Earlier today, one apparently desperate MGTOW went to the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit to ask the regulars for advice on fleeing the country so he can skip out on paying alimony and child support.
Helpful commenters suggested various alternatives, from faking his own death to literally joining the French Foreign legion (turns out he’s too old for that). The OP is also considering the possibility of living “like Rambo, in the woods.”
But my favorite answer came from a dude living on a boat:
I would strongly urge all MGTOWs to consider this alternative. Any kind of boat or boat-like device will do — sailboat, rowboat, giant inflatable duck, pool noodle, you name it.
Aim for one of these islands and you’ll be sitting pretty in no time!
NOTE: Just so you know, the caption for the pic above is kind of a joke. Clipperton Island, a tiny smudge of an atoll 670 miles southwest of Mexico, has more than one tree. It also had birds.
And an abandoned tanker!
MGTOWs! Clipperton island calls for you!
@Mick Doosh
Scildfreja already addressed this you asinine, amoral, asshat.
I’m so terribly shocked that Dick Mash ignored the completely serious posts about opposing sexual violence against men and willfully miscomprehended the posts mocking him and pretended they are evidence of feminists being pro raping men.
This is why we like we other troll better, Mr Mashed Potato.
I walked for about 10 minutes last night behind a teenaged boy who kept throwing a bottle of water in the air, then failing to catch it so that it would thump to the ground. He’d then pick it up, fumble it, throw it again. Thump. Fumble. Throw. Thump. Fumble. Throw. Thump.
As ridiculously stupid and boring as that was to watch, this troll trying to look clever and funny? Even more ridiculously stupid and boring.
Go do something useful, kid. Volunteer at a charity. Learn a musical instrument. Plait your nose hairs. Anything other than this.
Why couldn’t Mick be the one that left? No I’m not bitter about working on a 20 line canto for a guy who couldn’t be bothered to wait. On a more serious note:
@Mick Dash
These people gave you multiple links from official and well trusted sources that that feminists oppose sexual violence towards men, and instead you make light of mock posts to fight the straw feminist in your head.
It’s down from what it used to be but something like half of boys are still victims, it used to be 70 oer cent, probably plenty of guys you know are victims of circumcision – and the trauma is buried – it is a similar trauma of a violent rape – hundreds have died from it – clinically – the cortisol levels post- trauma take about 3 months to go back to normal – that is what you see in ptsd – most men are victims – but the trauma is buried – it is six weeks of physical agony for an infant and a serious trauma
Gotta give him credit for overlapping two known troll phenomenas though. He cherry-picked what the easily identified male commenters said.
It’s an interesting specimen at least. Like a whole combo of stupid.
Then by all means take me through the reasoning and logic. Why was it sexual violence when I was circumcised? I wish it did not happen, but I can’t say that it’s had a sexually violent affect on my life.
You see I took the time to understand what feminists were telling me, but there was actually something there to be understood. Not simple assertions that depend on the emotional impact of the words instead of the reasoning, logic, and cultural impact that deserves the words “sexual violence”. If I’m a victim of sexual violence a baby with an ear piercing is a stabbing victim.
Also where is that link to the comment with the foreskin comment? I still strongly suspect that you were using it to attack feminists, just like you just used victims of male rape to attack feminists and you were so tragically wrong about that. The fact of those links I posted shows feminists who really care about male victims of sexual violence.
I do not believe that you actually care about victims of male rape, you just want to hurt women.
No, Dork Mesh. No matter how many figures you give us, how much data you pull up on the matter, it still doesn’t change the fact that your imaginary gynocracy didn’t do it. Patriarchy did. And it’s definitely not the worst thing it’s ever did.
“I wish it did not happen”…
…yet some stranger took a knife to your dick…
…and you don’t get how that is a violent form of child molestation THIS IS HOW FUCKED UP AN AVERAGE GUY IS FROM HAVING THIS DONE TO HIM IT IS CULTURAL STOCKHOLM SYNDROME
And yes, you see this even with feminists, I’m not trying to say it’s all of them and many of them do “get it” but still there is this whole cultural attitude even among feminists you see it – a cultural attitude of apologism – not all of them obviously –
@Mick Dash
Aw for the love of-
like space isn’t good enough.
It’s fuckin’ dash type.
Feminists hate it
They don’t want circumcision
On children
But you stick the blame
On fake people made of hay
Disingenuous ass.
These lies are blatant
Too obvious and so droll
Get something new please.
Only learned about second wave feminism today, but can recite circumcision statistics on a moment’s notice. And, naturally, blames feminism for them. Yeah, I’m sick of these obvious lies – can we ban this kid already?
There are good, strong arguments for opposing circumcision. I agree, Mick. I think circumcising a baby should not be done lightly, and should only be done to protect the health of the child – and only when other options are unavailable. It’s needless.
