alpha males chad thundercock men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit sex

Do women really enjoy sex, men who hate women ask

Not tonight
Not tonight

Ladies! Do you feel a bit twitchy? Is the hair on the back of your neck standing up? Don’t worry — that just means that Reddit’s MGTOWs are talking about you again.

On the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit the regulars are trying to figure out whether women enjoy sex as much as men. Or at all.

The general consensus? Women aren’t really into sex  — unless it’s with the mythical Chad Thunderc*ck.

“The more I learn about them,” writes original poster psychomantis01,

the stronger the impression I get that [women] are only really interested in childbearing, money, and companionship. It seems to me, as somebody here once put it, they are only really in love with the ‘idea of being in love’, and not in love with the actual man himself.

Spoken like a man who’s never spoken to a woman.

NuclearTruthBomb agrees.

If women actually loved sex as much as men, they’d be approaching men everywhere, watch porn everyday, and frequently visit male prostitutes.

Of course, they may swoon over the occasional Chad. But realize they are only turned on by upper echelon of men. We only need a woman to be attractive…if even that.

Zombocom1911 reports that women definitely don’t have any interest in having sex … with him:

Women are always saying they love sex but in my experience they are completely f**king frigid and really low sex drive unless you are already having sex with them. They never, ever really ACTIVELY pursue or initiate sex with a stranger because they really just don’t care about it, unless its to get something out of a man, like love, affection, dinners, cards, romance.

They are so completely disinterested in sex and stuck up about it , it makes me f**king sick. This is why they can charge such a heavy price for it, because they really don’t want it and really don’t need it.

A top 5% male like Chad Thundercock may have pussy literally thrown at him though. I am not him, so I wouldn’t know.

As Reddit’s MGTOWs see it, even if women aren’t into sex, it’s pretty much all they have to offer men. As Oldredder puts it:

Outside of sex women have nothing to offer. Most of what they talk about is completely boring, unintellectual or, worse, is catty nonsense and pride in being a cheating slut.

Bartand offers a similarly bitter take:

The only reason they enjoy sex at the beginning is because it is their only way to be loved since they have nothing else to offer. Then later she start to wonder if you like her for more than sex so she start to cut off sex.

As Flaye2 sees it, women use their lack of interest in sex as a weapon against men in the ongoing war of the sexes:

Women seem to have lower drives and they use that to control men. Wives would cut off the sex but at the same time not allow him to satisfy him urges elsewhere, that is evil.

But most of the regulars agree that women do get tingly for Chad.

“With men well above their sexual league, they unreservedly enjoy it,” writes feedmecarrots.

With men in their league, who they are using sex with as a manipulative tool, they can’t enjoy it. It is too much like work. 

Not all of the commenters are convinced that women hate sex.

“I’m kind of surprised reading the comments,” writes Antingly, one of the only contributors to the discussion who sounds like he might have actually had sex with an actual living human female.

Sure, some girls seem like they don’t enjoy sex that much, but, some girls will black out during an orgasm. I’m sorry, but I have never experienced anything like that – even when it was really good.

A fellow called givecake, somewhat unexpectedly, offers his fellow MGTOWs some tips in the fine art of lady pleasing.

If you ever wanted to please a woman sexually, it doesn’t hurt to stimulate all 3 areas at the same time.

In case any MGTOWs are reading this post, a quick reminder: The “3 areas” he’s speaking of are the right knee, the left nostril, and the visitors’ center at the Beaver Dam Rest Stop south of Owensboro, Kentucky.


Givecake continues:

Obviously, use your best hand for clitoral stimulation.

The clitoris can be found just inside the left nostril, if the woman in question is right-handed. If she’s left-handed, the clit will be located behind the information desk in the visitor’s center at the aforementioned Beaver Dam rest stop.

Don’t expect her to ever consider doing anything like this amount of work for you.

For one thing, most women don’t have arms long enough to reach all the way to Kentucky.

The MGTOW subreddit really is one of the saddest places on planet earth.

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8 years ago

Additional entry:

Hambeast/Slut/Fatty/Western Woman
A female human between the ages of 15-25 that the speaker is not attracted to.

Please note that, unlike standard dialects of English, RP has no term for all adult female humans. As well, it is not possible to refer collectively to women over 40 in the RP dialect, though some individual women in this group may be called “Mom.”

8 years ago

Now now, we all know the three zones.

Clitoris, right breast, left breast.

Poor stunted souls

8 years ago

A top 5%male like Chad Thundercock may have pussy literally thrown at him though.

Tabby Lavalamp
8 years ago

You can’t use words like “slut” or “whore” then complain about women not pursuing or initiating sex.

They never, ever really ACTIVELY pursue or initiate sex with a stranger

Speaking of pursuing or initiating, the former is fine because part of that is seeking to make the stranger a non-stranger, but if they are still a stranger when the sex is being initiated… Yes, anonymous sex is a thing but it’s dangerous on so many levels.

