mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW reddit vaginas

MGTOW: Keep women out of combat because they’re easily captured while on their periods

Women having their periods are easy to locate due to white shorts, big smiles
Women having their periods are easy to locate due to white shorts, big smiles

If a recent conversation on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit is any indication, MGTOWs remain baffled by and terrified of the human vagina.

In the midst of one of that subreddit’s typically dreadful discussions, the subject of women in the military comes up. One Reddit MGTOW lets it be known that he “f**king hope[s] women get drafted some day.”

One of his comrades steps in to MGTOWsplain just why he thinks that would be a bad, bad thing:
Some_one498 1 point 13 hours ago I hope they don't. Women would just get in the way which would cause more casualties. A woman wouldn't be able to carry a dying member away from danger. Depending on where they are their monthly cycles would cause the enemy to be able to catch them easier. So many reasons for women not to be in combat roles. It just doesn't make sense

So … how would that work, exactly?

Either Some_one498 thinks that

  1. Our enemies have secret squads of vagina-sniffing dogs that can detect the scent of menstrual blood from miles away, or
  2. Women are so incapacitated by the monthly visit from Aunt Flo that they’ll just lie there and let enemy soldiers capture them

I made Some_one498’s quote into a meme using a still from the Goldie Hawn comedy Private Benjamin, but somehow I don’t think it’s going to catch on.


tl;dr: Vaginas are scary!

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8 years ago

*Reads back through the rest of the thread*
Oh, heavens! @Kat is right! I’ve gone and upset poor little miggy by talking about my menses! Someone get the hard-seated fainting couch!

Edit: found an appropriate image:

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

@snorkmaiden *perimenopause fist bump* The hot flashes I can deal with, but the insomnia, fatigue, and brain fog are awful. Some days I feel like a stranger to myself. It’s like puberty in reverse. Nobody warns you adequately about it, and doctors just shrug it off as “natural”. I’m glad women are starting to be more open about their experiences. Hope your transition is going smoothly.

As for JinkyZoinks, I would bet that, in a combat situation, he would be captured long before any women, what with the standing around loudly complaining and not actually going his own way.

Penny Psmith
Penny Psmith
8 years ago

Oh heeeey, speaking of casual, NBD mentions of periods, what a perfect chance to plug another cool thing made by someone I know…

Leigh Lahav, known on YouTube as OnlyLeigh, is making an animated show called Belle & Tina are Time Travelers (as you might gather, it’s about two ladies who travel in time), and the first and so far only episode has mentions like that – like “just a moment, I’m just gonna go put in a tampon” sort of stuff. It’s great. Also great for other reasons. Check it out!

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Ooh! You know Leigh!? You’re just fulla cool ain’t ya?
Saw her ‘stages of watching’ vids and a few others. I’ll check out the Time Ladies, thanks 😀

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

… did someone call me? I coulda sworn that someone called me here, it’s –

– oh, okay.

Hey, @Mig, or @Zoinks, or whatever you’d like to be called now. Know why you think it’s gross? ‘Cause you’ve been brought up to think that lady-things are gross. Eeeew, lady-things! Maybe that’s a part of your upbringing you need to shed, like a uterine lining. Painful but important for your health!

Also, notice that it’s not something we all talk about here every day, just when it’s brought up. Which it was, by the original topic of this post. So don’t be all “ladies are so uncultured these days, talkin about their gross lady-things all the time!” Stop bein such a snob!

And get better insults! Stringing together torn-out thesaurus pages isn’t impressive! I could write a markov bot that could make your insults all day every day! Like, this thing does a better job than you could hope to, you shameless clay-brained nut-hook!


Penny Psmith
Penny Psmith
8 years ago

I… sorta know her. She’s a friend-of-friends, and part of the Israeli geek community (which is relatively small and tightknit; it also, by the way, has a whole lot of women, including all the latest managers of the SciFi&Fantasy Society, and a large percentage of the writers, which is really awesome) so I’ve seen her at cons and such, and we’ve occasionally talked on Facebook comments, but I can’t honestly say I know know her.

But I sorta do, and that is super cool. I totally fangirl about it sometimes.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

Im’a fangirl about knowing Penny pretty soon. You have all the connections! 😮

8 years ago

So our newest troll (or returning troll with a new name) thinks it is inappropriate for women to talk about their period in the comments sections of a article about women’s periods. OK then jinkies or what ever you’re calling yourself,what would be a appropriate subject of conversation for this thread?

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

Well, gosh, Fabe, nowhere, really. It’s a shameful shame thing that should never ever be discussed outside of humiliated whispers, far away from the noble ears of the men-folk. Anything else would just be uncivilized.

Penny Psmith
Penny Psmith
8 years ago

Im’a fangirl about knowing Penny pretty soon. You have all the connections! ?

Eeeeeee *blush*

Podkayne Lives (Hairless Marsupial Gutter Nun)
Podkayne Lives (Hairless Marsupial Gutter Nun)
8 years ago

I was profoundly irregular into my twenties, and had incredible cramps. Looking back, now, I’m shocked and annoyed that my parents and doctors just shrugged and advised Advil. When I was fifteen, I once got off a bus at the wrong stop to throw up from the pain.

