I’ve gotten a number of extremely thoughtful responses from assorted alt-right twitterists to my post yesterday in which I offered an improved version of the new alt-right logo, with a Ku Klux Klanner head replacing the stylized “a.”
And by “thoughtful,” I mean “don’t read the following tweets if you’re not in the mood for jokes about murder, suicide, and the Holocaust and/or a defense of the KKK’s lynching of black people.”
I think I hear your oven timer going off, it's at 616 degrees right now.
— GrauTiger? (@PZKW117) September 12, 2016
Oh look, a death wish:
@mc_morn Another leftist loser living with his mother. Delete your acct. David, then yourself. pic.twitter.com/tEyZAWiXCc
— Concierge Monthly (@ConciergeMthly) September 12, 2016
Followed by a death threat:
@mc_morn Save us the trouble of hunting you down…..:)
— Concierge Monthly (@ConciergeMthly) September 12, 2016
This one, posted by someone using a picture of racist mass murderer Anders Breivik as an avatar and featuring a photo of actual dead people, is a little too NSFW to post here.
Given the, er, high racist content of these responses, I’m not quite sure why exactly any of these people are mad about being compared to the KKK.
To be fair, though, they weren’t all mad. There was one Pepe-avatared alt-right Twitterer who liked my fixed logo:
Oh, and FYI, Twitter Nazis, I’m not actually Jewish. Like a lot of the people sporting “echoes” around their names on Twitter, I added the marks as a tiny little “I’m Spartacus”-style act of solidarity. That said, I did go to a Jewish day camp for several summers as a kid. One time we got to meet Sandy Koufax! That makes me practically a Jew.
@ Axe
You are correct, of course. I bow before your wisdom. I love this thread.
Although, why stop at “a tiny bit philosophical”? I’m all for being ridiculously over the top 24/7 philosophical, myself 😀
I’m being practical here. If you go back now and steal their careers, any future (as of now) work might never happen. Unless you wait until they die before you go back, I guess. What ? You thought I had scruples ?
@Mish & Diptych
If you want to caricature the very concept of first world problems, look no further than Trump. (Because of course.) According to something I read yesterday, he used to yell “my life is shit !” from his office desk for hours on end because… he had to go to some fancy party or other during the evening.
(Incidentally, a year and a half ago I built a “Grump Tower” in Terraria because I was fooling around with the idea of a one-building settlement. That was before he officially announced he’d be running for president, so you can guess why it stopped being funny. It was connected to all sorts of ridiculous and environmentally-questionable projects like a 8 block wide hellevator, an underground asphalt highway that ran across the whole world, and an asphalt skybridge. And yes, I did plant trees in the lobby.)
@ Axe
Thank you; I’ll treasure that forever! 🙂
I’m now thinking of a ‘Euroman’ comic. A superhero trying to prop up the legislature behind an international trade agreement might not seem an obvious subject for drama; but plenty of people paid to see the Star Wars prequels.
Re: First world problems
I once had occasion to mention a particular concern that had arisen for me and a friend said we needed a new category of zeroth world problems.
Maybe “privilige problems” because one has the luxury of focusing on them? Or some other combination that suggests their relative unimportant and bothersomeness.
The 1st World problem might be defined as convenience masquerading as struggle. One can live without the convenience but not, it seems, without the masquerade
-Axe Calibur
Well… ?
Today in happy stuff : my 4 yr old niece is staying here for the weekend, and she’s awesome. She came up to my room in the middle of the afternoon to tell me we were gonna eat “babahgers” tonight. Then she gave me a biscuit from her little bag.
I used to have a problem with her. She was born roughly 9 months after the abortion. It’s weird because I never had a problem with the abortion itself (obviously, and besides it wasn’t my place to say anything about that anyway) – but I guess she was, in a weird way, a reminder of everything else that happened. Took me about a year to warm up to her, but I’m so glad I finally did. Coolest kid ever, too. Everyone in the family who’s had kids says she’s definitely a parent’s dream.
She struggles to speak though, apparently because she speaks way too quickly and eats half her syllabes. She’s super smart but because of that and since kids her age usually speak slightly better than she does, I hear quite a few assholes spew shit like “mixed race will do that, her brain is slow on the uptake” and it makes me wanna teach her to headbutt them in the crotch but her mother forbids me.
Thanks to all of you.
My personal shitshow started mid October 2009 when my best friend/kinda ex/”soul mate” was diagnosed with cancer. Mid November we found out that it was terminal. The work I had at the time did not allow me to spend all that much time with her. Late December she finally were allowed home. A lot of her time were spent setting me up with my current girlfriend. Spent most of January and February just talking to her about everything. She passed away late March in my arms.
Don’t know if this is what I want to say. But I feel like it’s the right thing now.
Posting before regreting.
Just need to write stuff down.
Muthafuckas is jealous of a baby, dawg? Somebody needs to rethink all they life choices. And a swift skull to the jibblies ?
Thanks for saying. Can’t be easy <3
<3 Lanariel. That's so hard, she must have been an absolute treasure. All the love.
I’m so sorry to hear that your close friend passed away. It can take a lot of time to process something like that.
How caring of her to set you up with another woman.
I hope that you’ve come to some sort of peace about this very sad event.
Best wishes.
Hugs. It’s hard to share that stuff, but I’m glad you did.
Thanks for sharing, that must have been hard but I’m glad you did. All of the hugs !
I think it’s this town, it’s fucking hostile. Overwhelmingly white and leaning to the right. We even have some high-profile neo-nazis and holocaust deniers, on account of the “legacy” from WW2. I’m just glad the kid doesn’t live here full time.
