"ethics" men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit

Whaa!? Men Going Their Own Way actually consider going their own way

Clipperton Island: It has a tree
Clipperton Island: It has a tree

Earlier today, one apparently desperate MGTOW went to the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit to ask the regulars for advice on fleeing the country so he can skip out on paying alimony and child support.

Helpful commenters suggested various alternatives, from faking his own death to literally joining the French Foreign legion (turns out he’s too old for that). The OP is also considering the possibility of living “like Rambo, in the woods.”

But my favorite answer came from a dude living on a boat:

Mike637 3 points 9 hours ago Buy a small sailboat and go. There are tons of deserted island and countries that are not going to care about your visa status unless you are committing crimes. Sailing is easy. If you have a decent vehicle, I bet you could show up on the Gulf coast and trade it for a capable sailboat. I live on a sailboat right now and as soon as I am finished fixing it up, I am out of here. I am hoping to be done by the end of October.

I would strongly urge all MGTOWs to consider this alternative. Any kind of boat or boat-like device will do — sailboat, rowboat, giant inflatable duck, pool noodle, you name it.

Aim for one of these islands and you’ll be sitting pretty in no time!

NOTE: Just so you know, the caption for the pic above is kind of a joke. Clipperton Island, a tiny smudge of an atoll 670 miles southwest of Mexico, has more than one tree. It also had birds.


And an abandoned tanker!


MGTOWs! Clipperton island calls for you!

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8 years ago

Yeah Mick, what “right” do you have to your foreskin?

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


Scolar Visari
Scolar Visari
8 years ago

So what’s a “citizen”? Can anyone tell me?

A citizen accepts personal responsibility for the safety and the body politic defending it with his life.

I remember that from that one movie about a bunch of thirty year olds pretending to be teenagers fighting giant arachnid analogs, which is not so dissimilar from a certain someone pretending to be a student fighting the alleged gynocracy.

That particularly film serves as a good template for what would probably happen if MeGoTOWs were dropped on a deserted island. Just as the hapless Mobile Infantry assumed their conquest of Klendathu would be a cakewalk given their hilariously bad training and doctrine, so too does the present company think that they can eek out an existence on a tiny rock by the immune system or something. As citizens of the Terran Federation went on at length to describe how perfect their completely fictional society was, so too would their purely male counterparts endlessly discuss the collapse of the old matriarchy and the superiority of their own completely fictional society.

Just replace the angry aliens with angry seagulls.

Then again . . . Would not MAN be the alien aggressors?

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago

Then again . . . Would not MAN be the alien aggressors?

Seagulls are evil though. Just look at their eyes. You know they’re evil. They have evil, beady eyes.

8 years ago

Sinkable John:


I’d never heard of that claim before, but it reminds me why I don’t play online anymore unless I’m absolutely sure that I’m only gonna be playing with like-minded people. Got sick of people randomly bringing up Anita Sarkeesian to spew shit about her instead of focusing and shooting straight.

This was in a video game forum, but it’s a common thing. Usually attributed to “male disposability.” THAT’S why men are usually the enemies. Not because men are the default, seen as more competent, and one default male model will often be used to make multiple enemy types. It also isn’t relevant that women are typically made only if their femaleness is needed (sexaaay).

These same guys will then state that feminists would be in an uproar… AN UPROAR if companies made games with more female enemies. Often citing complaints about female non combatant victims in games as their evidence. Ignoring the praise companies like Bethesda (as Handsome Jack mentioned)get for non sexualized female enemies alongside the men, and even their arch nemesis Anita Sarkeesian calling for more nonsexualized female enemies.

OK, I’ll stop ranting now.

Oh wait! Speaking of Handsome Jack, despite how much I loved all 4 Borderlands games, it still bugs me to no end that none of the shooters, not even The Pre-Sequel had standard female non-boss\sidequest enemies. Some of the women in the hub cities mention previously being bandits, so we know they exist.

Enemies said such amusing thing in those games (one enemy type sometimes screams the entire O, that this too too solid flesh soliloquy from Hamlet), I thought it’d be cool if some were women.

8 years ago

I am sad that I wasn’t here to bring up Into the Wild and rabbit starvation for Mr. All-Seagulls-All-the-Time, but y’all handled both him and Mr. Circumcision-Is-Rape-Because-It’s-Violence-Against-Genitals really well.

8 years ago

Of course most enemies are men! They always have much more dangerous jobs! That’s why they are out being bandits and thugs and risking their lives while the protected class of Feeeeeemale NPCs stay home and eat their BonBons!

