"ethics" entitled babies facepalm sarkeesian!

Sarkeesian Effect “ethics” expert encourages his readers to make money helping students cheat

There's money in them thar words
There’s money in them thar words

You may remember Aaron Clarey — also known as “Captain Capitalism” — as one of the random manospherians interviewed for the cinematic abomination known as The Sarkeesian Effect. I don’t quite remember if he made it into the final cut of the official, er, “film.” He definitely did appear in Davis Aurini’s bootleg version, pontificating about the alleged lack of ethics in American journalism while, for some unknown reason, wearing a cravat.

Turns out that Mr. Clarey’s definition of “ethics” is a rather unique one.

On Monday, Clarey encouraged his blog readers to take advantage of a unique opportunity to earn some sweet, sweet cash — helping students cheat their way through college by writing their essays and term papers for them.

Clarey posted a pitch from his apparent pal Aleksey Bashtavenko, the head of something called Academic Composition, who started off by thanking Clarey for sending so many aspiring , er, ghostwriters his way in the past.

I’d like to personally thank Aaron and all of you who follow his blog Captain Capitalism, you guys have been the main driving force behind the recent growth of our enterprise.

After a slow summer, “Alex” reported,

we’re definitely getting much busier and this may well be our most lucrative semester yet.

Quite a few people have inquired about job opportunities with us and we weren’t able to receive help from all of you. Yet, we could definitely use all of the support we can get. Within a month, we will be entering the busiest juncture of the academic year and it will last all the way through the end of 2016.

As you can see, he’s all about the high-quality prose.

Alex, who claims his “full-time writers earn over $3,000 per month,” also has some job openings in the Craigslist spamming “subcontracting” department as well.

We’re also looking to expand our ranks of Craigslist subcontractors. Many of you have been posting for us regularly and invariably, this helped us get to where we are today. We pay $5 for each lead our subcontractors generate and another $1 for each day your ads have been live.

Presumably Clarey is getting paid for posting this. Is there anyone in the manosphere who isn’t some kind of grifter?

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8 years ago

Legend of Dragoon is wonderful, Radiant Historia is my personal favorite from my childhood, that game might as well been a Chrono series. I also love Drone Tactics and most titles from Atlas, Drone Tactics mainlu for invoking nostalgia with giant robot insects and having a plot straight from a Saturday cartoon anime.

All That Migging and Towing
All That Migging and Towing
8 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw

Ooh, never heard that one before. What else you got in your magic hat? “Sticks and stones…” “I’m rubber, and you’re glue…”

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago


However, I don’t think it’s good enough to warrant the praise and adoration that the fanbase gives it, if that makes sense. I feel like a lot of fanpeeps of the game praise it like it’s the holy grail, when it’s really not.

It’s not the holy grail, but it’s like comfort food. It’s one of those games I play when I just want to enjoy something without putting a lot of effort in. I ADORE chocobo racing. OMG I can’t get enough chocobo racing. Last time I played it was to get a timeline on what Shinra was doing at every point in the game, but the time before that it was a command-materia-only-no-item challenge. I made an exception to use the purple chocobo lure so I could race (but not to cross the swamp).

It’s not a difficult game, but neither is Baldur’s Gate or .hack, which are the other games I play when I just want to fuck around with a great story and not worry too much about gameplay.

DMC3 and DMC4 are pretty good. I’ve been meaning to invest in the special edition of DMC4 so I can play as the husband Virgil.

IMHO the DMC4 SE is a lot of meh. The main flaw of DMC4 is that it’s only half a game, and the SE didn’t fix that. Vergil reprises his role from the DMC3 SE, which is to say he just plays someone else’s campaign and gets very little of his own.

What do you think of DmC?

Never played it. The very concept makes me angry. I watched a playthrough and it’s so alien to the DMC ‘verse that it shouldn’t be considered the same franchise. I’ve heard people who did play it say that the combat is massively dumbed-down, but I could handle that (with sullenness) if the story were good. But the story is not good. The story is a remake of DMC2 + a bad fanfiction version of Vergil. That’s my opinion.

