Earlier today, one apparently desperate MGTOW went to the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit to ask the regulars for advice on fleeing the country so he can skip out on paying alimony and child support.
Helpful commenters suggested various alternatives, from faking his own death to literally joining the French Foreign legion (turns out he’s too old for that). The OP is also considering the possibility of living “like Rambo, in the woods.”
But my favorite answer came from a dude living on a boat:
I would strongly urge all MGTOWs to consider this alternative. Any kind of boat or boat-like device will do — sailboat, rowboat, giant inflatable duck, pool noodle, you name it.
Aim for one of these islands and you’ll be sitting pretty in no time!
NOTE: Just so you know, the caption for the pic above is kind of a joke. Clipperton Island, a tiny smudge of an atoll 670 miles southwest of Mexico, has more than one tree. It also had birds.
And an abandoned tanker!
MGTOWs! Clipperton island calls for you!
Actually, this doesn’t disprove what I’m saying. The fact that you think you’re all above Olive Garden, I’d say, only proves what I’ve said about your ridiculously overpriced palates. Not one of you could survive off of birds, I’m willing to bet.
I made an MGTOW postcard. Just in case any of them decide to really go.
I think it is a safe assumption that nobody in this thread could survive off just birds.
*cough* scurvy *cough*
Every MiggingTowing post:
Really I’m just exulting in the hilarity of our miggy guest planting his flag on the hill of the Endless Seagull Buffet. Personally, if I were trying to argue his point about islands and whatnot, I’d point out the feasibility of eating fish (much easier to catch than gulls), or just bringing along some basic supplies to your fantasy island to grow some food. Not that that’s as easy as all that, either, but that’s just off the top of my head.
But no, we’ve told him he can’t just eat seagulls, so this is now the battleground. Ain’t that just the MGTOW mindset in a nutshell. “You can’t do that, you don’t know how and also you’ll die of scurvy.” “You’re just saying that because you hate all men! You WANT me to die of scurvy!”
@You people (I use that word loosely)
All I’m getting from this is that women in modern society have become so pampered and so spoiled that they think they deserve better than a chain restaurant. Seriously, do any of you people even know what it’s like to eat at a McDonalds, or do you class warriors find such cheap foods to be beneath you?
Oh for god’s sake why did he come back ?
A day may come when I see a reasoned, cogent, and valid argument prefaced with “you people,” but it is not this day.
Also, that day will probably never come.
Maybe he heard about the great kebab giveaway?
Good going; you’ve just described the entirety of feminist and leftwing thought in one gif. I’d say you ought to be proud of yourself, but really all you’ve managed to do is just say what’s on every rational person’s mind.
I thought you guys didn’t like it when we conflated you with all the other manosphere groups like Kleenex?
I mean, we talk about other things on this blog and not just you, dearie. We had a thread just before this talking about the Alt Right, and we’ve had threads talking about MRAs and PUAs, and all other sorts.
You’re not special. This entire blog isn’t for YOU.
Do you like scurvy? Because that’s how you get scurvy.
Not to mention, you’d have to forage all the ingredients, or it’ll be roasted seagull day in and day out. There’s no grocery stores on your little Isle of Man Going His Own Way. Feeeemales depend on grocery stores! MAYUNLY ALPHA MEN catch their dinners, right?
And that’s if you can catch the seagulls in the first place.
Unless you can forage some (not poisonous) fruits and vegetation.
I don’t think you know how cravings work. Or “women problems”. It’s okay, pookie. You can say periods and menstruation, we won’t be triggered by it, promise.
When you crave something, you don’t need to have it. You can, very easily, do without.
For instance, sometimes when I crave soda, I drink sparkling water with fruit flavor instead. Or sometimes when I crave ice cream, I have fruity yogurt.
Here’s a good list of things to eat instead of what you’re craving if you’re on a diet or just want to avoid junk foods.
Or sometimes, when I get a real sick nasty craving for chocolate (especially when I’m having a bad case of Satan’s Waterfall in my underpants), I ignore it until I can get some, or just go without.
Because I know it’s a craving. And I know that sometimes my body is being weird in ways I don’t understand. It’s not hard. Women have willpower too, it’s not just a MAUNLY ALPHA MALE thing.
Do you grow, hunt, trap and forage for all of your own food?
If not, you have no room to talk.
Whether you dine from the grocery store, chain restaurants or Michelin starred restaurants, you’re probably pretty ill equipped for a hunter gatherer lifestyle. Like every other person who lives in an industrialized society.
Oh, and by the way, survivorman? Seagulls carry a lot of diseases that are pathogenic to humans. So, good luck with your seagull diet plan.
Clipperton Island is an especially good choice for MGTOWers, considering that a dude who lived there with several women in a sort of post-apocalyptic setup (the fantasy of many nonsense MRAs and their ilk).
The dude was murderized by the women he mistreated. With a hammer.
Pretty sure, yeah. I mean, the very definition of Poe-ery is that you never can tell, but this is some grade-A guff for anyone to sincerely hold in their hearts.
@D. D. Webb
I was being more than charitable when I described you as “people.” Your mental faculties could more easily be compared to those of a fly attracted to Futrelle’s watery stools.
“@You people (I use that word loosely)”
Are you used to speaking to animals? Do they answer back? You realize that Dr. Doolittle was a movie, not a documentary?
Debating protip: If the best thing you can muster is an ad hominem attack, you have lost the debate.
If your ad hominem attack resorts to toilet humor, you have failed as utterly as it is possible for a person to do.
My irony meter just exploded in my face again. It’s getting old.
MGTOW = not a travel spot
@commie ape
It’s called an immune system; ever tried developing one?
I am not backing down on any of this; you people have no idea what a man is capable of when he’s hungry. Don’t blame me because you don’t have the oomph to eat a seagull when you’re hungry.
I Googled vampire seagull in honor of our 329 year old visitor and found this pretty amazing looking movie.
Anyone ever see this?
You think all women want to eat at a shitty restaurant and then complain that they think they deserve better than a shitty restaurant? Think before you type.
Also, it isn’t a matter of expense, but taste. McDonald’s is better than Olive Garden, no matter how expensive Olive Garden makes its shitty meals. Money =/= good food. Home cook meals can be even less expensive and 50x tastier than McDonald’s, too.
I’m surprised you used Olive Garden instead of Red Lobster. At least Red Lobster has shitty, overpriced lobster instead of shitty, overpriced spaghetti.
Ooooh, someone’s upset.
To recap what literally just happened:
So, which is it? Do we only want Olive Garden, or is it “too good” for us, Miggy-toes? Because I do like McDonalds (I’m a sucker for their chicken nuggets and fries) And I didn’t say I thought I was “above” Olive Garden. I’d eat there, just not “day in and day out”, and if I didn’t have the time or the desire to just make my own food.
Also, Today I Learned: Chicken is apparently not a bird.
Then what the fuck did I put in my chicken noodle soup (with homemade broth, might I add) tonight?
Though, there’s a point to all of that: Man cannot survive on birds alone. Unless you tell him he can’t, then he’ll go off and try it just be contrarian.
Good luck with that.
Aren’t they supposed to like…GO or something? It’s like listening to Randians drone on and on about going Galt — for frickin’ sake just GO already!
Until the island runs out of trees…