Apparently the first rule of Red Pill Club is to never talk about Red Pill Club in the vicinity of some hot babe you want to get with, because the chances are good that she already knows about Red Pill Club and if she finds out you’re a member of it she might start laughing at what a gigantic loser you are.
At least that seems to be the point of one dire warning I found on the front page of the Red Pill subreddit today.
Noting that “most women who frequently use the internet have at least a vague idea what [The Red Pill] is,” One_friendship_plz urged his fellow Red Pillers to never, ever let their Red Pillery “leak” in the presence of a woman because “it makes you come off as more pathetic than a beta.”
You don’t say.
And while a “genuine slut” won’t care how much of a pathetic woman-hating douchebag you are, he goes on to argue,
any half-brained woman knows about TRP. I would say an equal number of women know about the red pill as men, quit trying to come off as unique by spouting shit from here to women about how enlightened you are on the sexual dynamic.
I know a lot of men on here are bitter as f**k, but do not ever appear to be misogynistic to women if you’re trying to get laid.
Shocking, but true. Women tend not to like it when men they don’t know greet them in the club with a hearty “hey, genuine sluts!”
They will take your resources and still be your friend, but they will write you off from the “have sex” list.
For example, if you have manganese deposits in your backyard, don’t ever let her see that shit! Put a tarp over them, or something.
Now, One_friendship_plz doesn’t actually say anything about manganese, per se, but this is something I personally learned the hard way — when I caught a woman I thought was my girlfriend digging for manganese in my backyard with the help of none other than Chad Thundercock himself!
By the way, “digging for manganese in my backyard” isn’t some weird sexual euphemism. Though maybe it should be.
Anyway, back to One_friendship_plz and his stunning insights.
[H]undreds of thousands of women, easily millions know about PUA, MGTOW, TRP. They don’t understand our perspective but they … consciously stay away from anyone associated with this …
Women do not want to have sex with people who they think are from TRP, even if you’re not.. if it seems like you are, then they won’t f**k you. (Even if they’ll be your friend.)
The real takeaway from all this? If you’re going to be a douchebag, make sure you’re a douchebag to dudes as well.
Those douches you see who f**k women, treat everyone like shit & not women exclusively so they never leak off as misogynistic, which is why they still get laid.
Wisdom for the ages!
I made a card out of it. Well, tried to. The text was too long. Hopefully this captures the essence:
She is totally into him, obvs.
Women don’t date (or fuck) dudes who hate women.
Also, at Eleven: Water is wet.
Shocking development: Woman don’t wanna sleep with men who hate women. Scientist are baffled by this strange predicament in which women would rather sleep with people who respect their agency and treat them decently, like a real human being. More at eleven.
EDIT: I was BEATEN to the PUNCH by my GIRLFRIEND for a “AT ELEVEN” JOKE. More at 11:30.

Also, neener neener neener.
@PI + Jack
Re: Red Pill Club
So close…
Re: Manganese
That sounds… intense
Damn. Does this mean it’s going to become harder to filter out the douches up front?
How dare…my wonderful girlfriend…tease me like that…I am shame…

Tsun tsun, dere dere.
Shit. David is onto my cunning plan.
I’ve been after those sweet, sweet manganese deposits this whole time.
Drats. Foiled again.
*Homer drool*
Re: “at eleven” – As a kid, I was always particularly baffled by references to “film at eleven”, both because it’s not part of our TV news over here and because I didn’t get that it meant “relevant film footage from a news camera crew” until someone explicitly spelled it out. I figured American news programmes were astonishingly good at producing based-on-a-true-story movies and putting them on the air within hours of the events taking place.
Re: manganese – puts me in the mind of an MRA rant garbled even further by autocorrect. Speaking of manginas, did anyone see the New Tricks episode with the MRA lecturer villain? I always thought they were laying it on a bit thick, with him calling people “manginas” – then I came here, and realised, no, that’s exactly how these idiots talk.
