I’ve gotten a number of extremely thoughtful responses from assorted alt-right twitterists to my post yesterday in which I offered an improved version of the new alt-right logo, with a Ku Klux Klanner head replacing the stylized “a.”
And by “thoughtful,” I mean “don’t read the following tweets if you’re not in the mood for jokes about murder, suicide, and the Holocaust and/or a defense of the KKK’s lynching of black people.”
I think I hear your oven timer going off, it's at 616 degrees right now.
— GrauTiger? (@PZKW117) September 12, 2016
Oh look, a death wish:
@mc_morn Another leftist loser living with his mother. Delete your acct. David, then yourself. pic.twitter.com/tEyZAWiXCc
— Concierge Monthly (@ConciergeMthly) September 12, 2016
Followed by a death threat:
@mc_morn Save us the trouble of hunting you down…..:)
— Concierge Monthly (@ConciergeMthly) September 12, 2016
This one, posted by someone using a picture of racist mass murderer Anders Breivik as an avatar and featuring a photo of actual dead people, is a little too NSFW to post here.
Given the, er, high racist content of these responses, I’m not quite sure why exactly any of these people are mad about being compared to the KKK.
To be fair, though, they weren’t all mad. There was one Pepe-avatared alt-right Twitterer who liked my fixed logo:
Oh, and FYI, Twitter Nazis, I’m not actually Jewish. Like a lot of the people sporting “echoes” around their names on Twitter, I added the marks as a tiny little “I’m Spartacus”-style act of solidarity. That said, I did go to a Jewish day camp for several summers as a kid. One time we got to meet Sandy Koufax! That makes me practically a Jew.
Damn you, backspace! *shakes fist angrily* /s
For real tho, take your time. We’ll be here to read whatever, whenever 🙂
Happens to me a lot 🙂
It’s great that you shared and if you feel it may help in any way, then it’s definitely worth taking your time typing it out. And if you feel you’ve got more, feel free. Like Axe said.
Are you offering your help ? 🙂
Are you offering your help ? 🙂
It never ends ! Well at the very least, it certainly doesn’t end with those three. If anything, it really starts getting fun after they’re down. Besides I never got to try the new hardmode stuff from 1.3 so I’m excited about that too. And even when that is done… well then I’ll move on to my Mad Architect shtick – building really large and intricate projects. Kinda sad I lost my world saves though…
@ Lanariel
Thank you again for telling us. I sincerely hope that you’re doing better now.
btw, your name reminds me of the Old Kingdom books by Garth Nix: Sabriel, Clariel, and Lirael. They’re fantastic 🙂
Apologies – is the name actually a WoW or LoL reference? It’s great in any case.
@ John
I’d help if I could actually be of use, but that’s questionable! Can you even do multiplayer across teh world?
Losing world saves is indeed an absolute tragedy. And re 1.3 (such a long time coming!) I haven’t tried hardmode in that yet. I’m still bitter that the day the update finally arrived here, I had to work but my son was on holidays so he got to do brand new Terraria all day with his friends. Didn’t even consider waiting for me. Tch.
Confession: I have some worlds where I’ve used mods to access all the cool hardmode stuff without actually working for it. No doubt that makes me a typical girl gamer.
It used to be a royal pain because you needed Hamachi or the like to simulate a LAN, and there was about a thousand different things that could make it fail for whatever reason, but as I understand it’s much simpler now since 1.3 brought Steam integration (finally !).
Well, actually, according to the latest report on ethics in video games, it turns out girl gamers don’t know how to do that. So you’re cleared.
I’ve done that too by the way. I normally prefer to work for my stuff the legit way, but meh… Losing saves or just restarting for the hell of it is kind of a habit of mine, so sometimes I skip the very grindy parts (Ankh Shield anyone ?). Also, that lava charm I needed ? I ended up using a world viewer to locate a chest containing one. It’s like halfly cheating.
Last year I went on a gigantic project to recreate the entire world of Dark Souls in Terraria. At first I wanted to source the materials the legit way in another world… Then I realized it was such an enormous task I was better off just editing everything into a bunch of chests. So I did that, and I ended up having a lot more fun building than grinding for money to buy paint and wire. Although, that is the save I’m the saddest about losing.