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New conspiracy theory: #HillarysBodyDouble is a plot to make Trump supporters look bad

I'm going to take a wild guess and say the real Hillary is ... the one that looks like her? (Click on pic for source)
I’m going to take a wild guess and say the real Hillary is … the one that looks like her? (Click on pic for source.)

So, you’ve heard about the Hillary Body Double thing, right?

If not, basically what happened is that some nitwit Trump supporters noticed that Hillary Clinton looked a bit thinner than usual at a photo-op yesterday several hours after she so famously fainted at the 9/11 memorial.

They concluded, naturally, that this was a counterfeit Hillary who just happens to look exactly like Hillary, but with different earrings and a somewhat smaller butt than they remember. And so the hashtag #HillarysBodyDouble started trending earlier today.

It didn’t take long before some of the slightly-more-reality-based members of Trump’s fanbase noticed that a lot of people were, well, kind of making fun of the hashtag. Like so:

And so a new conspiracy theory was born, claiming that the Hillary body double conspiracy theory was itself a conspiracy — a “false flag” by evil leftists to make alt-rightists and other Trump fans look ridiculous. 

This new improved conspiracy theory is being promulgated by such icons of credibility as …

This dude who works for Alex Jones:

This alt-rightist:

Whoever this is:

This line of argument might be a teensy bit more persuasive had there not been quite so many obviously sincere alt-rightists and Trump fans — all with long histories of pro-Trump tweets, many with thousands if not tens of thousands of followers — declaring that the real Hillary had been replaced by a fake. Seriously, click through to any of these accounts and tell me that they’re “false flags.”

Yes, DeplorableCherokee dude, the fact that her hair is parted on the other side, assuming one of the pics isn’t accidentally reversed, clearly proves that this ISN’T HILLARY!!!111!

Yes, Jesus dude, the fact that she was wearing different earrings surely proves that she has been replaced by a WHOLE OTHER PERSON!

Meanwhile, others in the Trump camp, while not quite willing to endorse the conspiracy theory outright, were certainly willing enough to indulge those who had, by “asking questions” about, for example, the fact that Hillary wasn’t completely surrounded by secret service officers while leaving her daughter’s apartment yesterday.


Our old friend Theodore Beale (“Vox Day”) declared in a blog post today that

I’m not saying that the latest “Hillary Clinton” appearance was a body double, but something looks a bit different about the miraculously recovered version. …
To be honest, something about the shape of the woman’s body immediately struck me as “off”. Precisely what, I don’t know, but my immediate subconscious reaction was “who is that?” She’s a little too structurally squatty, as opposed to merely overweight like Hillary.
Stick to writing fantasy novels, dude; you clearly haven’t gotten the hang of reality.

The right-wing Daily Caller, meanwhile, offered the conspiracy theorists this bit of clickbait:

The best explanation of Hillary’s appearance at the now infamous photo op came from someone who is very definitely not an alt-rightist:

But my favorite post in the #HillarysBodyDouble hashtag has to be this one from a slightly miffed 9/11 Truther

We live in very weird times.

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EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

IP, you are on fire today. I’m giggling so hard that my SQL is looking weird.

Nick G
Nick G
8 years ago

The “Hillary Clinton’s body double conspiracy theory is a false flag” conspiracy theory is clearly itself a false flag aimed at making the Alt Right look stupid!

What’s more, the “”Hillary Clinton’s body double conspiracy theory is a false flag” conspiracy theory is itself a false flag” conspiracy theory is clearly itself a false flag aimed at making the Alt Right look stupid!!

And, as you may have guessed, the “””Hillary Clinton’s body double conspiracy theory is a false flag” conspiracy theory is itself a false flag” conspiracy theory is itself a false flag” conspiracy theory is clearly itself a false flag aimed at making the Alt Right look stupid!!!

8 years ago

@Nick G:

The “Hillary Clinton’s body double conspiracy theory is a false flag” conspiracy theory is clearly itself a false flag aimed at making the Alt Right look stupid!

What’s more, the “”Hillary Clinton’s body double conspiracy theory is a false flag” conspiracy theory is itself a false flag” conspiracy theory is clearly itself a false flag aimed at making the Alt Right look stupid!!

And, as you may have guessed, the “””Hillary Clinton’s body double conspiracy theory is a false flag” conspiracy theory is itself a false flag” conspiracy theory is itself a false flag” conspiracy theory is clearly itself a false flag aimed at making the Alt Right look stupid!!!

If you live in an alt-reality, alt this makes perfect sense!

8 years ago

People actually believe there is a #HillarysBodyDouble but don’t believe that 9/11 was carried out by the government. God help us.

Dunno ’bout G-d, but ‘VI’ definitely needs all the help he/she can get.

8 years ago

And so a new conspiracy theory was born, claiming that the Hillary body double conspiracy theory was itself a conspiracy — a “false flag” by evil leftists to make alt-rightists and other Trump fans look ridiculous.

That’s what they get for doing the Gamergate thing and having their “leaderless” movement that can be directed by anybody who shows up. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are people doing the Poe thing in the alt-right movement proper, and not just the #HillarysBodyDouble tag.

MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
8 years ago

I heard about this yesterday and I thought it was one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard. Also, the incessant fussing and rumour spreading about her mental and physical fitness must just stop already. It is ridiculous and it’s based on nothing but pure sexism. There have been several presidents who have suffered from serious health problems, but these people are making a huge fuss over her sitting on stools occasionally. It is blatantly obvious that this is only happening because she is a woman, that they are pulling these ridiculous health problems out of their arses to undermine her campaign. Well I got news for you alt right dip shits, she is mentally and physically fit for presidency, which is more than anyone can say for Trump.

