Ladies! Do you feel a bit twitchy? Is the hair on the back of your neck standing up? Don’t worry — that just means that Reddit’s MGTOWs are talking about you again.
On the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit the regulars are trying to figure out whether women enjoy sex as much as men. Or at all.
The general consensus? Women aren’t really into sex — unless it’s with the mythical Chad Thunderc*ck.
“The more I learn about them,” writes original poster psychomantis01,
the stronger the impression I get that [women] are only really interested in childbearing, money, and companionship. It seems to me, as somebody here once put it, they are only really in love with the ‘idea of being in love’, and not in love with the actual man himself.
Spoken like a man who’s never spoken to a woman.
NuclearTruthBomb agrees.
If women actually loved sex as much as men, they’d be approaching men everywhere, watch porn everyday, and frequently visit male prostitutes.
Of course, they may swoon over the occasional Chad. But realize they are only turned on by upper echelon of men. We only need a woman to be attractive…if even that.
Zombocom1911 reports that women definitely don’t have any interest in having sex … with him:
Women are always saying they love sex but in my experience they are completely f**king frigid and really low sex drive unless you are already having sex with them. They never, ever really ACTIVELY pursue or initiate sex with a stranger because they really just don’t care about it, unless its to get something out of a man, like love, affection, dinners, cards, romance.
They are so completely disinterested in sex and stuck up about it , it makes me f**king sick. This is why they can charge such a heavy price for it, because they really don’t want it and really don’t need it.
A top 5% male like Chad Thundercock may have pussy literally thrown at him though. I am not him, so I wouldn’t know.
As Reddit’s MGTOWs see it, even if women aren’t into sex, it’s pretty much all they have to offer men. As Oldredder puts it:
Outside of sex women have nothing to offer. Most of what they talk about is completely boring, unintellectual or, worse, is catty nonsense and pride in being a cheating slut.
Bartand offers a similarly bitter take:
The only reason they enjoy sex at the beginning is because it is their only way to be loved since they have nothing else to offer. Then later she start to wonder if you like her for more than sex so she start to cut off sex.
As Flaye2 sees it, women use their lack of interest in sex as a weapon against men in the ongoing war of the sexes:
Women seem to have lower drives and they use that to control men. Wives would cut off the sex but at the same time not allow him to satisfy him urges elsewhere, that is evil.
But most of the regulars agree that women do get tingly for Chad.
“With men well above their sexual league, they unreservedly enjoy it,” writes feedmecarrots.
With men in their league, who they are using sex with as a manipulative tool, they can’t enjoy it. It is too much like work.
Not all of the commenters are convinced that women hate sex.
“I’m kind of surprised reading the comments,” writes Antingly, one of the only contributors to the discussion who sounds like he might have actually had sex with an actual living human female.
Sure, some girls seem like they don’t enjoy sex that much, but, some girls will black out during an orgasm. I’m sorry, but I have never experienced anything like that – even when it was really good.
A fellow called givecake, somewhat unexpectedly, offers his fellow MGTOWs some tips in the fine art of lady pleasing.
If you ever wanted to please a woman sexually, it doesn’t hurt to stimulate all 3 areas at the same time.
In case any MGTOWs are reading this post, a quick reminder: The “3 areas” he’s speaking of are the right knee, the left nostril, and the visitors’ center at the Beaver Dam Rest Stop south of Owensboro, Kentucky.
Givecake continues:
Obviously, use your best hand for clitoral stimulation.
The clitoris can be found just inside the left nostril, if the woman in question is right-handed. If she’s left-handed, the clit will be located behind the information desk in the visitor’s center at the aforementioned Beaver Dam rest stop.
Don’t expect her to ever consider doing anything like this amount of work for you.
For one thing, most women don’t have arms long enough to reach all the way to Kentucky.
The MGTOW subreddit really is one of the saddest places on planet earth.
Are any other Brits reading this and thinking of French & Saunders “Boys have three dangly toilet parts…” sketch?
@Sinkable John
Ah, sorry, I thought you had caught it! The correct tense would be:
Alternately, the following would work:
Edit: I didn’t think you were mocking his grammar; I thought you were questioning if he really was ESL. 🙂
Edit 2: I just noticed he used the Oxford comma appropriately! I love that comma.
For those who haven’t seen it. Still more accurate advice than the MGTOW post.
Ooh right, thanks. Funnily enough that’s how I would’ve written it, yet I didn’t spot the mistake even when I paid extra attention to it.
Well, I’m very sorry, meektoe guy. Hope this clears things up and you don’t hold it against me. I didn’t mock you because of your grammar. I mocked you because you’re a stupid asshat.
ETA : @Alan
This is one of the very first sketches I watched in english, when I started feeling comfortable enough with hearing the language as opposed to reading it. These days I still have trouble with, for example, Catherine Tate’s student sketch (Are you the doctor ?). His tirade at the end is just too much for me. I hear it’s too much for a lot of native speakers too.
Double-post because I missed the window to re-edit x_x
HER tirade, not his, darnit. I was thinking of a few of Tenant’s lines at the same time, and I got confused.
Here I am, engrishfailing all over the place.
I suspect there’s a connection between their ooky obsession with Chad Skyboomrooster and the ‘cuck’ fixation. They seem to be thoroughly invested in the multiple partners for me but not for thee mindset; just another example of how everything should, by rights, be just as they want it.
