So, you’ve heard about the Hillary Body Double thing, right?
If not, basically what happened is that some nitwit Trump supporters noticed that Hillary Clinton looked a bit thinner than usual at a photo-op yesterday several hours after she so famously fainted at the 9/11 memorial.
They concluded, naturally, that this was a counterfeit Hillary who just happens to look exactly like Hillary, but with different earrings and a somewhat smaller butt than they remember. And so the hashtag #HillarysBodyDouble started trending earlier today.
This is getting serious now #HillarysBodyDouble pic.twitter.com/FpTuxTw82I
— Eric Spracklen🇺🇸 (@EricSpracklen) September 12, 2016
It didn’t take long before some of the slightly-more-reality-based members of Trump’s fanbase noticed that a lot of people were, well, kind of making fun of the hashtag. Like so:
And so a new conspiracy theory was born, claiming that the Hillary body double conspiracy theory was itself a conspiracy — a “false flag” by evil leftists to make alt-rightists and other Trump fans look ridiculous.
This new improved conspiracy theory is being promulgated by such icons of credibility as …
This dude who works for Alex Jones:
The #HillarysBodyDouble narrative was probably started by the Clinton campaign to discredit genuine questions about her health.
— Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) September 12, 2016
This alt-rightist:
Whoever this is:
#HillarysBodyDouble is a false flag from the liberals to discredit the alt-right. Don't fall for it guys!
— Monix (@iMonix) September 12, 2016
This line of argument might be a teensy bit more persuasive had there not been quite so many obviously sincere alt-rightists and Trump fans — all with long histories of pro-Trump tweets, many with thousands if not tens of thousands of followers — declaring that the real Hillary had been replaced by a fake. Seriously, click through to any of these accounts and tell me that they’re “false flags.”
Everyone missed most obvious faux-pas in photos. HER hair is now parted on the OTHER side. Now THAT'S strange. WTF. https://t.co/7a76bQEg8V
— EvermoreNews (@EvermoreNews) September 12, 2016
Yes, DeplorableCherokee dude, the fact that her hair is parted on the other side, assuming one of the pics isn’t accidentally reversed, clearly proves that this ISN’T HILLARY!!!111!
Yes, Jesus dude, the fact that she was wearing different earrings surely proves that she has been replaced by a WHOLE OTHER PERSON!
Meanwhile, others in the Trump camp, while not quite willing to endorse the conspiracy theory outright, were certainly willing enough to indulge those who had, by “asking questions” about, for example, the fact that Hillary wasn’t completely surrounded by secret service officers while leaving her daughter’s apartment yesterday.
Our old friend Theodore Beale (“Vox Day”) declared in a blog post today that
I’m not saying that the latest “Hillary Clinton” appearance was a body double, but something looks a bit different about the miraculously recovered version. …To be honest, something about the shape of the woman’s body immediately struck me as “off”. Precisely what, I don’t know, but my immediate subconscious reaction was “who is that?” She’s a little too structurally squatty, as opposed to merely overweight like Hillary.
The right-wing Daily Caller, meanwhile, offered the conspiracy theorists this bit of clickbait:
#HillarysBodyDouble — Here Are 10 Women Who Look EXACTLY Like Hillary Clintonhttps://t.co/yPLtCURSYt pic.twitter.com/HgNNIAEqyg
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) September 12, 2016
The best explanation of Hillary’s appearance at the now infamous photo op came from someone who is very definitely not an alt-rightist:
But my favorite post in the #HillarysBodyDouble hashtag has to be this one from a slightly miffed 9/11 Truther
We live in very weird times.
@Sinkable John
Maybe you mean a top knot?
Bun is another possibility.
Pretty sure the evil leftists are too busy carrying coals to Newcastle.*
* Or whatever the kids these days call it.
The top knot it is ! Picture is accurate right down to that pesky wild hair on the side above the ears.
But, well, I just had a pretty nasty browser crash and my hair tie broke, all that just as I was about to comment. Coincidence ? I think not.
The #ScildfrejasBodyDouble pic is beautiful. I laughed so much I cried a single manly tear.
The frames in your last pic are weird ! Pony tails can’t melt panel frames !
So they found a few older blonde women with bobcut variations (not a super rare demo) and decided Clinton is a clone or some shit. Makes as much sense as everything else, I suppose
Quasi OT
Interesting vid about Clinton’s listening skills
I think I know the reason that there are so many Hillarys. It’s because we live in the matrix and she is a program that can’t replicate itself. Doesn’t anyone remember how many Agent Smiths there were? TAKE THE RED PILL BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I gotta learn how to post pictures on this blog
I just realized that the picture you provided is of Toshiro Mifune ! Parts of some movies he was in have been used in the music video for the last song in a french rap album which I listen to a lot these days. I got a t-shirt of that (a really cool design by the way) and I’m wearing it right now !
