mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW reddit vaginas

MGTOW: Keep women out of combat because they’re easily captured while on their periods

Women having their periods are easy to locate due to white shorts, big smiles
Women having their periods are easy to locate due to white shorts, big smiles

If a recent conversation on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit is any indication, MGTOWs remain baffled by and terrified of the human vagina.

In the midst of one of that subreddit’s typically dreadful discussions, the subject of women in the military comes up. One Reddit MGTOW lets it be known that he “f**king hope[s] women get drafted some day.”

One of his comrades steps in to MGTOWsplain just why he thinks that would be a bad, bad thing:
Some_one498 1 point 13 hours ago I hope they don't. Women would just get in the way which would cause more casualties. A woman wouldn't be able to carry a dying member away from danger. Depending on where they are their monthly cycles would cause the enemy to be able to catch them easier. So many reasons for women not to be in combat roles. It just doesn't make sense

So … how would that work, exactly?

Either Some_one498 thinks that

  1. Our enemies have secret squads of vagina-sniffing dogs that can detect the scent of menstrual blood from miles away, or
  2. Women are so incapacitated by the monthly visit from Aunt Flo that they’ll just lie there and let enemy soldiers capture them

I made Some_one498’s quote into a meme using a still from the Goldie Hawn comedy Private Benjamin, but somehow I don’t think it’s going to catch on.


tl;dr: Vaginas are scary!

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8 years ago

David Futrelle is not a human; he is in fact a human suit worn over a reptilian suit that is itself worn over a dog-house which houses a dalmatian suit that is presently being worn by a gerbil with a perennially undigested peanut in its stomach.

I thought it was agreed that David was ferrets (or was it cats?) in a human suit.

Besides the whole strawmanning, if people don’t want to hear/read about periods, they should not go into comment sections of articles on periods (um, duh?); they can stick to the rest of the internet not about periods. Also, periods aren’t any more gross than other bodily functions. Sex, pooping, giving birth, digesting food, sneezing: all pretty gross when you think about it. Biological organisms are just inherently gross with our fluids and excretions (I mean stuff goes in to the body, it’s bound to come back out). I think that people *should* talk more about these gross things because then that would mean we’d understand our bodies better.

8 years ago

I’d say menstruation is considerably less gross to discuss than poop, but maybe I’m just a poop prude. A prood, if you will.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


Also, periods aren’t any more gross than other bodily functions

But, ya see, their problem isn’t that it’s gross. It’s gross, and it involves their penes. Vaginae only exist to stick their appendages into, dontchaknow. What actually gives em nightmares is going in pink and pulling out red. That’s not how (mainstream) porn works, so it’s aberrant devilry. Deathly afraid of catching sanguine cooties from having sex with someone who’s menstruating. Probably also think that vagina owners actively chase after dudes during their period for the express purpose of infecting them. Turn em into vagpires. Or worse, betas! Would explain why they stick around instead of go their own way. Secret society of vagpire hunters!

8 years ago

FWIW, I’m not convinced that Miggy has any illness besides chronic rectocranial inversion.

Aunt Podger
Aunt Podger
8 years ago

I used the Diva cup for a couple of months. I stopped because I (apparently) have a weirdly-shaped cervix, and it would not only make a noise like a plunger when I removed it, it would leave a forensics-quality spray on the walls… LOVE the Softcups, though. I read recently that women should expect to use about 10 tampons in a normal workday, and I wondered if “normal” women know how lucky they are…

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

10 tampons during a workday? I use about 10 tampons for my whole period. That reminds me. I’m out of tampons and starting PMS. Hopefully it holds off until the weekend which is when I normally do my shopping.

Yes, Miggs. Troll here this weekend with a new sock and I’ll be like

Is this the perfect image of what a MGTOW thinks a female soldier looks like, or what?

8 years ago

Best. Gif. Ever.

8 years ago

what you don’t have a right to is an audience

I love that he says this after you showed him the door.

