alt-right anti-Semitism attention seeking crackpottery empathy deficit entitled babies evil SJWs literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever pandering racism vox day

Vox Day declares Nazism “semiotically useful,” specifies which kind of Jew is ok to him

Theodore Beale: The finest flower of Western Civilzation?
Theodore Beale: The finest flower of Western Civilization?

Racism can be so confusing!

Consider the case of everyone’s favorite racist dickhead fantasy author, Theodore “Vox Day” Beale. Ever since he discovered, two years ago, that his DNA contained enough Native American blood “to qualify for membership in most Indian tribes,” Beale has been using these DNA results to do a sort of end-run around accusations of racism.

How can he be a racist, much less a white supremacist, if he’s technically a “Person of Color,”  specifically “a real Indian, complete with tribe, reservation, casino, and language” (that he of course does not speak). It’s a “gotcha” he loves to pull out every time someone points to any of the incredibly racist things he’s said over the years.

Now this little rhetorical gambit of his is starting to backfire. Turns out Beale’s identification of himself as a “Native American” isn’t exactly endearing him to the hardcore white supremacists of the Alt Right.

And so Beale, who very much wants to be not only a member but a big name in the Alt-Right club, has decided to invent a whole new category of Alt Right for people like him. Or perhaps just him.

In a blog post today, Beale divides the Alt Right into three groups: The Alt-White, the Alt-Lite, and the Alt-West. The Alt-White consists of the unrepentantly white supremacist Daily Stormer crowd. The Alt-Lite is made up of Pepe-posting anime Nazis who, in his mind, don’t really count as serious Alt-Rightists at all.

And then there is the Alt-West, which consists, as far as I can tell, of no one but Beale himself.

Beale tries to explain the details of this particular sorting system, but his efforts really only serve to muddy things further.

Alt-White is for whites only. Alt-West is pan-racial and pan-national, which should not be confused with being multicultural or equalitarian or pro-diversity in the egalitarian sense.

Beale is the only “pan-racialist” I’ve ever run across who not only rails against white women dating black men, but who actually went so far as to mock a “coal burning” white woman who was recently murdered by her black boyfriend. Beale’s take? “Burn de coal, pay de toll.”

Alt-White is primarily concerned with white nationalism, and secondarily concerned with European nationalisms. … While the Alt-West supports white nationalism, that is not its sole concern, as it supports all nationalism, European or otherwise.

Distinction without a difference.

Alt-White is neutral to hostile on Christianity. Alt-West is strongly pro-Christian, as it believes Christianity to be one of the three pillars of Western Civilization aka the historical Christendom.

But don’t worry, aspiring Alt-Westerners! You don’t actually have to do more than pay a vague lip-service to the idea of Christianity!

Pro-Christian includes, but does not require, actually being a Christian.

And then comes what the Nazi types like to call the Jewish Question.

Alt-White is hostile to very hostile to all Jews everywhere. Alt-West is friendly to Israeli Jews while hostile to globalist Jews and anti-nationalist Jews.

So Beale is fine with Jews just so long as they don’t live in his neighborhood. Or his country. Or indeed any country other than Israel.

But perhaps the most revealing bit is Beale’s take on literal Hitler and the literal Nazis.

Alt-White has a romantic view of National Socialism. Alt-West regards it as a suicidally stupid but semiotically useful form of German nationalism.

Er, what?

So Beale’s main criticism of the Nazis is that … they were kind of stupid for invading Russia and dooming themselves to defeat? But, hey, they had the coolest logo?

Aside from these little differences, Beale assures any Alt-Whities reading his post that

Alt-White and Alt-West are largely in accord. … [W]ith the possible exception of Christianity in the long term, there is very little reason for conflict between Alt-White and Alt-West … .

Also, white people are totally awesome!

There are much bigger battles ahead than settling the question of whether Christianity is a necessary component of Western Civilization or not. Because we know the white race is absolutely a necessary component of it, and that is why, whether one is inclined towards the Alt-White or the Alt-West, every member of the Alt-Right who values both whites and the West has immediate and mid-range objectives remain exactly the same.

Mighty white of you, Ted. Mighty white of you.