And by saying this, I am stating a feminist position.
It is not the same as sexual violence. Sexual violence implies a while world of things you clearly do not understand – even when you’re pretending to be in a gender studies class – and circumcision does not fit within that classification.
It’s needless scarification of an infant, which I find personally deplorable. That’s bad enough. It doesn’t have to be conflated with rape.
(Unless of course you bring it up specifically as a weapon against feminists; then you might want to do that)
PS: Your stats are off. About 1/3 of the world’s population of penis-havers are circumcised. If you’re gonna confabulate, at least get your damned numbers right.
Troll a little harder, man.
It’s not minimizing anything. It’s like saying kidnapping isn’t a violent crime compared to murder and saying kidnapping is being trivialized. Both get you prison time, bub.
And, no, male circumcision isn’t as bad as female circumcision, because female circumcision involves cutting off the clitoris, which is equivalent to cutting off the entire head of the penis, while male circumcision would be equalical to cutting off the labia.
One messes up the urinary tract and sexual stimulation while one removes parts that aren’t essential, but both are really shitty things to do to babies and people without their consent.
And that’s also not rape culture. Maybe you should actually look up what shit means instead of just adding words and parroting it? Rape culture concerns the trivialization of rape, so the minimizing of male rape is already apart of rape culture. Honestly? How fucking disingenuous can you get? You aren’t even spitting out half-assed possible truths, you’re just typing out lies in hopes to get a rise out of people.
Why don’t you just go back to arguing that rights aren’t real? At least that isn’t copy and paste MRA bullshit.
Hey Dick Mash, are you even remotely aware that circumcision isn’t rape, nor is it a product of feminism, but of PATRIARCHAL RELIGION? You know, that belief in sky-pixies that was invented by MEN?
Call me skeptical, but I don’t believe you’re a scholar of anything. In fact, I seriously doubt you’re even out of middle school, because that’s the level your arguments are at. And they’re piss-poor even for a 12-year-old’s.
The majority of circumcisions worldwide are Islamic ones, if I remember correctly. Muslims circumcise adolescents, not infants.
@Handsome Jack
Wait since he said that rights aren’t real why should he be offended by kids being circumcised? The kids have no rights to not be circumcised because right don’t exist so he has no reason to be offended.
Remember when we entertained his obvious lies that he was taking a gender studies course?
And? I’m not traumatized, and men still have most of the power in society. I got treated for one of these…
…at the same time too. Why is one molestation to you and the other not? You know it requires more than a scalpel and a penis right?
Because you don’t have an argument, you can’t tie it to anything involving significant suffering in the world, and the whole reason you are doing this is to lash out at women and feminists. You have caps lock and tossing emotionally loaded words.
Another assertion? *Yawn*
You know that a diagnosis requires citing some criteria right? I even have a DSM-V for fun, literally. Feel free to actually make an effort to demonstrate something someday.
I don’t believe you anymore.
So, is this a bad time to bring up my “I still have my foreskin” privilege ?
No, I find that men often do. Not men with sexual politics I admire, mind you.
Rights and citizenship don’t exist, so dignity and respect don’t either, duh!
Guys, GUYS, just finished the thread, this was hilarious, I literally laughed out loud, and it’s been a while I don’t. Thank you so much for this.
Mickey is getting reeeeaally boring, but I’m glad he got the attention he seeked. By the way, I BEG YOU to write the paper about absolute gynocracy. Please use a lot of manosphere jargon and sources. Please. Sounds like a great idea, do go ahead.
@Slap Dash
Circumcision is one of the most horrible things you can do to a child and I don’t know a single feminist who approves of it. The culprit you’re looking for here is the American Association of Pediatrics who published a report in 2012 all but recommending circumcision for all males, despite many feminist organizations labeling it genital mutilation and advocating against it. Don’t you try to put words in my mouth just because I’m making fun of you and your slapdash logic.
That makes two of us.
Latest stats are that 33% of newborn boys are getting circumcised right now. Kind of funny that the drop from 83% circumcised to less than 35% circumcised happened during the very same timeframe (early sixties to present) in which that manosperians think that everything went to hell.
They obviously believe some rights exist, but only right that concern their own bodily autonomy. Rights aren’t real until someone violates their own. They’d execute their right to call the police on people punching them repeatedly in their face just as anyone else would.
It’s as equally disingenuous but at least it was mildly thought provoking. Arguing about what constitutes a concept as “real” is an interesting discussion to have, but this is just tedious.
Do you still get your foreskin pass ? I noticed that the free drinks have stopped recently, it kinda annoys me, because I liked the free drinks.
ETA : Oh shit I actually did it ! A comma splice of my own ! Wait, it is a comma splice, right ?