alpha males beta males chad thundercock douchebaggery entitled babies irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA red pill reddit

Women won’t have sex with you if they know you’re a Red Pill douchebag, Red Pill douchebag warns

Women discovering that the dude hitting on them reads The Red Pill subreddit
Women discovering that the dude hitting on them reads The Red Pill subreddit

Apparently the first rule of Red Pill Club is to never talk about Red Pill Club in the vicinity of some hot babe you want to get with, because the chances are good that she already knows about Red Pill Club and if she finds out you’re a member of it she might start laughing at what a gigantic loser you are.

At least that seems to be the point of one dire warning I found on the front page of the Red Pill subreddit today.

Noting that “most women who frequently use the internet have at least a vague idea what [The Red Pill] is,” One_friendship_plz urged his fellow Red Pillers to never, ever let their Red Pillery “leak” in the presence of a woman because “it makes you come off as more pathetic than a beta.”

You don’t say.

And while a “genuine slut” won’t care how much of a pathetic woman-hating douchebag you are, he goes on to argue,

any half-brained woman knows about TRP. I would say an equal number of women know about the red pill as men, quit trying to come off as unique by spouting shit from here to women about how enlightened you are on the sexual dynamic.

I know a lot of men on here are bitter as f**k, but do not ever appear to be misogynistic to women if you’re trying to get laid.

Shocking, but true. Women tend not to like it when men they don’t know greet them in the club with a hearty “hey, genuine sluts!”

They will take your resources and still be your friend, but they will write you off from the “have sex” list.


For example, if you have manganese deposits in your backyard, don’t ever let her see that shit! Put a tarp over them, or something.

Now, One_friendship_plz doesn’t actually say anything about manganese, per se, but this is something I personally learned the hard way — when I caught a woman I thought was my girlfriend digging for manganese in my backyard with the help of none other than Chad Thundercock himself!

By the way, “digging for manganese in my backyard” isn’t some weird sexual euphemism. Though maybe it should be.

Anyway, back to One_friendship_plz and his stunning insights.

[H]undreds of thousands of women, easily millions know about PUA, MGTOW, TRP. They don’t understand our perspective but they … consciously stay away from anyone associated with this …

Women do not want to have sex with people who they think are from TRP, even if you’re not.. if it seems like you are, then they won’t f**k you. (Even if they’ll be your friend.)

The real takeaway from all this? If you’re going to be a douchebag, make sure you’re a douchebag to dudes as well.

Those douches you see who f**k women, treat everyone like shit & not women exclusively so they never leak off as misogynistic, which is why they still get laid.

Wisdom for the ages!

I made a card out of it. Well, tried to. The text was too long. Hopefully this captures the essence:


She is totally into him, obvs.

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Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ diptych

You’re not alone on the ‘film at eleven’ thing. I only found out the actual meaning recently. Because I was only famailiar with it from the Kentucky Fried Movie reference I though it just meant there was a movie coming up.

Sort of comment about bread and circuses.

“It’s the end of the world but never mind that, there’s a movie later”

8 years ago


I’ve found that if I share my manganese with women and am not creepy about it, they’ll share their tungsten with me. Am I manning wrong?

If a guy on Redditor or RoK could do that, he’d have a 15-step plan for the other guys to follow.

8 years ago

For years, feminists have been saying that women don’t want to fuck men who hate us. Red pillers and other misogynists keep assuring us that women do in fact, want to fuck misogynists because misogynists are totally alpha and evo psych says we can’t get enough of the alphas. They said that when we tell them we don’t like to fuck misogynists that we are too stupid and crazy to know what we actually want and that we are wrong about what we say we desire.

I’d say the reasoning is that misogyny harms a man’s chances but only because it implies bitterness and desperation (which isn’t alpha).

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

*warning for OT ramble about manganese stealing*

There’s a bit of a debate here (Cornwall) about whether the county still has its own legal system. It definitely used to; it even had its own government. The government was called the Stannary Parliament and the legal system was under the jurisdiction of the Stannary Courts. The parliament was definitely abolished. However when they closed the Stannary Courts all the legislation said was that the powers of the stannary courts shall be transferred to the regular county court; nothing about the laws themselves.

So why’s that relevant to manganese stealing?

