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Daily Stormer to white women: All your womb are belong to us!

Future white soldier?
Future white soldier?

When Internet Nazis rail against the alleged evils of “race-mixing,” the particular kind of mixology that invariably enrages them the most involves white women “mudsharking” or “coal burning” with black men.

It’s no coincidence that the favorite alt-right insult is “cuck,” a term borrowed from cuckold porn, a subgenre that typically involves muscular, well-endowed black men having sex with white “hotwives” while their “cuck” husband watches.

Like the insult “cuck” itself, this kind of porn (by most accounts) is most popular amongst white men, and seems to spring from the not-very-well-hidden fear of many racist white dudes that black men are inherently more virile and masculine than them. For those who don’t share these insecurities, the “cuck” insult stings about as much as being called a doo-doo head.

But when it comes to white men “mixing” with black women, white racists have to more or less force themselves to care.

In a recent post on neo-Nazi tip sheet the Daily Stormer, Andrew Anglin attempts to explain — or at least rationalize — these divergent reactions.

When white women go “mudsharking,” racist white men feel

a lot of anger, because it’s OUR WOMB – that’s right, it doesn’t belong to her, it belongs to the males in her society – that is being used to produce an enemy soldier.

As Anglin sees it, his angry reaction to “mudsharking” is dictated by BIOTRUTHS.

[W]hen you see women with non-Whites, it’s a biological response that you’re having. It’s the same response that creates white knighting, and this whole idea of “women and children first.” Women’s eggs are infinitely more valuable than men’s sperm. So there is an inborn drive in men to constantly protect women. And when you see them with non-Whites, you immediately respond negatively.

But when white men date or marry or have children with black women, Anglin tells his readers, he doesn’t feel

triggered … because it doesn’t really make any difference, biologically. … Our race isn’t going to run out of sperm any time soon, so when it’s a man doing it, it’s just sort of like “lolwut?”

Bewildered by this “weird fetish,” Anglin speculates on the psychology of white men who marry black women.

[I]s it like, he’s so cucked that he feels like he’s gotta signal super-hard to show how much better he is than his peers by creating and raising a monkey child? Is it to seem more interesting? Maybe he’s playing the long game, so that like, in the future when his son is committing robbery and rape, he can be like “oh my god, it’s because of racism” and people will feel sorry for him?

Yeah, I’m sure that’s it.

But don’t worry, racists, Anglin is still against it!

Men who produce children with non-Whites should absolutely be mocked and ostracized. And it shouldn’t be legal. Although when we take over the system, it won’t even be possible, unless these guys want to fly to Africa to do it, because they’re all going back. But it doesn’t trigger the same visceral reaction when you see it, because in terms of the survival of the race, it doesn’t make any difference if some men go have kids with non-Whites. It is, however, gross and weird.

That doesn’t make a lick of sense. But rationalizations for racism seldom do.

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8 years ago

The person who wrote this thinks it is other people who are gross and weird.


8 years ago

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Mario Augusto Puga Valera
Mario Augusto Puga Valera
8 years ago

The worst part? I’ve recently seen many people (in my particular case, Peruvians, since I’m from there) that FULLY AGREE with neonazis and people like Anglin.
There was this Peruvian man who, despite his obvious mixed ethnicity, talked about “White genocide” and “Hybridation”. Also, naturally, he talked crap about Jews and Judaism, the classical “Jewish plot to destroy the White race”. And he also had the nerve to talk about Palestine! I was frankly disgusted and ashamed.

8 years ago

a lot of anger, because it’s OUR WOMB – that’s right, it doesn’t belong to her, it belongs to the males in her society –

The entire anti-abortion movement, explained in one sentence fragment.

Hashtag Ravenclaw
Hashtag Ravenclaw
8 years ago

a lot of anger, because it’s OUR WOMB – that’s right, it doesn’t belong to her, it belongs to the males in her society – that is being used to produce an enemy soldier.

To white supremacists, merely by being BORN, you are drafted in the race war. No conscientous objectors. No bystanders. Some people may choose to fight for the “enemy” side, but they cannot opt out of the war.

Is there a way I can straight-up desert?

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

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Wow, this one made me angry all at once. Kinda wish I could set fire to people with my mind right now.

With the coming of Trump, people I’m close to have started expressing similar sentiments – not as extreme, but similar things about ‘racial purity’ and ‘send them all home’. Intensely unpleasant.

8 years ago

@Hashtag Ravenclaw

Possibly, but I’d imagine it requires that you transcend your animal-genetic self (since the war is being fought with genes, and sexual reproduction) and become a being of pure consciousness.

@Scildfreja Unnýðnes

>Kinda wish I could set fire to people with my mind right now.

