a voice for men alpha males beta males chad thundercock cuck manginas men who should not ever be with imaginary women ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA nice guys white knights

Memeday: Cucked by Princess Peach

Cucked again, by a Bowser cosplayer no less
Cucked again, by a Bowser cosplayer no less

It’s good to know that Men’s Rights Activists are taking on the issues that truly matter the most to men — like fictional princesses cucking “nice guys” in the plumbing business.

I found the meme above on A Voice for Men’s Facebook page, with this explanation:

Mario learns a hard lesson for white knighting and the Princess just learns…a hard lesson. This one is for fun.

But some of the commenters there had a hard time finding the humor in it.

Noah Evans A harsh reality.... sigh... a truth that is purposely ignored for male-shaming agenda and further practice of the boob-worshiping cult... Like · Reply · 7 · July 5 at 11:42pm Allen Sawyer Allen Sawyer You know, even when i was younger i had the suspicion that there was something between bowser and peach. Like · Reply · 4 · July 6 at 12:52am Dan Kummer Dan Kummer when Mangina discovers the sweet little cupcake is happily off with douchebags Like · Reply · July 6 at 12:54pm Mohammad Ali Mohammad Ali bitches Like · Reply · July 6 at 12:30am La misandrica di merda-la mdm La misandrica di merda-la mdm Haha u r small dick losers whining against womynz

Keep fighting the good fight against completely imaginary problems, MRAs. Excelsior!

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weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

I often sleep flamingo style.

Like this

So the inner thigh seams get stretched out and eventually rip.

8 years ago

I sleep like that, too. It’s terrible for my knees, which already have problems so they can’t take the extra pressure, but it’s so hard to get comfortable in other positions.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

How the hell do you people sleep in clothes? I haven’t done that since I was 12. It’s too damn uncomfortable. What’s even the point? You’re just sleeping!


That’s exactly my normal sleeping position. I didn’t know it had a name.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


I often sleep flamingo style

Yep. Except the for the under pillow arm. Fingers at most

I can do a shirt, can’t do underwear. Could until like February. For some reason, the climate of my thighs changed from arid to tropical overnight

8 years ago

I don’t. (Barring someone sharing my room/bed who isn’t an intimate partner, the which does sometimes happen) The pjs are mostly for around the house, depending on weather or if there’s guests. The frilly one can even be outside wear, so long as I’ve got leggings or something on too.

I’ve barely started teasing you 😉

I told you there were pictures (not of the tank top, though, I don’t have any good ones of that.) only the first two are of the nightie.The last one in the album may be a teensy bit NSFW.

That’s how I sleep too.

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen
8 years ago

Am I the only person here who keeps reading The Fine Young Capitalists and keeps mentally switching it to the 1980’s rock group The Fine Young Cannibals? Or not?

8 years ago

You’re not the only one.

I sleep in the nude unless I’m at a hotel. I feel weird when it’s not my bed. Also if there are guests over, since I leave the bedroom door open for the cat.

8 years ago


Since we’re talking about gg’s mascot this will be a good time to post this wonderful little comic

Social justice warrior special ops team rescues Vivian James

I love that particular little series in the Pierre comics, probably because one of the characters in it is my creation.

8 years ago

I’m pleased to see so many right-headed approaches to bedtime! Pyjamas are for lounging, not for sleeping, and bringing one knee up is certainly most comfortable for me – as well as providing the most air circulation, it stretches out the hips and lets all the little liggyments and tendies relax some.

…okay, maybe that’s just me.

8 years ago

I love that particular little series in the Pierre comics, probably because one of the characters in it is my creation.

Cool,which one?

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

I can’t feel comfortable if my stomach isn’t covered when I’m in bed. I don’t know why, I just don’t like it exposed. Even if it’s hot, I have to have a shirt on and I have to have a blanket over at least my stomach.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


I’ve barely started teasing you ?

Be still my beating heart 🙂

The last one in the album may be a teensy bit NSFW

Just a tad. Hot dayum!
comment image
BTW, that red halter and the one with the diagonal stripes are especially gorgeous

Now, imma try and get some sleep before I set the whole damn woods on fire ?

8 years ago

How the hell do you people sleep in clothes?

I don’t want the monster that lives under the bed to see me naked.

8 years ago

Be still my beating heart

comment image

Just a tad. Hot dayum!