Well one thing that existed under Stannary Law was something called ‘tin bounding’. Tin was considered such a vital national resource that the law was that if someone had tin on their land that they declined to mine themselves then anyone else could go in and mine it. You put the landowner on notice of your intentions by marking out the relevant area with stones or turf (that was the ‘bounding’ bit). Then, if after a time, the landowner hadn’t started mining then you could go in and mine it yourself.

There were some restrictions, you couldn’t bound under a house or a garden and there were limits on the area above ground that your shafts took up. You also had to give the landowner one eighth of the proceeds. Every year and a day you had to go to the court to renew your rights and at that stage the landowner had the opportunity to say he was now ready to do it himself.

In response to a question, the government said that it believed the stannary laws were no longer in effect, but our argument is that you can’t legislate by press release. There’s enough doubt about that that we once used threat of tin bounding to gee someone up into signing a contract (it was a mining contract, we weren’t just blackmailing)

When you know about tin bounding it puts ‘Avatar’ in a whole new light.

Oh, and one thing that arose from Stannary Law was the ability to incorporate a limited liability company; and people seem happy to have kept that.

Ramble: off

8 years ago

Thank you for that amazing information! 🙂

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ Kat

My pleasure. You find a manganese deposit and I’ll get my shovel.

8 years ago

Alan, that’s fantastic. So, would someone who took advantage of these laws be a Tin Bounder, and would they be easily mistaken for, say, a Clockwork Rascal, or a Pewter Scoundrel?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ diptych

Pewter Scoundrel

At last, I have my supervillain name!

(Now you’ve got me wondering about the etymology of bounder; and cad)

8 years ago

I just read somewhere about there being sunscreen lotion that smells like KFC, a promotional item actually from KFC…was that here? Was it somewhere else? I can’t remember, but I do remember that the article said the people who have tried it said it DOES NOT smell like fried chicken…wasn’t clear about what it *does* smell like but whatever it is, fried chicken it is not.


Thanks Alan, got me thinking about fried chicken and now I’m hungry, but guess what I don’t have in the house?? The ingredients to make fried chicken! I have the chicken, maybe I’ll go wake the mister up and demand he go get the other ingredients. 😛

8 years ago

Chad Thundercock

Worst Transformer™ ever.

Gipsz Jakab
Gipsz Jakab
8 years ago


There’s actually a Transformer called Erector. I’m not joking, look it up.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
8 years ago

Vietnamese Gorillas sounds like a webcomic that needs to be written and drawn asap.

“King Vietcong”

Based on the fossil evidence, adult male Gigantopithecus blacki are believed to have stood about 3 m (9.8 ft) tall and weighed as much as 540 kg (1,190 lb),[1][3][4] making the species three to four times as heavy as modern gorillas and seven times as heavy as the orangutan, its closest living relative. Large males may have had an armspan of over 3.6 m (12 ft). The species was highly sexually dimorphic, with adult females roughly half the weight of males.[4] Because of wide interspecies differences in the relationship between tooth and body size, some argue that it is more likely that Gigantopithecus was much smaller, at roughly 1.8–1.9 m (5.9–6.2 ft).[6][13]

The species lived in Asia and probably inhabited bamboo forests, since its fossils are often found alongside those of extinct ancestors of the panda. Most evidence points to Gigantopithecus being a plant-eater.

Its appearance is not known, because of the fragmentary nature of its fossil remains. It possibly resembled modern gorillas, because of its supposedly similar lifestyle. Some scientists, however, think it probably looked more like its closest modern relative, the orangutan. Being so large, Gigantopithecus possibly had few or no enemies when fully grown. However, younger, weak, or injured individuals may have been vulnerable to predation by tigers, pythons, crocodiles, machairodonts, hyenas, bears, and Homo erectus.

occasional reader
occasional reader
8 years ago


Yeah, it seems that “women” are reading the Internet too. So fascinating. Who would has believed that ? (/sarcasm)
And thanks to Roosh and Internet, you can no longer pick up women in pet shops ! So sad.

One problem is the longer they speak about sex and how to get into women’ pants, the stronger they want it, and so they speak about it even longer and so on. If you could get energy from that, you would have an almost infinite source of energy (just shutting when problem of priapism suddenly arise – no pun intended).

On another point, they say women are totally different from them, yet they expect women to have a “have to fuck” list. Like them.

And i suppose they have an unlimited supply of ressources like boron, oxygen, nitrogen and erbium, and it seems that these are the only ressources they hope women take a grasp to. Maybe that is what we call “Atomes crochus” in french. (Sarcasm, if it is not clear).