When I was twenty-six I met my husband, and went on the pill for the first time, and everything resolved itself overnight. I was regular, and there was no pain at all. And when I went off the pill to get pregnant, my regular painless cycle persisted. We could have done this when I was thirteen! Why didn’t we?

Well, lesson learned, making notes for when my daughter is of an age to join Auntie Flo’s Mah-jong Circle.

Berdache from a previous life
Berdache from a previous life
8 years ago

There’s a wonderful story from anthropology about a male anthropologist visiting a group of First Nations people and and asking about this subject. The men replied, “Oh, during that time , women are unclean and are sent to a cabin away from the group for several days”

A few years later, a female anthropologist visited the same group and the women told her laughing ” It’s great, for several days a month, we get to go to river and lay around and relax.”

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ berdache

I must confess I’m not a fan of those apocryphal ‘just so’ type tales. They’re often used as a justification for the sort of keep women away attitudes we’re discussing here.

“It’s OK to exclude women because they enjoy it anyway”

I’ve heard exactly the same theme in a ‘joke’ about male only golf clubs. Women like it because it gets the men from under their feet etc.

8 years ago

Not because I object to talking about periods (although, being post-menopausal now, I have nothing interesting to contribute), but this is what the MGTOW headline reminded me of:

Berdache from a previous life
Berdache from a previous life
8 years ago

@ Alan Robertson.

Don’t think it’s apocryphal, I read it in a textbook with actual references for the anthropologists. Been many years since I read it, I could certainly be mis-remembering an anthropological urban legend as fact.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ berdache

With anything like this I’m always reminded of the Gary Larson cartoon.

“Anthropologists! Quick, hide the VCR!”

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Oh boy, chew toy!

These Jinkies are Zoinked | September 21, 2016 at 12:05 am
Oh for fuck’s sake, do you people have no dignity whatsoever?

I have more dignity in my pinky toe than some troll slinking back in here under a different name trying to manufacture moral outrage over people having a discussion (that no one is forcing you to participate in) over a natural bodily process they find “nauseating”.

Boo hoo.

Where do you get off talking about something as odious and distasteful as your periods?

Well, I can’t speak for everyone, but for me periods aren’t a sexual thing, so I don’t actually get off talking about them.

I do have to admit though, while it’s not sexual, I do get a delicious bit of satisfaction from you coming in here and being all indignant. It’s adorable how you think you’re justified enough to come in here and have a shout.

Does it ever occur to you that the reason that nobody wants to hear about your fucking periods is not because they hate you and want to oppress you, but because your periods, however “natural” they may be, are nauseating?

I don’t think anyone here said that the reason people don’t like hearing us vagina-havers talk about our periods is “hate and oppression”, but rather, I dare say it’s from ignorance.

We’re not taught a lot about the anatomy of the vagina in schools (or at all), or if we are, it’s usually some archaic misinformation, or the bare minimum to please the government standards. Most of the time, women (and other people with vaginas) are taught, much like you’ve demonstrated, that vaginas are just gross and our biology is unmentionable because it’s not “polite” to talk about it (and yet cis men will still sexually objectify the fuck out of us and talk about how they want to put their penis in said vagina that they refuse to understand or know how it works. Figure that shit out, because I certainly can’t.)

And it’s only natural that we fear and are “disgusted” by things we don’t understand.

So, to do my part to help alleviate your “nausea”, I’m talking about periods with my fellow vagina-owners, thus helping to destigmatize the period and make this a place where we can feel comfortable talking about it.

What is it with feminists thinking that people asking women to exhibit basic decency is some kind of systemic oppression?

No one here said that. You’re strawmanning again.

I have Crohn’s disease, and you don’t hear me walking around blathering about all that I go through. Do you know why? Because it’s fucking disgusting to most people, and as a person whose parents have succeeded in instilling basic modesty into them, I know better than to walk around and air my grievances in detail.

I’m very sorry for your condition, but we’d actually be more than okay with you venting/talking/whatever about it (when you come back with a different name that is).

We’d be more than willing to give you a platform here for talking about your experiences with your disease.

However, we don’t “walk around” and “air [our] grievances in detail”, we’re doing it in a fucking comments section, and only where the topic is periods.

You’re coming into a comments section, where the title included the word “periods”, and getting mad that people are talking about periods.

What’s next, are you going to walk into a McDonalds, and get mad that people are eating hamburgers?

We’re not walking around and shouting to the world exactly what our periods entail, are we? For fuck’s sake, stop being hysterical about people with vaginas are talking about their periods. You’re exaggerating.

I don’t care if you think you have the right to discuss your magical tomato soup disasters,

We do have the right to discuss our magical tomato soup disasters, thankyouverymuch.

This is David’s site, and no where in the comments policy does it say that we can’t talk about our periods. We are perfectly within the rules to discuss whatever we want as long as we follow the comments policy.