That’s as racy as I’m probably going to post in a public forum. But I do have skype and snapchat…

BTW, that red halter and the one with the diagonal stripes are especially gorgeous

Why thank you kind sir; you do know how to turn a lady’s head. The red one is actually a sundress, but the skirt isn’t visible there.

Now, imma try and get some sleep before I set the whole damn woods on fire

Sweet dreams.

8 years ago

@Weird (not Wired) Eddie:

I’m mulling a vexing question… is gaming “fun” for the folks who conceived of Vivian, Gamergate, etc?

Purely anecdotally speaking, it doesn’t seem so to me. In my experience, the kind of people who have screaming tantrums because a critic gave GTAV a 9 instead of a 10 tend to be very invested in the idea that games are SuperSrs Business. SO serious, you guys.

They’ve staked their identity on being a True Gamer(TM), which to them means that they must: a) be extremely snooty about which games they play; b) sink at least the hours of a part-time job into it every week, and c) be extremely well-versed on the meta game for everything they play.

Because they treat it like Super Srs Business, and not like–y’know–a hobby, it becomes something that they *have* to do. Maintaining True Gamer(TM) status takes an awful lot of work. If they are performing poorly at a game, it really upsets them. Many have such a need to be great at the game that they will scramble for any possible explanation for their failures–whether enemy hax/cheating, a poor balance system, or their own team’s alleged incompetence–anything that makes it a little bit less their fault that they lost.

If their teammates, Lord help them, are performing poorly, then they will become enraged at these people who DARE to undermine their SuperSrs commitment, and what are you even DOING in this game if you don’t even STUDY THE META ZOMG?! It’s like a personal insult to them that someone who is obviously Bad At Games is sharing their virtual space.

Of course there’s lots of room for people with perfectly pleasant attitudes to practice and sharpen their strategy. There’s room for people who take gaming seriously enough that they aim to go pro with it. Being skilled and dedicated at a recreational activity does not automatically make someone a whiny jerk.

But then you have this whole subculture that venerates obsessive gaming. It applauds people for making games their personal Most Important Thing, even at cost to their health, free time, and social life–shoot, at the expense of just enjoying the game. It seems like this is the group that GG largely sprang from. And yeah, it seems like “fun” is not something they experience very much.

I’ve currently gotten a bit sucked into Overwatch, and I’ve been practicing and watching videos to help understand how to improve my play. But I’d 100% rather be on the team laughing hysterically while trying to make 6-Torb work (and failing), than on the team with the people trying very hard to win by yelling at each other for missing their headshots.

And on the sleep subject, @WWTH:

I can’t feel comfortable if my stomach isn’t covered when I’m in bed. I don’t know why, I just don’t like it exposed. Even if it’s hot, I have to have a shirt on and I have to have a blanket over at least my stomach.

I feel the same way! I had to endure a couple of summers in a roasting hot room, and I tried more than once to sleep on top of the covers with the fan going. I just couldn’t do it. But once I pulled the corner of my bedsheet over my torso, I could actually manage to sleep.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ kootiepatra (or ‘kookier area’ according to autocorrect)

Your analysis reminds me very much of what happened when Indie music became mainstream. Not just that people were upset about other people liking ‘their’ stuff but just the sheer seriousness. Nothing wrong with taking a hobby seriously of course, but they seemed particularly annoyed that the ‘incomers’ actually just enjoyed the music for the music and didn’t spend hours analysing it or reading obscure fanzines,

Also probably worth mentioning that survey that showed a correlation between skill at a game and attitude to other players. i.e. the worse you were at a game the more likely you were to abuse other online players.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

This open flirting is making me clutch my pearls.

EDIT: If you know what I mean. Sorry, couldn’t resist.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

@History Nerd

At least a few TERF’s say that believing in the social construction of gender is a distinguishing characteristic of being a radfem. Historically speaking, it was a popular view in the 1960’s and 1970’s. It’s important to some of the theoretical frameworks in radical feminism and their analysis of gender as a fundamental basis of oppression.

You should probably be careful about believing what TERFs say. While this isn’t wrong (“some” theoretical frameworks) it is kind of misleading.

The fundamental of radical feminism is that tinkering at the edges of current social structures is just putting lipstick on a pig; the real answer to create real equality is a complete (dare I say, radical) overhaul of society. That’s literally it. That’s what links all forms of radical feminism to one another.