Have a nice day.

8 years ago

How are they going to continue to tell men that women want men whom are misogynist douchebags while also telling them to hide the fact they are misogynist douchebags? Surely the manosphere fanboys expect some consistancy.

8 years ago

The consistency is in the hatred, not in the arguments.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

David’s manganese brings all the girls to the yard!

So let me get this straight. RedPill is the Unvarnished Truth About Attracting Women that everyone else is too beta to see…but you’re not supposed to mention it in public because it’s a guaranteed woman repellent.

In other words, it’s a theory about reality that can’t survive contact with reality.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
8 years ago

@ Ooglyboggles

Yeah there’s the whole “depression, get over it” and “maybe skip your meds every other day and don’t rely on it”, “your life is much better than other people what do you have to be sad about”, but at the very least they seem to at least try to get it.

Oh man I feel so nervous, I don’t want to shut down and become like a vegetable again.

This has some parallels with recent discussions on another thread, especially the ‘get over it’ and the ‘what do you have to be sad about’ stuff. Ignore, ignore, ignore. You can’t just get over it, and the fact that worse things are happening to other people , while absolutely true, does not ease your pain in any way, because it’s still real.

FWIW, I don’t think you’ll shut down this time around, one, because you have support in place, and two, because you’re more aware of the signs.

As people here have already said, all power and support to you. Would love to hear what you’re planning to study if you want to share 🙂

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
8 years ago

@ Kat

The consistency is in the hatred, not in the arguments.

comment image

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

The inconsistency over “women like douchebags”/”don’t let them know you’re a douchbag” mirrors their recent change of stance on espousing Nazi views as a pick up technique.

EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

Thinking back, I’m all in favour of MRAs trying to use Redpill and Nazi spiels to pick up women. It has two huge advantages:

A) It will repel 99% of women instantly, thus saving those women a few minutes’ time each.

B) If they find the 1% of women who are attracted by Naziism and Redpillishness, then those women deserve them.

That’s a cool bit of law.

It puzzles me though. Does Britain not explicitly separate mineral and water rights from land ownership? I’m not a lawyer but I was always told that back in the Correct Hemisphere, those are separate things which are owned distinctly (though often by the same person.)

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ EJ

One of the major bits of evidence we have to rebut the myth that people in the olden days thought the Earth was flat is the fact that even dark ages land deeds acknowledged that if you owned a bit of land you owned every bit from the centre of the earth to the infinite heavens above your land.

Often though when people sold land they did hold onto certain rights. I can’t remember who it was who said “The meek shall inherit the Earth, but I’m keeping on to the mineral rights”.

However if you’ve ever wondered why the real life tube map is so bendy, now you know.

(That’s why now the government can take the land under your property under a compulsory purchase order, or eminent domain for our colonial friends)

epitome of incomprehensibility

@calmdown – I also think of Settlers of Catan when I hear the word “resources” used like that. 🙂

Poor One_friendship_plz – women are always using the Monopoly card and taking away all his brick or ore just as he’s about to build a settlement or city. Guy can’t get a break.

8 years ago

Speaking of resources, I’m fairly certain that we’ll soon be hearing a disembodied voice say “You must harvest more Vespene gas!” 😛

Seven of Mine
Seven of Mine
8 years ago

I just…how? How? How the fuck do you straight up say “you have to hide your misogyny from women by treating men just as badly so that you don’t seem misogynist to women because, for some reason, women don’t like it when you treat them like shit” and still not realize that TRP is bullshit? Or at least just spontaneously combust from the friction of so many mutually contradictory ideas rattling around in your skull?

Like they’ve literally come full circle to combating perceived societal devaluing of men by explicitly advocating for actively taking part in actually devaluing men to cover up the fact that they’re really just a bunch of misogynists.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


OT, heading back to college again. Last time I went it was before I realized that barely having the willpower to get out of bed to eat let alone study for weeks and weeks is probably something bad. Well I got my meds, therapists and counselors on speed dial, my friends say they’ll help keep me from getting distant and shutting down and my family so far seems to be understanding of me and helping me out every way they can

Aww, hell yeah!
No pressure, you’ll do fine 🙂


just shutting when problem of priapism suddenly arise – no pun intended

Don’t care if it wasn’t intended, that deserves props, homie!


spontaneously combust from the friction

Given how little they care for their partners’ enjoyment, you’d think they woulda by now ?