foiled my plans again.

the second T

I meant the first one. If you learn anything from me, learn this : don’t drunk-post when you haven’t slept in more than 40 hours.

Margaret Pless
Margaret Pless
8 years ago

How do you imagine me?

You imagine me as I imagine myself.

My imagination manifests itself as will, which imposes itself on reality.

Mike Cernovich’s “Gorilla mindset” ideology resembles less of a personal philosophy of self-improvement than it does a sub-manic state. I mean this literally: according to Michael, his mom has severe bipolar disorder, and Mike himself developed an unspecified mental illness in his late twenties which “brought him close to suicide many times.” He claims to have cured his problems with juice diets and mindset exercises, but quotes like these from him leave me feeling uncertain; maybe it didn’t work as well as he thinks it did. (

My more (and more recent) thoughts about Mr. Cernovich are available here.

8 years ago

Mike Cernovich is as silly as Pat Robertson. At least Pat Robertson thinks he can HEAL people.

EJ (The Orphic Lizard)

Margaret, I have enormous respect for you and I think you bring great benefit to the internet, but could you please not ascribe Cernovich’s dickish behaviour to psychological issues? Plenty of people with manic-depressive disorder manage to avoid being the sort of asshole that he is. Arguably, that’s the one unfortunate thing about him which is not his fault.

I enjoyed your article on Cernovich immensely, by the way.

8 years ago

If you learn anything from me, learn this : don’t drunk-post when you haven’t slept in more than 40 hours.

Damn, I can’t even imagine what that state of mind must be like. Hope you’re not still having that paranoia. Hugs.

8 years ago

Hey maybe I too can impose my imagination upon reality. I’ll be spending the rest of the weekend imagining a world free from pain, suffering, and these alt-right dipshits.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago

@Margaret Pless and EJ

EJ, thank you. I loved the article, but the whole “he must still be mentally ill” thing really pulled the wrong string. I didn’t know how to react to that but you did, so thanks again.


Thanksies ! I’m alright though. It’s mostly warm and fuzzy right now, and I’m actually feeling sleepy so I know tonight’s not insomnia night and that alone feels so damn good.

I’m definitely gonna freak out if another one of those huge spiders shows up though. I’m pretty arachnophobic and those fuckers are so big that if the room is silent enough I hear ’em before I see ’em… But aside from that and for now, the paranoia and fear are gone.

In fact I’m gonna get some sleep right now. In a bit. Soonish. So many comments to reply to.

Margaret Pless
Margaret Pless
8 years ago

Hey EJ –

I understand. I’m sorry if I offended you or anyone else by obliquely comparing them to Cernovich, or if it seemed like I was letting him off the hook because he might have mental problems. He most certainly has a host of other problems unrelated to mental status, which are the real reasons he feels the need to cultivate an online persona much grander than himself through near-constant misrepresentation.

Thanks for reading!

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

imagination manifests itself as will, which imposes itself on reality.

Maggie Simpson, take the wheel…

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