Earlier today, one apparently desperate MGTOW went to the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit to ask the regulars for advice on fleeing the country so he can skip out on paying alimony and child support.
Helpful commenters suggested various alternatives, from faking his own death to literally joining the French Foreign legion (turns out he’s too old for that). The OP is also considering the possibility of living “like Rambo, in the woods.”
But my favorite answer came from a dude living on a boat:
I would strongly urge all MGTOWs to consider this alternative. Any kind of boat or boat-like device will do — sailboat, rowboat, giant inflatable duck, pool noodle, you name it.
Aim for one of these islands and you’ll be sitting pretty in no time!
NOTE: Just so you know, the caption for the pic above is kind of a joke. Clipperton Island, a tiny smudge of an atoll 670 miles southwest of Mexico, has more than one tree. It also had birds.
And an abandoned tanker!
MGTOWs! Clipperton island calls for you!
I actually would love to see these idiots do their own Lord of the Flies thing on some rock in the ocean.
Damnit. It’s just one guy. The title made me think there was some mass exodus being planned. I was so excited. Too bad that’s not the migtoe way.
less like he’s going his own way and more like running way from his responsibilities. I think we can all see this guy demanding to be a part of his kids lives again the second its convenient or has some sort of personal benefit for him.
‘lord of the flies’ is what would likely happen as they try to out alpha each other.
Lol. Yes, please, clueless white dude. Sell everything and hop onto a sailboat, and wander around in Central America. No doubt your superior white man genes will allow you to overpower the backwards and primitive natives of this barbaric region, allowing you to live like a king. I’m sure they won’t care about your visa status, after all, you’re a white man! They’ll be glad for the money and prestige you bestow on th-
– wait, you’re planning this so that you can escape supporting your children? So I guess they’ll discover that you’re broke as shit before too long, then, huh?
Yeah, something tells me that our titular hero here ain’t gonna be going his own way any time soon.
Running away from supporting his own children. What a hero.
But but but I learned last week that MGTOW is not a destination! It’s about obsessing constantly about women! And a MGHOW needs to obsess on the internet, because if a MGHOW is angry and nobody knows about it, does he make a sound? Getting internet access from a sailboat sounds like it’s harder than just calling up Time Warner from the house. All in all it’s unreasonable to expect a MGHOW to actually go.
For some reason I feel that if MGTOWs were to reenact Lord of the Flies on a remote island somewhere, there would be no-one there to volunteer to be the Piggy of the group.
I think quite a few of the Mammotheers will know why exactly this will be quite a bad thing for the mid-to-long term survival of the group.
Or Simon. Or anyone, really.
Lol, Dave thinks he’s being so clever by mentioning an island that is entirely populated by birds; you know, those things that you can eat (unless you’re a woman, in which case you probably think you deserve Olive Garden day in and day out). Thanks for the tip, Futrelle; I’m sure that it won’t come in handy to any of the MGTOW that you want to see die horrible deaths.
Really, thank all of you for maintaining a blog which routinely demonstrates the necessity and feasibility of the MGTOW lifestyle. We owe our existence to feminists and other assorted gynocrats like yourselves. I’d say that you all are a big help, but I’m pretty sure that if your egos got anymore comically inflated, we’d have to attach lights to your heads to prevent pilots from crashing into you.
Keep crowing, feminists; it’s you’re own defeat that you’re bragging about.
sign me up
This is a Poe, right? It must be a Poe.
Miggy, hun, it’s not a defeat for us if you actually go your own way.
Edit: @Tulse he’s a troll from another thread who threw quite the tantrum over the weekend. He’s an important engineer who is 329 years old and makes $27/hr.
Dude, wanting to see you guys die horrible deaths presupposes a degree of interest in your existence that just isn’t there.
Fried seagulls. Seagull fricassee . Seagull cacciatore . Seagull a la king. Seagull nuggets. Seagull salad.
Good luck catching the bird and likely getting malnutrition from eating nothing but seagulls, kiddo.
Also, since when is Olive Garden something fancy, apparently? It’s a chain restaurant, I saw some dudes in dirty tank-tops and boots eating there, it’s doesn’t even have decent food. The one time I ate at an Olive Garden? The minestrone sucked and the salmon was overcooked. I’d hope women have high standards than Olive Garden if they’re gonna eat at a single restaurant everyday. Like, maybe a French bistro or sushi joint. You can rack up the bill at a sushi joint real quick.
sautéed seagull?