And considering we haven’t been given a warning by David, and we haven’t been banned (tee hee), I’m going to assume that he’s okay with us talking about it.

This website is also based in the United States, and the United States has Freedom of Speech. I have the freedom to talk about my period, and you have the freedom to fuck off if it bothers you.

what you don’t have a right to is an audience that doesn’t find you repellant and unprincipled for talking about something so personal in public.

No one said we wanted a fucking audience, broseph. We were having a discussion amongst ourselves about experiences we face, in the comments section of an article that’s about periods.

This might be a “public” comments section, but you also have the rest of the blog, or, hell, the rest of the internet to go be a hysterical asshole on. You have the means to go elsewhere or to not comment if you don’t like what’s being discussed.

You don’t walk up to people who are having discussions amongst themselves in public meatspace and shout at them for discussing things you don’t like, do you?

Quit acting like you’re oppressed because people expect basic decency from you, you ketchup-spewing heathens.

Quit acting like you’re somehow morally superior because you expect people to toe your line of “basic decency” while you run around and be a rude little snot to everyone else because you walked into a comments section on an article about periods and got hysterical about people talking about periods, you nauseatingly rabid shitlip.

paul tidwell
paul tidwell
8 years ago

Which is it MGTOW? Women shouldn’t have voting rights because they don’t have to register for selective services or they shouldn’t serve in war? would it kill them to be consistent?

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

paul tidwell | September 21, 2016 at 12:24 pm
would it kill them to be consistent?

At this point, it very well may.

I don’t even think they actually know what “consistent” means anymore. They’ve re-written it in their heads with…whatever this form of “logic” is.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
8 years ago

@paul tidwell As someone mentioned in a previous post, they are consistent – with their hatred.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ Paradoxy

What’s next, are you going to walk into a McDonalds, and get mad that people are eating hamburgers?

If he wants to, I can introduce him to some vegans I know…

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

welp, try as I might, I couldn’t find any funny “tomato soup disaster” or “ketchup spewing heathen” pictures. WHTM is actually some of the top hits for that! So, that’s a tragedy. I did find a lot of food pictures, though, so now I’m hungry.

(Also, while those phrases are hilarious, I’d like to point out that ‘lol you have periods’ is perhaps not the most biting of insult, Miggy. And that you’d use it as an insult also pretty much proves our point. 😀 )

Austin G Loomis
8 years ago

Kudos to Shaenon for mentioning the ditches-and-infections quote! (I was just about to mention it myself when I decided to see if I’d been beaten to the punch.)

In reply to that mention, Tessa skrev:

I’m scared to ask what the heck is “reasoning” was.

Well, he went on to say that “On the other hand, men are basically little piglets, you drop them in the ditch, they roll around in it, doesn’t matter, you know.” To be fair, he did allow the possibility of women having a place in the military, say, on the bridge of an Aegis-class cruiser where “a female may be again dramatically better than a male who gets very, very frustrated sitting in a chair all the time because males are biologically driven to go out and hunt giraffes.”

(If anyone can give me a convincing reason why we should let this retrograde turnip live down his public displays of tertiary recto-basal ambiguity, I’ll do so. Until then, as long as the Gingrich Rules remain in effect, I for one will keep doing the job the Mouse Circus won’t of making Newt own his shit.)

Aunt Podger
Aunt Podger
8 years ago

My first instinct, when I read our antagonistic pre-convert with the penchant for Shakespeare-pastiche insult soliloquies, was to post those more graphic experiences and insights that I had been holding back out of consideration for those who might actually feel a bit put off by it.

Then I realized that nothing about the troll’s reaction should dictate my consideration for others, and I did not.

As for the question, “have you no dignity?”, well, speaking of euphemisms, in my family, we used to use “dignity” as a euphemism for “buttocks.” Yes, poor awkward young man, I do have a dignity, and I pity those poor souls that don’t. I will be shaking to great music in a clot-dislodging dance in honor of all the fucks I do not give today, and for the full visual, I am dressed in a manner that would not be out-of-place on Margaret Dumont in an office-based Marx Brothers comedy, complete with pearls.

@Scildfreja Unnýðnes, I’m from Chicago. Perhaps “ketchup-spewing heathen” is somehow a reference to hot dogs?

8 years ago


Don’t think it’s apocryphal, I read it in a textbook with actual references for the anthropologists. Been many years since I read it, I could certainly be mis-remembering an anthropological urban legend as fact.

Given that when I heard that one it was an equally unspecified African tribe where it supposedly happened, I’m going with the urban legend. In my experience, pretty much anytime one comes across a story claiming that First Nations people did this or believe(d) that, it’s safe to assume that it’s garbage unless it specifies which nations have that belief or practice. (The same goes equally for stories about African, Polynesian etc. practices)


On a prior topic, I’ve been kicked in the pink sporran before. It was unpleasant but it wasn’t as bad as I expected: a really bad migraine hurts worse and for longer.

I think that’s another of those things that varies with the individual; I couldn’t stand up straight for a week.