Earlier today, one apparently desperate MGTOW went to the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit to ask the regulars for advice on fleeing the country so he can skip out on paying alimony and child support.
Helpful commenters suggested various alternatives, from faking his own death to literally joining the French Foreign legion (turns out he’s too old for that). The OP is also considering the possibility of living “like Rambo, in the woods.”
But my favorite answer came from a dude living on a boat:
I would strongly urge all MGTOWs to consider this alternative. Any kind of boat or boat-like device will do — sailboat, rowboat, giant inflatable duck, pool noodle, you name it.
Aim for one of these islands and you’ll be sitting pretty in no time!
NOTE: Just so you know, the caption for the pic above is kind of a joke. Clipperton Island, a tiny smudge of an atoll 670 miles southwest of Mexico, has more than one tree. It also had birds.
And an abandoned tanker!
MGTOWs! Clipperton island calls for you!
I think NWO finally got tired of trolling. I Googled him recently and the only recently activity I found was a few reddit posts complaining about trans people using the gender appropriate bathroom.
wait waht did i do
I see that in university students all the ding-dang-day, too. “I don’t need to study, I can figure it out on the exam. I know the basics, I can extrapolate the rest.”
Toxic masculinity at its worst, where arrogance is an avoidance mechanism. That’s you, @Mig.
@David, I’d put money on him sincerely believing the things he’s saying. He could be playing things up on his end (possibly for an audience somewhere) and he might think he’s just messing with us for funsies, but you can’t swim in that water for long before it gets into your skin. There’s a Clipperton metaphor in there somewhere but I’m not in the brain state to go get it right now I think.
Anyways, that’s all stuff you’re well aware of, more than me I’m sure. The Alt Right and MRAs are what you get when you let people soak in the caustic brine of hate for keks for a little too long, after all, and they’ve had nearly 20 years now to do pickle.
That seagull recipe is a bit like the recipe for cooking galahs. (a pink and grey parrot)
1. Put galah into pot with a stone and fill with water.
2. Bring water to boil.
3. When the rock is soft the galah is ready to eat.
The “I pay for your welfare” rant was undubitably sincere. (Is undubitably even a word ? Am I even using it right ? False cognates are everywhere, I’m scared.) Sincere if a bit sad. The flow of Captain Haddock that came next was probably his way to convince himself that he was just trolling ?
At any rate I go by the usual mantra ; if you pretend to be an asshole for long enough it stops having any kind of relevance whether you really are one deep down or not. That’s why I dropped my foreskin privilege joke. That’s why the “ironic” racists need to drop their whole shtick and find. That’s why Miggie needs to stop listening to Nickelback ironically, although that’s not what makes him an asshole 🙂
(I absolutely loved Nickelback when I was younger, but I got really bored when All the Right Reasons and the following albums came out. Same for Papa Roach and their Metamorphosis. I’m not ashamed to admit it. Try it, Miggie.)
(The word is indubitably)
(I am so sorry for the English language.)
I was referring generally to your gracious and incisive taking apart of the trolling–and the Fluttershy pictures too, of course. 😀
Damn it, in/un ! Always had a problem with those two. Even though the same problem exists in french and I get by fine there… Also, I’m a bit drunk (no surprise here…) and I forgot half the words in my post. I meant “Captain Haddock insults“. The “ironic” racists need to “drop their shtick and find some other way to one-up each other“.
That’s what you get when you proof-read and heavily edit your whole post with 75cl of delicious, delicious (but stronk) black porter beer in your system. Engrish is hard.
ETA : No but seriously, Kootiepatra is right. The mix of perfect replies and Fluttershy is glorious, so glorious.
Others have mentioned it, but I’ll put it out clearly:
To wanna-be survivalists, survival is hard. You need to spend time practicing among people who are already proficient, or at least from a position where you don’t actually need to use your skills to stay alive. Preferably for at least two years. The reason is because “survival” is not a single skill but multiple related skills. Even if you have a general idea what to do, you can’t get reliably good at multiple skills in the three days (at best) you have before you have no energy and can’t function very well anymore.
Yeah, but, immune system though!
@Snowberry & Scolar Visari
And penis power !
I know I’ve just started posting, and mainly with snarkiness, but I’d like to address something brought up by our troll in this thread. (Puts serious hat on).
