a voice for men alpha males beta males chad thundercock cuck manginas men who should not ever be with imaginary women ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA nice guys white knights

Memeday: Cucked by Princess Peach

Cucked again, by a Bowser cosplayer no less
Cucked again, by a Bowser cosplayer no less

It’s good to know that Men’s Rights Activists are taking on the issues that truly matter the most to men — like fictional princesses cucking “nice guys” in the plumbing business.

I found the meme above on A Voice for Men’s Facebook page, with this explanation:

Mario learns a hard lesson for white knighting and the Princess just learns…a hard lesson. This one is for fun.

But some of the commenters there had a hard time finding the humor in it.

Noah Evans A harsh reality.... sigh... a truth that is purposely ignored for male-shaming agenda and further practice of the boob-worshiping cult... Like · Reply · 7 · July 5 at 11:42pm Allen Sawyer Allen Sawyer You know, even when i was younger i had the suspicion that there was something between bowser and peach. Like · Reply · 4 · July 6 at 12:52am Dan Kummer Dan Kummer when Mangina discovers the sweet little cupcake is happily off with douchebags Like · Reply · July 6 at 12:54pm Mohammad Ali Mohammad Ali bitches Like · Reply · July 6 at 12:30am La misandrica di merda-la mdm La misandrica di merda-la mdm Haha u r small dick losers whining against womynz

Keep fighting the good fight against completely imaginary problems, MRAs. Excelsior!

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Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


There’s a point where I have to stop giving Axe mental fist-pounds because otherwise I’d never get anything else done

But not today tho

8 years ago

It looks to me as though they’re using separate sheets, one for Bowser, one for Peach.

Metal Shoggoth
Metal Shoggoth
8 years ago

Re: Vivian James

I’m probably being Captain Obvious here, but I always thought of Vivian as a female misogynist. One of those girls who goes around saying that all other girls and women on the planet are “catty,” “bitchy,” and “shallow.” That feminine things are “stupid and boring.” She wants to be “one of the guys” instead, because she either doesn’t realize the gender binary is a false dichotomy (or doesn’t want to believe it is), or doesn’t have the courage to do her own thing. Unfortunately, her guy friends are a bunch of assholes, and she often has to suck up to them by denouncing other women. It doesn’t really work, even though she thinks it does. That’s why she looks permanently pissed.

I’ve known people like this, and she kinda reminds me of them.


*yawn* I’ve seen cartoons like that with the same premise a hundred times.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Aww. That eagle! Bald eagles have been making a big comeback and getting more common here in Minnesota. A few weeks ago I saw one flying near the freeway on the way to my mom’s place. This was in the suburbs, not even out in the wilderness or anything. It was the first time I saw one outside of the zoo. It was very cool. They’re huge looking when they’re flying and you can see the entire wingspan.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Murica. Fuck. Yeah.

2 identical flatsheets on a… what is that, a full? That sounds even weirder. Is that weirder?

And now I gotta figure out the difference between the single and double curve speech bubbles. Or actually get some sleep. Decisions, decisions…

8 years ago


Vivian James is basically the attitudes of /v/ poured into a female-presenting mold. Her disaffectation is a reflection of her (male) creators’ general emotional state, and she takes the same level of enjoyment from video games as her creators presumably do (“tough-love”, which I interpret as sitting somewhere between mildly-involved apathy and barely-contained impotent rage).

I think they don’t want her to have any fun. They don’t have any fun — why should she?

8 years ago

I am a terrible blanket hog, such that if I’m sharing a bed it’s best the other party have their own. So it’s not weird for my relationships, but I can’t speak for anyone else.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago


Not to try and one-up you or anything, but I once managed to hog someone else’s sleeping bag.

Herbert West
Herbert West
8 years ago

Oh come on, this joke is fucking ANCIENT and predates internet.
And it’s way less funny when Bowser isn’t a real demon turtle.

8 years ago

Sinkable John, with them in it????

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago


Well when I went to sleep, my friend was in it.

When I woke up, I had two sleeping bags, like warm and comfy matryoshka dolls.

