Earlier today, one apparently desperate MGTOW went to the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit to ask the regulars for advice on fleeing the country so he can skip out on paying alimony and child support.
Helpful commenters suggested various alternatives, from faking his own death to literally joining the French Foreign legion (turns out he’s too old for that). The OP is also considering the possibility of living “like Rambo, in the woods.”
But my favorite answer came from a dude living on a boat:
I would strongly urge all MGTOWs to consider this alternative. Any kind of boat or boat-like device will do — sailboat, rowboat, giant inflatable duck, pool noodle, you name it.
Aim for one of these islands and you’ll be sitting pretty in no time!
NOTE: Just so you know, the caption for the pic above is kind of a joke. Clipperton Island, a tiny smudge of an atoll 670 miles southwest of Mexico, has more than one tree. It also had birds.
And an abandoned tanker!
MGTOWs! Clipperton island calls for you!
Oh goody! Mick Dash tries to gotcha-troll his professor, too!
Invite her here Mick, I’m sure her thoughts would be more interesting to us than yours.
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
I’m impressed
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Basically I’m thinking of doing circumcision for “The Paper”, I talked a little bit about it on my paper – I have already done some research on it but I don’t know maybe I should do something else. My paper was about men’s issues and gynocracy basically so I thought it might get held against my grade; I was really scared.
Maybe I’ll do like a full thesis on Gynocracy and how men are now systematically the disadvantaged sex at the institutional level instead of focusing on the circumcision thing specifically.
I can’t imagine a sociology professor who would hold it against you that you wrote about men’s issues in a gender studies class unless you decided to ignore the topic you were instructed to write about.
Are we back to “THEY TOOK MY FORESKIN !!” again ?
I missed this before, but
Sociological definitions like “citizen” are fuzzy, because societies are messy. That there are exceptions doesn’t invalidate a concept.
Mick, you need to stop thinking in absolutes. Just because rights aren’t concrete or precisely defined doesn’t make them meaningless; just because citizenship has exceptions to the basic rules doesn’t mean that the concept is invalid.
Societies don’t work that way, because information doesn’t work that way. It’s messy and stochastic and contradictory and glorious.
A resident of a nation with a government. That government usually dictates the rights and responsibilities of its citizenry in a constitution. By attaining citizenship to a government you are essentially entering a contract where you accept certain responsibilities (like paying taxes, registering for the draft, or completing your census forms) in exchange for rights and liberties (like having a say in government through voting, having healthcare, or owning property).
Mick is committed to the bit. I’ll give him that.
Hey you guys are good
maybe I’ll do a paper on the anti -male feminist gynocratic rape culture.
I’m sure that they’d be happy to accept your paper on the disadvantages men face in society today.
What sources are you planning on using for that paper, though? Typically you’ll want at least 5-8 good sources for an undergraduate paper. Do you know what you’ll be referring to for citations?
You can fuck off right now.
ETA : The goal of editing a post is usually to correct it, not to make it even more wrong.
Insulting us to try to change the subject won’t work.
Don’t you find that feminists often normalize and minimize sexual violence when it’s directed at male victims?
OK Mick, really?
You’ve decided that a good topic for a “paper” in a Sociology of Feminism “Class” is circumcision, and maybe men’s issues, and the “gynocracy”.
Now you’re just making things up to troll with.
And no, I don’t find that feminists do any such normalizing thing, because I’d think such men would prefer talking to police and therapists, instead of some random feminist in the street.
I can see how that conversation might go. “I was violated last night” “Well, call the police then.” It’s not gonna be, “That’s normal, go lay down and sleep it off.”
Short form: What we collectively decide it to be.
Longer form: As much as I criticize the expressions of group psychology that I see, it is a normal and natural part of our instincts and the ability to decide who is and is not in our group, how you get into our group, and how you get kicked out is a neutral on the species level.
The trick is finding a good way to express something that evolved in a species used to interacting with 100-200 or so of it’s kind, and preyed on it’s own kind in the modern age. Swapping symbols with personal experience of people in group communication is part of how that changed thanks to some evolving around 500,000 years ago.
Fast forward through periods of time during which symbolism evolved into all kinds of wacky things for communication and social organization that probably affected our very evolution and we can form sets of concepts that we collectively agree constitutes a member of a group living in a country. Which is also subject to change if we collectively decide it should and explains why we get so passionate about this stuff and want to all have our say in forming it.
Citation fucking needed. In fact, feminists do a lot of work to help male rape victims.
Don’t you find that copy-pasting well-known feminist arguments and retooling them to suit your purposes shows an incredible lack of creativity ?
Seriously, it’s what the alt-right does, for fuck’s sake.
TW: Violence, rape
Thanks for that information on Clipperton Island. I was stunned!
Wikipedia says this:
TW: Violence, rape
Feminists show concern for rape victims, male or female.
MRAs make rape jokes.
@Kat, Clipperton is a wild story. Absolutely awful. Practically movie-quality. Frankly, I’m sure there *are* movies about it.
A citizen has, like, Armor Class -2, 10 Hit Dice and swallows whole if it hits by 5 or more, right? One of the Lovecraft-derived monsters first published in Dragon Magazine in 1983 and later collected in Monster Manual 2, if I’m not mistaken.
“Citation fucking needed. ”
“Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
September 13, 2016 at 10:42 pm
Are we back to “THEY TOOK MY FORESKIN !!” again ?”
Don’t you find this kind of minimizing, belittling attitude common among feminists to institutional anti male sex abuse? I don’t think it’s really an isolated thing – it’s a common cultural attitude – I think feminists overlook it because gynocentic sexism basically. They don’t see the rapey-ness because they are mainly concerned with women.
Now for the poem that no asked for in Dante’s Inferno’s form.
Somewhere, beyond the azure horizon,
Lies a place crowned with sand and coral reef.
Where gulls doze in the land of Clipperton.
A visitor, compelled by his belief,
powered by aspirations of manhood,
Will sooth his sore ego with sweet relief.
He’ll prove those women wrong with his plywood,
His wits, his skills and his hunting prowess,
Shall expose them as meek as a bird’s brood.
Mig’s boat has landed and he is breathless,
As countless Seagulls lay still and rested.
A perfect setting to nab the brainless.
Perhaps if he heard what was suggested,
and approached in some camouflaged attire,
He would not be so easily bested.
The flock flew far from the slow non-flyer.
As the night descends and brings cold, harsh wind,
Mig soon found out he could not make his fire.
“This chill is nothing”, said Mig as he grinned.
Soon they’ll say “forgive us for we have sinned.”
Edit: Oooh, very nice, Ooglyboggles.
Man, I missed the good troll! Watching that guy go into full on meltdown because we wimminz don’t wanna eat seagull and Olive Garden was the funniest thing I’ve seen all week.
Now there’s just the sophomoric, pseudo-intellectual drivel-spewing troll, and I’m bored of that one.