I’ve gotten a number of extremely thoughtful responses from assorted alt-right twitterists to my post yesterday in which I offered an improved version of the new alt-right logo, with a Ku Klux Klanner head replacing the stylized “a.”
And by “thoughtful,” I mean “don’t read the following tweets if you’re not in the mood for jokes about murder, suicide, and the Holocaust and/or a defense of the KKK’s lynching of black people.”
I think I hear your oven timer going off, it's at 616 degrees right now.
— GrauTiger? (@PZKW117) September 12, 2016
Oh look, a death wish:
@mc_morn Another leftist loser living with his mother. Delete your acct. David, then yourself. pic.twitter.com/tEyZAWiXCc
— Concierge Monthly (@ConciergeMthly) September 12, 2016
Followed by a death threat:
@mc_morn Save us the trouble of hunting you down…..:)
— Concierge Monthly (@ConciergeMthly) September 12, 2016
This one, posted by someone using a picture of racist mass murderer Anders Breivik as an avatar and featuring a photo of actual dead people, is a little too NSFW to post here.
Given the, er, high racist content of these responses, I’m not quite sure why exactly any of these people are mad about being compared to the KKK.
To be fair, though, they weren’t all mad. There was one Pepe-avatared alt-right Twitterer who liked my fixed logo:
Oh, and FYI, Twitter Nazis, I’m not actually Jewish. Like a lot of the people sporting “echoes” around their names on Twitter, I added the marks as a tiny little “I’m Spartacus”-style act of solidarity. That said, I did go to a Jewish day camp for several summers as a kid. One time we got to meet Sandy Koufax! That makes me practically a Jew.
@kupo – You’re from the Sequim area, then, I take it? That’s so cool. My BF lives in Bremerton. But it’s been a few years since I last visited, which is a shame; I love the PNW
Oh, charming.
I read a news article earlier today about the rise of the alt-right. Most of the commenters were saying that there’s no such thing as the “alt-right”, and the term is a slur invented by “leftists”. I guess the people who self-identify by that term would be surprised to hear that.
It’s almost cute how they try to rationalize their own bullshit and end up wiggling and thrashing against each other. They can’t even agree on their own PR.
Re the alt-right: one of our homegrown versions (Pauline Hanson) gave her maiden speech in Parliament today (is it a maiden speech, btw, if you’ve already done it all before?).
Anyways, back in the day her favourite target was Asians who were apparently swamping the nation – now she’s set her sights on Muslims, calling for a ban on immigration (sound familiar?) and a ban on the burqa.
The entire Greens party walked out of the Senate mid-way through Hanson’s speech 😀
@Snowberry: The proper term is “uncucked and hellbent”.
(Actual lyrics in an actual song that I actually listened to and laughed at- even realizing it wasn’t supposed to be a joke.)
I read something interesting recently, but I don’t know the validity of it. The Nazi party adopted the colour red to confuse the public, I.e. The Workers that they were socialists. The colour red has always been associated with the left. It makes me wonder if the Republicans did this for the same reason?
@Mish, Pauline Hanson is still worried about being swamped by the Chinese too, as I’m sure you know.
I think she’d be more comfortable if we kitted her out with a couple of outriggers and a buoyancy vest. She already has a whistle.
@ Virgin Mary
Although Anton Drexler, the founder of the DAP (the precursor to the NASDAP) did set out to attract socialists, that’s not the reason for the flag colours.
The previous Red, Black, Gold configuration had fallen out of favour with a lot of people because of its association with both the monarchy and the humiliation of the Bismark regime. So they reverted to the Red, Black, White configuration that had been last used when Germany was considered successful (i.e. at the time of the German Empire and the Northern Confederation)
There were later some attempts at claiming significance of the colours (purity, blood shed to protect the fatherland and, well, black) but that was a bit of a retcon.
Lol! Good one! That is very sound advice, Troubelle, coz that is one awfully jagged and unappealing logo. Someone on the other thread commented that it looks like really bad origami, which is exactly what I thought it was when I first saw it. I had to stare at it for a good while to work out what it really was.