We still have no idea how the hell that happened. But she brings her own tent to festivals now. Apparently mine exists in its own weird reality and defies known physical laws. I’m pretty sure it’s bigger on the inside too.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


I am a terrible blanket hog, such that if I’m sharing a bed it’s best the other party have their own

Was strangely fixated on that. And by your answer is peace restored. Thanks

8 years ago

Tough-loves video games

No Man’s Sky, we need to have a talk. Every time I get a few resources, you’re out there throwing up distress beacons and I have to rush in and defend some cargo ship from 22 attackers. 22! And it just seems to get worse every time. It was almost tolerable when it was 3 or even 9. But now? I can’t fend off that many pirate ships without dipping into my titanium supplies. Do you even know how hard it is to get titanium? Look, I can’t keep bailing you out like this. It’s making me resent you for using up my hard-earned resources and it’s keeping you from learning how to take care of your problems yourself. No more. From today forward, I don’t answer distress beacons. I still love you and I’ll always be there for you when you need species identified, but this needs to stop.

Edit: went with something funnier.

Sheila Crosby
8 years ago

Re empathizing with inanimate objects: I called my first laptop Tiddles, because she was about the weight and temperature of a cat, and of course she sat on my lap and vibrated slightly as though she was purring. This one’s called Tiger – like Tiddles, but bigger and more powerful.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ Axe

There’s probably something in both Mario and Peach (determined and aloof respectively) both being smokers

I’m probably reading too much into this and it may well not have been the intention of the cartoonist; but in smoking subculture there are all sorts of ‘rules’ about what’s cool and what’s uncool. It can get complicated, but it involves things like side or centre, angle and straightness, and how you hold.

In the cartoon Peaches is a ‘cool’ smoker and Mario definitely isn’t.

I do think people generally (not just smokers) are aware of these rules, even if just by osmosis, as you definitely see them represented in media.

8 years ago

mine exists in its own weird reality and defies known physical laws. I’m pretty sure it’s bigger on the inside too.

I’m impressed by your sleeping-bag-acquisition skills, tho. Are you perhaps a member of the Ankh-Morpork Thieves’ Guild?

8 years ago

Regarding the Fine Young Cannibals’ video game design contest. (Which lead to the Vivian James character)

It was a contest to help a game designer to break into the industry. So as a “feminist” plan, its stated goal was to increase the number of women entering the industry. By one.

It makes sense as the sort of thing that someone who is kind of sexist would latch onto to try to prove they aren’t sexist, because it doesn’t require tackling any problems in the culture that might be driving women out of the industry again. They can say they want more women and throw some money at someone who promises that, without addressing how they treat the women already in the industry.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago


Nope, I’m just an insomniac. Never trust a sleeping insomniac.

8 years ago

Re: Empathizing with inanimate objects:

Should I be concerned with the rage I feel whenever I accidentally have to interact with Siri (and other systems that require me to talk to computers as if they are a person?) I just find them so frustrating; they are supposed to be tools, but do a poorer job than if I just entered information manually.

I’m rather ashamed to admit I’ve taken time to attempt to dehumanize Siri on my spouses phone (changed the voice, still no success getting it to respond to a different epithet) and have spent time just insulting the interface after it failed to be useful.

Does it mitigate anything if I say I avoid these interactions whenever possible? How about the fact that I anthropomorphize inanimate objects and spend time empathizing with things that have died and people I will never meet?

Weird (not wired) Eddie
Weird (not wired) Eddie
8 years ago

I’m mulling a vexing question… is gaming “fun” for the folks who conceived of Vivian, Gamergate, etc? How does “fun” manifest itself for someone whose world view is a binary, i.e. there are allies who are 100% in agreement with me and there are enemies who must be conquered and destroyed completely.

Weird (not wired) Eddie
Weird (not wired) Eddie
8 years ago

Ahhhh, Siri…. I once tried to ask Siri to give me directions to the nearest fast food restaurant and, after several unsuccessful attempts to make it understand, I used some colorful perjoratives and turned the iPhone iOff…. A few minutes later, I turned it on and asked Siri if it was ready to help me now and it replied “this is not about me”!!!! Gotta love Siri (no, seriously you have to… IT KNOWS WHERE YOU LIVE…)

8 years ago


Was strangely fixated on that. And by your answer is peace restored. Thanks

o.O I had no idea you were so interested in my bedroom habits. Any other tidbits you’d like me to share? 😉

8 years ago


Simple ,in many video game you have binary worlds where you have allies who are 100% on your side and enemies who must be conquered and destroyed completely. For gamergaters this matches up with their world views. And since they can’t kill their enemies in the real world and get away with it they turn to video game where they can.

Or at least thats one possible explanation

Dan Hagen
8 years ago

That cartoon by itself without all of the MRA baggage attached to it did make me laugh.