"ethics" men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit

Whaa!? Men Going Their Own Way actually consider going their own way

Clipperton Island: It has a tree
Clipperton Island: It has a tree

Earlier today, one apparently desperate MGTOW went to the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit to ask the regulars for advice on fleeing the country so he can skip out on paying alimony and child support.

Helpful commenters suggested various alternatives, from faking his own death to literally joining the French Foreign legion (turns out he’s too old for that). The OP is also considering the possibility of living “like Rambo, in the woods.”

But my favorite answer came from a dude living on a boat:

Mike637 3 points 9 hours ago Buy a small sailboat and go. There are tons of deserted island and countries that are not going to care about your visa status unless you are committing crimes. Sailing is easy. If you have a decent vehicle, I bet you could show up on the Gulf coast and trade it for a capable sailboat. I live on a sailboat right now and as soon as I am finished fixing it up, I am out of here. I am hoping to be done by the end of October.

I would strongly urge all MGTOWs to consider this alternative. Any kind of boat or boat-like device will do — sailboat, rowboat, giant inflatable duck, pool noodle, you name it.

Aim for one of these islands and you’ll be sitting pretty in no time!

NOTE: Just so you know, the caption for the pic above is kind of a joke. Clipperton Island, a tiny smudge of an atoll 670 miles southwest of Mexico, has more than one tree. It also had birds.


And an abandoned tanker!


MGTOWs! Clipperton island calls for you!

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Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen
8 years ago

Why’s everyone dissing on pineapples all of a sudden? I mean, if you cross one with a half-dozen eggs, you get something you don’t want to run into in a dark alley.



8 years ago

Just finished the thread. I LOST it at “Olive Garden”.

Bless your heart, Mig.

Tell us more about your fabulous wealth and how you are so macho you can live on a diet of raw sea gulls.

Then tell another poopy joke.

You are more fun than an barrel full of monkeys.

Mick Dash
Mick Dash
8 years ago

I don’t know but supposedly from what my professor was saying in the lecture women had the “right” to vote “taken away”, supposedly in New Jersey they had women voting but then it got banned (by patriarchy) – is my answer close?

Kupo it’s called “sociology of gender” – that’s the course name – my teacher is a sociology professor – I think she’s maybe a feminist – so far my grades are pretty good – got a perfect score on the writing assignment

8 years ago

One of those rules my local gym.

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

I don’t know but supposedly from what my professor was saying in the lecture women had the “right” to vote “taken away”, supposedly in New Jersey they had women voting but then it got banned (by patriarchy)

I’d probably be happier for you if you didn’t put “right” and “taken away” in quotes.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago


Nah I just meant it as a… whatchmacallit. Hrm. It was a joke, but I can’t engrish up a description of the kind of joke. Halp.

Like, I didn’t actually mean we’d know ?

See this is why I’m still bad at english.

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

@Sinkable John

That would be irony or sarcasm, which is hard to pick up in text format.

At least, I think it would be.

(Also, I got some wax cubes called “Monster Cookies” and it smells phenomenal. I need to get more.

It smells like really, really good sugar cookies, you guys, it’s great.)

8 years ago

He doesn’t believe in rights.

8 years ago


FYI it looks to me like most of those birds are gannets, though it may be you were saying in your region it’s mostly gulls. Clipperton has a variety of seafaring birds, but interestingly I don’t see gannets listed on the Wikipedia page but those are definitely gannets; I know because when I used to work on a ship in the Pacific, we rigged up a make-shift air-gun out of a high-pressure air hose and some spare PVC piping, which we used to help us with our bird poop problem. Our bird poop problem was the direct result of gannets landing on the masts of the ship to get a free ride. So we’d fire warning shots over their bow, so to speak. ‘Twas an international incident, I say! I’ll never forget the look of the lil’ bastards pooping up a storm all over the deck which it was then our duty to clean. Odious, wretched poop-birds! Oi oi oi!