Black, irreligious, socialist SJW in the deep South. My state will probably go to Trump, it’s only a matter of how much. I think I can relate…
Not so many neonazis tho. See, the nazis were heathens, and we’re good Christian folk. I live in the shadow of a pretty major city, so our assholes tend to be relatively benign (except for the pickup truck racists). On the other hand, go too far down the wrong highway, and you’d be forgiven for thinking the South did actually rise again
Small victories 🙂
Many hugs and much sympathy
Them differences. Methinks the US has a much healthier approach to it all than France. We can’t talk about racism here, because “it doesn’t exist anymore”. Kinda like the stats thing we talked about before. On one hand, blatant displays of racism are pretty rare. On the other… well you need a pretty strict definition of “blatant” and “racism”. For example, it’s not racist if you say “it’s in their culture“. I hear that pretty much everytime I go out. But the same people will get offended if they hear something in the lines of “they’re inferior because race” – even though that’s basically a less-disguised way of saying the exact thing they just said. It’s just how this country has taught itself to think, probably as a result of that invisible segregation. We so want to believe we’re the “land of human rights” that we actively crush anyone who wants to do some actual work to achieve it. Anti-racists are dismissed in two ways : either they’re blaming their own failures on “imaginary racism”, or if they’re white, they’re “virtue signaling”. Can’t get any shit done because of that.
On the bright side, a few cities are actually, radically different. The “culture not nature” bullshit doesn’t fly there and shit actually gets done to level the playing field. Not by elected officials mind ya, they’re as bad at that job as anywhere else, but at the bottom of the ladder there’s some amazing folks who do some amazing work. One of those cities is but a small 30 minutes by train from here, and it’s always been sort of my second home – I swear I spend more time there than in the city that I live right outside of. And I’m moving there in a week.
@Sinkable John
That will be a move for the better!
Much support, Lanariel.
The way you describe, it ain’t so different. There’s just more Jesus involved. Also apathy. There’s just as many anti antiracists around here, but they tend not to care as much. Unless the President is mixed. Then it’s a whole ‘grassroots’ movement to get him to release his long form birth certificate, cos he’s obviously a secret terrorist
If there is a major difference, it’s that our bigots peak early. They get big quickly and fade away just as fast. They leave a mess, but they’re (mostly) gone. That means the next assholes hafta start fresh. Neonazis wouldn’t get big here, cos the nazis already lost. We like our deplorables, just not the same old deplorables. Hopefully the same happens with our newest, orangest, incarnation. We’ll see…
Ayy! That education thing? Sweet
@ Axe
Ermergerd, what have I done? 😛
@ John
Your niece sounds absolutely fabulous. Hope you have a great time with her (and that was very poignant what you said about her birth and the abortion). As for “mixed-race” kids – don’t get me started. My son is part white Australian, part Punjabi, and if anyone dares to even hint at this being a bad thing, well… as for him, he loves it – he thinks it makes him windswept and interesting.
Re your hellevator – how long did that take to build? Jebus. 8 blocks wide, and having to fight off the demons etc. My worst hellevator experience was when I killed a flying demon thingie and it dropped the little guide voodoo doll into the lava. You know what happened next. We were not ready for it.
@ Lanariel
(what a beautiful name, btw)
That must have been incredibly hard for you to write. Going through it must have been utterly hellish. It’s lovely, though, that you were so close to another person. I’m glad she was with someone she loved dearly at the end.
What a thread this has turned out to be, people! Emotional rollercoaster doesn’t even begin to cover it.
It feels weird to be happy to hear other people’s sad stories, but I very much am. I guess I’m glad that y’all made it this far given your circumstances, and that you’re still going. I’m legit thankful to have read it all, and to be comfortable enough to write a little something of my own. Hugs and love, everyone <3
Exactly. I think I’ve already said ‘humbling’ a few too many times about this thread. It’s a serious privilege* to have read people’s experiences.
* privilege in the good sense – see, a wee little SJW joke, geddit? oh dear god.
I geddit ! Am so smart.
And yeah the move is for the school thing. Although to be honest, the real goal is to find work as soon as possible (school’s only for 6 months, and a lot of that time is geared toward finding internships and the like, so it’s a really good place to start), not to mention being closer to my friends and in a city in which I actually want to go out instead of staying home all day every day.
I’m reminded of what EJ posted some time ago. I think it’s really important. “Humbling” is the right word for this thread I think. And it feels good to be able to tell and listen and not be told that your experience doesn’t matter.
Re : hellevator – well I had endgame (as of the 1.2 version) equipment so it took maybe all of 15 minutes to dig :p
I used those claws that eat through anything extremely fast, combined with the smart cursor option (just aim down, click, and sit back and enjoy), so it was all over very quickly indeed. Besides, I did this on a new world that wasn’t in hardmode yet, while wearing endgame armor and stuff, so the enemies weren’t really a threat.
I’m stumped now though. I can’t beat the mechanical bosses .-.
It’s kind of a running gag with me. Every new game this same thing happens : everything before and after this specific part is easy, but those three I just can’t. Halp.
I would not even try to fight those three on my own! I’d do in multiplayer with some reliable people.
Although, it could be that you’re deliberately blocking yourself because you don’t want it to end…? 🙂
@all who answered
Thanks a bunch. I did sadly not deal very well with it and bottled it up inside. That shitstorm were one of the reasons I did end up in the depression I’m still trying to escape the fallout from.
Just typing it out for the first time and seeing the words online made it feel more real. I think I could be helped with sharing the entire thing somewhere.
I would have answered earlier if not for the backspace key.
I fully agree with the humbling privilege of reading about people’s struggles.
EJ really hit the head on the nail with the comment of the silent audience, and the feeling of relationship towards the commentariat.
That read reminded me strongly of a passage from The Devil Delivered by Steven Eriksson.