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Women won’t have sex with you if they know you’re a Red Pill douchebag, Red Pill douchebag warns

Women discovering that the dude hitting on them reads The Red Pill subreddit
Women discovering that the dude hitting on them reads The Red Pill subreddit

Apparently the first rule of Red Pill Club is to never talk about Red Pill Club in the vicinity of some hot babe you want to get with, because the chances are good that she already knows about Red Pill Club and if she finds out you’re a member of it she might start laughing at what a gigantic loser you are.

At least that seems to be the point of one dire warning I found on the front page of the Red Pill subreddit today.

Noting that “most women who frequently use the internet have at least a vague idea what [The Red Pill] is,” One_friendship_plz urged his fellow Red Pillers to never, ever let their Red Pillery “leak” in the presence of a woman because “it makes you come off as more pathetic than a beta.”

You don’t say.

And while a “genuine slut” won’t care how much of a pathetic woman-hating douchebag you are, he goes on to argue,

any half-brained woman knows about TRP. I would say an equal number of women know about the red pill as men, quit trying to come off as unique by spouting shit from here to women about how enlightened you are on the sexual dynamic.

I know a lot of men on here are bitter as f**k, but do not ever appear to be misogynistic to women if you’re trying to get laid.

Shocking, but true. Women tend not to like it when men they don’t know greet them in the club with a hearty “hey, genuine sluts!”

They will take your resources and still be your friend, but they will write you off from the “have sex” list.


For example, if you have manganese deposits in your backyard, don’t ever let her see that shit! Put a tarp over them, or something.

Now, One_friendship_plz doesn’t actually say anything about manganese, per se, but this is something I personally learned the hard way — when I caught a woman I thought was my girlfriend digging for manganese in my backyard with the help of none other than Chad Thundercock himself!

By the way, “digging for manganese in my backyard” isn’t some weird sexual euphemism. Though maybe it should be.

Anyway, back to One_friendship_plz and his stunning insights.

[H]undreds of thousands of women, easily millions know about PUA, MGTOW, TRP. They don’t understand our perspective but they … consciously stay away from anyone associated with this …

Women do not want to have sex with people who they think are from TRP, even if you’re not.. if it seems like you are, then they won’t f**k you. (Even if they’ll be your friend.)

The real takeaway from all this? If you’re going to be a douchebag, make sure you’re a douchebag to dudes as well.

Those douches you see who f**k women, treat everyone like shit & not women exclusively so they never leak off as misogynistic, which is why they still get laid.

Wisdom for the ages!

I made a card out of it. Well, tried to. The text was too long. Hopefully this captures the essence:


She is totally into him, obvs.

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weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

I’m trying to figure out why they think we’ll want to be friends with misogynists. I think it’s because they interpret a woman being polite and tolerating a man’s presence to avoid trouble as placing them in the friendzone. Any behavior a woman engages in is directed at a man. Every non-related woman either wants their dick, has placed them in the friendzone or is a screaming misandrist uggo. The idea that we don’t know or care that they exist and do not adjust our behaviors according to their presence simply does not compute for them.

I think this must be why they’re mortally offended when a woman doesn’t look attractive to them or why they think every woman who is attractive to them but doesn’t fuck them is leading them on.

8 years ago

What’s actually weird is what’s weird to these people.

If any of you clowns are reading this: I’m a man and I wouldn’t want to have sex with a woman who hated me either. (Or is that just beta? Who the fuck knows/cares?)

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

What, was the fact that they feel the need to hide behind “I’m not an MRA, but…” every time they shart up a comment section in a futile attempt to avoid being laughed off the site just not enough of a clue for them?

8 years ago

It’s not like pick up artists to show this level of self-awareness. Perhaps deep down inside each one of them knows how big of a shit they really are.

8 years ago

So close to self awareness, yet so far.

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

Oh, dude. Trust me, we understand your perspective just fine. We also understand that your perspective is totally fucking VILE, which is why we consciously stay away from anyone who looks, sounds, or smells (i.e. reeks of Axe and flop sweat) like you guys.

comment image

(Why is everything I wear or wanna wear considered MRA territory STOP RUINING MY SHITTY FASHION SENSE.)

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Don’t worry Jackie, I don’t think they’ve claimed the 2000’s goth look yet! 😀

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago


I’ll never give up the cargo pants and beard !

… granted, if I could shave, I would.

By the way, what’s up with the Axe thing ? I mean besides the godawful commercials.

8 years ago

By the way, what’s up with the Axe thing ? I mean besides the godawful commercials.

Cheap cologne, favored by 12-year-olds and PUAs. They think it makes them sexy, but it just makes them stinky.

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

The commercials are getting better. Remember this one?

8 years ago


Re: “at eleven” – As a kid, I was always particularly baffled by references to “film at eleven”, both because it’s not part of our TV news over here and because I didn’t get that it meant “relevant film footage from a news camera crew” until someone explicitly spelled it out. I figured American news programmes were astonishingly good at producing based-on-a-true-story movies and putting them on the air within hours of the events taking place.