But sure, complain as though you’re a captive audience while you’re repeatedly kicked out.

I can’t think of a more MGTOW thing to do, actually.

8 years ago

No joke, the first time I wore a cup I was SOBBING because I could not reach high enough to retrieve it and I thought it was gonna be stuck in me forever. I actually got some pliers to get it out. Spoiler: pliers don’t work. Apparently pretending you’re giving birth does. And maybe whale songs? It’s always a messy process, but if it means I don’t have to change tampons every two hours, I’m all for it. It was great when my medication screwed up my period and I had it light for like two weeks because it meant I didn’t have to buy boxes of tampons. I mostly forgot it was in there. As a total cheapskate, I like it just for the fact that I only have to buy one, even if it’s not always a water-tight seal. They are not easy to use from the get-go though. It definitely takes some practice to figure them out.

Also, I hope I have properly grossed out any MGTOW lurkers with my very boring description of silicone in one’s vagina and the trials of trying to remove it.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

I’m so glad to have found others who’ve had trouble with the cups. So many people rave about them and I was wondering what I was missing. Tampons4lyfe.

8 years ago

@These Migtoes Are Boring!

Oh for fuck’s sake, do you people have no dignity whatsoever?

Item: Dignity and talking about menstruation (even explicitly and in hilarious and/or gross terms!) are not mutually exclusive.

Where do you get off talking about something as odious and distasteful as your periods?

Right here. Duh.

Does it ever occur to you that the reason that nobody wants to hear about your fucking periods is not because they hate you and want to oppress you, but because your periods, however “natural” they may be, are nauseating?

No, it doesn’t. I tend to get this “ewww, girl body part functions ICKY!” shit only from indecent, oppressive fucking dickwankers and humor-deficient, irony-ignoring cockwombles like yourself. Men who get it, on the other hand, tend to be rather cool with all this. We even have a few of them commenting right here on this very thread!

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What is it with feminists thinking that people asking women to exhibit basic decency is some kind of systemic oppression?

Because your idea of “basic decency” is laughable, repressive, and on a par with Der Drumpf thinking his third trophy wife doesn’t fart or shit when she most certainly DOES, just not around him because he’s too delicate a manflower to handle the fact that WOMEN HAVE BODILY FUNCTIONS? Just a random guess.

I have Crohn’s disease, and you don’t hear me walking around blathering about all that I go through.

Oh yes, we do. You just did. And thanks a bunch for that, not that anybody seriously cares.

Do you know why? Because it’s fucking disgusting to most people, and as a person whose parents have succeeded in instilling basic modesty into them, I know better than to walk around and air my grievances in detail.

And yet, here you are, doing just that. Did your parents never instill in you any awareness of irony?

BTW, I have irritable bowel syndrome, and one of the things that happens during my period, besides overall exhaustion due to horrendous cramps and a metric fuck-tonne of bleeding, is that I get hellacious diarrhea. Right on the heaviest two days of my period, no less. Thankfully, it’s not the bloody kind, otherwise I might not be here to laugh at you.

I don’t care if you think you have the right to discuss your magical tomato soup disasters, what you don’t have a right to is an audience that doesn’t find you repellant and unprincipled for talking about something so personal in public.

If you don’t want to read about such testicle-shrinking things, don’t fucking come here. See how easy that is? Your delicate widdle manfeefees would be totally, 100% spared if you just used that thing on top of your neck for something besides a toilet brush!

Quit acting like you’re oppressed because people expect basic decency from you, you ketchup-spewing heathens.

Oh, shoo, troll, you.

[flings saturated week-old tampons and full-to-overflowing Diva Cups at the cockwomble]

8 years ago


FWIW, I’m not convinced that Miggy has any illness besides chronic rectocranial inversion.

That makes two of us. I tend to disbelieve anything trolls claim about themselves (other than pat admissions that they are assholes, of course). The “don’t I get some sympathy?” derailment ploy is something I’ve seen so many times, it doesn’t work on me anymore.