Of course not. These idiots can’t help themselves, their hate of women leaks out no matter how much of an act they try to put on.
I like the part where a woman being their friend is a punishment or outright insult.
Seriously, what resources? Does he mean she expects him to be friendly and do friend stuff like listen when she talks and respond with something other than insults and abuse? Are those the precious resources these wicked women are using using up without giving him the sexes he so richly deserves?
I bet pretending to be decent is taxing for these guys. They probably do resent having to hide what raging asshats they are.
Maybe? Did he dispute the existence of the female orgasm? Cos I think I remember Sandra giving the side eye at that remark. It’s been a while…
I think this should be filed under “obvious statement is obvious”.
Actually, I died laughing when I read that. My ghost is typing this comment. Maybe it’ll get a chance to talk to some ghost-hunters after the 11:00 news is over. (I hear the Captain Obvious interview is on tonight. Wouldn’t wanna miss it!)
My lady brain is mightily confused right now. For years, feminists have been saying that women don’t want to fuck men who hate us. Red pillers and other misogynists keep assuring us that women do in fact, want to fuck misogynists because misogynists are totally alpha and evo psych says we can’t get enough of the alphas. They said that when we tell them we don’t like to fuck misogynists that we are too stupid and crazy to know what we actually want and that we are wrong about what we say we desire.
Now all of a sudden women don’t love to fuck misogynistic assholes after all?
Has the female hivemind hamster just changed?
Or could it be that internet misogynists were just completely full of it all along?
I don’t know about you all, but my mind is blown!
@Axe – possibly? As far as I can recall, they had him trot out every manuresphere argument under the sun. I do recall he looked like a stoned Paul Elam in a cheap suit, if that helps.
Remember that troll who came in here and said that using proper grammar and spelling wasn’t worth the effort because he wasn’t trying to sleep with us?
Good times.
Though, it’s obvious these guys resent women for having to hide their asshole tendencies. However, instead of most people who would go “Huh, maybe I need to change something about myself if people routinely say they don’t like me!”, or not bothering with the people who dislike them, these particular assholes just blame the fact that we feeemales don’t like them on us feeeemales.
I mean, it’s obvious that their untended boners are our problem and not theirs, right?! [/sarcasm]
Hey!! I just noticed the Pirate Poet avatar!
Freakin awesome.
Speaking of ghost hunters…
How dare they!
Figured it out! Series 7, episode 3: Left Field. Dude’s mad, cos his wife left him. Holy shit, the mastery of Googlefu I had to employ to find that…
Women don’t want to sleep with assholes.
Waaaaait !
Women have a “have sex” list ? And they write you off it if you’re a raging misogynist, but they’ll be friends with you instead ?
Does that mean that the women I’ve had sex with have my name on a list ? Like secret services, FEMA, and the Illuminati ? *gasp* Gynocracy !
’cause I don’t want my name on no list, no sir. Is it still time to get my name scratched off lists by being a raging misogynist ? And then they’ll be friends with me ? ’cause I don’t wanna be on lists but I like having friends. Is raging misogyny the way to having friends and not being on a list ?
The implications. Woah. Thanks, reddit.
Nice detective work! I’ve got the DVD at home somewhere. I should dig it out and screencap some of his particularly hilarious/terrible/realistic lines.
Best clay art criminal. ^_^
Oh, dude. Trust me, we understand your perspective just fine. We also understand that your perspective is totally fucking VILE, which is why we consciously stay away from anyone who looks, sounds, or smells (i.e. reeks of Axe and flop sweat) like you guys.
There. Your epiphany is now complete. Ball’s in your court now.
(Betcha they’ll fumble it.)
I’m going to start using “digging for manganese in the backyard” as a euphemism for having sex
I think most women won’t want to be friends with you either when they find out you’re a raging mysogynist, but I’m pretty sure these guys don’t care since being friends with women is for betacuck manginas In the first place. Personally when I take MRAs’ resources I like to take their wool, bricks and stone, but all they care about giving me their wood, which I definitely don’t want!