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8 years ago

Is it possible… and this is the closest I’ll come to being fair to the little pissboil… that by “to qualify for membership in most Indian tribes”, he means he has enough heritage in one nation that he could be considered a member, even if they were to apply the stricter standards of another nation? That only a minority of nations would demand even more heritage than he claims to have as grounds for membership?

…probably not, because that would be sensible, but I figured I’d consider all possibilities.

Patricia Kayden
Patricia Kayden
8 years ago

Day’s influence appears to be very small. Twice in a row, his Rabid Puppy nonsense has been soundly defeated. His alt-what not foolishness is just “meh” at this point. It must be scary for someone who fancies himself as an intellectual to realize just how irrelevant he really is.

8 years ago


Yes, in fact one of the fellows that was in a lot of CH videos (I don’t know his name, Pat something?) I saw is now a staff writer/doing bits on Samantha Bee which is pretty esjaydubya. So good for that guy, and hopefully more will follow! MUAHAHAHA (evil SJW laugh).

Edit: I looked him up his name is Pat Cassels ( yes I remembered his first name!)

8 years ago

1. Profit from and strengthen white supremacy
2. Claim to not be white

Pick one, Vox, you racist smelly poop.

8 years ago


he means he has enough heritage in one nation that he could be considered a member

I think he possibly does mean it that way, but his phrasing was bad and made him sound ignorant so personally I am going to mock him regardless of his intentions. 🙂 I also am willing to bet he hasn’t done the research to even prove the statement (we think) he’s making.

Princess Buttercup
Princess Buttercup
8 years ago

And without an ounce of irony, Vox Day uses his Native American heritage as a shield.


So much for #notyourshield.

Eventually, anti-feminists, MRAs, alt-righters, etc. always attempt to appropriate the language of social justice, memes, analogies etc. they criticized and condemned when used by “SJWs”.

The same people retweeting Donald Trump Jr.’s bowl of skittles analogy regarding Syrian refugees, rage-stroked when feminist groups used it to explain the hyper-vigilance, distrust, uncertainty or fear of sexual assault women and girls live with daily.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

I am shocked–shocked, I tell you–at Vox Day’s latest attempt at constructing a new blanket fort of words to hide in.

8 years ago

I can’t get past “Alt-lite”. It’s the lite version of the regular alternative… to… um.

Yes I get that it rhymes with “alt-right” and it rounds out the trio and that’s “cute” or whatever but come on.

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

Alt-White is for whites only. Alt-West is pan-racial and pan-national, which should not be confused with being multicultural or equalitarian or pro-diversity in the egalitarian sense.

comment image

Second of all, you can be racist and be a person of color.

Yep, which if he is PoC, he is, in fact, being racist fuckwit and having Native American ancestry doesn’t change that.

his DNA contained enough Native American blood “to qualify for membership in most Indian tribes,”

Yeah, no, that’s not how it works at all.

I think for Cherokee and Choctaw, you must prove that you have an ancestor on the Dawes Roll, and then it has to go through some bureaucracy and approved by elders before you get the okay to join the tribe.

(It’s something I’ve been contemplating on doing but, IDK. I don’t know if I have the right to do that when I was raised, uh, white, for a lack of better phrasing. But that’s neither here nor there.)

I’m Native American. And not in the Fauxcahontas manner either. We’re talking about enough to qualify for membership in most Indian tribes. And, as it happens, more than enough to qualify for the relevant one.

What the fuck is the relevant one? That makes no sense.

But, also, look at this thing I’m working on.

Love my trash children, and validate me.

8 years ago

I? What? WTF is Vox even talking about??

8 years ago


No manospherean would be caught dead drinking diet fascism. They’ll have to rebrand it. Something like Right-Edge or XTRAlt.

8 years ago

@Lady M,

He’s definately antediluvian, and he’s so prolix it’s giving me the fantods!

8 years ago

Okay, yeah, I think that fits my interpretation – that he thinks his claim of heritage is strong enough to meet almost any nation’s requirements, including the one he claims to be descended from.

Personally, I’m having a pleasant daydream of him receiving a form “thank you for your application; unfortunately, we are not hiring at this time” letter. That’s prooooobably not how it works, but I can dream.

Austin G Loomis
8 years ago

It’s a “gotcha” he loves to pull out every time someone points to any of the incredibly racist things he’s said over the years.