Being a being of pure consciousness could probably achieve that.

rogue angel
rogue angel
8 years ago

This is where, if I were more technologically gifted, I would put up the Grumpy Cat picture with the word “no” on it.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

@rogue angel, i got u

@Ariblester, oh, oh my. Not to be getting into a conversation on consciousness and the biological/conscious divide with an artificial intelligence researcher, unless you really want a conversation on it.

(Also, the ‘race war’ is memetic, not genetic, not that they know that)

Iseult The Idle
Iseult The Idle
8 years ago

Yeah, you want a womb so bad, you grow one of your own, buddy.

This is the sort of person who thinks The Handmaid’s Tale is an instruction manual.

Not that he’d ever read an instruction manual written by a woman, because LOLOMGWTFBBQ.

8 years ago

I guess I’ll just nope past this one..

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8 years ago

@Scildfreja Unnýðnes

Nah, m’good. Was just taking a long walk off a short metaphorical pier that went something like:

1) Humans breed to pass on their genes
2a) According to racists, humans should breed with their own race
2b) According to racists, race is genetically determined
3) Therefore, to escape the ‘race war’, one cease to have genetically-determined traits
4) Since 1), to achieve 3) implies that one must cease to be human
5) ???
6) Being of pure consciousness

I elided Step 5 due to lack of intellectual rigor and sitzfleisch.

Theon Alexandricus
Theon Alexandricus
8 years ago

My African-American wife, mixed daughter, and I all say “go fuck yourselves”.

(The Nazis, obviously, not you guys)

8 years ago

Whelp, freedom was fun, but I guess it’s over. Some schlub on the internet has just laid claim to my reproductive system. There goes my right to any say over it, just like that.

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Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

The best kind of elide is the one that gets you the answer!

(er, wait-)

Aw, Sarity, is freedom over now? Awww, I was just getting used to it, too. I guess it’s a good thing i’m barefoot right now, and the kitchen’s right over there. Was fun while it lasted! Who wants grilled cheese?
8 years ago

“OUR WOMB!” So, do you want to have women’s reproductive organs declared property of the state–LIKE KARL MARX, YOU FILTHY PINKO?!

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

White men having babies with black women is gross and weird…but then again, it doesn’t make any difference… but then again, they should be mocked and ostracized…but then again, lolwut who cares?…but then again, it should be illegal and all blacks deported…

It’s a frenzied pingpong match between stupid and shitty! Which will prevail: the need to be racially separate and superior, or the precious right of men to get laid at all costs?

8 years ago

I notice that their supposed biotruths and made up animal instincts are treated as something to defer to while also claiming they are superior because they have evolved beyond such things.

Which is it they want us to believe?

Robyn Blanpied
Robyn Blanpied
8 years ago

What’s below ‘beta male?’
Evolutionary dead end?

8 years ago


8 years ago

because they’re all going back

Never mind that some of them have ancestors that were here long before the ancestors of some of the white supremacists…people of color have as much right here as the rest of us…and how much right the rest of us have is, shall we say, somewhat questionable.

What if the Native Americans decided to ship the rest of us back where we came from? Seems fair enough to me (though as someone who’s ancestry is part Irish, part Swedish, and part English, I might find it uncomfortable to have parts of me sent back to different places, only one of which I’ve ever been to…and I can’t live there, because I hate when my beer is warm).

8 years ago

Women’s eggs are infinitely more valuable than men’s sperm.

I see your Liquid Fucking Gold and raise you a Diamond Encrusted Platinum Ovum. Cool?

Good. Now you can stop whining about women choosing who they sleep with or have kids with. After all, our reproductive cells are infinitely more valuable than yours, according to your own statement.

Argle Bargle (formerly Carr)
Argle Bargle (formerly Carr)
8 years ago

I don’t know what to say, really. That was just disgusting.

But I don’t get these people in general. They think of themselves as the smartest, most intelligent, most civilized people in the world. They see themselves as more than those filthy animal people who aren’t white (monkey children, really?!). And at the same time, they constantly rest on their own animalistic nature when advocating for certain things.

Oh, it’s perfectly normal I want to punch non-white people, it’s just my nature. And I clearly can’t control it.
Oh, I’m an ass to women, but it’s just my nature to be aggressive and rough, I can’t help it.

You can’t claim to be the best and the brightest while having the impulse control of a rather grumpy ferret. You’re either like a wild animal or you’re a rational and ”civilized” person. And you most certainly can’t complain about other people being animals, while you yourself think it’s peachy to act like one.

8 years ago

(For anyone who doesn’t have Diamond Encrusted Platinum Ovums, you can purchase a rather cute looking plush version instead).

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