The “gender is a social construct, full stop” idea is not unique to radical feminism, nor is it required for radical feminism. It’s definitely required for TERF, but TERF is not the entire universe of radical feminism. TERFs are not the only trans-exclusive feminists out there either, so don’t think someone is automatically trans-inclusive if they aren’t radical.

I identify as a radical feminist, and I’m really sensitive to being lumped in with TERFs. I’m not going to go no-true-Scotsman on them and say they aren’t radical feminists, but they are not representative of radical feminism, because IMHO there is no representative branch of radical feminism. The only thing radical feminists have in common is the view that sexism and misogyny (and, depending on how intersectional a feminist is, other forms of kyriarchy) are too intrinsic to our current society to be rooted out without uprooting all of society.

Seven of Mine
Seven of Mine
8 years ago

From Kootiepatra:

It’s like a personal insult to them that someone who is obviously Bad At Games is sharing their virtual space.

and from Alan Robertshaw:

Nothing wrong with taking a hobby seriously of course, but they seemed particularly annoyed that the ‘incomers’ actually just enjoyed the music for the music and didn’t spend hours analysing it or reading obscure fanzines,

I think this is an identity thing. When you take X as your identity and part of X is that it’s a very niche, obscure thing and then X becomes more mainstream, it feels really threatening. The more mainstream X becomes, the less meaningful it is to identify as X because everyone does X. So they constantly raise the bar of what it takes to be a “real” X so they can continue to hold onto the illusion that partaking of their favorite hobby is subversive and nonconformist.

Which is, of course, entirely the problem with trying to make a product you consume part of your identity. As X becomes more popular and mainstream, excluding the out-group becomes a more and more unwieldy task since, obviously, anyone at all can buy things and enjoy them.

8 years ago

WWTH: Sleeping posture.

That’s a bit like the way I sleep – but there’s a trick.

I put a pillow under that knee or, better, between my knees. Putting the pillow between the knees allows your pelvis and hips to rest at an angle more like that of standing with your feet slightly apart. Reduces any twisting or pulling effects on the pelvis.

The effect? Less pain in the joints of lower back, hips, pelvis and knees. Some people get a body pillow to do it properly so that the whole of the right, upper leg is supported separately all the way to the foot, though I wouldn’t like that in summer. A lot of pregnant women use it to get comfortable and don’t bother afterwards.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


The red one is actually a sundress, but the skirt isn’t visible there

*eyes like saucepans* Love it. Love it. Love it

Sweet dreams

Sweet dreams = No dreams. So yeah, a good night actually 🙂


This open flirting is making me clutch my pearls.

If you know what I mean. Sorry, couldn’t resist
I’ll behave ?

OT: Saw Zootopia on Netflix yesterday. Let it percolate overnight. Everyone on the planet (and some of y’all) was right, it’s delightful. Then again, Disney animation has been on a roll, so I guess it’s to be expected. Big Hero 6 it ain’t, but it wasn’t ever gonna be. Got its own voice and its own message. Oh, and Disney, it’s OK to add an extra 15 to these things. More time in this world and with these characters woulda been nice 🙂
Just some stuff that mattered to me while watching:
Repellant. “We’re loud”. “Cute”. “Articulate”. Emmett. “Good at multiplying”. Nudity is relative. Tujunga (Edit: adding the N and proving the point). 90%. Sheep wool. “First face”. “You worked so hard”. Pig Hero 6. Breaking Baa. “Preds”. “We have to try”

8 years ago

I’ve always hated the concept of Bowser/Peach. It often comes bundled with some underlying assumptions – that he deserves her and that she secretly wants to be kidnapped again and again.

8 years ago


If you know what I mean.

…most of my guesses are vulgar, but that may just be where my mind is at right now.


I put a pillow under that knee or, better, between my knees. Putting the pillow between the knees allows your pelvis and hips to rest at an angle more like that of standing with your feet slightly apart.

That’s been recommended to me, but it makes it harder for me to get to sleep, and when I do I don’t stay still enough to keep it in place, so it’s kinda pointless for me.

Mind, I do have some halter tops, including a little pink number I’m wearing as I type this. I could probably take a picture if you’re interested…

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

comment image

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago


The phrase “if you know what I mean” is always vulgar.