Earlier today, one apparently desperate MGTOW went to the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit to ask the regulars for advice on fleeing the country so he can skip out on paying alimony and child support.
Helpful commenters suggested various alternatives, from faking his own death to literally joining the French Foreign legion (turns out he’s too old for that). The OP is also considering the possibility of living “like Rambo, in the woods.”
But my favorite answer came from a dude living on a boat:
I would strongly urge all MGTOWs to consider this alternative. Any kind of boat or boat-like device will do — sailboat, rowboat, giant inflatable duck, pool noodle, you name it.
Aim for one of these islands and you’ll be sitting pretty in no time!
NOTE: Just so you know, the caption for the pic above is kind of a joke. Clipperton Island, a tiny smudge of an atoll 670 miles southwest of Mexico, has more than one tree. It also had birds.
And an abandoned tanker!
MGTOWs! Clipperton island calls for you!
I know most men can’t catch a bird while hungry. Kid, you’re likely to starve before you could survive on an island of birds. Because birds can fly away and roost somewhere else. They aren’t dumb.
No, but I want to. I actually picked up a cheap DVD of vampire movies a couple of years ago (because Nosferatu), so maybe if I’m lucky, it’s on there, because there’s…there’s some weird stuff on there.
I can get the lunch buffet at a locally owned Indian restaurant get a good amount of great food inexpensively. It’s probably cheaper than McDonald’s, pound for pound.
@D. D. Moron
It’s called an “insult” not an “ad hominem” you idiot. I didn’t say that your arguments were invalid because of your severely underdeveloped faculties, I was just bringing to light the fact that your are clearly in possession of such.
You’re probably just mad because you haven’t learned how to poop in anything but a diaper yet.
I think Mickey is feeling like he’s not getting enough attention again.
We people do have some idea about what happens when you don’t get enough vitamin C. Nutrition isn’t just a matter of will, you know. Or perhaps you don’t.
But, but… Cab Calloway assured me that a chicken ain’t nothing but a bird!
The “oomph”? Is this a slogan from the same ad agency that brought us women running their hands through grain? “Colonel Brumpo’s Manliness Paste – It gives you the OOMPH, BOZAZZ and HOOP-LAH to eat a seagull when you’re hungry!”
@Sinkable John
Then pull a gym-sock over it next time.
You’re the one who lives off of disease infested seagulls. Are you sure it’s David’s stools that are watery?
That’s not how immune systems work. Of course, being undead for the past few centuries, you can probably only be killed by hepatitis V and stakes through the heart now. Lucky you!
Hey, snookums. I already made a nice postcard about this. You should make it your wallpaper!
Y’know how people say “LOL” on the internet all the time and usually they’re just expressing amusement without having so much as cracked a smile? I’ve gotta confess, I literally just laughed.
Seriously, the only trick this guy has is doubling down.
We tell him his offhanded comment about hunting seagulls isn’t well-considered, and he’s insisting that any real man can live entirely off gull, because men have magic immune systems and the power of hunger spontaneously turns wild birds into roast dinner.
I tell him poop comments reflect poorly on his argument, and man does he make with the poop jokes!
I wonder what else we can make him do?
Also insisting the term is “insult” not an “ad hominem” while in the same breath belittling my intelligence may have just ruptured the irony center in my brain.
Apparently the only thing we can’t make him do is actually Go His Own Way already.
If manospherians can live off of seagulls, why are they always telling women to make them sammiches?
weirwoodtreehugger cool do you have a link
I’m not sure which would be more pathetic. If Miggy and Mickey are the same person trolling under two names in the same thread.
Or if Mickey just lurks here all day, only to nip at the heels at the troll he admires but is jealous of.
Or if they’re a troll mentor and protege team. Maybe Miggy is Mickey’s gender studies prof?
Oh, you have a brain now? Must be news to anyone who knows you in real life. I didn’t know that brains came equipped with irony centers.
Okay, that seagull thing isn’t on any of the B-movie DVDs I’ve got, but I’ve got Nightmare in Wax and Stanley.
Heh, Stanley.
There’s also this movie called “Trip With the Teacher” which is summarized as, “A chilling experience in terror as a group of female students and their pretty teacher are ambushed, while on a field trip, by a sadistic killer and his brother, forcing the women to learn a lesson in survival.”
Sounds like some Miggy Toe’s torture porn.
Sweet, sweet @Mig,
Honey, there are, what, 26 trees on that island? Where is your firewood coming from? Where are your spears for spear-fishing? Do you see grass suitable for winding cord? When the storms rise from the sea, do you all scramble onto the rocks and cling for life? How do you get fresh water?
I have feasted in the dead of winter around the bon-fire, sheltered by pine-boughs, having brought nothing but a pot and a knife to that place in the morning. I wouldn’t hunt birds because that’s a stupid way to get your food. You net and snare, because doing so doesn’t burn calories or valuable time.
You’re as much a survivalist as you are an engineer, I imagine, sir – you’ve provided equal proof for both.
Welcome back by the way 😀
Maybe David should impose a troll challenge. He goes on moderation until he lives off of seagulls for one month. I just hope he lives near water!
Looks like your computer science professor is even more incompetent than your gender studies professor. Try right clicking the image. A whole exciting menu will pop up! I’ll let you figure out what to do from there. Sometimes the best way to learn is trial and error.
That’s the lamest Batman & Robin duo I’ve ever seen then.
Never mind the ad hominems and poop jokes – when your entire argument is “Joke’s on you! I WILL move to Seagull Island, and I’ll eat all the seagulls, ’cause I’m tough and strong!”, you’ve lost, ’cause who’d even want to win, at that point?
This is the kind of shit I’d write to be funny and not get a laugh, but I guess when it’s being said seriously, it’s really funny.
Handsome Jack,
Have you ever seen Blood Freak?
It’s the best anti-drug PSA/Thanksgiving story/Christian movie ever!
Ahahahah, he did it again!
Really, though. When all you’ve got to say in response to criticism is “you’re stupid,” you’ll come across much better if you just keep your mouth shut.
Or actually refute the points being raised against you, but it’s pretty much a given by now that you don’t have any counter arguments, here.
Again, those are “insults” you dumbasses, not ad hominems; I’m hardly even using them as propositions to lend support to a conclusion or anything, I’m just pointing out that you people suck. You’ve got a grasp on informal fallacies about as deep as a pineapple’s grasp on thermodynamics (actually, I shouldn’t say that; I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that a pineapple is somehow more knowledgeable than you people).
@All Saint’s Day
Aight, uhm… Wat? I don’t care how hardcore someone’s menstruation is, “everything under the sun” just ain’t feasible. Tho, google tells me that a common period craving is carbs, so Olive Garden might fit the bill
And why do sexists always have these incredibly specific grievances. Olive Garden, bruh? What happened at Olive Garden? Relax…
@Mild Rash
Get outta here, you little scamp. Thinkin you could compete with Rosario x Vampire over here. Cute…
Why Seagall Island?
To be King of Seagalls?
Good luck to you then.
Nuh uh you’re stupid
Double dumb poopy head
I, I like Rosario x Vampire. That was my childhood.