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

Oh for fuck’s sake, do you people have no dignity whatsoever? Where do you get off talking about something as odious and distasteful as your periods?

You…came here. You didn’t need to read stuff. What are you gonna do next? Go troll a preteen health forum or WebMD for talking about periods, too? Grow up.

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magical tomato soup disasters

you ketchup-spewing heathens

These parts are funny as fuck, though.

8 years ago

My euphemism of choice is usually “My monthly subscription to satan’s waterfall has arrived”, because it aptly describes my absolute loathing for my period and the problems it causes me.

Though, yeah, usually I’ll just use the word “period”.

8 years ago

Nepal, some regions in India, and some in various African countries do continue to have women go to ‘menstrual huts’ in the present day.


As for period talk, this week I had to buy a different brand of tampon than I usually use due to not being able to find the one I prefer in the needed absorbency until today (I guess when the stock arrived and they got it onto shelves?) and the stand-in brand – a major brand that I’m assuming many women use due to how much shelf space it gets in every store that sells such products – resulted in the first leak I’ve had in YEARS. I hate that stand-in brand, SO much, but at least now I’ve stocked up on the one I like so hopefully won’t have to deal with the problem of needing to buy a second choice for quite some time. It’s difficult to find ‘my’ brand in all absorbency levels the manufacturer makes, some stores don’t even stock the brand at all and I live in the greater Los Angeles/Orange county region. I wish there were more that didn’t have applicators, but judging by the performance of the stand-in brand, I don’t think ditching the applicators would improve that particular brand’s product.

8 years ago

Oh and guess what absorbency I didn’t need by the time I was able to find it at a store? 😛 But I’ll be good for the next few months at least!

occasional reader
occasional reader
8 years ago


Where do you get off talking about something as odious and distasteful as your periods?

Yeah. It is better to talk about that fabulous, absolutely clean, not odorous, and with the taste of rainbow, that is your seminal expulsion. Moreover ! It is often white, which allows you to be “white power jusqu’au bout” ! (Arh arh ! … Uh, i have to stop with french disgusting inuendos…)
On other words : splashing zombis with guts and blood everywhere is ok ! Speaking (without even a picture of it) of a natural process involving (quite pure) blood of women is horrible !
Your paradigm is so eldritchly twisted that you can not even get an Escherian representation of it.

Have a nice day.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

Where do you get off talking about something as odious and distasteful as your periods?

I don’t see what’s so off-putting about a few drops of pale blue liquid anyway.

8 years ago

Not having had time to go through the whole thread I’m wondering if anyone has mentioned that monthly menstruation may not actually be a necessity. There is quite a long article “The Atlantic” published just over a year ago Women Don’t Need to Have Periods by Alana Massey.

Back in 2008 my Best Beloved began using desogestrel which has eliminated her periods ever since. Of course we wondered if this was healthy but a bit of checking indicated that amenorrhea is, historically the norm not the exception. There is a long article from 2006 Scienceblogs Pure Pedantry by NotoriousLTP Do Women Need to Have Periods? saying much the same thing that quotes a Lancet essay (March 2000) by Thomas and Ellertson Nuisance or Natural.

A (very) relevant quote follows

Monthly menstruation for decades on end is not the historical norm. Women in prehistoric times, as estimated by research among contemporary hunter-gathered populations, probably had far fewer periods (about 160 ovulations over their lifetime) than modern women. Our foremothers most likely experienced later menarche (around 16 years of age), earlier first births (19.5 years), frequent pregnancies (on average six livebirths), and long periods of breastfeeding between pregnancies, with births at intervals of 3 years. By contrast, the modern woman living in an industrialised country begins menstruating earlier (on average 12.5 years of age for American girls), first gives birth later (24 years), has fewer pregnancies (two or three), scarcely breastfeeds (3 months per birth, with half of American infants never breastfed at all), and undergoes menopause later. She can expect about 450 periods in her life. Current menstrual patterns are in this sense new and unproven as to their health effects.

