alt-right antifeminism entitled babies homophobia milo misogyny pig-biting mad straw feminists

Watch mad clown Milo melt down during his Out Magazine photoshoot

Mad Milo mansplains feminism to Amanda Marcotte, in drag
Mad Milo mansplains feminism to Amanda Marcotte, in drag.

One of the many strange things about Breitbart’s alleged “tech editor” Milo Yiannopoulos is how much he cares about convincing people he doesn’t care.

The self-described “provocateur” even dressed up as a literal clown for his recent profile in Out Magazine.

You’ve no doubt heard about the Out piece already; it’s been a teensy bit controversial. But what you probably didn’t know is that Salon sent a camera crew to his photoshoot with photographer Jill Greenberg. And that along with the camera crew they sent writer (and friend of We Hunted the Mammoth) Amanda Marcotte.

“Perhaps I got a bit caught up in his self-mythologizing,” she writes in her account of what followed, “which is why I thought he would have some fun answering provocative questions while he was getting his picture taken.”

Turns out Milo did not have much fun with her questions:

I never did get good answers to my questions, though I did learn that Yiannopoulos likes to reduce feminism to “angry lesbians” supposedly tricking naive young women into getting too fat to get boyfriends.

But I did learn one important fact: Milo Yiannopoulos is not playing around. He is utterly sincere about his far right views.

He is sincere enough that he lectured me for about 15 minutes, and got so caught up in the moment that he seemingly forgot that he was half-naked while wearing a wig and make-up. He was sincere enough to get genuinely wound up during this time.

Ultimately, he was having so little fun with her questions that he — perhaps channeling his idol Donald Trump — threw a fit and demanded she leave the premises.

He was so sincere that, when the Salon team shut off the cameras in order to move into another vantage point, he demanded that I leave the room, refused to answer any more questions, and called me a “bitch.”

The best part of all this? You can watch some of these testy exchanges on video over on Salon. There are two different versions of the video posted there; the one at the top has more Milo in it.

Turns out Milo is not so much a sad clown as a mad clown.

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8 years ago

But I did learn one important fact: Milo Yiannopoulos is not playing around. He is utterly sincere about his far right views.

Jupp. Which is why he hides behind being gay and his alleged preference for black men at every f***ing turn.

If he wasn’t gay (which he onced claimed he wished wasn’t the case) he’d be virtually indistinguishable from his mentor and father figure, Andrew Breitbart.

Dude’s a sociopath and a nihilist, committed to every prejudice he could find and practically addicted to social degeneracy (no, I don’t mean homosexuality. I mean cyberharassment).

Richard Roller
Richard Roller
8 years ago

@Pocket Nerd:

Who put you in charge of what gay men are allowed to say?

I’m for equality for ALL not just people who tow the line on specific political/economic positions.

I am myself a gay Black man. I don’t agree with everything Milo Yiannopoulos says but I’m glad somebody is willing to argue with Twitter callout culture and stick pins in overinflated egos. Gay culture needs MORE of that not less.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago


Tell us how surprised you are that Milo Yiannopoulos would use “lesbian” as a perjorative, dismissive term!

(((VioletBeauregarde))): Social Justice Necromancer
(((VioletBeauregarde))): Social Justice Necromancer
8 years ago

He is so pathetic! I laugh at him not because I find him amusing but because he thinks he’s so big and bad and rebellious when really he’s as tough as a wet noodle. Grow up, Milo!

On the other hand, I do feel bad about any trauma that drove him to be like this. I hope he gets *real* help. This is not to excuse his behavior…an asshole is an asshole, but it’s not too late for him to turn shit around.

(((Hambeast))) Now With Extra Parentheses
(((Hambeast))) Now With Extra Parentheses
8 years ago

I read all the articles and watched both videos and didn’t see anything that looked to me like a “meltdown” at all. Just a fast-talking kid trying to hang on to his 15 minutes of fame.

What I took away from it all is that ‘the cutting edge’ is probably not the best place from which to be pontificating on the state of foreign politics.

8 years ago

Haha, @Scildfreja


Tell us how surprised you are that Milo Yiannopoulos would use “lesbian” as a perjorative, dismissive term!

The answer is: not very.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

Sell-Out Magazine.

8 years ago


What he hasn’t quite twigged to yet is that the far right hates gays. Really, REALLY hates them.

Oh, I think he gets it. Because everything I’ve seen has convinced me that Milo really REALLY hates himself.

8 years ago

[W]hen the Salon team shut off the cameras in order to move into another vantage point, he demanded that I leave the room, refused to answer any more questions, and called me a “bitch.”

This part is sincere. Amanda Marcotte is harshing poor Milo’s buzz.

Can’t have that.

As for Milo’s self-contradictory views, that’s just rationalization.

If the country suddenly made a decisive swing to the left, he’d be completely down with it.

He’d reinvent himself: Milo, the Queen of Love.

8 years ago

If I am understanding this correctly, OutMagazine (which is some LGBTQ related magazine) decided to interview Milo (because he is gay) and all he could do is to insult women (especially lesbians)?

