empathy deficit men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA rape rape culture rhymes with roosh

Horrific Read of the Day: The Daily Beast’s account of a pickup artist rape ring

Jonas Dick: Pickup artist, confessed rapist
Jonas Dick: Pickup artist, rapist

As longtime observers of the manosphere know all too well, it’s not always easy to draw a clear line between “pickup artistry” and “raping drunk women.”

That line seems to have been completely nonexistent when it came to the trio of pickup artists profiled in a long and horrifying Daily Beast piece by Brandy Zadrozny, with the self-explanatory title “Pickup Artists Preyed on Drunk Women, Brought Them Home, and Raped Them.”

The pickup artists in question apparently specialized in the highly Rooshian strategy of “hanging around outside of bars at closing time in hopes of meeting really, really drunk women.”

Here’s how Zadrozny describes the “pickup” that got the trio arrested:

When the bars closed for the night, Claire and Laura [not their real names] shuffled out with the rest of the crowd onto Fifth Avenue. They called an Uber, and as they waited, they were approached by two men, Jonas Dick and Alex Smith.

Jonas and Alex were no strangers to meeting girls on that street at that time: they referred to two in the morning as “pull o’clock” because of how easy it was to bring home the last women leaving the bars. They invited Claire and Laura to their place for drinks. It was only a few blocks away.

Renting an apartment only a couple of blocks from the bars, also a very Rooshian technique.

Claire says she doesn’t remember meeting Alex and Jonas. She remembers stumbling and someone with a receding hairline “pushing her along,” leading her to an apartment building. She remembers being in a semi-furnished bedroom on a mattress without a headboard. Someone giving her a clear drink. The sip she took didn’t taste like water, maybe it was alcohol? Before she could think about it, she was falling backwards, and that’s when she says it all goes black.

What occurred in that bedroom over the next hour runs in and out of Claire’s mind like waves. As she testified in court, she can feel the bed beneath her, coming to for a moment, and vomiting on the floor. She hears one—or is it two?—male voices, mumbling like the adults in “Charlie Brown” before it all fades away again.

It gets worse.

If you’re not up for reading a really long story full of graphic details of rape at the moment, Robyn Pennacchia at Wonkette provides a condensed, if also pretty graphic, version of the story here.

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

Fuck you Lt. Philips and your incompetent police force. The biggest challenge isn’t the victims memory, the biggest challenge is getting shithead cops to treat rape victims seriously. You know what would have helped immensely in your investigation? If the cops who dismissed these two women had instead completed a rape kit and started the investigation asap. Fuck you, and fuck every PUA douchbag who thinks it’s acceptable to pick up drunk women from the bar! You are shitstains upon humanity.

8 years ago

Hm I wonder why people are very distrustful of alot of police officers and don’t come out on sexual assaults, is it because often times these people don’t give a shit about women and anyone who remotely looks like a threat to his authority?

The prison time is too damn short for this trio of rat fucks. Any person who says that PUA’s aren’t rapists in training can go screw themselves with a Machineel.

8 years ago

I don’t know that it would phase these men who are obviously so far gone without conscience, but…

I’d really like for every other person in their families and social circles to know what kind of behavior these guys think is great fun to engage in.

Sick f*cks.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Whelp, no offense to David or the regular commentariat, but I’m going to bow out of this thread now and leave it at that.

This shit is too horrific to contemplate right now. I need happy thoughts.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
8 years ago

Shit stains, indeed.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

I’m with PI, that’s just too much :s

8 years ago

….As I get older, this seems to happen more and more often–or at least, it comes to my attention more often. At [NOT OUT OF COLLEGE YET], I have a lot more older to obtain.

I’mma just….post a link to a cool mashup as brain bleach.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

But PUAs keep assuring us that it’s about “self improvement” and not rape and/or rapeyness that is in the gray area between rape and not rape. How could this be?

I think calico kitten brain bleach is needed.

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And calico kitten with bonus ginger kitten and yellow lab brain bleach

8 years ago

I read this earlier today and I haven’t been this mad in a long time. Just… the uselessness of the police involved. The utter uselessness. The fact that Pick Up Artists clearly aren’t selling dating advice, they’re selling a cult mentality that assuages the consciences of wannabe rapists. The fact that there are countless other victims out there. Jesus. Eight years in prison isn’t a harsh enough sentence for any of these worthless trash dumps. I would love to see more victims come forward. Maybe they can serve eight sentences per victim, instead.