8 years ago

…Bring on the 100th monkey?

8 years ago

Wow…I went to sleep for, what, seven hours and this thread exploded? ô.Ô

After finishing the thread: Ah, it seems that we were visited by two ghosts of MGTOWs past. Hi trolls, sorry to have missed you, although if I’m being totally honest I’m not really sorry at all. ^_^

Anywho, thank you very much Handsome “Punkle Stan” Jack way back on the first page for replying to me so promptly and also for reminding me of the fact that MGTOWs would probably imagine being one of the leaders in Lord of the Flies when in reality they’d most likely be one of the followers. In fact, I’m fairly sure that they wouldn’t even be one of the named followers, either. Just one of the faceless and nameless mob standing behind their charismatic leader (who incidentally is too filled with macho ego to admit that they’re in way over their head).

8 years ago

You can survive on Clipperton island. Provided that there are only a few people. And you don’t mind a difficult, miserable existence. Protip: don’t eat the neon-orange crabs. They’re poisonous.

People who try that are sooner or later forcefully removed from the island by the French Navy, so it’s not a long-term option.

There are dozens of other uninhabited islands. Hundreds, if you don’t limit it to just the remote ones. Most are either wildlife preserves (which will also get you forcefully removed as soon as someone comes by for a regular check) or are less survivable than Clipperton.

8 years ago


That’s why I’ve been trying to casually refer to half of NPCs in RPG games I play in as female. Not sure if anyone actually notices or pictures them as female, but it only takes two letters’ difference to do it. It’s literally the least I can do. Weirdly, I’ve noticed lately that 90% or so of my RPG characters are women, pen-and-paper and video alike. Thankfully Dark Souls has pretty much gender-neutral armor. Dragon’s Dogma had an excellent character modeler, then screwed the pooch on clothing. Though it was pretty inclusive when it came to relationships, if I remember right. At least Amalur only had the one NPC dressed like a stripper who forgot half her outfit.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago


The problem I have with female characters in Bethesda games (and to be fair, a lot of games from a lot of devs, Bioware probably being the exception) is something that I’m probably gonna fail spectacularly at engrishing up properly, so bear with me. I’ll take Skyrim as my main example, because I replayed it a year or so ago and the memory is still fresh.

It’s not so much the generic enemies that bother me, it’s the unique NPCs. Okay, so a lot of them are badass women, right. That’s pretty cool, but… they’re pretty much all the same badass woman, give or take a few exceptions. Male NPCs have personalities and stories and goals etc. They’re not always so well-written, but the effort is there. Female NPCs… well, they have a big sword and a goal. There’s this thin line between badass and robotic, and they’re often on the wrong side of that line – with a few pretty cool exceptions though. I can’t name them because it’s been a while, but for example there’s the hermit archer who lives up in the mountains and offers an odd bit of tutorial that’s so out of the way you wonder what it’s all about. I like the teacher/student moment she offers, and would’ve loved to see more of that character.

But then you have dozens of women who all seem to have the same personality and offer the same patterns of actions. Kick ass, give you a bit of information, kick more ass, invariably show you the same uncrackable shell. I get that it’s a very viable character archetype, but it just feels overused at this point. It’s the “action movie lady character” archetype, the one written by clueless male writers who take guesses at what women supposedly want to see. I don’t mind seeing that in a game that has literal hundreds of speaking characters, but come on, dozens of identical female characters might as well all be the same one, and at least this one can get a story of her own, hopes and dreams and weaknesses that don’t mean she’s not strong. And you don’t only see that in Bethesda games to be fair, it’s pretty much the same thing across all of the industry (a lot of movies too), like there’s only one way to create a strong female character.

That’s what I love about recent Bioware games though. There’s actual depth in the writing of every major character. As a side note, my favorite character ever, across all fiction genres, is The Boss from MGS3 and Peace Walker (okay so she’s not really in PW but her character is expanded upon in awesome ways). And of course the obvious example of Ellie in The Last of Us, who’s half the reason why I love the game so much. I want to see more of that, and a little less of the vanilla-badass-but-not-much-else.

Now, granted, it’s still better than damsels in distress or mere decoration. I just wish there were more than 2 main options.

It’s starting to change though. That’s pretty cool.

8 years ago


I think feminists overlook it because gynocentic sexism basically. They don’t see the rapey-ness because they are mainly concerned with women.

Correct. All we care about are women and their imaginary rights. We care less than nothing about men, children, animals, plants, or the environment. The rape culture that exploits men? Who cares!

