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Daily Stormer to white women: All your womb are belong to us!

Future white soldier?
Future white soldier?

When Internet Nazis rail against the alleged evils of “race-mixing,” the particular kind of mixology that invariably enrages them the most involves white women “mudsharking” or “coal burning” with black men.

It’s no coincidence that the favorite alt-right insult is “cuck,” a term borrowed from cuckold porn, a subgenre that typically involves muscular, well-endowed black men having sex with white “hotwives” while their “cuck” husband watches.

Like the insult “cuck” itself, this kind of porn (by most accounts) is most popular amongst white men, and seems to spring from the not-very-well-hidden fear of many racist white dudes that black men are inherently more virile and masculine than them. For those who don’t share these insecurities, the “cuck” insult stings about as much as being called a doo-doo head.

But when it comes to white men “mixing” with black women, white racists have to more or less force themselves to care.

In a recent post on neo-Nazi tip sheet the Daily Stormer, Andrew Anglin attempts to explain — or at least rationalize — these divergent reactions.

When white women go “mudsharking,” racist white men feel

a lot of anger, because it’s OUR WOMB – that’s right, it doesn’t belong to her, it belongs to the males in her society – that is being used to produce an enemy soldier.

As Anglin sees it, his angry reaction to “mudsharking” is dictated by BIOTRUTHS.

[W]hen you see women with non-Whites, it’s a biological response that you’re having. It’s the same response that creates white knighting, and this whole idea of “women and children first.” Women’s eggs are infinitely more valuable than men’s sperm. So there is an inborn drive in men to constantly protect women. And when you see them with non-Whites, you immediately respond negatively.

But when white men date or marry or have children with black women, Anglin tells his readers, he doesn’t feel

triggered … because it doesn’t really make any difference, biologically. … Our race isn’t going to run out of sperm any time soon, so when it’s a man doing it, it’s just sort of like “lolwut?”

Bewildered by this “weird fetish,” Anglin speculates on the psychology of white men who marry black women.

[I]s it like, he’s so cucked that he feels like he’s gotta signal super-hard to show how much better he is than his peers by creating and raising a monkey child? Is it to seem more interesting? Maybe he’s playing the long game, so that like, in the future when his son is committing robbery and rape, he can be like “oh my god, it’s because of racism” and people will feel sorry for him?

Yeah, I’m sure that’s it.

But don’t worry, racists, Anglin is still against it!

Men who produce children with non-Whites should absolutely be mocked and ostracized. And it shouldn’t be legal. Although when we take over the system, it won’t even be possible, unless these guys want to fly to Africa to do it, because they’re all going back. But it doesn’t trigger the same visceral reaction when you see it, because in terms of the survival of the race, it doesn’t make any difference if some men go have kids with non-Whites. It is, however, gross and weird.

That doesn’t make a lick of sense. But rationalizations for racism seldom do.

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8 years ago


Yep, gone I’m afraid. You heard the Daily Stormer dude. Our uteri are property now. I’ll miss freedom too, but maybe if we’re lucky there’ll be a bachelorette-type party for our last chance to schtupp brown guys before white soldierbaby-making duty begins.

And yes, god yes please put the grilled cheese in my face.

8 years ago

[email protected]

“OUR WOMB!” So, do you want to have women’s reproductive organs declared property of the state–LIKE KARL MARX, YOU FILTHY PINKO?!

Eh, someone’s gotta put the “socialism” in “national socialism”, right?

8 years ago

Good thing I have a firearm and know how to use it, if someone breaks in demanding to control my uterus I’ll give them a warning and if they don’t immediately leave the premises and my property I will take it as a threat to my life and the life of another which must be stopped by deadly force.

After the kneecapping. I hope they crawl/pull themselves along on the ground with their arms fast.

*I’m mostly being glib and it’s all hypothetical.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


people I’m close to have started expressing similar sentiments – not as extreme, but similar things about ‘racial purity’ and ‘send them all home’

For real, I’m thinkin same diff. My thinking is that racism is like a… not good with math words… top right asymptote? Like a fraction curve: y=x^3/4 or summat. Once you agree that (1)races are discrete, (2)purity is good, and (3)they shouldn’t be allowed in my lilly white world, you’re well into the plateau bit of the curve. I just don’t see ‘well, I don’t wanna kill em or anything’ as being, in any way, a moderate position…

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

I see your Liquid Fucking Gold and raise you a Diamond Encrusted Platinum Ovum. Cool?


Fabergé ovum

comment image

EJ (The Orphic Lizard)

…but when white men date Asian women then that’s fine, right, Mr Anglin? I’m trying hard to keep track here.