8 years ago

For those who need happy thoughts, Pottermore has a patronus Finder game they just released. My patronus is a mongrel dog, I’m pretty pleased. (See one of my mongrels in the profile photo.)

Expecto patronum for anybody who needs it after reading the post.

8 years ago

Here’s the strongest brain bleach on the planet: MARU!

And as for these guys: May they fall naked on every last cactus.

ETA: Jonas Dick is the perfect name for this piece of shit.

Sigh :/
Sigh :/
8 years ago

Regular lurker, first time commenter..

I’ve never felt so mad and incredibly sad before in my life 🙁

It’s hard to find the saddest part of all this, but I was struck by the seemingly insignificant line about how many women excused themselves from the jury for knowing people who had been similarly raped.
And there’s no rape culture they say?

8 years ago

It has been 0 days since I felt murderous rage. This along with the Tiahleigh Palmer case makes me want to stay in bed

8 years ago


Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

I hate parents. Fuck em
8 years. Least it’s something
On to the next thread

8 years ago

I love this part:

“Sometimes chicks will freak out once they sober up and realize what they’ve done for the night.” -Jonas Dick

Are you sure Jonas? Are you sure that “chicks” are freaking out about sleeping with you? Or could it be that the people you’ve raped are freaking out because you’ve decided to force yourself on them when they were inebriated and couldn’t properly resist?

Seriously buddy, have a good long think about this while you’re in jail.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago

… seconding Paradoxy and Scildfreja.

If you need me, I’ll be in my room shooting pixel space guns at pixel aliens or something.

8 years ago

it’s only a matter of time before women snap

only a matter of time

8 years ago


What did I just read

These accounts make me want to scream. I suppose it shouldn’t be surprising to see these accounts of rapists (excuse me, “PUA”) describing rape in utterly unrepentant terms and talking about how funny it is, but somehow it never fails to shock me.

I don’t know what to say about this. The worst thing about PUA culture is that in some ways it’s a natural outgrowth of prevailing cultural narratives, taken to an extreme. But when you look at its roots, you see how many prevalent cultural narratives are fundamentally rape culture all the way down.

We need to change the culture somehow. To an extent I think we even might be managing it; I do think there’s a lot more discussion and understanding of things like consent and rape culture than there were ten or fifteen years ago. But we’re not changing it fast enough, and reactionary misogyny is doubling down to reinforce the status quo. Something has to give, and soon.

Fuck everything.

8 years ago


I hate parents. Fuck em
8 years. Least it’s something
On to the next thread

…I hate to spoil the mood, but I don’t think you meant to say “parents”. (I’ll presume that’s autocorrect.) “Police”? “PUAs”?

Michael Lindsay
8 years ago

Good that at least Alex Smith got charged with rape. Scandalous and unacceptable that the police only got the collar because someone else did their detective work for them.

If cops were less obsessed with persecuting minorities, futilely attempting to clamp down on drug use, brutalizing protesters and shooting innocent people they might actually be able to devote more effort into catching bad people.

8 years ago


it’s only a matter of time before women snap

only a matter of time

Oooooh, now I get to play the troll game!
Lemme guess: you’re trying to imitate what you think a “radical feminist” would say, and provide fuel for another’s unintentionally hilarious or disappointingly tedious tirade!
Unfortunately, that sort of rhetoric seems to be exclusive to the strange depths of the manosphere. Oh, projection, the lovely and oddly buoyant mistress their ilk courts so often!
I’m unsure who this is a sock of, but the alias is quite fitting if the idiom is reversed – the kettle calling the pot black for some odd reason.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Nope, I mean parents. I mean those people who write letter to judges asking for leniency, cos their sons couldn’t help it. Turner’s dad did it, this muffuga’s mom did it. Fuck parents. But I should be more specific. Fuck these parents. Misogynist black holes of shit, who care more about their child being able to eat steak than the people that child assaulted. My mom would beat me within an inch of my fuckin life. And she could pull it off too…

I’m not even mad at the rest. You’re right, i should be. But I only have so much rage to go around

Re: Kettle
Kettle showed up before in the ‘comedienne gets harassed’ thread (can’t remember the exact name). Not nice, but not a sock. I don’t think

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