I’ve gotten a number of extremely thoughtful responses from assorted alt-right twitterists to my post yesterday in which I offered an improved version of the new alt-right logo, with a Ku Klux Klanner head replacing the stylized “a.”
And by “thoughtful,” I mean “don’t read the following tweets if you’re not in the mood for jokes about murder, suicide, and the Holocaust and/or a defense of the KKK’s lynching of black people.”
I think I hear your oven timer going off, it's at 616 degrees right now.
— GrauTiger? (@PZKW117) September 12, 2016
Oh look, a death wish:
@mc_morn Another leftist loser living with his mother. Delete your acct. David, then yourself. pic.twitter.com/tEyZAWiXCc
— Concierge Monthly (@ConciergeMthly) September 12, 2016
Followed by a death threat:
@mc_morn Save us the trouble of hunting you down…..:)
— Concierge Monthly (@ConciergeMthly) September 12, 2016
This one, posted by someone using a picture of racist mass murderer Anders Breivik as an avatar and featuring a photo of actual dead people, is a little too NSFW to post here.
Given the, er, high racist content of these responses, I’m not quite sure why exactly any of these people are mad about being compared to the KKK.
To be fair, though, they weren’t all mad. There was one Pepe-avatared alt-right Twitterer who liked my fixed logo:
Oh, and FYI, Twitter Nazis, I’m not actually Jewish. Like a lot of the people sporting “echoes” around their names on Twitter, I added the marks as a tiny little “I’m Spartacus”-style act of solidarity. That said, I did go to a Jewish day camp for several summers as a kid. One time we got to meet Sandy Koufax! That makes me practically a Jew.
And just in case anyone doubts that much of the Hillary Clinton hate has its roots in misogyny…
Literal threat of rape and lynching. Oh for the love of oceania it’s a revival of KKK scare tactics and threats.
Thank you, that makes a lot of sense. It isn’t the racism that angers them, it’s that it’s not the cool kind of racism.
Today I learned that:
A) Feminists are the real Nazis.
B) The Holocaust was just Jewish lies.
C) The Nazis were heroes for killing Jews.
I’m not sure how these opinions fit together.
By power of logic that if
Feminists are the real nazis
The holocaust jewish lies
Nazies hero kill jews
Then Feminists are the real nazis who should be praised for killing jews but that is a lie because the holocaust never happened.
Any of that kebab left?
It’s all about branding. They know if they come out and say “Yes, I’m racist” they’ve already lost the attention of most people, so they say “I’m not racist, I just believe [racist thing]”. Even though they’re absolutely being racist (and know it) they want to avoid the negative “brand image” that comes with the label.
“Racists have harmful ideas about race, but I’m not a racist, so my ideas about race are therefore not harmful.”
I wonder how much they themselves believe this “rational” racism. They’re just highly aware that the public won’t love their emotional fear of “the others” so they cover it in “evidence”, all as real as their evidence about man gud, woman not gud.
Is anyone else staring at their forearm?
@Nikki, Jenora –
WA also has a Cape Disappointment. I do love the names there. By the way, up on Olympic Peninsula in WA you can also find the intersection of Woodcock road & Kitchen-Dick road. The BF and I giggled for quite a while after passing through there.
(And now I really fucking wanna go visit goddamn Profanity Peak, because fuck, that’s some fucking great shit.)
(I don’t usually enjoy swearing, but this just felt really… err, friggin’ necessary.)
I’m sure they do! I’m sure they feel the emotional part of it just as ever, but since they’ve been given a “rational” explanation, well, that’s just a lovely gift-wrapped excuse to be a bit more unabashed about it.
As far as I can make out, ideological racists are split between the ones who want to hold on to their ‘plausible’ deniability and those who are chafing at it.
Jeez, this is horrible stuff. I don’t use twitter, reddit or facebook (I have a tumblr but it was a limited thing I haven’t updated in over a year), being an old fogey social media creeps me out a bit, so coming here has been my first real exposure to the ugliness on the net. My bubble of innocence has been well and truly burst, but then there are all the fantastic commenters here who show the other side of the web so I guess it balances out. I think.
If I was on twitter I think I would tell them it was just a joke and they should stop being so over sensitive. Also something about free speech
I can totally see that distinction. That’s an astute point.
OT: a cop got fired for actually trying to de-escalate a situation instead of killing a man.
Edit: Penny, that’s one of my favorite intersections.
@ John the Sinkable of Regicidal Pansies and Pinko Burden Beasts
(your name is so fun to play with)
Damn you and your kebab! I haven’t eaten meat for years* but I can’t stop thinking about this kebab. Which I’m sure is all gone by now.
*with two exceptions (in the interests of honesty) – once by mistake and once when homeless and desperate 🙂
If this isn’t a clearer example of how police departments are suffering from a lack of moral fiber, humanity and desire to even consider people as anything other than a threat I don’t what will.
He got fired for deescalating the situation and doing the right thing, and the irony is with alot of police departments becoming more militarized, this officer was an ex Marine, and he didn’t immediately fire his gun. While the two who shot a suicidal man with an unloaded gun go off scot free.
I don’t see why they’re so pissed…all David did was improve on the logo to better reflect who they are.
Do they though? Perhaps the pro-eugenics junk racial science used by groups such as American Renaissance is meant to somehow imply a dispassionate rationalism, but generally the alt right don’t seem all that concerned about a racist brand image.
@Victorious Parasol & Mish
There is some left ! I’m all out of beer though.
But meektoes shall have none of it. They can have seagulls.
@Podkayne Lives
I too resent one of them, for calling himself whitewolfgeist. While clunky and weird, that game does not deserve to have these jackasses associated with it.
@Sinkable John
That is one sizable kebab!
Fun fact about feet: Look at your forearm, from inner elbow to wrist — hand not included.
That is the approximate length of your foot (with shoes off). It seems so unlikely. But I checked it on myself, and my feet are actually slightly longer.
Amaze your friends with your knowledge about forearms and feet!
Does anyone know what “616 degrees” refers to? Know Your Meme and Urban Dictionary are no help.
I believe it’s the temperature that the crematoria furnaces at Auchwitz were heated to.
(Yeah, that’s what a ‘joke’ is to these people)