@D. D. Webb
That’s why you have entire blog dedicated to complaining about us, right?
A man can live off of those things. Women, not so much, especially when they start experiencing women problems and start craving everything under the sun (and quite possibly, the sun itself).
Good catch. This is just more evidence that he’s just a teenager pretending to know what he’s talking about.
Edit: Miggy, you don’t understand the first thing about female biology, clearly.
@All That Migging and Towing
September 13, 2016 at 7:22 pm
Lol, Dave thinks he’s being so clever by mentioning an island that is entirely populated by birds; you know, those things that you can eat .
Curses! Dave, why did you have to mention the birds? Now the MGTOW’s will have them all!
Keep crowing, feminists; it’s you’re own defeat that you’re bragging about.
How did he know the birds in question were crows?
@All That Migging and Towing
I really want to thank you for being a great source of amusement.
For whatever it’s worth, i noticed you.
Nobody deserves Olive Garden. There’s so much better Italian food for comparable prices out there. Why go someplace that serves wilted iceberg lettuce in their salads and watery bland red sauce on their pasta?
I think this statement is more evidence that Miggy here is a suburban teenager, not the sophisticated and wise 329 year old vampire engineer he would have us believe he is.
Seriously. Who’s impressed by Olive Garden?
Olive Garden as fine cuisine?
Uh, no. I can think of 3 other Italian restaurants in easy driving distance that are better.
YOUUS!But seriously though, what is it with dudes like this thinking they’re all Great White Hunters? Have you tried hunting birds? It’s hard. They’re wily motherfuckers.
I hope you brought a lot of ammo to your little bootstrap Galtian fantasy island. Otherwise, y’all are going to have to start crafting spears and nets and things.
Oh, and I hope y’all brought supplies for jarring, canning, and smoking said birds you catch and other forage like seasonal fruits and plants. Otherwise, you’re going to waste them all by letting them go bad before you can cook ’em. And you’re going to need to preserve them when the birds start migrating and the fruit stops being in season.
Seriously, have you thought this out? I don’t think you have.
Olive Garden’s okay, but it’s too pricey for me all the time (seriously, is that your idea of a “fancy restaurant” that all the wimmens want to be taken out to? lol). I’d rather stay home and cook my own Italian food. It’s cheaper, and I know what goes in it and I can cook it to my own specifications.
Besides, only Italian food all day, erry day? That’d be boring. BRING ON THE CURRY BUNS! Curry buns are fucking awesomesauce.
Oooh, and kimchi. Kimchi is a really good side dish, as I’ve discovered. And it keeps for a long ass time! It’s fermented napa cabbage in a spicy fish sauce.
Speaking of fermented, I hope one of you had enough foresight to bring brewing supplies on your little island escape. I know how much dudes like beer.
It’s so cute how you think you’re important and awful enough that we want you dead.
The opposite of love isn’t hate, ducky. It’s apathy. And we genuinely don’t care what happens to you, or your fellow miggy toes. Go, live your dreams of the Isle of Man Going Their Own Way.
Though, we’d honestly be shocked (as David expressed) if you did actually go your own way. Happy for you because you finally left, but shocked nonetheless.
It would be feasable if y’all actually did want to go your own way already instead of sit around on the internet and talk about doing it all day.
Stop talking, start walking, miggytoes.
Caw, caw motherfucker. Y’all have been preaching doom and gloom and the coming MGTOW-gration for years now. I’ll believe it when I see it. In the meantime:
Complaining and mocking are different things, but I’m unsurprised to find the distinction beyond someone whose idea of “going their own way” is bitterly and constantly kvetching about what they were allegedly going their own way from.
And, seriously, man. You cannot live on just seagulls. I thought that was just a rhetorical device, but you’re really going to double down on this point? Dietary concerns aside, actually catching, killing, cleaning, and preparing wild food is not something you magically know how to do because you have a penis. A real survivalist could do it, but few of those are on the internet whining about women for hours a day. And assuming, for the sake of argument, that you actually have the requisite skills…
Dude. You can’t just eat seagulls. This kind of logic is probably at the core of your problems, man.