Earlier today, one apparently desperate MGTOW went to the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit to ask the regulars for advice on fleeing the country so he can skip out on paying alimony and child support.
Helpful commenters suggested various alternatives, from faking his own death to literally joining the French Foreign legion (turns out he’s too old for that). The OP is also considering the possibility of living “like Rambo, in the woods.”
But my favorite answer came from a dude living on a boat:
I would strongly urge all MGTOWs to consider this alternative. Any kind of boat or boat-like device will do — sailboat, rowboat, giant inflatable duck, pool noodle, you name it.
Aim for one of these islands and you’ll be sitting pretty in no time!
NOTE: Just so you know, the caption for the pic above is kind of a joke. Clipperton Island, a tiny smudge of an atoll 670 miles southwest of Mexico, has more than one tree. It also had birds.
And an abandoned tanker!
MGTOWs! Clipperton island calls for you!
That’s funny, I could’ve sworn those things I caught, killed, gutted, plucked and cooked were wild quail, not Olive Gardens. Damn my inferior ladybrainz! Welp, live and learn, I guess.
(I know a lot of people here don’t like hunting even for food, and I sincerely apologise, but it was literally a “Kill or starve” situation – long story.)
You heard him, everybody. They’re insults, not ad hominems. Gawd, get it right.
By the way, gotta love waking up in the middle of the night and finding out there’s a troll. Not quite breakfast in bed but almost there.
I would just like to point out, as someone who has eaten seagull, that seagull is just about the worst tasting thing you can eat.
Wait–weren’t you telling us just yesterday we were all a bunch of losers living off welfare benefits supplied by taxes paid by you and your fellow Ubermenschen?
Today you’re a champion of the proletariat, and we’re effete snobs who find McDonalds beneath us!
What will we be tomorrow? Pirates? I hope tomorrow it’s pirates.
@All That Migging and Towing
So, if I were to say that your opinions about women are based largely on confirmation bias and the fundamental attribution error, you’d be able to give me a cogent reply as to why that isn’t the case? Tell me, how do you defeat your own biases?
Something other than “you suck and are pineapple” if you please, too, something substantial. I’m clearly not a pineapple.
I could figure something out; there’s always a plan B. When that doesn’t work, you just go down the line until you die. It’s not hard.
Just…. get your waterways right. Canada doesn’t want you lot and we’re tired of fishing you all out of the water.
Do terza rima!
Plan A never works.
But there is always Plan B.
Still working on it.
Terza Rima, hmm okay, will do later.
Miggy, I’m gonna try to break this to you gently.
You clearly can’t even figure out how to defend a hypothetical position on the internet. And you’re proposing to “figure something out” in a survival situation?
This is tantamount to a confession that you’ve never been within spitting distance of having to worry about what you would eat.
If you’re gonna go your own way, you should maybe think about reading a few books first, perhaps check out internet fora on outdoor survival. Hell, there are probably some good how-to’s on Youtube.
Because right now, bro, you try this and you gonna die.
And far from the evil cartoon feminists in your head celebrating, nobody will notice.
Right, so, die, then.
(Hint – survival is a specialized and narrow skill-set. It’s not *hard*, but you have to be *smart* to do it right, and you can’t just fake-it-till-you-make-it like you suggest. You have to know what to do, do it once, and do it right, or you die.)
I thought that “Measure Twice, Cut Once” was the engineer’s motto?
And the seagull they serve at Olive Garden is even worse.
Did he just say “informal fallacies” ? Did he actually use those words ? The guy who thinks abuse is a reasonable way to talk to someone and has apparently been in turbo-meltdown for all of the past 48 hours ?
You don’t defeat your own biases, you just keep modifying them until they more accurately reflect reality. You’re only a human, not a pineapple, so you very plainly have lemontations.
Just putting it out there – if any flavour of antifeminist wants to spite us all and absolutely, 100%, succeed-or-die commit to moving to a barren island and living off seafowl, oom-pah and grit, you have all the permission I’m capable of granting. I won’t do a thing to dissuade you.
Was that an intentional pun? Because that’s actually kinda funny.
Did he just say “reality” now ?
😀 You get a pass for “lemontations”. Better than I expected for a mangoing his own way.
How do you modify them? How do you ensure that they accurately reflect reality?
@All That Whining and Crowing
Seriously, what would you even GAIN from going out to live on an island to eat sea gulls? Sticking it to the evil Feminazis by taking your amazing 339 year old engineering experience away from our misandric society? To achieve the same effect you could just move out to a forest and build a cabin. It’s closer AND more feasible. Still not a great idea, but much better on the whole.
@Sinkable John
In reality, in seems that he did.
Holy shit, that looks terrible. XD
I’m not usually a fan of b horror movies because all it is is gore and blood, gore and blood, although props to that missing leg effect in the trailer. I like b scifi movies better because, at least when they suck, they suck creatively. Plan 9 from Outer Space is a cult classic for a reason, after all.
Like, once I saw this movie, forgot it’s name but it took place in the post-apocalypse because of course. You see, men and women couldn’t screw each other anymore or else they die because of this virus outbreak, so they start warring, right? World went to ruin. And I think the main character was a guy from before it happened, and he’s, like, “people…you gotta start fucking”, so he takes this woman and man and puts them in a room with porn in it, and the guy is, like, “yeah, okay, I see the appeal” but the woman remember that, uh, she can die from it.
But the man, he wanted to try, right? But the thing is the porn was a really shitty one that involves plumbers and a scene with a dude, like, using the plunger on the lady’s boob in it? So the dude starts chasing the woman around with a plunger. That’s the only scene I remember from the movie. I think it was about putting gender difference aside but I just can’t remember. It was shitty in a creative way, at least.
I think it was just a low-budget indie movie? It might not be as bad but if I can’t remember it or think any more scene from it, probably not good, which is why I don’t remember any of the Ghost Rider films even though I’ve seen both twice, with the exception of the scene where Nicolas Cage turns into Ghost Rider for the first time, which was actually a pretty kickass.
If anyone knows what movie I’m talking about, please tell me its name.
Oh golly, I had not thought of that. Oh heavens, we would be lost without such expertise. That would really teach us. Gosh, that would be the worst thing to happen to us. I really hope he does not do that.
@Scildfreja: That’s it, it’s over, we can all go home. You’ve won the thread, there’s no more to be said here.
(Though I do have some really fond memories of Olive Garden, it was one of the restaurants we went to when I was a kid. We didn’t go out to eat much, and I think Olive Garden was just that bit fancier without being too much more expensive that it was worth it. Also, the breadsticks! Mmmmmm….)