All That Migging and Towing
All That Migging and Towing
8 years ago


I’ve had a good, long day of running around, I also have a big day planned for tomorrow, and you’re quite frankly not worth that much of my depleted energy reserves. You’re boring.

– Jack to PI, in the bedroom.

8 years ago

comment image

If Atlas made a franchise from this title when I was young I’d probably be one of the biggest fanboys of it, other than Sting’s Knights in the Nightmare, that was a game that does its hardest to be unique, and boy does it do a good job.
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Oh that art, I can eat that three square meals a day.

I dare you to write some smutty fanfic if you are so inclined.
While warranted, now how will we ever see his smut novella?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago


Oh, all the classics. I don’t suppose you’d be kind enough to say something that I can respond with my “Well that’s like just your opinion” gif?

I can’t see the point though in responding properly any more as you’ve failed to address either my points about why you say feminism is a left wing thing or how you feel disadvantaged by inclusivity in media. You’re under no obligation to of course, but it does mean there’s no point in me taking you seriously.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

Thanks, David.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

possibly permanent timeout

Reposted without (further) comment

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

All That Migging and Towing | September 14, 2016 at 9:07 pm

I’ve had a good, long day of running around, I also have a big day planned for tomorrow, and you’re quite frankly not worth that much of my depleted energy reserves. You’re boring.

– Jack to PI, in the bedroom.

“You’re not even trying, are you?”

– ATMaT’s right hand

See? I can be boring enough to make assumptions about your sex life instead of actually addressing anything you say.

However, I’ve got more than one testimonial that says I’m anything but boring in the bedroom, ducky. And a few of them come from Jackie himself. Jackie knows that I can go for a long time, and I know how to make it interesting.

Sounds like you’re just jealous that you’re not going to get any from me.
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We did have a good laugh at your comment though. It’s cute you think we’d think that’s anything but hilarious.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

I almost feel sorry about the amount of work your mother must have put into pushing you out after stuffing her face at the Golden Corral.

Oh, honey. You are so hilariously wrong about my mother. I doubt she’s ever set foot in a Golden Corral. I’m confused though. Just the other day, you were clutching your pearls over feeemales thinking they’re too good for Olive Garden and now you’re mocking chain restaurants? Seriously dude. Get your schtick straight. Are you a smug rich guy looking down at plebian leftists and welfare cheats or are you a white working class populist shocked at the excess and debauchery of limousine liberal elitists. Pick one please.

Anyway, I’m sure you’ll be pleased to know that on Friday my mother and I will be going to a nice restaurant and then having champagne. Misandry!

I might tell her about this Golden Corral comment. She’ll probably find it pretty funny too.

Speaking of family…

Especially when the people in my fucking family are bragging about their ability to cheat the system. I know how much money my uncle made, he never shut the hell up about it and was always taking my fucking family on cruises and shit, just so he could wave it in our faces.

Can you please give me some more details about this? What program is he cheating and how much money is he getting from these programs? How precisely is he cheating? I’m very curious. You’re probably headed for a banhammering soon since you’ve become less amusing over the course of the day, but I would like an answer to this before you go.

ETA: Ninja’d by the banning. Too bad. I do find it suspicious that you claim to know all these details but never gave them up.

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack


Wow, and I thought I was gonna make you uncomfortable with what I thought of responding with.

Unabashed babes, amiright?

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Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

How very interesting.

Miggypoo said this…

@Handsome “Punkle Stan” Jack

Aren’t you remotely embarrassed by the possibility that I might see your relatives on there?

…in response to this…

Your family isn’t a large enough pool to gauge what over 300 million Americans should and shouldn’t do. You might as well base your politics on reality TV, it’s just as intelligent and logical.

…when earlier they said this to WWTH…

Did you forget where I pointed out that plenty of those people are in my fucking family? I think I know what’s going on in my own fucking family.

No, no respect for this hypocrite. I don’t believe Miggiepoo knows a damn thing about their own family. We are talking about someone willing to form black-and-white views about women based on a small sample. We are talking about someone who described the posters doing the opposite of what they actually felt in the island thread.