I am laughing so hard.

Your story made me recall that when I was very young, the USA was fighting in Vietnam. We got our news from the radio. I was puzzled by the fact that Vietnamese gorillas were fighting our soldiers. How, I wondered, did the people train these gorillas?

Then one day I read a story in the paper that mentioned the Vietnamese guerrillas.


I am not French.

8 years ago

@Sinkable John

Does that mean that the women I’ve had sex with have my name on a list ?

Yes. Of course.

Is it still time to get my name scratched off lists by being a raging misogynist ?

“Scratched off” — you’re so funny. Those lists are chiseled in stone. Face it: you’re doomed.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
8 years ago

🙂 There was a time in music school when I thought that Wagner (print) and Vahgner (sound) were two different composers. LOL!

@Kat I may have made that mistake at some point as well….

8 years ago

Oh, curse you, why must you say that gorillas don’t live in SE Asia, at least there’s Gibbons, siamangs and orangutans

OT, heading back to college again. Last time I went it was before I realized that barely having the willpower to get out of bed to eat let alone study for weeks and weeks is probably something bad. Well I got my meds, therapists and counselors on speed dial, my friends say they’ll help keep me from getting distant and shutting down and my family so far seems to be understanding of me and helping me out every way they can.

Yeah there’s the whole “depression, get over it” and “maybe skip your meds every other day and don’t rely on it”, “your life is much better than other people what do you have to be sad about”, but at the very least they seem to at least try to get it.

Oh man I feel so nervous, I don’t want to shut down and become like a vegetable again.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago


Fair point. Memories coming back to me of high school locker rooms and “deodorant sickness” – the air got unbreathable at times.


Aight, I’d never seen this one before. Haven’t watched TV in so long, but well, glad to know that if I do turn it on, my brain won’t be assaulted by those shitty ads anymore. Hopefully.


Vietnamese Gorillas sounds like a webcomic that needs to be written and drawn asap.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago


Sorry, didn’t see your other message. Well, damn. I guess my only hope is to remain a mangina slave to the gynocracy forever then.

Hey at least the healthcare is pretty decent.

8 years ago

Ooglyboggles, I’m working full time, going to school full time, and off my meds. It’s definitely hard. My depression isn’t as severe as others’, but it’s definitely hard when my brain is reminding me constantly that I shouldn’t even try since I’m not good enough and no one will ever really like me, anyway. But I do find just forcing myself to maintain a routine keeps it easier, because robotic functioning is still better than not functioning – if for no other reason than I get a paycheck.

EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

I’ve found that if I share my manganese with women and am not creepy about it, they’ll share their tungsten with me. Am I manning wrong?

I rewrote this comment about eight times because I didn’t really know what to say. I went through similar in my early twenties and I really identify with what you said.

All my support. I say that a lot but really, all my support. Please let me know if you need help on any maths or physics courses, or just need someone to talk to who understands, or summat else.

Make sure you remember that your own survival is more important than anyone else’s academic expectations of you.

8 years ago

I’ve found that if I share my manganese with women and am not creepy about it, they’ll share their tungsten with me. Am I manning wrong?

God, you’re such a compound of Beryllium and Tantalum.

8 years ago

@OoglyBoggles, @Jen
The situation is challenging. Congratulations for being willing to take it on.

I wonder whether your school has a therapist you can talk to — or possibly peer therapists. That might be helpful.

And if you feel like it — no pressure — check in with us. We’re rooting for you!

8 years ago


Your story made me recall that when I was very young, the USA was fighting in Vietnam. We got our news from the radio. I was puzzled by the fact that Vietnamese gorillas were fighting our soldiers. How, I wondered, did the people train these gorillas?

Maybe that’s why Vietnam has so many veterinarians? I’m forever hearing about Vietnam vets.

8 years ago

@Sinkable John

I guess my only hope is to remain a mangina slave to the gynocracy forever then.

Hey at least the healthcare is pretty decent.

Yes, you have assessed the situation correctly.

The gynocracy likes cheerful underlings. Keep it up and there may be a promotion in your future.

How does Chief Subordinate first class sound to you?

EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

I read that in Regina George’s voice because I initially thought it was a Mean Girls chemistry joke. Then I got it, and now… now I’m hearing everything in Regina George’s voice.

Send help.

8 years ago


Maybe that’s why Vietnam has so many veterinarians? I’m forever hearing about Vietnam vets.

Ha, ha!

“Vet” is one of those words with more than one meaning that I try not to use when speaking with someone whose English is limited. “Animal doctor” is what I say.

Living in San Francisco, I have the opportunity to chat with foreign-born Americans pretty regularly. Some of them have cats and dogs and such.

8 years ago

Resources, huh? Methinks that “you must construct additional pylons.”