You may remember Aaron Clarey — also known as “Captain Capitalism” — as one of the random manospherians interviewed for the cinematic abomination known as The Sarkeesian Effect. I don’t quite remember if he made it into the final cut of the official, er, “film.” He definitely did appear in Davis Aurini’s bootleg version, pontificating about the alleged lack of ethics in American journalism while, for some unknown reason, wearing a cravat.
Turns out that Mr. Clarey’s definition of “ethics” is a rather unique one.
On Monday, Clarey encouraged his blog readers to take advantage of a unique opportunity to earn some sweet, sweet cash — helping students cheat their way through college by writing their essays and term papers for them.
Clarey posted a pitch from his apparent pal Aleksey Bashtavenko, the head of something called Academic Composition, who started off by thanking Clarey for sending so many aspiring , er, ghostwriters his way in the past.
I’d like to personally thank Aaron and all of you who follow his blog Captain Capitalism, you guys have been the main driving force behind the recent growth of our enterprise.
After a slow summer, “Alex” reported,
we’re definitely getting much busier and this may well be our most lucrative semester yet.
Quite a few people have inquired about job opportunities with us and we weren’t able to receive help from all of you. Yet, we could definitely use all of the support we can get. Within a month, we will be entering the busiest juncture of the academic year and it will last all the way through the end of 2016.
As you can see, he’s all about the high-quality prose.
Alex, who claims his “full-time writers earn over $3,000 per month,” also has some job openings in the Craigslist spamming “subcontracting” department as well.
We’re also looking to expand our ranks of Craigslist subcontractors. Many of you have been posting for us regularly and invariably, this helped us get to where we are today. We pay $5 for each lead our subcontractors generate and another $1 for each day your ads have been live.
Presumably Clarey is getting paid for posting this. Is there anyone in the manosphere who isn’t some kind of grifter?
Oh poor poor David. Don’t you know how you determine if something is ethical?
First you check if someone has a penis. If they do, whatever they’re doing is ethical.
Alt-right ethics checklist:
Anita Sarkeesian: unethical
Adolf Hitler: ethical
Zoe Quinn: unethical
Donald Trump: ethical
Hillary Clinton: unethical
See? It’s easy.
But, see, he’s not a journalist. His journalistic ethics are batting 1000! What was that? Anita Sarkeesian isn’t a journalist either?
[Photoshop of Donald Trump’s head on a cartoon caveman]
Clarey’s also the twit who started their ridiculous MANcott of Mad Max. Just a right winner all around, that one.
So… Since I know someone’s gonna do it anyway (and I know that’s a very poor excuse), here we go :
What happened to “academic integrity?”
Well excuse you, I will not have such slander upon the ethical ethicists that is gamergaters.
They have to check whether it is the right kind of penis before deciding whether it is ethical or not, if a trans or intersex woman dares to have a penis they are also unethical.
If a vagina is attached to someone who agrees with gamergate, then it is ethical, at least provisionally, we don’t want to get too many of them around after all.
And if a penis-having man disagrees with gamergate then he is also unethical, and probably has something wrong with his penis.
I sure hope you’ve learned something today!
So these are the half-wits I’m up against? Lol, k. Guess I’m not surprised.
I work in a university research lab, we focus largely on educational analytics. This is how the focus on my work can be about cognition, understanding knowledge, how we process it, and how we use it. This way we can use the traces of student interaction with the system to understand more about what they’ve actually learned, instead of what they’re regurgitating onto an exam.
A slice of the work, or at least a very useful byproduct of that work, is plagiarism and cheat detection.
Thanks for putting it all in the open like that, guys! Like I keep on saying over the past few days, it’s so nice when they front-load it all like that. Makes life so much easier.
Who would pay for a paper written by a gamergater?
Somehow I don’t think 10 pages of “cucking, cucking, Sarkeesian, SJW, CUCK!!!!!!” would get a very good grade.
supposedly they actually prefer bad writers for these things since they can write more passably like undergrads. It’s highly suspicious when you get a kid who can barely string together a sentence in a email write a flawless 15 page paper. So these are the guys for the job, really.
Yet again, these dipsticks are posting their plans all over the Internet where everyone can access them.
I would hope that none of these people are working for a school, but who the fuck am I kidding? Of course they don’t. (And thanks to whichever dieity is responsible for that bit of good fortune.)
Gross. Now I’m reminded of when my ex saw my note sheet I’d made for a class and suggested I sell it to other students for some extra cash. I had to explain to him why I was completely against that idea (it’s dishonest, the professor had you turn them in when the test was done, the entire point of allowing it is because writing it is a form of study, etc.). I don’t think he ever understood why it was wrong. Then again, he thought there was nothing wrong with having tons of bootleg music and movies because he couldn’t afford them at the time. He had very little empathy and very little desire to learn empathy. I did try to teach him some, and his mom actually got mad at me for trying to teach him how to read tone because she used those misunderstandings as ammunition against him.
When you say that, you make me wanna drop atheism for good. (Even years after getting disgusted at some atheists and finding refuge with the atheist+ librul BIASED SJWs)
It’s fortunate that Gamergate is full of Rational Men who understand STEM subjects with their mighty man-brains, and so can write better papers than people who’ve been studying the subject for months.
I almost want to commission papers on properly hard subjects from these people, just to see what they produce. I’m sure they wouldn’t have a problem writing about, say, the influence of Umberto Eco’s Open Work on the development of post-irony, or on the changing reception of Thucydides during the 20th century, or something like that. If they can STEM then they can do anything.
