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Whaa!? Men Going Their Own Way actually consider going their own way

Clipperton Island: It has a tree
Clipperton Island: It has a tree

Earlier today, one apparently desperate MGTOW went to the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit to ask the regulars for advice on fleeing the country so he can skip out on paying alimony and child support.

Helpful commenters suggested various alternatives, from faking his own death to literally joining the French Foreign legion (turns out he’s too old for that). The OP is also considering the possibility of living “like Rambo, in the woods.”

But my favorite answer came from a dude living on a boat:

Mike637 3 points 9 hours ago Buy a small sailboat and go. There are tons of deserted island and countries that are not going to care about your visa status unless you are committing crimes. Sailing is easy. If you have a decent vehicle, I bet you could show up on the Gulf coast and trade it for a capable sailboat. I live on a sailboat right now and as soon as I am finished fixing it up, I am out of here. I am hoping to be done by the end of October.

I would strongly urge all MGTOWs to consider this alternative. Any kind of boat or boat-like device will do — sailboat, rowboat, giant inflatable duck, pool noodle, you name it.

Aim for one of these islands and you’ll be sitting pretty in no time!

NOTE: Just so you know, the caption for the pic above is kind of a joke. Clipperton Island, a tiny smudge of an atoll 670 miles southwest of Mexico, has more than one tree. It also had birds.


And an abandoned tanker!


MGTOWs! Clipperton island calls for you!

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8 years ago

@Mick Dash
You mistake mocking you and your argument style for mocking the issue of non-consentual genital surgery and conflate a common medical practice with sexual assault. It’s not the feminists in this comment section who are minimizing abuse.

8 years ago

OK, this is beginning to look like the “Headline? No.” game. Any headline ending in a question mark can usually be correctly answered with “No”.

You can stop with the “Don’t you find…” construction, because no, I don’t find such attitudes common.

8 years ago

Don’t you find that feminists often normalize and minimize sexual violence when it’s directed at male victims?

Oh, absolutely. “A man was raped? No big.” That’s what feminists say all the time.

“A man was killed? Whatever.” Yep, that’s how we talk.

Are you saying that men deserve to be treated with compassion and humaneness? That they deserve dignity and respect?

Can you prove this?

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago

@Dick Marsh

I’m belittling you, and even then there’s really no need for that. You’re already small and petty.

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

Don’t you find that feminists often normalize and minimize sexual violence when it’s directed at male victims?

comment image

I guess they found a button to push, but I’ll take the bait.

The very fact you even pose such a question in such a way just shows how much you’re trivializing male rape victims. Go and ask any male rape victim who mocked them and who tried to help them. Go read the comment section of an article about a boy getting raped by his female school teacher and check out the profiles of people disgusted and people who aren’t. Go see how much of the manosphere trivializes rape with phrases like “wallet-rape” or whatever the fuck they say.

It’s very obvious many feminist take rape seriously, while you and other anti-feminist do not.

Also, good job going full-4Chan, dumbass. Now I’m just pitying how low you’d go to try to get attention.

8 years ago

So much deflection.

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

Mick you really have no fucking idea about the world.

Feminists helping to change the FBI definition of rape to one that better protects men.

Here is a feminist website helping to talk about male rape.

I have a whole bookmark folder on this subject that would twist your guts.

You want minimization of male rape? How about when a teacher takes advantage of a male student the script tries to convince them it was a good thing if they were a female teacher, and often does the same victim blaming and protecting of the predator when the teacher is male? Is that a feminism thing?

Frankly it all seems to be about scoring points in a social conflict to you. Fucking sickening. I would not want you in my group.

8 years ago

@Mick Dash
You know I would make an entire poem for you in Terza Rima, if it weren’t for the fact Mig decided to jump ship before I could finish his request, the ungrateful asshole.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

@Mig- er, sorry. Mick.

It isn’t that feminists approve of genital mutilation, of any kind. Here’s an article showing the feminist opinion of circumcision. Notice that it’s called “Circumcision is a feminist issue”, and it advises that children should not be circumcised.

It’s that MRAs of various stripes complain about it, loudly, and then do nothing about it. They also only seem to bring it up when feminists are talking about the issues women face. It’s infuriating. You want to do something about it? Great! Come help us instead of sitting on the internet bitching about it.

What are you using for your citations on that paper, Mick?

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Don’t you find that feminists often normalize and minimize sexual violence when it’s directed at male victims?

A few hours ago I actually spoke out when my dad made a prison rape joke made about a man today. I explained why it’s wrong to make such jokes, even against a really vile criminal. You trolled on the internet. Looks like this feminist did more to oppose rape culture as it relates to male victims today than you did.