8 years ago

This is one of the numerous things that irk me about the mindset of these people: There is no truth, no reality. There are only aspects of truth, only points of view. Only appearances matter, only what the public can be made to believe.

If an outrageous claim is called out as the bullshit it is? If it was made by a well-known representative of the group, throw them under the bus. They were never one of us, they were an outlier (remember when some Men’s Righter tried to claim that Paul Elam was a fringe operative when he said something particularly terrible?). Or perhaps it was satire, a joke. If it was made anonymously, just claim it was a false flag planted by the devious enemy. It’s always No True Scotsman for these people.

Basically, do whatever the hell you want to, and then claim reasonable doubt when it backfires. We saw that in #GamerGate, we see it now. It’s the attitude of spineless, morally bankrupt, spoiled little brats who just want to watch the world burn because up in their privilege, they think the fire won’t reach them.

I have a friend who is pushing 80 and is a very proud Luddite – she only recently got her first smart phone after using a clamshell style cell phone for many years, and is still not clear on all the features of the new phone – and she had no idea Gamergate ever even happened until recently. I was trying to explain Internet culture to her, and how it related to Donald Trump’s candidacy (she thought the conspiracy theory over Hillary’s so-called Parkinson’s was hilarious). She does know who Howard Stern is, so I told her that basically, there were a whole lot of people out there who wanted to be Howard Stern, but their incentive to one-up each other is taking it way beyond the pranks that he was doing.

8 years ago

And Donald Trump is actually three Oompa-Lompas standing on each other’s shoulder in a suit.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Here she is exchanging long protein strings with Bernie Sanders:×430.png

8 years ago

I saw the film Dave, so I know this kind of body-double hanky-panky goes on all the damn time:

I loved this ’90s film with Kevin Kline and Sigourney Weaver. The president of the United States — a real asshole — is in a coma. So a temp agency owner, Dave, a sweet guy who is also a presidential impersonator, is tapped to play the president. No one figures out that Dave isn’t the president — except the president’s wife.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ Kat

“Dave” is such a sweet film. I especially love the last shot (when you see who his new security guard is); that always makes me cheer.

Speaking of politicians called ‘Dave’, the Trump campaign brought to mind an old Judge Dredd story. We were discussing that not all orange haired candidates were bad.

Schnookums Von Fancypants
Schnookums Von Fancypants
8 years ago

I’m not saying that the latest “Hillary Clinton” appearance was a body double, but something looks a bit different about the miraculously recovered version. …

Ooh, VD is up to that oh so clever gambit. Lemme try, lemme try!

“I’m not saying that Vox Day is a homo-necro-pyro-pedo-zoophile, but there’s something odd about all the dead burning male underage animals covered in mysterious sticky liquids in his neighborhood.”

Michael P
Michael P
8 years ago

I have seen screencaps of Facebook conversations, I don’t know if the people in them are serious or not, but they’re talking about Hillary’s soul having been transplanted into a healthier clone body. As if this is something she’s done several times before.

It’s a strange world we live in.

EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

@Michael P:
Come now, that’s absurd. It flies in the face of everything we know about modern biology. Clinton is a lawyer by trade; she can’t possibly have a soul.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ EJ

Hey, I haven’t sold my soul yet. Admittedly it is pretty heavily mortgaged….

(How you getting on with the Limerick?)

8 years ago

If she’s moving her soul from body to healthier body, shouldn’t that alleviate these supposed concerns about her health and its potential impact on her presidency? Made-up problem: solved!

Berdache from a previous life
Berdache from a previous life
8 years ago

When I saw body double the other day, did not scan the article; thought it was about actual body doubles that Clinton used to keep possible assassins guessing. Guess I’m just not conspiratorial enough to keep up with the Alt Right.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
8 years ago

@Nick G Inception! LOL!

8 years ago

@Rogue Angel

“But…but…she can’t be Tupac Shakur; she’s supposed to be one of those shape-shifting lizard-people alien overlords who works for the Illuminati or something.”

EXACTLY! Shape Shifting. Hillary and Tupac are the same lizard person (Lirson?) taking different forms. Obvious really.

In fact come to think of it, Hillary and Donald were both interviewed by Matt Lauer the other day, but only appeared separately. I’m just asking questions, but could that mean Hillary and Donald are actually the same Lirson? If they aren’t why aren’t they seen together? Besides all the times they have been seen together, because how do you know that wasn’t two Lirsons trying to throw us off?

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

Why are we so sure that the HRC who almost fainted is the real one and the one who came out of Chelsea’s apartment looking fresh is the double? It’s much more plausible to think that HRC has been sending her body doubles out to do dangerous work like attending memorial services while she lounges around eating bonbons, and one of them was poisoned by an assassin.

They’re probably ALL doubles. The real HRC may not even exist anymore.

8 years ago

I am acquainted with that limerick. (is it possible that I could have met it thanks to a mammotheer? Maybe elsewhere, I don’t remember. Swiss cheese memory.)
And a very fine one it is too.

8 years ago

PS not counting the other thread, I mean, which I saw just now after posting the above, of course. D’oh.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

There’s a theory floating around that Donald’s hair is actually a horcrux.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

The last one, I should hope…

8 years ago


Dunno ’bout G-d, but ‘VI’ definitely needs all the help he/she can get.

Are you intentionally trying to find veiled ways to reference mental health that can *technically* skirt by the comments policy, or at least go beneath notice? In a recent thread you also mentioned something about someone needing therapy. I wanna give you the benefit of the doubt, but given the things you’ve managed to start arguments over in the past, this seems sorta suspect. At best, please avoid implying a link between terrible opinions and mental health.