"ethics" entitled babies facepalm sarkeesian!

Sarkeesian Effect “ethics” expert encourages his readers to make money helping students cheat

There's money in them thar words
There’s money in them thar words

You may remember Aaron Clarey — also known as “Captain Capitalism” — as one of the random manospherians interviewed for the cinematic abomination known as The Sarkeesian Effect. I don’t quite remember if he made it into the final cut of the official, er, “film.” He definitely did appear in Davis Aurini’s bootleg version, pontificating about the alleged lack of ethics in American journalism while, for some unknown reason, wearing a cravat.

Turns out that Mr. Clarey’s definition of “ethics” is a rather unique one.

On Monday, Clarey encouraged his blog readers to take advantage of a unique opportunity to earn some sweet, sweet cash — helping students cheat their way through college by writing their essays and term papers for them.

Clarey posted a pitch from his apparent pal Aleksey Bashtavenko, the head of something called Academic Composition, who started off by thanking Clarey for sending so many aspiring , er, ghostwriters his way in the past.

I’d like to personally thank Aaron and all of you who follow his blog Captain Capitalism, you guys have been the main driving force behind the recent growth of our enterprise.

After a slow summer, “Alex” reported,

we’re definitely getting much busier and this may well be our most lucrative semester yet.

Quite a few people have inquired about job opportunities with us and we weren’t able to receive help from all of you. Yet, we could definitely use all of the support we can get. Within a month, we will be entering the busiest juncture of the academic year and it will last all the way through the end of 2016.

As you can see, he’s all about the high-quality prose.

Alex, who claims his “full-time writers earn over $3,000 per month,” also has some job openings in the Craigslist spamming “subcontracting” department as well.

We’re also looking to expand our ranks of Craigslist subcontractors. Many of you have been posting for us regularly and invariably, this helped us get to where we are today. We pay $5 for each lead our subcontractors generate and another $1 for each day your ads have been live.

Presumably Clarey is getting paid for posting this. Is there anyone in the manosphere who isn’t some kind of grifter?

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8 years ago

Feeling better after that little tantrum yesterday? Were you just tired and cranky? Maybe hangry? That’s a common one. Next time bring a nice snack and take frequent breaks.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

@Migraine and Tylenol

it’s not like I wanted you to write a poem for me or anything

It’s not like I even care about you… B-B-BAKA!

8 years ago

Did he just pull a tsundere line on me?

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

I really liked the poem, oogyboogy. You have a real gift!

All That Migging and Towing
All That Migging and Towing
8 years ago


I agree with most of the stated goals of the greater Gamer Gate “movement” on paper, but I have reservations against some of the ways that they conduct themselves. In particular, I don’t believe that talking about Anita Sarkeesian is a worthwhile endeavor, and I don’t believe that just liking a 4 hour youtube video of some drooling British morons with snooty accents makes you a real fighter against left wing tyranny. Only by a sustained intellectual renaissance and through the funding of worthy projects shall the left-wing efforts to control video games and other forms of media be defeated; to this effort, I donate to startups and grass-root developers who haven’t been bought out and dominated by corporate social justice interlopers.

All That Migging and Towing
All That Migging and Towing
8 years ago

@Sinkable Worth as a human being

You were the only one talking to me, stupid. Who was I supposed to reply to? Myself?

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

Only by a sustained intellectual renaissance and through the funding of worthy projects shall the left-wing efforts to control video games and other forms of media be defeated

That reminds me: I totally need to make a Social Justice version of the old Illuminati! board game.

8 years ago

left wing tyranny

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Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago


What do you mean by “Left-wing efforts to control video games and other forms of media”? Who are these left-wing groups, and how do they organize? What’s their goal?

That said, kudos to you on actually supporting media you like. It’s basically how we on the progressive left operate, too – vote with your wallet and voice. I basically only buy indie titles these days (Other than a few companies I do like, like Firaxis and Bethesda), and I’m glad to support artists by Patreon or just by buying their work. It’s how it should be done!

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

Oooh, Illuminati!. Gosh, Steve Jackson Games has really put out some great stuff in their day, huh?

8 years ago

@All That Puffing and Blowing:

Only by a sustained intellectual renaissance and through the funding of worthy projects shall the left-wing efforts to control video games and other forms of media be defeated

Well, good luck with that, because intellectuals you ain’t got, and the Renaissance ended centuries ago. You will be plonked in the dustbin of history, and if you don’t stay, you’ll get the garburetor. Don’t make anyone throw the switch, now…

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago

the left-wing efforts to control video games

I’d add this to my name if it weren’t long enough already.