You just paste the URL, with a few caveats:
1) it should be http: and not https:, and
2) it should end in .jpg or .gif
Most pics that don’t end in .jpg or .gif will have post instructions appended to the file, like http : // route / to / image.gif ? w=l0ng$tr1ng&m=heebyjeeby&size=480×600 or whatnot. You can usually just clip off the extension so that it ends with the proper extension, though. Just clip it off, try the clipped URL to make sure it works, then paste it in!
(FoxKit, don’t blow my cover, I’ll let you in on it! We’ll have apples for days!)
@Sinkable John
I swear I totally had no idea. I absolutely do not have video cameras in your room that leak chem trail gasses while you’re home.
Edit: @Scildfreja I laughed at your l0ng$tr1ng and heebyjeeby
Irony, distilled. Pure. Perfect.
HRC is actually Andy Kaufman.
@Scildfreja Unnýðnes

(Oh, very well, your secret is safe with me.)
Any way you could make those gasses lethal to spiders ? I just saw one big enough to wear my tinfoil hat. Pretty sure it was spying on me !
@rogue angel
For some reason I didn’t see your post (I won’t make up a conspiracy theory to explain that) but y’know, I think you’re right.
Except I think Trump’s hair is actually one of the reptilians. Possibly a Jewish one too !
Meanwhile, can I interest you in a new tinfoil hat ?
In fairness, Theresa Barnwell totally looks like her there.
Silly, everyone knows Trump’s hair is a caterpillar.
@Falconer beat me to the punch, but since I already found the clip…
XDDDD I love this film.
Guys! “Hillary Clinton” is just an armature of calcium carbonate over which has been stretched Hillary Clinton’s skin!!
… Said the guy working for Alex Jones.
fluoride poured in the water, in an effort to make kids gay?
Sandy hook was a false flag to curtail second amendement rights?
The masterplan of the technocracy coming to fruition, institutionalizing cannibalism?
All good. (Yes, Alex Jones literally said words to that effect recently)
But the body-double thing? Nah. The Alex Jones fanbase, (who largely believe that their president is a kenyan muslim stealth-jihadist) would never believe something so crazy
And even if they did, they wouldn’t say it. That might make them look bad…
I have always been a Hillary Clinton supporter ( well, for 24 years or so anyway) and I have many positive reasons to support her.
However, at this point I would vote for a grass-clipping and leaf-rakings stuffed burlap sack with the words Hillary Clinton written on in fat-point Sharpie over Donald Trump. It wouldn’t even have to be spelled right.
There are few things more amusing that watching idiots working at cross purposes.
Hell, I saw one guy trying to argue BOTH that half of Trump supporters don’t believe black people are more criminal than whites, AND that black people _are_ more criminal than white people, in the exact same tweet.
“We don’t the blacks as criminals but these infographics show otherwise.”
I’m not the best at recognizing faces, so I might have mistaken a picture of Teresa Barnwell for Hillary if I hadn’t seen a lot of photos of her recently.
But the others? I’d have to be half-blind or out of it to make that mistake. (No offense meant to people with visual impairments.) I’m not sure what it says about them if they can’t tell the difference – maybe their hatred clouds their perception somehow?
@ Snowberry
They don’t see (perhaps just older, perhaps any?) women as individual people who matter, but faceless interchangeable representations of a stereotype.
This is one of the numerous things that irk me about the mindset of these people: There is no truth, no reality. There are only aspects of truth, only points of view. Only appearances matter, only what the public can be made to believe.
If an outrageous claim is called out as the bullshit it is? If it was made by a well-known representative of the group, throw them under the bus. They were never one of us, they were an outlier (remember when some Men’s Righter tried to claim that Paul Elam was a fringe operative when he said something particularly terrible?). Or perhaps it was satire, a joke. If it was made anonymously, just claim it was a false flag planted by the devious enemy. It’s always No True Scotsman for these people.
Basically, do whatever the hell you want to, and then claim reasonable doubt when it backfires. We saw that in #GamerGate, we see it now. It’s the attitude of spineless, morally bankrupt, spoiled little brats who just want to watch the world burn because up in their privilege, they think the fire won’t reach them.
Sorry for the rant. I’ve been seeing this attitude in my country’s political scene as well, and…
I just get tired. So tired.