What kind of LGBTQ magazine is that that gives broken people with extreme complexes a platform to insult it’s own members?? A magazine to avoid?

As this is being said, Milo comes across as a very effeminate (feminine gay man). His biggest problem in life is that he isn’t a woman. This is the reason he hates women so much.

Now, most femme-type gay men don’t desire to be women, but there is a very small percentage that feels envious towards women, and this turns into extreme misogyny. In my wider “friends” circle, there is a very femme-type gay guy (that I avoid as much as I can) who is a raging evo-psych (women are inferior) misogynyst. I know that personal anecdotes don’t mean anything, but clearly, this isn’t an isolated incident.

What strikes me there is that he (the gay guy I know) thinks of himself as some example of masculinity…Just like Milo, but truth is, they are both very effeminate (*note, I don’t mean to use the word effeminate as an insult, but as a description).

Somebody should dig deeper into this (with somebody I mean professionals) because there is clearly a link between effeminate misogynyst men and the desire to be women.

(Just to clarify one more time, I don’t think that all effeminate men desire to be women, but the very small percentage of individuals like Milo that turn misogyny into a hobby/career).

8 years ago

This little shit makes Twisty the Clown look charming.

Really sick of this moron & his horde of sleazy, hypocritical fans deflecting all criticism of him because he’s gay. Being gay isn’t a get out of jail free card for your despicable behavior.

Who cares if he fucks black men? That doesn’t mean he’s not racist.

Ted Bundy fucked women; that doesn’t mean he wasn’t a misogynist.

Richard Roller
Richard Roller
8 years ago

@Scented Fucking Hard Chairs

Sell-Out Magazine.

Why because they gave a platform to somebody you don’t like? It’s called free speech bro.

Richard Roller
Richard Roller
8 years ago

@Iseult The Idle

Dish it out all day long, but can he take it? Nyet.

LOL. Milo can take it all day and all night. Unlike the people who got him banned from Twitter for saying things they didn’t want to hear.

8 years ago


If I am understanding this correctly, OutMagazine (which is some LGBTQ related magazine)

You’re missing something which puts this in perspective: OutMagazine largely caters to the G portion of the spectrum, and especially middle class white gay men. They do cover things of interest to the L and T portions, but those aren’t their primary audience. They also are kind of waffley about whether B, T, or Q identities are “legitimate” or “special snowflakes” and run authors which espouse both views. (Or at least they used to; maybe that’s changed since I started avoiding them.)

8 years ago

As this is being said, Milo comes across as a very effeminate (feminine gay man). His biggest problem in life is that he isn’t a woman. This is the reason he hates women so much.


Now, most femme-type gay men don’t desire to be women, but there is a very small percentage that feels envious towards women, and this turns into extreme misogyny.


Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Richard Roller | September 22, 2016 at 1:57 pm
@Pocket Nerd:

Who put you in charge of what gay men are allowed to say?

Can you point out where they were saying what Milo should and shouldn’t say? Or what Out Magazine should and shouldn’t say?

All I saw them say was they were tired of people using the white cis gay man as the face of the LGBT+ community, and that they’re tired of groups within the LGBT+ community like Out Magazine trying to co-opt all of the groups that fall under that umbrella and claiming to be for them and supporting them, while only supporting said cis gay men and giving awful people like Milo a platform.

Which I, a pansexual genderflux person (Which means I am also part of the LGBT+ community) agree with. We need more representation of other groups, not just more cis gay (white) men. Especially cis gay white dudes who don’t give a shit about anyone else in the LGBT+ community so long as they get theirs.

I’m for equality for ALL not just people who tow the line on specific political/economic positions.

So are we. Where did we say different? Where did we say he doesn’t deserve equality? Where did you get this idea that we somehow think this?

I don’t see anyone here saying that Milo doesn’t deserve equality as a gay man because he’s not “toeing the line on specific political/economic positions”. If you did, feel free to quote them and point them out, because I must have missed it.

We don’t agree with Milo and his disparagement of everyone who isn’t like him (like using “angry lesbian” as an insult, for instance) and his pandering to the alt-right, neo-nazi crowd by throwing the rest of us LGBT+ people under the bus. That doesn’t mean we think his rights should be taken away or that he doesn’t deserve them. We just think he’s a morally repugnant person.

Thinking your morals are shitty =/= “I hate you and you don’t deserve to be treated like a human being”.

Being a gay man doesn’t excuse him for being homophobic against lesbians, and him having a “preference” for black men doesn’t make him suddenly not racist.

I am myself a gay Black man. I don’t agree with everything Milo Yiannopoulos says but I’m glad somebody is willing to argue with Twitter callout culture and stick pins in overinflated egos.

What “Twitter callout culture” do you think he’s arguing with?

The kind where he sics his fans on people he doesn’t like? The kind where he whines about getting his verification removed and getting banned because he openly harasses and encourages harassment of black women like Leslie Jones? The kind where he sides with a group that openly attacks and harasses women (some of whom are LGBT+) because they dare speak up about inclusion in gaming?