8 years ago

If you ever wanted to please a woman sexually, it doesn’t hurt to stimulate all 3 areas at the same time.

Hydrocity Zone
Big Blue
Safari Zone

8 years ago

Posting this without reading all the comments, so sorry if it’s been said already but…

How can you engage in slutshaming while in the very same post wonder if women enjoy sex and not realize OH HEY THAT MIGHT BE WHY WOMEN AREN’T AS VOCAL AS MEN when it comes to wanting sex! You wouldn’t think maybe it has to do with guys calling them sluts for it, do you?

8 years ago


Hilarious, well done!

Still find it hard to believe some menz feel the need to plaster their ignorance/self-inflicted frustrations on teh Tinkerwebs, to be read and mocked by all and sundry. Maybe a decent therapist could help them a little?

Judas Peckerwood
8 years ago

Shorter MGTOW mission statement: “I am unpleasant, self-pitying loser. Women recognize this, therefore they have earned my undying hatred.”

8 years ago

There is not a post that shows that MGTOW don’t know anything about women and sex than this.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

3 zones

Welp… We need Yakko Warner to run thru this musically, don’t we?

Labia, clitoris, neck, and her gluteus, base of her spine, and her lips
Innermost thigh, right next to her eye, heels of her feet, fingertips
(If you didn’t get the reference)


All this bullshit aside, I think we’ve all** been assigned Chad status

Chocolate Thunder approves! Where the ladies at!?
comment image

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago

The 3 areas thing really puzzles me. I might head over to that subreddit to see what they say those areas are.

Although the way they talk about sex, I’m guessing they think the only pleasurable parts of women are the ones they want to stick their boner in. But then it also puzzles me because even by that metric, the number would still vary depending on who you ask.

8 years ago

Please don’t direct these folks to my state. We don’t need any more horseshit in the bluegrass.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

If women actually loved sex as much as men, they’d be approaching men everywhere, watch porn everyday, and frequently visit male prostitutes.

Most women don’t approach men everywhere because we’re constantly told that if we’re beaten/assaulted/raped then it’s our own damn fault for not psychically knowing that that man had awfulness on his mind, and doing something to avoid it.

Some women do watch porn every day (I’ve been known to every other day or so at my most frequent), but most porn isn’t made with women in mind, but rather, it’s made for cishet men.

And not many places (at least in the United States) are concerned with male prostitutes. Perhaps if there were more of them, women would visit them more frequently. And of course, there’s also the fact that in most places in the United States, it’s actually pretty illegal.

We only need a woman to be attractive…if even that.

And by “attractive”, what he means is an HB10 Victoria’s Secret Photoshop’d model virgin who is also capable of porn star level sex acts without reservation, who is also willing to cook and clean without complaint or without asking for help, and who is willing to throw her life and career away to dote on her man hand and foot and be completely obedient. All the way down to giving him a blowjob while he screams racial slurs at people over his XBox headset during a session of CoD.

Sound about right?

Women are always saying they love sex but in my experience they are completely f**king frigid and really low sex drive unless you are already having sex with them.

Or, OR! Hear me out!

They just don’t want to have sex with YOU, and are therefore drier than the Sahara when you approach.

They never, ever really ACTIVELY pursue or initiate sex with a stranger because they really just don’t care about it, unless its to get something out of a man, like love, affection, dinners, cards, romance.

Or maybe we like to get to know someone first before we ask them for a horizontal tango? I know I do.

We don’t just walk up to people on the street and whip the ol’ genitals out and bandy them around at strangers like some sort of weird mating dance.

I don’t just want to have sex with just anyone, I need to make sure they’re not just going to dry hump my leg for half a minute before throwing Uber fare at me and going to sleep.

Not to mention there’s the whole safety issue.

Outside of sex women have nothing to offer. Most of what they talk about is completely boring, unintellectual or, worse, is catty nonsense and pride in being a cheating slut.

Well, I imagine when your apparent only hobby is kvetching about how evil women are for not throwing themselves at you on the street and begging for sex on the internet, and your head is so far up your own ass that you’re huffing your flatulence, then perhaps me talking about my hobbies would seem a bit boring.

Too bad. I love talking about the intricacies of Vampire: the Masquerade politics and world building.

Then later she start to wonder if you like her for more than sex so she start to cut off sex.

Well, if I’m going to be in a relationship with you, then yeah, I would like you to be honest with me. If you just want to have sex, I’m cool with that, just be honest and tell me, and I can satisfy my romantic needs elsehwere. I’m not above having friends with benefits.

Though, I suppose the problem would come in when you expect your feminine companion to be exclusive to you, but you want to go and fuck around elsewhere.

That attitude can fuck right off. Either both of us are open, or both of us are exclusive.

Seven of Mine
Seven of Mine
8 years ago

Women are always saying they love sex but in my experience they are completely f**king frigid and really low sex drive unless you are already having sex with them. They never, ever really ACTIVELY pursue or initiate sex with a stranger because they really just don’t care about it, unless its to get something out of a man, like love, affection, dinners, cards, romance.

