Ladies! Do you feel a bit twitchy? Is the hair on the back of your neck standing up? Don’t worry — that just means that Reddit’s MGTOWs are talking about you again.
On the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit the regulars are trying to figure out whether women enjoy sex as much as men. Or at all.
The general consensus? Women aren’t really into sex — unless it’s with the mythical Chad Thunderc*ck.
“The more I learn about them,” writes original poster psychomantis01,
the stronger the impression I get that [women] are only really interested in childbearing, money, and companionship. It seems to me, as somebody here once put it, they are only really in love with the ‘idea of being in love’, and not in love with the actual man himself.
Spoken like a man who’s never spoken to a woman.
NuclearTruthBomb agrees.
If women actually loved sex as much as men, they’d be approaching men everywhere, watch porn everyday, and frequently visit male prostitutes.
Of course, they may swoon over the occasional Chad. But realize they are only turned on by upper echelon of men. We only need a woman to be attractive…if even that.
Zombocom1911 reports that women definitely don’t have any interest in having sex … with him:
Women are always saying they love sex but in my experience they are completely f**king frigid and really low sex drive unless you are already having sex with them. They never, ever really ACTIVELY pursue or initiate sex with a stranger because they really just don’t care about it, unless its to get something out of a man, like love, affection, dinners, cards, romance.
They are so completely disinterested in sex and stuck up about it , it makes me f**king sick. This is why they can charge such a heavy price for it, because they really don’t want it and really don’t need it.
A top 5% male like Chad Thundercock may have pussy literally thrown at him though. I am not him, so I wouldn’t know.
As Reddit’s MGTOWs see it, even if women aren’t into sex, it’s pretty much all they have to offer men. As Oldredder puts it:
Outside of sex women have nothing to offer. Most of what they talk about is completely boring, unintellectual or, worse, is catty nonsense and pride in being a cheating slut.
Bartand offers a similarly bitter take:
The only reason they enjoy sex at the beginning is because it is their only way to be loved since they have nothing else to offer. Then later she start to wonder if you like her for more than sex so she start to cut off sex.
As Flaye2 sees it, women use their lack of interest in sex as a weapon against men in the ongoing war of the sexes:
Women seem to have lower drives and they use that to control men. Wives would cut off the sex but at the same time not allow him to satisfy him urges elsewhere, that is evil.
But most of the regulars agree that women do get tingly for Chad.
“With men well above their sexual league, they unreservedly enjoy it,” writes feedmecarrots.
With men in their league, who they are using sex with as a manipulative tool, they can’t enjoy it. It is too much like work.
Not all of the commenters are convinced that women hate sex.
“I’m kind of surprised reading the comments,” writes Antingly, one of the only contributors to the discussion who sounds like he might have actually had sex with an actual living human female.
Sure, some girls seem like they don’t enjoy sex that much, but, some girls will black out during an orgasm. I’m sorry, but I have never experienced anything like that – even when it was really good.
A fellow called givecake, somewhat unexpectedly, offers his fellow MGTOWs some tips in the fine art of lady pleasing.
If you ever wanted to please a woman sexually, it doesn’t hurt to stimulate all 3 areas at the same time.
In case any MGTOWs are reading this post, a quick reminder: The “3 areas” he’s speaking of are the right knee, the left nostril, and the visitors’ center at the Beaver Dam Rest Stop south of Owensboro, Kentucky.
Givecake continues:
Obviously, use your best hand for clitoral stimulation.
The clitoris can be found just inside the left nostril, if the woman in question is right-handed. If she’s left-handed, the clit will be located behind the information desk in the visitor’s center at the aforementioned Beaver Dam rest stop.
Don’t expect her to ever consider doing anything like this amount of work for you.
For one thing, most women don’t have arms long enough to reach all the way to Kentucky.
The MGTOW subreddit really is one of the saddest places on planet earth.
@Tara the Antisocial Social Worker: it appears oglaf does *not* have a comic about the cock carousel. It’s only a matter of time.
Here it is.
Cats Going Their Own Way would be a big hit. Lots of squee all around.
As for “tallywhackers”, that’s an old euphemism for penes. It’s one of the sillier ones, but there you go.
PS: I would SO ride a carousel where all the horses were roosters!
<3 Sinkable John
@Sinkable John:
Now we know why the rooster didn’t cross the road; it was Going Its Own Way, in circles.
And cats are always Going Their Own Way, inasmuch as they can be bothered to go anywhere at all.
Happy Sunday or whatever day it is where you are, everyone!
I am loving this thread so much. So very much.
@ kupo – you are so right about people mixing up tenses (and subject-verb disagreement, ermergerd, it’s awful when those buggers aren’t getting along). Also, from a fellow fan of the Oxford comma, yay 😀 . I’m sure you’ve seen this many times, but:
Forgot to add:
that’s the best response ever. And we all knew that Ned Flanders was a Chad under that green jumper 😛
One more thing (I’ll be quiet after this, promise)
File under “A woman is always to blame” – Trump has managed to blame HRC for North Korea’s latest nuclear test :\
Re: Oxford comma:
i love it so much! I didn’t know there was an option to leave it off until a few years ago, and it always looks silly.