I’m reminded of Manchester Black, the Jenny Sparks/Warren Ellis parody from Joe Casey’s Superman comic “What’s So Funny about Truth, Justice and the American Way?” (and its animated adaptation Superman vs. the Elite). In the original comic, ol’chester had a habit of saying incredibly bigoted things and then insisting “I can say that. I’m one-fifteenth [whatever ethnicity, nationality or religious background he just insulted].”

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Fuck. Shouldn’t have assumed. Sorry… just in general. My bullying was never that bad, let alone from a friend. My friends could be cruel sometimes (Haha, you’re poor, ugly, etc), but they never woulda… Can’t even imagine. Words are starting to fail me, so I’ll leave it there. Sorry

@Princess Buttercup

The same people retweeting Donald Trump Jr.’s bowl of skittles analogy regarding Syrian refugees, rage-stroked when feminist groups used it to explain the hyper-vigilance, distrust, uncertainty or fear of sexual assault women and girls live with daily

Aaargh!!! *throws something cheap*
TW: domestic violence
Listen, misogynassholes! Nobody is tryna bar men from entering the country. No presidential candidate has advocated profiling men. No laws have been passed making Masculine Law illegal. Women (and really anyone not a straight cisgender guy) are sometimes a bit apprehensive about random dudes, cos random dudes (and not so random dudes) are, far too often, a legitimate hazard to their health and safety

Story recently (seriously not fuckin around with that TW. Even if you’re just a bit squeamish), where a guy, rather brutally, tried to kill his wife, cos (1)he was drunk, (2)he thought she was lookin at other guys funny, and (3)other people dared bruise his pride. Almost managed it btw. But #notallmen, cos your victimhood complex is more important than some basic fuckin empathy ?

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

Personally, I’m having a pleasant daydream of him receiving a form “thank you for your application; unfortunately, we are not hiring at this time” letter. That’s prooooobably not how it works, but I can dream.

I’m pretty sure that could happen, if he could even get that far. I mean, you apply and then they send you a card or whatever.




That’s all.

8 years ago

I bet infinity billion dollars right now that Vox’s plan won’t work, because it turns out racist shitheads are in fact just racist shitheads.

8 years ago

I bet more on the fact that he vastly overestimates his influence on the alt right.

8 years ago

@Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
I’ve been quite pleased with the direction College Humor has taken. I’ve been really enjoying the “Adam Ruins Everything” series. They even have a video about misconceptions about hymens (and sex)! Unfortunately, some of their fanbase do epitomizes what you might imagine of fans of “Reddit in video form.” In the comment section of “Why Weddings Are a Total Ripoff,” a commenter hoped that Adam would do videos debunking SJWs, feminism, and BLM. I just shook my head at that.

8 years ago

I didn’t know what on Earth Vox Day could mean by “semiotically useful,” so I looked it up, as you do. Wiktionary says that semiotic has a dated definition meaning “of or relating to the signs or symptoms of diseases,” which I think is fitting.

8 years ago

Should someone write that tribe and let them know this creepy asshole is claiming to be a member? They might want to respond to that claim.

8 years ago

So wait…he claims what now?
That’s not…
He can’t just think he can…
Does. Not. Fempute.

I will never stop being astonished by how divorced from reality truly dedicated bigots really are.

Schnookums Von Fancypants, Social Justice Wario
Schnookums Von Fancypants, Social Justice Wario
8 years ago

Soooooo…his sooper jenius plan to claim being totes an ethnic minority didn’t play well among the Fuehrer Fluffers? It’s almost like his claim to being an Aristotlean 7th Dimensional Tiddlywinks Master isn’t true or something.

But now Chuck Tingle has new material to take inspiration from!


Pounded in my Butt by my Non-white DNA?

Pounded in my Butt by my complete lack of self-awareness?

Pounded in my Butt by the Neo-Nazis, but not, like, in a gay interracial way?

8 years ago

Alt-West is pan-racial and pan-national, which should not be confused with being multicultural or equalitarian or pro-diversity in the egalitarian sense

I think that this means that people who aren’t white or christian would be allowed to live in the ‘West’ as long as they don’t act like they’re as good as white christians. So, totes different from the fascists who want to exile or kill the folks they don’t approve of.