ETA: I’m not explaining here why it’s wrong. Regulars already know and I’d love to see the troll display the slightest inkling of why prison rape jokes are wrong. I suspect that will not happen.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

@Minced Meat

Don’t you find that feminists often normalize and minimize sexual violence when it’s directed at male victims?

Nope. And circumcision isn’t sexual violence. Fuck off forever



A dissertation on ‘circumcision as sexual repression and/or as expression of established gender paradigms’ sounds like pretty cool idea. Unless, as you allude, it’s just to whine about the state of one’s junk. Then it’s just a sad, self indulgent waste of everyone’s time

30 or so cantos of that, and you’ve got a masterpiece

8 years ago

@Mick Dash
Why don’t you call your local rape crisis center and ask what their support programs for men are? Most crisis centers do have resources and counseling for male rape victims and take it just as seriously as if it were anyone else. The reason that some people don’t take male rape seriously is because they believe that manly men should be able to fend off an attacker and that all men like sex anyway. Most male rapes go unreported because a male victim doesn’t want to be seen as ‘weak’ or ‘gay’ for being raped. That’s what we feminists call “toxic masculinity,” the concept that men have to be a certain type of ‘manly’ or they’re not real men, often involving guns and cars and muscles and what have you. It’s one of the things we fight against because we believe there’s not one right way to be a man or a woman and that masculinity and femininity are social constructs that should cater to personal definitions, not societal ones.

So no, we fight pretty damn hard against male rape and the culture and stigma that supports it going unreported.

8 years ago

You know who I most often see minimizing sexual abuse of men and boys? Men. If a man is sexually assaulted by a woman, there are men going “Hyuk Hyuk! Lucky bastard!” (Or, see Bill Maher belittling male rape victims.) If a tween boy is sexually abused by a grown woman, there are men who are, like, “Heh heh heh wish that woulda happened to me!”

I’ve pushed back on shit like that and have been called a feminazi bitch for it.

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

@ Mick

“Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
September 13, 2016 at 10:42 pm
Are we back to “THEY TOOK MY FORESKIN !!” again ?”

Don’t you find this kind of minimizing, belittling attitude common among feminists to institutional anti male sex abuse? I don’t think it’s really an isolated thing – it’s a common cultural attitude – I think feminists overlook it because gynocentic sexism basically. They don’t see the rapey-ness because they are mainly concerned with women.

Link the comment. I’m willing to bet that this was in response to the use of circumcision in an attempt to minimize something that someone else was concerned about. That is a pattern I see very often, circumcision used as a tool to try to get feminists to change the subject or stop talking about what they are concerned about.

I could be wrong of course so, why were foreskins brought up?

8 years ago

Female: Thank you for taking me to Olive Garden! I could eat here every day!
Me, a humble MGTOW: *shoves seagulls in my tactical shorts* I have to go.

Wait, no, that meme doesn’t work, ’cause the MGTOW would spend the entire date explaining why he was right to leave, then follow her home.

Hu's On First
Hu's On First
8 years ago

The whole live on a boat as a recluse thing somehow reminds me of the movie, Mud. I liked that movie. But I don’t think it would have been as good if the title character had been a MGTOW.

8 years ago


This needs to be the cover of one of those lurid men’s magazines from the 60s. It’d fit right in with “WEASELS RIPPED MY FLESH!”

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Man, I missed the good troll! Watching that guy go into full on meltdown because we wimminz don’t wanna eat seagull and Olive Garden was the funniest thing I’ve seen all week.

Right? That guy’s like the great trolls of yore. Dick Mast could be found in any comment section on any given day. I spotted one just like him on Jezebel just hours ago. For all I know, it was him!

8 years ago

@All That Pissing and Moaning:

you probably think you deserve Olive Garden day in and day out

Actually, I’m certain I deserve better, and for a cheaper price, too. Luckily, I grow, freeze, and preserve my own organic veggies and am an excellent cook. Can you say the same, you 329-year-old engineer, you?

We owe our existence to feminists and other assorted gynocrats like yourselves.

Well, at the very minimum, you do owe your measly existence to a vagina-haver who was generous enough to squeeze you out into the world when she didn’t absolutely have to. (Although in your case, I’d say it was more of a bowel-haver with a bad case of amoebic dysentery.)

But thanks all the same, glad to have furnished you miserable patheticos with a raison d’être. I do live to serve, being nothing but a mere feeeemale, after all.

I’d say that you all are a big help, but I’m pretty sure that if your egos got anymore comically inflated, we’d have to attach lights to your heads to prevent pilots from crashing into you.

Whereas yours is already a lighthouse without any help from us at all. And a foghorn, too! Well done, jolly chap, I’m so impressed!

A man can live off of those things. Women, not so much, especially when they start experiencing women problems and start craving everything under the sun (and quite possibly, the sun itself).

