"ethics" men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit

Whaa!? Men Going Their Own Way actually consider going their own way

Clipperton Island: It has a tree
Clipperton Island: It has a tree

Earlier today, one apparently desperate MGTOW went to the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit to ask the regulars for advice on fleeing the country so he can skip out on paying alimony and child support.

Helpful commenters suggested various alternatives, from faking his own death to literally joining the French Foreign legion (turns out he’s too old for that). The OP is also considering the possibility of living “like Rambo, in the woods.”

But my favorite answer came from a dude living on a boat:

Mike637 3 points 9 hours ago Buy a small sailboat and go. There are tons of deserted island and countries that are not going to care about your visa status unless you are committing crimes. Sailing is easy. If you have a decent vehicle, I bet you could show up on the Gulf coast and trade it for a capable sailboat. I live on a sailboat right now and as soon as I am finished fixing it up, I am out of here. I am hoping to be done by the end of October.

I would strongly urge all MGTOWs to consider this alternative. Any kind of boat or boat-like device will do — sailboat, rowboat, giant inflatable duck, pool noodle, you name it.

Aim for one of these islands and you’ll be sitting pretty in no time!

NOTE: Just so you know, the caption for the pic above is kind of a joke. Clipperton Island, a tiny smudge of an atoll 670 miles southwest of Mexico, has more than one tree. It also had birds.


And an abandoned tanker!


MGTOWs! Clipperton island calls for you!

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8 years ago


@Tessa, about Borderland and female normal ennemy : my take on it is that with the various mask and equipment one cannot distinguish male and females. It’s likely an overly optimistic idea for Borderland ; my position on that started with games like Starcrafts were a female marine would be exactly the same as a male marine, but in borderland they aren’t all that suited up.

In Borderlands 1 and 2, most of the human enemy models wear light clothing. Three of them shirtless or in a tight shirt. All have distinctly male voice actors that are clearly meant to be portraying male enemies. This is true of the marines in full body armor. In the Pre-Sequel, it’s the same regarding the voice acting, even with the enemy type in full puffy space suits. A variety of voice actors doing the attack\death quotes of the enemies could have helped a lot.

8 years ago

Is it time for the ban hammer now?

(((VioletBeauregarde))): Social Justice Necromancer
(((VioletBeauregarde))): Social Justice Necromancer
8 years ago

I educate my body by exposing it to new foods, and I steer my body in a healthy direction. And I also listen to it.

I do the same…just like any other body, my body tends to like it when I mix things up and have a good balance of nutrients.

One of the best ways to approach any food is to toss the guilt…food guilt can actually negatively impact your digestion. Besides, life is just too short for that crap!

I make it a point to never let myself feel guilty about what I eat, no matter what it is–whether it’s broccoli, a pair of Swiss Rolls or anything in between.

@kupo: 

(((VioletBeauregarde))): Social Justice Necromancer
(((VioletBeauregarde))): Social Justice Necromancer
8 years ago

@ kupo: I think so…and so does Kathy Bates

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

Same here pretty much. I think the circumcision hurts a lot worse, but whatever I know rape can be a lot worse also, when it happened to me it wasn’t that violent compared to other stories.

Okay, I’m just gonna go out and say it, circumcision isn’t rape. If you were raped, and your circumcision doesn’t count, than I’m genuinely sorry and you didn’t deserve it, but don’t compare circumcision to rape.

It’s not that circumcision isn’t bad, okay? It’s pretty shitty and deplorable, alright? But it isn’t rape. It’s assault, not sexual assault, alright? It’s just as gross but circumcision and rape are apple and oranges, both fruit, but not the same.

So don’t you fucking try to buddy-buddy with someone who has gone through rape by comparing rape to circumcision.

Again, if you were raped–and it didn’t involve you getting circumcised–I am sorry, okay? It’s a terribly, shitty thing for you to go through and I really hope that one day you can get past it. And, honestly, I do hope the same thing happens with you being circumcised, I do. It’s awful your bodily autonomy was violated but circumcision isn’t rape.

Please stop it. Circumcision is bad enough already without having to describe it as rape, which it isn’t.

And, also, don’t fucking say “you think it hurts a lot worst”, my fucking god, you don’t know their experiences. You don’t know what happened at all. Fucking don’t, just fucking don’t, it’s not a goddamn pain olympics to see who suffered more.
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Fucking hell. You have my sympathies because you’ve had shitty things done to you but fucking come on, dude.