And whose “overinflated ego” do you think he’s putting a pin in? And why do you think that his ego doesn’t qualify as “overinflated”?

Gay culture needs MORE of that not less.

You’re so right. We need more assholes like Milo who openly hates gay people, think lesbians are just man-hating feminists. We need more assholes who openly hate on gay people.

We totally need more of that in “gay culture”.

8 years ago

@ ‘Rick Roller’

Yawn. If you’re going to interrupt adults while they’re talking, at least say something informed or interesting. Then maybe you’ll get some attention, oh, sorry – “outrage” – to take back under your bridge to brag about instead of indifference.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Rick Roll,

I think you’re confused about the concept of free speech. It doesn’t mean that no one can ever criticize a publication. Sorry (no I’m not) that your delicate sensibilities were offended by SFHC calling a magazine “Sell Out.”

Why you defend Milo’s right to incite harassment in the very next post when criticizing a magazine is beyond the pale, I don’t know. Care to explain?

Eta: I apparently missed Rick Roll’s opening salvo. Sounds like a not your shield faker to me. I’m guessing this troll is no more a black gay man than Miggs is a 329 year old engineer

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

@Rick Rude

I’m for equality for ALL

Bruh, the fuck? What do you mean? Equal what? Can’t be rights, cos PN said nothing to infringe or advocate the infringement of Milo’s rights. Milo wasn’t even mentioned in any of their posts. Equal what?

It’s called free speech bro

No it’s not

Unlike the people who got him banned from Twitter for saying things they didn’t want to hear

Was it really him? Can’t tell without his checkmark

I feel like this is the most bullshit thing I’ve read in some time. Anyone else got the side eye? Internet psychoanalysis is suspect, even in the best cases. But this… that is… just… That can’t be real

Not an engineer or not 329? The former is pretty far fetched, I admit… 😀

8 years ago


Richard Roller – AKA ‘Rick Roller’ (hahaha, get it? man, that meme never gets old. that’s some cutting edge stuff. maybe his next name will be “what’s the deal with airplane food?”) is as much a “gay Black man” as you are secretly Milo Y.

Well, the “man” part is probably correct.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Richard Roller | September 22, 2016 at 3:57 pm
@Scented Fucking Hard Chairs

Why because they gave a platform to somebody you don’t like? It’s called free speech bro.

And we can use our freedom of speech to call them sell-outs because that’s how Free Speech works.

Your freeze peaches cut both ways, “bro”. Free Speech isn’t only for people you like, right?

Richard Roller | September 22, 2016 at 4:07 pm
LOL. Milo can take it all day and all night. Unlike the people who got him banned from Twitter for saying things they didn’t want to hear.

I love this projection of how us “Ess-Jay-Dubbyas” are such sensitive little crybabies who can’t stand to hear Milo (spout racist bullshit solely to harass people on Twitter, which is breaking their Terms of Service and is just plain shitty of him, but who cares about that, right?), but the moment Milo loses his precious Twitter checkmark and gets banned from Twitter, he throws a huge tantrum that would make a toddler embarrassed for their behavior.

And then here comes a Milo fanboi, trying to call us out for being “sensitive”. Me thinks the fanboi doth protest too much.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Yeah, Kafka is lucky there’s a real troll and potential sock puppet taking the heat off them.

(((Hambeast))) Now With Extra Parentheses
(((Hambeast))) Now With Extra Parentheses
8 years ago

KafkaNoMore – I have to disagree a bit, but just about Milo; I don’t know enough about gay men* to say whether or not any of them wish to be women. I think Milo is just a straight up, misogynist woman-hater. Although he’s keen to appropriate feminine-coded things (fashion, make-up, gestures, etc.) in order to be edgy** and provocative, I very much doubt that he wants to BE a woman knowing how he and his treasured alties view us.

The man I see is extremely invested in his cis-genger, male, and white privilege and is very much cognizant that womenz*** don’t has it. And he and his followers very much want to keep it that way, notwithstanding his remarks about ‘second wave feminism.’

ETA – Good gravy! It took quite a long time to compose that and it seems I’ve been ninja’d AND taken in by a troll!

*I am not currently acquainted with any gay men in meat space.

**Hell, maybe he just really likes fem stuff, I mean, I have a very good straight, cis, male friend that is, but those things also help him with his tragically hip and ironic persona.

***also trans folk and POCs

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

How old are you, Rick Roll? How you feel about seagull based cuisine?

8 years ago


Oh, no, you see the new Dolt-Right argument is “free speech as a concept, not as in a legal right”.

That way if you, say, argue that maybe an ostensibly pro-LGBTQ magazine shouldn’t print anti-LGBTQ speech, you are against the concept of free speech, i.e., you don’t believe people should be able to have their own opinions*.

And yes, that may seem like a torturous leap of logic but you’re a woman, so you wouldn’t understand manly STEM stuff like that 😉

*Because, you know, all opinions are totally valid.