You were the only one talking to me, stupid.

Urh urh urh.


I’ve mainly been to catholic churches and various obediences of mosques, and I found that some made me feel in love with everyone, while others made me wanna run away in fear. Pagan stuff has usually been more inclusive although I’ve been to a lot less events so I dunno. On the other hand some pagan authors have left me with a pretty bad taste in my eyeballs-palate, probably as a contrast to the inclusiveness experienced beforehand. And then again, that was only one author, and she’s kinda cranky…

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

@John, I’ve had some lovely experiences with the local First Nations tribes here, they were rather formative for me – even though I’m not spiritual in the traditional sense, I still carry a lot of that with me. They say that a sweat lodge is the womb of the earth. I can believe it.

Otherwise my experiences have been with Catholicism for the most part, and have been pleasant but sort of bland. Went to a Catholic school growing up, perhaps that’s the issue.

8 years ago

Who are these masterminds?
How do they organize?
Can you name some of them?
Could you tell us their plots?
Do you have any proof?
What links can you provide?
Where do they congregate?
Which sites have they controlled?
When did their schemes started?
Why do you believe in this?
Should you even bother?

Anne Lewis, Jib Creatr
Anne Lewis, Jib Creatr
8 years ago

Is Miggy a GamerGater on paper the same way Davis Aurini is a white nationalist on paper?

Aunt Podger
Aunt Podger
8 years ago

And yet you got one, and a glorious one, at that!

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago


It all seemed so alien to me, because I was raised in a secular home where I was told that God was watching me to make sure I wasn’t disobeying my parents or doing dumb shit. It was a way for my parents to defer to higher authority even they didn’t believe in. So “God doesn’t exist” came pretty naturally since I could still get away with the dumb shit :3

And then came religion with all its rules and rituals and stories and wow this isn’t only about a God watching me but also people, I can’t decide by myself what is wrong and isn’t, wait actually I can ? HALP. CONFUS.

EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

Weirdly, I was the other way around. I grew up in a household where:

A) You didn’t talk about religion openly, and especially not question it.
B) Every moral question ended “because God.”
C) God’s wishes just happened to coincide exactly with what suited my parents, and on a wider social scale with what suited the established white middle class.
D) Any failing, no matter how slight, moral or otherwise, was evidence that you had been a terrible person all along.

And yet I’ve settled into an atheist position similar to your own.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

Mig always seems to leave right after I ask him a mildly tough question. Huh.

comment image

@John, that’s pretty normal, I think! I know lots in the same boat. Secular home, religion solely as a controlling force on younger children. It’s good that you’ve actually grappled with the questions that religion raises, though! They’re good to consider.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago

@EJ & Scildfreja

“Try not to be an ass” is a hell of a powerful mantra, when combined with a bit of open-mindedness about ideas, the world, morals, etc. It may not be enough by itself, but then that’s what exchanging with others is for, heh. (And it’s the whole point of my bartending jerb ! Weeeeeee)

Miggers might wanna take a few notes. And yeah, he constantly, willfully ignores what he can’t easily respond to with half-assed abuse. Kinda boring. At least the Captain Haddock rant was fun.

That said, sleepsies-timesies. I shall fix the schedule tonight ! Hopefully.

8 years ago

Is there anyone in the manosphere who isn’t some kind of grifter?

The suckers they grift?

Also, I think I’m going to wear this gif out before year’s end what with all the trolls showing up:

Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ scildfreja, EJ & John

I was raised in a non religious household (albeit with an Irish Catholic cultural background). I went to religious schools, but there was a strong Jesuit influence. We were taught to question everything and argue. I enjoyed theology generally, and still find it interesting.

I ended up being an atheist pagan.

That’s quite a common position in my little gang from school (and a few atheist Buddhists)

8 years ago

It wouldn’t’ve occurred to me to describe a situation where you’re told that is watching you as secular; I suppose that you mean ‘not churchgoers’?
I ask, because I grew up in a very secular household, where the word god was only ever used in conjunction with ‘dammit’ when dad was annoyed. I think the first time I actually set foot in a church of any kind was in high school. I went because a girl I gad a crush on invited me. Nothing came of it, and the actual service was excruciating.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

I see Miggs stayed home from his important engineering job today. Perhaps he ate some bad seagull and got diarrhea.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Corporate social justice interlopers?

I’m always amused by anyone who thinks corporate and social justice ever go together.

I’m also amused that Miggs dropped the highly payed 329 year old engineer act in favor of a downtrodden white working class bloke beset by the PC police in the span of less than 48 hours. Did he think we wouldn’t notice?