Mick Dash
Mick Dash
8 years ago

This thread is a great example of the feminist rape culture: feminists bending over backwards to argue that taking a knife to another person’s genitals is not a sexual assault. A cultural setting in which denying and minimizing sexual violence is normalized, isn’t that the definition of rape culture?

Handsome Jack: I never said circumcision is rape I said taking a knife to a person’s genitals who is forcibly restrained and is not consenting is an act of sexual violence. All this apologism for the sexual violence against males is an example of the gynocratic feminist rape culture mentality. Rape culture being a cultural setting in which the minimization and denialism of sexual violence is normalized.

8 years ago

@Mick Dashing Through The Snow, On A One Man Open Sleigh, On the fields He Goes, Shitposting All The Way

A knife to the nads
Without sexual intent
Does not equal rape.

You frame both as same,
Knowing that many posters
Know both things first hand.

You are disgusting,
Radioactive pond scum
Is worth more than you.

(((VioletBeauregarde))): Social Justice Necromancer
(((VioletBeauregarde))): Social Justice Necromancer
8 years ago

@Mick: Do you also consider FGM to be rape/sexual assault?

8 years ago

Dick Mash/Frog in a Blender…still here? Still harping on THAT?


Mick Dash
Mick Dash
8 years ago

Yeah, generally. Sometimes it’s done with the “consent” but in a coercive patriarchal religious society is it “real” consent anyway really? Are you going to tell me slicing off a girl’s clitoris is not an act of sexual violence? Would you say a forcible penetration is not a rape without sexual intent? If it’s done purely to humiliate or intimidate with no sexual intent would you argue that rape is then not an act of sexual violence, but just non-sexual violence-violence?

8 years ago

Echoing Kupo’s call for the ban hammer.

It’s not right for MD to compare the pain of circumcision to the pain of rape when another commenter has just shared his story of being raped.

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

@Mick Dash

Yeah, I don’t give two shits now, latez, I’ve got better thing to do than fuck around with an asswipe like you, you fucking disingenuous piece of shit.

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Wubba lubba dub dub, I’m done.

8 years ago

Have you even looked up the definition of sexual assault and/or rape? Words mean things.

If two people get in a fight and one kicks the other in the crotch is that sexual assault, in your opinion?

8 years ago

Thirding the sentiment. Before it was asanine when he changed opinions like clothes, but was amusing to play around. Now I’m just plain disgusted by how much of a loathsome piece of shit he is by equating circumcision to rape, even going so far as to state that when another poster talked about his experience.

No fuck you, you don’t get to demean someone coming out about being raped by talking about your fucking circumsicion hurting more.

Mick Dash
Mick Dash
8 years ago


What I compared was when I was raped I said it is less painful to me than being cut. But the rape that happened to me was relatively mild so I can’t compare it to other experiences of rape. The woman who attacked me was accused of a much more violent rape later where she allegedly used a weapon. When it happened to me it was not that severe.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Dick Mash knows he keeps getting his ass kicked trying to debate here, so his only safe out is to get himself banned.

He accomplishes this by acting in a way that is potentially triggering for a male rape survivor who’s been in the thread.

That’s some good men’s rightsing there, Dick Meh

8 years ago

@Mick Dash
I am completely uninterested in your rationalizations.

What you did was insensitive in the extreme and possibly retraumatizing.

@Everybody else
I’ve emailed David.

8 years ago

Just a reminder:
He kept talking about MGTOW getting bigger all the time.

Then when he kept losing every new talking point from MRA to Solipsism and any other droll topic, he does this.

He sees a person talking of a traumatic sexual assault. What does the person who is supposed to be all about the men?

Compares it to him getting a circumsicion and demeans it by saying that his circumsicion hurt more than his alleged “sexual assault.”

@Mick Dash
You use your own experience as a response of someone clearly still troubled by that event, and then trivialized it. You had full knowledge of this, and still you did it. You had no damn right to belittle him.

8 years ago

Edit: Ninja’d by ban. Removed due to not standing a chance of convincing Mick of anything.

8 years ago

Thank you, that makes two. Mig just had classic meltdowns before lashing out like a caged animal, Mick went the extra mile to be a bag of rotten dicks and showed no sympathy for the men his group keeps claiming to be for. Great that leaves MarkyMark. I don’t know how to feel about that.

You know what, I’m going to head straight to bed, it was fun at first in joking around, but now, I’m just tired.

8 years ago

Thanks, David.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

I’m pretty sure that our recently banned trolls have been here before and will be back again with a new name. But the time out before they create new socks is clearly needed.