That’s just mean (read funny), ej. I sullied my noble compsci degree with a minor in understanding what actually has happened on this planet, and that’d brutalize me.
@me and not you
That is absolutely the case. It’s easier to do then ‘dumb down’ a better essay. Some of the essay services even include the occasional randomized error.
When I taught, writing above the student’s demonstrated ability was the most obvious sign a paper wasn’t written by the student whose name was on it.
We had software to recognize passages lifted from other works. In the early ’00s ‘bought off the Internet explosion’ I saw tons of non-American spellings. Both of those, however, could be easily explained away with a simple “I forgot” (or more commonly “no one told me”) to properly cite or spell check adding the extra “L” or “U”.
But, suddenly being able to produce professionally polished work was the easiest to spot and the best evidence to prove the subsequent academic misconduct charge. A simple comparison was more than enough to uphold my side of things.
There are few things that hurt me more than knowing that the YouTube community that helped me in understanding my atheism, decided to go the way of Rush Limbaugh and Alex Jones.
For me I just try to remember why I became an atheist in the first place. I didn’t believe in any religion, that doesn’t mean I should insult those that do, or assume that somehow I’m better.
@EJ, I may actually commission them, so that I can get some samples of counterfeit papers for my algorithms to gobble up. They sow the seeds of their own destruction, muahuahua. If I do, what topics should I ask for? I’ll share them here if the idea passes muster with the ethics board.
@Kupo, ugh. I had a conversation with a friend a few weeks ago, in which he asked for me to give him a pdf of a book that I had paid for. I said no, because the author was self publishing and I would feel bad taking the money from his pocket. I then had to sit through a ten minute rant about how judgmental I was for condemning piracy, and video game companies are all evil megacorps trying to squeeze money out of fans with day-one DLC, and music companies are all evil, etc, etc.
(He apologized almost immediately afterwards, and felt bad about blowing up like that. He does that once in awhile, but he always catches himself after he’s done and feels terrible about it, so I cut him some slack! He is very kind and optimistic in general, just doesn’t like opposition. That fight-or-flight reaction works hard in his poor little head)
@John, you should try to drop the atheism for a weekend. Pick a religion that makes you happy or interested, and try it for a few days. Not because atheism is wrong, but because it’s very easy to settle into a rut with your thinking. Doing that sort of cognitive shakeup once in awhile is excellent mental hygiene!
Is this how Mick Dash got an A on his spurious gender studies paper despite clearly learning nothing from the alleged class?
What I find disturbingly sad about this is when I was in uni a significant number of students in two of my classes (greater than ten), which were themselves in two different fields of study (comp sci and mechanical engineering) were caught doing stuff similar to this. They’d pay upfront for computer programs or various papers to be written by graduates and grad students.
It’s not an uncommon thing and in fact in my time as a freelance writer, I’ve gotten a significant number of low-paying requests (low paying relative to my usual rate) for this very thing. (I turned them all down btw)
Why gender studies, of course. Ask them to write a college-level research paper explaining bbaf and the gynocracy.
@EJ – I want to commission a paper on Women’s Studies, just to watch their heads explode. I assume it’s set up similar to legitimate sites like Elance and Odesk , where contractors bid on projects and payment is contingent on the work being done to the client’s satisfaction. Right? Right?
I’m not sure what the point is of paying gobs of tuition money, not doing the work or learning anything, and then finding themselves way over their head at their job years later because they never absorbed the core concepts. You can’t cheat your way into a STEM job, and if you’re caught, it’s a red flag for grad school and employers. You don’t want that on your record.
On a larger scale, cheating devalues the diploma by flooding the market with grads who don’t know what they’re doing. But maybe that’s the point here – maybe this is some kind of black ops to undermine academia and SJWs. Which circles back to the first question: what the hell are they doing at college, if they have zero respect for learning?
Doesn’t “juncture” mean “a moment in time”? So this is a three month moment?
Well, I suppose if you planned on re-glurging right wing MRA talking points on your essays anyways, might as well skip the middleman and pay the source for more fountains of word vomit.
Was Aaron Clarey the guy billed as a wikipedia editor, or was that someone else?
What is this “we pay $1 a day” crap? You’re going to pay me $1 a day? How down-on-his-luck does a manospherean have to be to think $1 a day is a good deal? I don’t think a lot of these guys live in a Cambodian boat village.
A 40-hour-a-week job that pays $3000 a month pretax equates to just over $17 an hour. I bet these “full time” workers are working a boatload more than 40 hours to pull in that kind of money, reducing the per-hour pay further. I know that I’m personally super-impressed by a brilliant manly STEM guy who makes $9/hour helping undergrads cheat on their papers. I’m not going to slam anyone making $9 an hour at something, but I think we can agree that someone qualified to send people to the moon, the way these losers seem to believe they are, should be pulling in at least a living wage.
Clarey has been advertising this for awhile. One of his main arguments is that students in STEM fields are “forced” to take “social justice” courses cause academia is run by communists and its all a big racket (yes, irony). He also firmly believes that anything not STEM is “easy”, and that women take the liberal arts and social sciences cause they’re lazy and don’t want to do math. So, he offers this for the “hard working” and “rational” men taking STEM so they don’t have to waste their time writing these “unnecessary” papers. Of course, what he doesn’t warn his readers, is that if they get caught, they will be ejected from their STEM program, and getting into another post-secondary program elsewhere will be unbelievably difficult if not impossible cause plagiarism will now be on your permanent academic record. That Clarey profits off of this, and so does his advertising partner, is of course the real racket going on here. And just for the record, I was a TA in a social science field, and we caught these kind of papers all the time.