Wait, one of the cargo shorts guys last week said women hate cargo shorts because they are “functional” and don’t “enhance the male form.” So women don’t like sex, but they want men to be sexy. Or did that guy mean enhance in that it’s like an upgrade in… something? But that would be functional. What?
Welcome to MGTOW, where the only continuity we require is your unflinching hatred of women.
The Oxford comma is only necessary sometimes, and of course should be used if the grammar of the sentence would otherwise be questionable. But to say it needs to be there 100% of the time is like saying my couch needs seatbelts, because people sit there. After all, people also sit in cars, and seatbelts are useful in cars, so that must mean they are useful in all contexts where people sit down.
The Oxford comma doesn’t hurt when it is used unnecessarily, any more than it would be harmful to have seatbelts on my couch. It is still often unnecessary and it bothers me to see it when it doesn’t have to be there.
…Oh dear, I’ve started a grammar war.
*Tosses some two-dot ellipses at PoM*
Put those ellipses down now! Naughty! 😀
I myself wouldn’t go to war over the Oxford comma – it’s not quite that significant. However … Oxford commas don’t fix questionable grammar; they just make lists of things easier to read by clearly separating all of the items. But they’re optional, and I’d never take marks off a student assignment (for example) for not using Oxford commas.
Now, if we’re talking about comma splices, that’s another thing entirely –
*goes and sits quietly in the Boring Corner*
I’m not convinced this should be the goal.
Definitely. What woman hasn’t had sex with a stranger just to get the “Thanks for the sex” Hallmark card afterward? Oh, and the “love.”
Translation: Guys, this is just something to think about. It’s certainly optional. But if a woman ever did let you near “all 3 areas” — and if you were feeling benevolent — you might want to do this.
Ha, ha — I kid! Women cross the street to avoid you.
“Best” requires an antecedent of at least three things. Are you Vishnu, the blue deity with four arms?
Comma splices are an affront in my sight.
Tallywhackers is an actual place, it’s the male version of Hooters.
Uhhhhh….Kids, finances, and companionship are a major part of adult relationships. They’re not frivolous little diversions that don’t matter. They build the relationship. They ARE the relationship.
Sure, some people have high sex drives, and want a partner who can keep up, but…even if you’re the horniest person on earth, and can get around the chafing and recurring yeast infections, the percentage of the day you can realistically spend boinking will never be as large as the percentage of the day you have to devote to bills, emails, cleaning, meals, shopping, kids, pets, home maintenance, socializing, etc. You have to come out of the bedroom sometime.
If Donald Trump is a poor person’s idea of a rich person, porn is a MGTOW’s idea of marriage.
Ah, the old “women have standards” lament. Because loving something means you have to be completely indiscriminate and also open to it at all times. “Oh, you won’t eat out of the Arby’s dumpster? WHY DO YOU HATE FOOD SO MUCH?”
Is one of the areas the friendzone?
A little delayed, but:
@Scolar Viscari:
I like you.
Welcome to We Hunted the Mammoth. Have a welcome kit and enjoy your stay!
Not only that, but…who needs a scripted reminder to use their dominant hand?
…Oh right! Totally secure alpha males!
How do we know they’re talking about Hallmark cards? I once got an alpha black lotus just by having sexy times.*
*Not actually true
As manospherians have patiently explained many times, the men’s rights activists (MRAs), pickup artists (PUAs), and men going their own way (MGTOWs) are all extremely different. Totes different. Couldn’t be more different.
It’s just that to the naked eye they all look the same.
These guys — every one of them — are desperate for a woman (or lots of women would be good too; why not blue-sky the issue?) to appreciate them, have sex with them, and love them.
The catch? A manospherian who manages to snag a woman who appreciates him, has sex with him, and even loves him will, very soon, need her to defer to his wishes. If she doesn’t, he will make his displeasure known in myriad ways.
She has only two choices: submit or leave.
Sometimes he won’t allow the latter.
I got lucky: I was able to leave.
I would never go to war over grammar, but I would definitely go to war over that! Choose your weapon! I will fight you with this: —,–‘–,–{@
They’re surprisingly quick to basically post, ” No woman I’ve been with has enjoyed herself much and no women have ever seemed eager to get with me.”
I assumed as much, but now they’ve confirmed my suspicions.
Of course they lack the self awareness to notice that the one common denominator in this scenario is them. It must be all women hate sex, not that these particular men are shit in bed and not particularly attractive.
Funny how I see hetero couples all the time and the men come in all ages, sizes and classes as if women are individuals who are attracted to other individuals on an individual basis. These guys haven’t been rejected for not being they’re favorite 80’s teen movie bad guy version of “perfect”. They’re rejected because they’re horrible people.
Went to sleep, can’t sleep, the sads.
Wait, comma splices are bad ? D:
Wait, women don’t like sex? Then what are we doing with all these dildos?
Seriously, I don’t shop for sex toys in person anymore because I feel like a giant creepo staring at the massive wall o’ vibrators forever (but I have to make an informed decision because it is a big purchase!) but any time I’ve been to a sex shop theres always this massive, MASSIVE selection of vibrators in every concievable shape, size, and colour. women love vibrators SO MUCH that they are willing to spend $200+ on a sleek, top of the line, state of the art vibrating fuck robot. But yeah, we hate sex.
All these rules, there so stifling!
*obsesses over the lack of commas*