I think the only reason I knew what that logo was supposed to look like is that I read the Mother Jones article before actually seeing it. It’s described but not shown. I only saw it when David posted it.
Apparently the three triangles thing means “race is real, race matters, and race is the foundation of identity”.
Yes, it seems that each triangle stands for the word “race”. Do not ask me why. I don’t know.
Okay, that settles it, I’m moving to Australia. Your Greens make a lot more sense than ours.
Sinkable John.
Now the logo is even more ridiculous. So triangles are Rs now? ? There are three triangles so there are three Rs. RRR. I thought the three Rs stood for Reduce, Reuse and Recycle? Lol! I am so confused.
I don’t know what anyone else thinks, but I think the swastika should be reclaimed as a good luck symbol. It existed for thousands of years before it was coopted by the Nazi regime, and was used by the Hindus, Buddhists and even in Jewish and Muslim cultures. I don’t think we should be paranoid about it being used as a hate symbol, because it isn’t. Like the inverted cross and pentagram, it’s been subverted to mean something opposite to what it originally meant.
Turtles all the way down, except replace the turtles with stupid.
@ Croquembouche of patriarchy
You’re quite right, yes; Hanson hasn’t left her Asian-centred racism behind by any measure.
Have you been following her alliances with mra groups, too? As in, abolish the Family Court; grant automatic joint custody, etc.? She has Bernardi and Christensen on side for this, too – and what annoys me the most is I don’t believe those two give a shit about male depression and suicide 🙁
@Mish, yes, and today’s reiteration of her nonsense about Muslim men with multiple wives and hordes of children, and single mothers pumping out babies for the welfare money. She is a logic and fact free zone.
That’s kind of on par with Dutton a few months ago, claiming that refugees were simultaneously clogging up the unemployment queues and stealing jobs (all while being locked up on Nauru and Manus, of course).
But let’s not under-sell things – I really want Sinkable John to move here 😛
OK, Mish, we won’t mention the plan to ban halal food. Aussies will never give up the kebab now, even if some of us insist on adding cheddar and tinned pineapple to it.
@ Croquembouche
@ Croquembouche &
Halal is a tricky area. Obviously when people just bring it up to have a dig at Muslims then that’s about as obvious an ulterior motive as when they suddenly get feminist in regard to burkas.
However I would have no problem with a ban on abattoirs that don’t pre-stun before slaughter. Especially as there are plenty of halal abattoirs that are fine with pre-stunning.
@ Croquembouche & mish
Halal is a tricky area. Obviously when people just bring it up to have a dig at Muslims then that’s about as obvious an ulterior motive as when they suddenly get feminist in regard to burkas.
However I would have no problem with a ban on abattoirs that don’t pre-stun before slaughter. Especially as there are plenty of halal abattoirs that are fine with pre-stunning.
@Virgin Mary
Pretty sure that ship has sailed, at least in “the west”.
@ Alan, the slaughter method is indeed one thing. AFAIK all Australian abattoirs must pre-stun. We have a live export industry that cops a lot of opposition because of the transport conditions for the animals and the slaughter conditions at their destination.
But Hansonites and our other bigoted right people oppose the halal certification of any food products. Many if not most of the packaged food products sold here have halal certification, because the manufacturers want to be able to sell it to local Muslims and the much larger export market. Including Vegemite.
The right claim that this is a kickback scheme designed to funnel money to terrorist organizations. We had a parliamentary investigation that found that that is not happening, so now the bigots want a Royal Commission. They also want a Royal Commission into the academic conspiracy to pretend that global warming is a thing.
What they don’t want is for the terms of reference of our Royal Commission into institutional child abuse to be expanded to include children in refugee detainment or in correctional services facilities.
@ croquembouche
Ah that’s interesting as it sounds like a recycling of the previous nazi canard that kosher labelling is a way of funnelling money to the Zionist conspiracy.
(There is a sort of fee to get something kosher certified; think it goes on admin though rather than world domination)