It’s good to know that Men’s Rights Activists are taking on the issues that truly matter the most to men — like fictional princesses cucking “nice guys” in the plumbing business.
I found the meme above on A Voice for Men’s Facebook page, with this explanation:
Mario learns a hard lesson for white knighting and the Princess just learns…a hard lesson. This one is for fun.
But some of the commenters there had a hard time finding the humor in it.
Keep fighting the good fight against completely imaginary problems, MRAs. Excelsior!
I think I finally just discovered something lower than Mick Dash’s IQ; Axe’s standards.
Scildfreja returning to the thread in the morning like:
So long as I won’t hafta purge my browser history, it’s your call, darlin! ?
Well, I suppose I’ll only post the pics where I’m still (technically) wearing it then… :3
@Kootie & Robertshaw
Speaking of indie music reminds me of an incident right after I went to college (early ’70s). I’d went partying n ended up at a pad of a guy into political folk. I’d grown up on that genre but few at that small Midwestern college had familiarity. He was playing something Phil Ochs, and I asked about some other folkies. He got very chilly, I was confused, no idea what social faux pas I’d committed. Later I found out — he had some female freshman he was trying to impress, and I’d contaminated his cool!!
Oh look, Miggy’s back. You’re both transparent and rather pathetic, old bean, you really are.
@ Wierd Eddie
I posted a link to my cousin’s folk singing in the open thread, if you’re still into tha sort of thing.
@Weird (not wired) Eddie
What I recall from college is how many of the guys were so into their stereos and played their music really loud.
Other things they were very much into: black light posters, beer, getting a girl to make out with them in front of an audience (to cheers and clapping).
I was so happy to find a boyfriend who had a sense of humor about himself.
What a coincidence! I just found something less influential than the neutrino, it’s the miggs broson! The only interaction it seems to have with normal matter is a faint whine.
Miggs is jealous that Mammotheers are — in addition to being insightful commenters and prolific posters of hilarious gifs and jpgs (Fluttershy! The room on fire! I’m dead — don’t try to hold a seance because I’m completely dead) — very social people.
Too bad for you, Miggs (old bean)!
Awww. He’s not even trying to hide it. Maybe next he’ll claim to have discovered a new subatomic particle. Pretty impressive for a vampire engineer with Crohn’s!
@ weird eddie
Heh, my business cards should read
“contaminating your cool since 1988”
@ kat
Because of our roadie proclivaties we had access to some pretty cool gear. It was fairly common for our house parties to have a 12k Martin or Turbosound PA in the living room.
1)Ooh, what’s this? That’s a cute top!
2)Hol up. That’s uh… Wow. Stopping here is probably for the best… Well, just a peek, right?
3)Welp… hi5 Hubby for me! I’m gonna try and figure out how I’m ever gonna manage to talk to you again without getting lightheaded
@Malignant Bursa
Don’t talk shit about another troll like everything you say isn’t equally nonsense. Who you even tryna fool with this? *giggles derisively*
You really should lay off the Haterade. Absolutely fulla salt. Not good for ya. But yeah, I’m sure Dali is beside herself with grief over your disapproval *guffaws derisively*
Oh, and my standards eliminate you, so they mustn’t be entirely rock bottom…
@ scildfreja
In the Mammoth particle zoo you’re our very own ‘top snark’! 🙂
Got here a bit late and before the contaminant, so I’ll get to the point here:
This comic isn’t even original. I have read things where Peach did the same thing with an actual Bowser. Not a dude in a Koopa King suit, the shelled monstrosity himself. It ain’t shockin’ to me.
Plus, what’s up with Luigi’s hat?
You’re hawt, if such compliments are appreciated.
No, that’s the next shot in the series, that I didn’t post.
Oh, he didn’t take those ones, he was still asleep. I used a timer and an improvised phone stand.
Perhaps it’s just as well I skipped the next three then… 😀
He’s just jealous that nobody’s taking pictures like that for him.
Depends on where they come from. Thank you.
Fake geek boy, this Otis. There’s a story about this guy and his ‘incel’ (I think) friend, who’re super into Star Wars. Biggest fans! So there’s this party and the 1st dude’s girlfriend is gonna dress up as her favorite Star Wars character. She shows up dressed as Black Widow with a lightsaber, and the friend gives her grief. Boytoy piles on (in the most polite way possible, of course). She leaves, he follows. He tries to mansplain that Black Widow isn’t a Star Wars character, she tells him to talk to the hand. He, of course, asks Reddit what to do and got his answer. Mara Jade
*gulp* You hold onto those. Weapons like that need to be deployed with care and only as a last resort. Induced blood pressure changes and all that ?
His thirsty ass…
A place of admiration
@Dali: Oh me oh my, lawks-a-lordy, is it just me or is it rather warm in here?
I’m down to my knickers by the end. 😉
You’re kinda swell yourself.