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


and it’s really treatable

comment image

8 years ago

But how do gannets taste?

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen
8 years ago


Considering that thing is on the so-called God Teir when it comes to power levels, that’s not surprising.

How often do the gym(s) in your area change hands? In this area, if one goes longer than a day (especially on weekends), it’s doing pretty good.



And that’s just proof positive those things have some palm tree DNA in them from someplace. 😀

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago

@Handsome Jack

No no no more like err… parody I guess ?

Y’know, the old “You better not do x, because I’ll know.”

But you’re right, it is kinda hard to pick up in text, I’m realizing this right now.

Croquembouche of patriarchy
Croquembouche of patriarchy
8 years ago

@Sinkable John,
Long ago I used to be on a discussion group for a particular science where university level discussions were frequently interrupted by a junior high school level student asking a really basic question.

Some posters would reply with “read your text book kid, it will be in there”. Some posters would patiently give the answer and explain it to them. In both cases the kid had an opportunity to discover that learning is a thing you do, not something that is done to you.

And some posters would give an answer which was wrong and untrue. “Never reproduce in your exam or essay something you heard on the Internet without checking it out against valid sources” is an important lesson in academia and in life. Mick Dash is currently putting too much faith in the MGTOW anecdata, I hope he learns better.

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

He doesn’t believe in rights.

Yeah, I remember, that’s why I’d be happier for them.

Like, I get that rights aren’t “real”, but a concept is still real and has effects and I think I’ve already done this in the other thread and I’m not getting into it again.

(Okay, I would totally get into it again but I have better things to do, like that fan fic I keep mentioning. I’m almost certain I’ve done chapter one right.)

No no no more like err… parody I guess ?

Y’know, the old “You better not do x, because I’ll know.”

I still think that’s sarcasm because, you know, if it’s said or read in a certain way, you’d know you’re not being serious, which is why it’s hard to convey through text.

A parody is more like something that’s making fun of something that already exists in a way that sort of copies it, if that’s makes sense. I’m pretty sure that’s it.

I don’t know, I’m not an English major. Some Major English explain shit to us.

Mick Dash
Mick Dash
8 years ago

Here’s my challenge to you guys, and gals who believe in “rights”, can any of you tell me what a “citizen” is – without looking it up?

Often the myth of “the citizen” is conjoined with this myth of rights – no believer I’ve ever asked has ever been able to meet this challenge so don’t feel bad when you draw a blank…my professor didn’t know either…she started talking about “voting” and “owning property” when I asked her…but resident aliens can own property…and not all supposed “citizens” can vote…right ?…so obviously there’s more to it than voting and owning property right?

So what’s a “citizen”? Can anyone tell me? (without google)

I don’t know the answers to those other challenge questions, but would be interested to learn more. Like I said I’m real serious about my Gender Studies.

8 years ago

I didn’t know what birds those were, but around here we get seagulls. I’d try to catch the wild geese, swans, and ducks around here long before I’d go after the gulls and pigeons.

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

So what’s a “citizen”? Can anyone tell me? (without google)

Someone with a social security card. Next question.

8 years ago

I’m not sure. This one has been blue a while.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago

@Dick Mash

It’s a tricky question. “Citizen” means different things depending on where and when, for one. There’s no universal definition. Like rights, it’s a concept that fluctuates over time, is approached differently in different countries, and can have different degrees of inclusiveness.

In other words, the reason no one answered your question before is because it’s not properly defined in the first place.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

@Mix and Match
Citizen, noun: a constituent member of a nation state

8 years ago

We aren’t debating you, ya massive twit.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

@Mick, good for you! What did you write your paper about? And what are you planning on doing for the big assignments, do you have any topics yet?

8 years ago

I can just imagine that conversation.
Mick: “Rights aren’t even real! I can’t put them under a mattress.”
Professor: “They do exist. For example, the military and police forces protect the rights of citizens….”

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