Please to promptly demonstrate your seagull-catching, -cooking and -eating skills, so that we can see you’re not just talking out your capacious ass. But no guns, lighters or matches allowed. Desert-island raw materials only. HD video or it didn’t happen.

(As it happens, I’m on my period right now, so this should be good.)

Actually, this doesn’t disprove what I’m saying. The fact that you think you’re all above Olive Garden, I’d say, only proves what I’ve said about your ridiculously overpriced palates. Not one of you could survive off of birds, I’m willing to bet.

Dude, if you think the Olive Garden is “ridiculously overpriced”, you haven’t seen Trump Steaks™. They’re now history, as this venture flopped along with all the rest of Drumpf’s silly shit, but you can still google them, if you’re curious. (Hint: They’re so inferior it’s laughable, but the price is hugely inflated. Makes the Olive Garden look like pikers. Or a bargain, depending on your view.)

And here you were telling us yesterday that you made extremely good money and you were bitter at having to pay taxes on it just so that we “parasites” wouldn’t starve. If this is your idea of a fancy, expensive joint, I am weeping laughy tears for you. And I don’t wonder that no woman wants to date you. That is what this whole miggy-toe thing is really all about, innit?

All I’m getting from this is that women in modern society have become so pampered and so spoiled that they think they deserve better than a chain restaurant. Seriously, do any of you people even know what it’s like to eat at a McDonalds, or do you class warriors find such cheap foods to be beneath you?

Yup, I was right. You’re just pissy because no woman will dine off the dollar menu in the company of oh-so-magnificent you, and you’re not willing to spend more than $5 for the both of you before you try to get into her pants and she slaps your grubby hands away. And you’re probably pissy that she’s not blowing you for FREE, too. Dude, if that’s what’s bothering you, I have an excellent tip for you on how to get free sex anytime you want: TAKE YOURSELF IN HAND, ALREADY. BUT NOT HERE, DAMMIT.

Trust me on this one. You’ll feel ever so much better afterwards. Maybe not even inclined to wank on the Internets anymore! Just remember to wash your hands when you’re done.

you people have no idea what a man is capable of when he’s hungry.

Actually, I have a fair idea. He gets progressively weak and cranky, then collapses and dies of starvation, same as anybody. And then the seagulls pick his eyes out, rip off his hair to thatch their nests, and shit on what’s left.

Yes, it’s gross. But it’s a lot more plausible than your laughable contentions.

But hey! If you think you have the “oomph” (ha!) to eat screeching obnoxious guano birds, go right ahead and do it…far away from here. Personally, though, I think you’d be committing cannibalism.

Mick Dash
Mick Dash
8 years ago

” And circumcision isn’t sexual violence.”

There you go with the minimizing the victimization. That’s the feminist rape culture. Minimization and denial, as long as the victim is male. Do you say the same about female circumcision?

“This needs to be the cover of one of those lurid men’s magazines from the 60s. It’d fit right in with “WEASELS RIPPED MY FLESH!””

Wow, more of the same, it’s all a joke when boys get mutilated – maybe you can make it into a post card and mail it to the parents of the 100 or so boys who died from it last year. Make the punchline “IT’s not sexual violence”!” This is a great example of exactly the thing I’m talking about.

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

I would not risk my chips for that food source.

8 years ago

@Dick Mash:

Hey you guys are good

maybe I’ll do a paper on the anti -male feminist gynocratic rape culture.

Well, good luck with that. But you’ll have to find one first, and that’s gonna be the hard part.

Mick Dash
Mick Dash
8 years ago

It’s right here.

All That Migging and Towing
All That Migging and Towing
8 years ago


AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! Very nice!

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago


Oh it is an interesting subject. But he has nothing interesting to say on it. So as far as I’m concerned, sarcasm all the way.


That’s pretty much it. I don’t care to hear what he has to say about his foreskin. You wanna talk sexual mutilation, I’m all for it. You wanna blame “the gynocracy” for it, well, no. Just no.

@Dick Marsh

You ever even meet a male rape victim ? You ever listen to them, try to understand what the bulk of their struggle is, what causes that struggle, what rape culture actually is and where it comes from ? You ever work for and with rape victims, male and female, in whatever capacity you can ?

See now you’ve gone and made it personal. I can answer all of these questions with a “yes”. I know you can’t. I know you can’t because the only time you think of rape victims is to instrumentalize them, or blame them. The only time you think of rape culture is to blame it on feminism, which is plain wrong all the way down.

You talk about things that you don’t understand, that you don’t care to understand. You mention these subjects not because they’re important and indeed dear to us, but as the dumbest and weakest “checkmate feminism !” I’ve seen in a long while. So as far as I’m concerned you can just fuck off. You stop instrumentalizing people in your petty fight, and maybe we can talk about it. Until then.

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