I am a male survivor of rape. I was five years old at the time. And the abuser was a woman as well. It has taken me decades to deal with, and I’m STILL dealing with it. Being touched can send me into a panic attack if I’m not mentally prepared for it. And yet I damn well know it isn’t the MGTOWs or MRAs who are going to support me. They only care about hypothetical male rape survivors, since real people aren’t going to keep on script when they use them as weapons to bash the feminists. Feminism cares about actual male rape survivors. So in short #MRA/MGTOWSTOPUSINGMEASYOURMOTHERFUCKINGSHIELDYOUASSGOBLINS
I think its kind of funny that the little guy had this tantrum now. Didn’t we just have a whole conversation about mammotheers’ various survival skills like a week ago?
Slightly related:
The Try Guys Try to Survive
Yeah, that sounds like a solid theory. Though, whether they were ever serious or not, they’re still an asshole. It’s just a question of what kind of asshole!
@Schnookums Von Fancypants
(I’m unable to convey my sympathies properly without coming off as a generic Hallmark Card-esque statement in text so please accept this gif as a means to express how brave I think you are and how shitty I think people are treating your situation as more of an abstract idea than a person because I feel you should be addressed but I am unsure how to do so in a way that isn’t this one and I don’t want you to be ignored.)
@PI (way back):
That was an interesting link but, alas, when I crave something nothing replaces it–it’s just not the same. However, lest you think I lack willpower (or rather, “won’t-power”), I *can* do without what I crave and have done it many times.
I do, however, find it better to indulge in a moderate quantity of whatever I want than deny, deny, deny myself it until I cave and binge (Disclaimer: I know that you weren’t telling anyone to deny their cravings). I think of my body as a kid and my mind as the parents. I should set limits, but If I’m overly strict with my body it *will* rebel!
I hope you don’t think of me as less of a person because of that.
@Schnookums Von FancyPants: Welcome to WHTM…did you get your welcome package yet? Also I am very sorry about what happened to you! *your choice of alternative to hugs*
@Moggie: I love BirdsRightsActivist!
@Schnookums Von FancyPants,
<3 welcome! You're with friends here. Say as much or as little as you want, and thank you for speaking up. I hope that things get easier for you!
Hiya, I’m Axe. Sorry I’m late, didn’t know what to say. Still don’t other than to basically just repeat Jack’s post again. All the best. And don’t be a stranger, huh?
@PI: I apologize if I came off as pissy in my previous screed…I didn’t mean it in that way at all 🙂
It’s really, really hard to just recognize that you’d body needs to be listened to sometimes and that it’s okay to have treats sometimes. I don’t think any less of you for that; quite the opposite. <3
Welcome and thank you for sharing.
@kupo: Thank you for understanding <3
As far as listening to my body, I'm taking a medication that fucks with my appetite so I have to tune in all the closer. Example: *It's 2pm and I haven't eaten since 8am* Am I *really* not hungry or is that the medication talking?
So I have to ensure that I eat enough during the day or else I'll binge at night due to being extremely hungry. I find that eating frequent, smallish meals helps (and I'm quite active).
Yeah, I found that out the hard way.
Also, I think that your body tells you what it needs. (For example, maybe right now it needs the energy-giving protein and nerve-soothing calcium and gut-regulating probiotics in yogurt. Or the carbohydrates and warmth of a baked potato, right out of the oven.)
And yeah, sometimes it wants the bar-b-que potato chips because it’s bored. But that’s okay too.
I educate my body by exposing it to new foods, and I steer my body in a healthy direction. And I also listen to it.
Just like feminism is self-respecting, so is self-care.
@Schnookums Von Fancypants
I’m so sorry that happened to you. What a traumatic event.
Here, have a box of assorted alternatives to hugs: they’re 100 percent hug-free.
Welcome to WHTM.
That’s the worst when medication messes up your hunger signals. I had that with welbutrin. It’s the only time I’ve ever felt repulsed by the thought of eating even though I’d only had a few hundred calories so far in the day, and it was so hard to make myself eat that I got dizzy spells a few times.
“I am a male survivor of rape. … And the abuser was a woman as well. It has taken me decades to deal with, and I’m STILL dealing with it. Being touched can send me into a panic attack if I’m not mentally prepared for it.”
Same here pretty much. I think the circumcision hurts a lot worse, but whatever I know rape can be a lot worse also, when it happened to me it wasn’t that violent compared to other stories.