I saw a play years ago, set in the American South in the 1950s. One plotline concerned a young white man of ‘good family’ who is about to marry a young white woman of his class. He explains to the young Black woman he’s been with for some time that his bride-to-be has told him that he must give her up before the wedding. He is anguished and apologetic, emphasizing to her that he does not want to; he wants to stay with her, but also marry his fiancée. She says to him with quiet scorn, “I think it’s just terrible that you can’t have everything you want.”
MGTOWs remind me of that every time.
I just read part of this to a friend, who replied, ‘hasn’t he read the Wife of Bath’s Tale? Or the entirety of AO3? Or the entirety of Pinterest?’ The truth is out there!!
@ Sinkable John–apologies if you knew this, but at the end of that sketch Catherine Tate is rapidly reciting Shakespeare’s Sonnet 130:
Ha 😀
Maybe these women they’ve encountered would be more confident about sex if these same men hadn’t spent so much time shaming any hint of female sexual activity. If it wasn’t seen as something for men to take and for women to grudgingly give, women – and these men – would be having a lot more sex with whoever they (mutually) wanted.
Sting: the ultimate Chad
I didn’t know, thanks a lot 🙂
I’ve read this before, but never realized she was reciting it, even though it should’ve been obvious… Welp.
Honestly, although I have never visited Reddit myself, I get the notion that a very industrious person could just reply to every single post on there with the word “NOT!”
I’m glad I don’t have kids — for literally every reason — but now also for the reason that my spawn wouldn’t be poisoned by the blind-leading-the-blind idiocy of Reddit.
@ Axe
Ha, never seen that before, brilliant!
Ah Sting. There was a great interview with Andy Summers
“If I had my time in The Police again I wouldn’t change a thing; apart from the drummer and the bass player”.
“pride in being a cheating slut.”
…sooo, women are bad bc they dont like sex, unless theyre bad for liking it too much…? or…?
Viscaria said
You called?
Oh. Never mind. /emilylitella
I think it’s probably more like because “some individual women in this group may be called ‘Mom.’”
Sons and daughters of Kerbin!
Oh, wait, wrong channel. Never mind.
I’m sure this has been pointed out too many times to recall, but isn’t it funny that a bunch of men who are about, “going their own way” and leaving behind the matriarchy of mainstream society spend much of their time talking about putting their wieners in them? I’m sure the unfortunate souls who had to partake in intimacy with them (assuming they’re real) sure wish they had.
Or perhaps they really haven’t gone their own way? I have yet to see society collapse, so they must’ve not yet quit their jobs as professional trolls. Civilization awaits with bated breath for their departure, for it would be a good reason for throwing a terrific farewell party. I’ll bring snacks when that happens.
Nevertheless, I hope I’m not the only one who gets the distinct impression that, “Men Going Their Own Way” really means, “Men Getting Thrown Out by Women”. Now, I’m not exactly a pick up artist or Heartiste (if you will), but I’m pretty sure that men treating women the way MeGoTOWs allegedly do would have difficulty getting to ballpark; let alone on any of the bases.
Did I post this the other day?
Yeah I did.
I’m going to share more as I possibly can. These need to be known.
@Scolar Visari
We have been recently informed, by a Gender Studies quiz acing totally-legit uni student, that MGTOW is not, in fact, a geographical location and as such that is why they don’t “go”.
Also rights don’t exist.
Can’t talk about all women, but the reason I approach men less than women is that they are more often assholes like you, who will think “oh, hey, look, a slut! She’s immediately less desirable and human to my eyes! Gotta have brutal sex without respect for her pleasure or consent because I can use her without consequences!”, or keep saying very balsy stuff, like trying to get me to “cheat” on my boyfriend by convincing me he’s also “cheating” on me, or that I’d REALLY should try being with a guy even if I’m lesbian. Funniest part is my relationship is sexual open and I’m bi, so it’s like men often really go out of their way to disgust me. If it wasn’t for all that, I’d really enjoy if all I had to do was “Hey, you look good and behave like a human. Wanna have mutually enjoyable sex?”. But guess what, you create the obstacles and then complain you have to jump them.
On it.
I didn’t know visiting prostitutes frequently was a thing most men do, I actually highly doubt. Projecting?
Anyway, the reason I could never be with a prostitute is that I value consent a lot (shocking), so I can’t have sex with someone who doesn’t absolutely want to have sex with me. Maybe your willingness to visit prostitutes all the time is a symptom of why women don’t approach you or like sex with you?
My arms can reach to Kentucky. In fact, they are touching Kentucky right now!
It’s interesting that NuclearTruthBomb’s emphasis is on WATCHING porn, as though visual porn were the only kind. There are some very, very porny corners of the internet where mainly-female-identifying people gather and create prose porn for themselves and each other constantly. Like you, I’m not convinced that women wouldn’t watch more porn if it were designed for them, because it’s undeniable that huge numbers of women like porn enough to write it.
Yeah, it’s not like there’s a ton of women who read and/or write slashfic or anything!
/looks over at fanfiction.net cautiously
This goes beyond ordinary cluelessness. These guys must have to actively work at remaining this ignorant.
I believe there are people for who that happens, but you are wrong on what it takes for that to happen. You must be mildly good looking, very respectful and sex positive. You must seem trustworthy, and able to take a no. Have good references to keep a conversation interesting, but listen more than you talk. Say positive things and be concerned about her wellbeing. And once someone is in bed with you, make sure they enjoy as much as you do. And then, before you notice, she will be the one to invite you over. 🙂
It’s not like most guys are open for women to touch other spots besides the phallus, anyways.
I definitely thought of you, Hambeast. By claiming the name, you have replaced all the nasty perjorative associations with funny, awesome person associations, for which I’m very grateful!