Wait — are you saying that feminists should be decent people? That we should care about this planet and everything on it? And that we should demonstrate this care in our daily actions?!


snork maiden
8 years ago

Oh dear, six pages already, how many trolls this time?

I suppose the trouble with MGTOW is that merely typing their acronym seems to summon them like evil magic. I bet if I say MGTOW five times then look in the mirror some whiny git in a fedora and cargo pants will turn up and start lecturing me.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago

I can’t believe that Miggy is real.

That wasn’t even his best work.

Fuck you. Fuck all of you. Why don’t you all just line up and fall over on top of each other like dominoes? You slip brained monocles. You rod faced mumblers. You alabaster sea triplet cumbersome zebras. You pork grinding asshats. You well-poisoning book-burning oatmeal fondling rubber necked fishmongers. You sluggish back-blood watershed pimple coating turd flingers. You rotten dog wart jock straps. Usurers. Potato skins. You listen to Nickleback unironically.

From the 9/11 thread.

I printed this, by the way. I shall keep it in my wallet and treasure it always.

Anne Lewis, Jib Creatr
Anne Lewis, Jib Creatr
8 years ago

OT nerding

Due to the mention of Fallout 4, I am contractually obligated to bring up my undying love of Piper Wright.

/OT nerding

I’ve been trying to keep up with threads, but every time I turn around one or more of the Three Menzketeers (Miggy, Mickey, and Mark) have shown up and exploded the comments!

P.S.: I listen to Nickelback unironically.

8 years ago
8 years ago

Fuck you. Fuck all of you. Why don’t you all just line up and fall over on top of each other like dominoes? You slip brained monocles. You rod faced mumblers. You alabaster sea triplet cumbersome zebras. You pork grinding asshats. You well-poisoning book-burning oatmeal fondling rubber necked fishmongers. You sluggish back-blood watershed pimple coating turd flingers. You rotten dog wart jock straps. Usurers. Potato skins. You listen to Nickleback unironically.

I think my favourite part is the “Usurers”. Yes, indeed! He has found us out! We here at WHTM are known for lending out money at predatory interest rates!

Guhhhhh. Little buddy, words mean things. Just because you’re vaguely aware that the word “usurer” has a negative connotation doesn’t make it an all-purpose insult.

Although, “oatmeal fondlers” is pretty funny too.

8 years ago

I’ve just caught up on this thread. There are so many people who were so awesome–I’ve just especially gotta say to Scildfreja:

8 years ago

Ah seagulls, aka dirty gross sky rats. I work in harbour construction and we often find seagulls immobilised from botulism as a result of eating decomposing dead things. The ladies at the bird rehab centre tell me that eating a seagull infected with botulism is not a good idea. So, trolls, when you are ensconced on your seagull-infested island, please do not eat the lazy-seeming seagulls. You will get very sick and have a good chance of dying if not treated. You’re all asshats but I don’t wish you dead.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago


To be fair, I have no idea what half of these insults are supposed to mean. And I’m pretty sure it’s not even because I’m ESL.

There’s also his “I PAY FOR YOUR WELFARE” rant. That one was beautiful.

EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

Fuck you. Fuck all of you. Why don’t you all just line up and fall over on top of each other like dominoes? You slip brained monocles. You rod faced mumblers. You alabaster sea triplet cumbersome zebras. You pork grinding asshats. You well-poisoning book-burning oatmeal fondling rubber necked fishmongers. You sluggish back-blood watershed pimple coating turd flingers. You rotten dog wart jock straps. Usurers. Potato skins. You listen to Nickleback unironically.

This reminds me of Epic Rap Battles of History. Granted, everything reminds me of them, but this does especially.

Ye hoebag
You’re an old white Soulja Boy who has no swag
And no gonads, egads it’s so sad
And to top it off you’re not a doctor
I’ve never seen a softer author
You crook, you
I bet you wrote the Twilight books too!

When I get home, if someone reminds me, I’ll do a dramatic reading of this rant.

8 years ago

The talk of Clipperton’s dark past reminded me – we do already have, ready-made, an island founded by men who wanted to go their own way from society – beautiful Pitcairn Island! It’s got beaches, a historical shipwreck, and… and it’s just awful from beginning to end. Massive trigger warnings for kidnapping, rape, child abuse, corruption, everything, if you’re going to look into that one.

8 years ago

I discovered the recent history of Pitcairn a few years ago. Yeah, massive trigger warnings for pretty much everything, including being young and stuck on an island with just a few other people, most of whom are your relatives and some of whom are rapists. Terrifying.

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