I have no doubts this fucker could form a fantasy reality about their own family in response to something they are incapable of accepting. It’s certainly consistent with the conspiracy thinking when it comes to the left.

(((VioletBeauregarde))): Social Justice Necromancer
(((VioletBeauregarde))): Social Justice Necromancer
8 years ago

I think at this point Miggy has pretty much worn out his welcome, so I’m giving him a possibly permanent timeout.

Thank you, David!

8 years ago

@ Sinkable John

Not all atheists are horrible wastes of skin like The amazing atheist. I’m an atheist and mother of two mixed race awesome kids. We have some goos atheists out there too. 🙂

(((VioletBeauregarde))): Social Justice Necromancer
(((VioletBeauregarde))): Social Justice Necromancer
8 years ago

@MegaLibraryGirl: I know that’s right

8 years ago

Okay, this is really sticking with me.

The idea is that the “left wing” is some sort of secret conspiracy, that functions though voting in a democracy and telling companies that sell them stuff what they want to buy? How is “people who don’t like racism, sexism, et cetera, keep saying so where other people can hear them” a violation of anyone’s rights? How is it a conspiracy if no one is hiding it?

8 years ago

@Megalibrarygirl & Sinkable John
I’m also an athiest. I’m actually trying to distance myself from that label because of jerks like the Amazing Asshole and because I feel like Secular Humanist describes my philosophy better (funny, though, the asshole athiests are all upset that SJWs are “taking over” humanism, which has always been about social justice…). Anyway, I would recommend if you haven’t already checked it out. Brony even has a blog on there. 🙂 I usually lurk over at Pharyngula, myself.

8 years ago

D’awww, All That Pissing And Moaning got banned, and he never even tried to bite back at me. I’m crushed. CRUSHED, I tellz ya.

Oh well. I’m over it already.

Hey Miggy, if you’re still reading, here’s one for you. Enjoy.

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Love, A socialist Canadian who LOVES forcing rich do-nothings to pay for her healthcare.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

I still don’t see what good it does to let a few assholes on the internet win and take the word “atheist” for themselves. It just confirms that they were right. Atheism is a safe space for misogynistic men.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo


They’ll just grow an immune system. Everyone knows that right wingers can harness the power of bootstraps to fight off any disease or poison!

(((VioletBeauregarde))): Social Justice Necromancer
(((VioletBeauregarde))): Social Justice Necromancer
8 years ago

D’awww, All That Pissing And Moaning got banned, and he never even tried to bite back at me. I’m crushed. CRUSHED, I tellz ya.

You’re not alone…he didn’t go after me for my anxiety comment.

Everyone knows that right wingers can harness the power of bootstraps to fight off any disease or poison!

That’s my newest Mammotheers Against The Manosphere card: “Magical bootstraps with the power to fight off all diseases and toxins”

Neremanth, 329 year old Contributor to Society
Neremanth, 329 year old Contributor to Society
8 years ago

D’awww, All That Pissing And Moaning got banned, and he never even tried to bite back at me. I’m crushed. CRUSHED, I tellz ya.

You’re not alone…he didn’t go after me for my anxiety comment.

I wrote him a giant wall of text and for some reason he completely ignored me.

8 years ago


Oh that art, I can eat that three square meals a day.

Did you get the artbook that came with a Knights in the Nightmare DS Preorder? So wonderful. One of my favorite games of all time.

8 years ago

Did you forget where I pointed out that plenty of those people are in my fucking family? I think I know what’s going on in my own fucking family.

That’s just… so irrelevant. The fact that they’re in your family has literally 0 relevance to the fact that you’re using fallacious logic. If every person you had EVER MET had been defrauding welfare, it STILL wouldn’t prove anything, because you are one dude, with one set of biases, and the world is much, much bigger than you.

To put it simply, saying, “I once knew a guy who wore a red hat” doesn’t prove that all guys wear red hats, even if the guy was in your family.