Furthermore, there is plenty of modern evidence that amenorrhoea is often healthier than the alternative. If a woman is not menstruating, she is probably also avoiding the sharp changes in hormone levels that regulate this bleeding. Measures to eliminate these fluctuations may help some women to avoid those mood and personality changes of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) that do not stem from problems with the receptors for these hormones. In addition, diseases directly caused by menstruation such as endometriosis would improve; and catamenial conditions (such as epilepsy and arthritis) would not worsen cyclically. Frequent ovulation and menses also contribute to anaemia, some reproductive cancers and heart disease, as well as other health threats. Anaemia in turn has been shown to hinder learning; similarly endometriosis causes great discomfort, contributing to painful intercourse and infertility among other conditions.

8 years ago

A couple of weeks ago I was at the doctor. They asked when my last period was, and I was quite happy to say “I have no idea.” The person talking to me was smart enough to ask if I was having regular periods anymore, and again I was happy to say “no”. What’s the appropriate euphemism for menopause? The Soviet Union has broken up?
For most of my menstruating career I did not have bad cramps, but there was one period, er, well, maybe not the best word there – let’s say there was one stretch of a few years when it wasn’t so much that I got cramps during my periods, but that everything in the lower abdomen seized up, like one giant and continuous muscle cramp for days. Sitting was painful. Walking was painful. Sex was painful without heavy-duty naproxen, which got things down to the level of muscle soreness after a good workout.
As for ketchup or tomato soup, I think currant jelly is a more-accurate description, though only for the bright-red days. Melted jelly for the liquid stuff, plain for the clots.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ ledasmom

What’s the appropriate euphemism for menopause? The Soviet Union has broken up?


epitome of incomprehensibility

Hi again. I’m sorry if my comment yesterday overlooked people’s experiences with bad PMS/period pains. I guess my problems with them are kind of middling – not easy, but not too terrible either – and I generalized without thinking.

@occasional reader – I love this sentence:

Your paradigm is so eldritchly twisted that you can not even get an Escherian representation of it.


@Playonwords – It’s interesting, but I’m a bit skeptical of this sentence you quoted: “there is plenty of modern evidence that amenorrhoea is often healthier than the alternative”. It’s hard to say amenorrhea is itself good or bad – it depends on the cause. Someone can stop having periods due to harmful things like malnutrition, or due to harmless (or beneficial) hormone changes.

But you’d probably need a person with actual medical knowledge to weigh in, not a random English-tutor type like me.

epitome of incomprehensibility

@Playonwords – Just wanted to add that I read the Atlanta Monthly article and I think the writer has a great point. There’s nothing weird or wrong about using contraceptives to prevent (or lighten) periods, just like there’s nothing shameful about having the periods in the first place.

I guess some of the second thing quoted was setting off “bad science” alarms for me, but again I’m not the expert!

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Bina | September 21, 2016 at 10:44 pm

FWIW, I’m not convinced that Miggy has any illness besides chronic rectocranial inversion.

That makes two of us. I tend to disbelieve anything trolls claim about themselves (other than pat admissions that they are assholes, of course). The “don’t I get some sympathy?” derailment ploy is something I’ve seen so many times, it doesn’t work on me anymore.

I like to call their bluff. At best, they’ll clam up once they realize they don’t know what they’re talking about (or even better, they’ll completely stick their fucking foot in it when they attempt to sound like they know what they’re talking about while they quote Wikipedia), at worst, they’ll get a little sympathy and maybe tone down their Butthole Levels.

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Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
8 years ago

@sunnysombrera 🙂 Horror movies not being a big thrill for me, I missed that one.

@Ledasmom I’m still waiting for mine to kick in. All perimenopause has done so far is make the pre-period spotting last up to a week (instead of one day). Like my periods weren’t already long enough. 😛