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

comment image

I really hope that white genocide thing happens sooner than later.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
8 years ago

@EJ Because ‘Asian’ women are all ‘submissive and docile’ and never ‘sassy’? *shakes head*

8 years ago

This morning I became annoyed when I spilled some coffee on my shirt. This can be explained because as a white man I am biologically inclined to gather and protect my resources so I can get more dates with white women. True story.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


I thought it was her (or his or their) father’s womb. Or husband’s. Now it’s everybody’s? Somehow, I doubt this is a legitimate application of the ‘sharing is caring’ maxim

that’s right

He thinks he just blew some minds

that is being used to produce an enemy soldier

Fuck it, we’ll take a few more Kaepernicks /s

women with non-Whites

Cos brown women aren’t women

women and children first

Children, and the infirm 1st. White supremacists last. New rules, thanks Obama


Eat shit

Our race isn’t going to run out of sperm any time soon

Not gonna run outta ova either, genius

he’s gotta signal super-hard to show how much better he is than his peers by creating and raising a monkey child?

Getting married (or not) and raising a child for 2 decades in order to prove a point? Yep, nailed it

in the future when his son is committing robbery and rape, he can be like “oh my god, it’s because of racism” and people will feel sorry for him?

Long term, social justice, Munchausen by Proxy? The fuck?

Men who produce children with non-Whites

Cos brown men aren’t men

And it shouldn’t be legal. Although when we take over the system, it won’t even be possible, unless these guys want to fly to Africa to do it, because they’re all going back

Make up you’re fuckin mind

It is, however, gross and weird

More or less gross than menstruation? Hard to keep track

(((Hambeast))) Now With Extra Parentheses
(((Hambeast))) Now With Extra Parentheses
8 years ago

Buttercup Q. Skullpants said

It’s a frenzied pingpong match between stupid and shitty!

Worst Olympic match ever.

I’ll be over here with the other childless folks, trying not to be noticed by these scary alt-whatevers.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Sarity | September 22, 2016 at 11:24 am

Yep, gone I’m afraid. You heard the Daily Stormer dude. Our uteri are property now. I’ll miss freedom too, but maybe if we’re lucky there’ll be a bachelorette-type party for our last chance to schtupp brown guys before white soldierbaby-making duty begins.

Ah, but you forgot, brown dicks irrevocably altar our vaginas thanks to the One Dick Rule! We’ll forever be tainted by the brown peen!

If we all just have sex with one brown person, then we’ll be branded a “race traitor”, and the nazis will be disgusted, and thus won’t ask us to have their white babies (as much).

Satyr to a Hyperion
Satyr to a Hyperion
8 years ago

I’ve committed white genocide-and black, brown, yellow and whatever interpretation of the visual region of the electromagnetic spectrum exists. All I had to do was to free myself from this illogical hangover of human division from the Age of Imperialism.

(((Hambeast))) Now With Extra Parentheses
(((Hambeast))) Now With Extra Parentheses
8 years ago

Also wanted to note that the woman in the OP picture looks disturbingly like my mom although she’d be holding some other child. I never looked anything like that.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago


But what if I’ve only had sex with non-white women, no peens involved?

MRAcist evo psych is just too damn complicated for my feeble ladybrainz.

8 years ago

“We must seize the means of (re)production”

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

What happened to the evopsyche idea that women instinctively and compulsively search for the best genes in their sperm donors? How does that comport with the premises that women sleep with non-whites, and non-whites are genetically inferior? Or am I mixing up my douchebags?

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Two can play the evopsych game.

If white men were capable of making uterine decisions, they’d be the ones who grow them. Nature didn’t see fit to give them a uterus though. Sorry!

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
8 years ago

I see your Liquid Fucking Gold and raise you a Diamond Encrusted Platinum Ovum.

“I ovulate Fabergé eggs and menstruate them unused in my Diva cup”

8 years ago

@ [email protected]

Oh, I’m so, so using that.

8 years ago

@Paradoxical Intention

Damn, I keep forgetting that one.

comment image

8 years ago

Are these the same guys who run (and sail away) to avoid child support?

8 years ago

What happened to the evopsyche idea that women instinctively and compulsively search for the best genes in their sperm donors? How does that comport with the premises that women sleep with non-whites, and non-whites are genetically inferior? Or am I mixing up my douchebags?

Wimminz naturally seek out the best genetics but are too stoopid to know what those best genetics look like. A bit like how we’re too vapid to hold down a job properly but are naturally conniving and manipulating poor menses. We seek the best, but end up with the not-best (in their hideous opinions). Hence why we need the brave alt-right shitstains soldiers to write posts on the internet explaining what we should be doing with our ladyparts and with whom.

EDIT:: Or…you are indeed simply mixing up your douchebags.

(((VioletBeauregarde))): Social Justice Necromancer
(((VioletBeauregarde))): Social Justice Necromancer
8 years ago

How do you embed a gif?

@Sunnysombrera: I love Giant Microbes!

8 years ago

The wonderful thing about white supremacy is that you don’t have to do a damn thing to feel superior to other people. You don’t have to train, or study for it. You don’t have to undergo any sort of pain, or privation for it.

You just tick the box and bang you’re done.