It’s almost as if women view men as something more than ambulatory penises. HOW DARE WE?!

8 years ago

Just three areas? Huh? Even if you only watched porn and hentai as your experience of sex, you should know there are more than 3 areas.

snork maiden
8 years ago

So what happened to all those terrible slutty American girls who reach ‘n counts’ of 100 before they’re 20? Could it be they don’t actually exist? Or are they too busy queuing up outside Chad’s dormroom?

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

They never, ever really ACTIVELY pursue or initiate sex with a stranger

Oh, and BTW Mr. MGTOW, this is actually how I lost my virginity. Just because this has never happened to you, doesn’t mean it never happens.

And no, the guy I hit on in order to lose my virginity was not a Chad Thundercock or Brad Pitt or anything. He was just a regular guy.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

They never, ever really ACTIVELY pursue or initiate sex with a stranger

Oh, and BTW Mr. MGTOW, this is actually how I lost my virginity. Just because this has never happened to you, doesn’t mean it never happens.

And no, the guy I hit on in order to lose my virginity was not a Chad Thundercock or Brad Pitt or anything. He was just a regular guy.

ETA: sorry my posts keep doubling lately. I don’t know what the deal is!

8 years ago

@snork maiden
Wait you didn’t meet at the place? You know the places out of sight where the “American Girls TM” can meet the sex quota before the deadline of age 20?

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago


giving him a blowjob while he screams racial slurs at people over his XBox headset during a session of CoD

Hey ! Don’t diss the gaming oral D:

… but then again you’re right, given that they’re meektoes, that’s probably how they’d have it. They certainly wouldn’t do it themselves, since women don’t play video games and also their parts are icky and they don’t deserve it anyway because they’re evil.

not Ian
not Ian
8 years ago

My money is on the “three areas” being the breasts, buttocks, and genitals, given that those are the targets of stereotyped male lust (cf. “tit man”, “ass man”), and it is of course inconceivable that female erogenous zones do not correspond one to one to male desires! /s

8 years ago

If women actually loved sex as much as men, they’d be approaching men everywhere, watch porn everyday, and frequently visit male prostitutes.

Snurk. Actually we do, but we don’t feel that we’re so damn entitled to it, much less as vacuous, disposable, interchangeable entertainment. Because we weren’t brought up to think it was our God-given due. But keep telling yourself that if it comforts you, dude, because I guarantee that no one would want it with you no matter what.

Of course, they may swoon over the occasional Chad. But realize they are only turned on by upper echelon of men. We only need a woman to be attractive…if even that.

Snurk, again. We don’t sort men by “echelons”. We either like you or we don’t, and if we like you, it’s either that way or it’s not. And if it’s that way, we tend to wait until we’re sure that it’s mutual before going further. Because if it’s not, it would suck all kinds of shit. And women who’ve had suck-shit sex before, tend to avoid making that same mistake again. Especially in a world that would characterize them as sluts for having any, even the teeniest, crappiest little bit of it.

And that last line is especially rich from the kind of giant manbaby who sorts women by HBs and NBs, and will settle for nothing less than an HB8. THIS IS WHY NO ONE WANTS YOU, DUDE.

A top 5% male like Chad Thundercock may have pussy literally thrown at him though. I am not him, so I wouldn’t know.

Snurk — and I repeat for emphasis, SNUUURRRRK. Dude, you’re only right about one thing here: You wouldn’t know. And until you start actually talking to women and listening to what they say, you’re not ever GOING to know that the majority of straight men manage to find women, and are quite happy with them in defiance of your ass-pulled statistics. Maybe, if you stopped boinking your Rubber Rita, you would find that woman aren’t all frigid and just lying there waiting for you to finish, after all!

8 years ago

@Sinkable John

If women actually loved sex as much as men, they’d be approaching men everywhere, watch porn everyday, and frequently visit male prostitutes.

I think this guy is ESL, because he got the tense all wrong.

Nah, he reads like your typical ‘murican, particularly the kind who never went beyond high school. There are a lot of native speakers who mess up tense and verb agreement, especially in lists.

Podkayne Lives
Podkayne Lives
8 years ago

I’m sometimes struck, reading these things, how these guys sound…not human. Like they’re not actually from this planet, and have no idea how human societies work, and are coming up with their best little alien try to figure out gender relations with no sources of information beyond porn and sitcoms and really bad teen movies from the eighties.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago


boinking your Rubber Rita

I’d never heard this one before ! I absolutely love it. This is beautiful. Thank you so much :’D


Huh, you mean he actually got the tense wrong ? I can’t even see it. Oh my. I wasn’t mocking his grammar.

I just meant that women actually do the things he said, he just refuses to see it. His sentence basically being true, except for the “if” and “would” part – I was mocking that. Bina said it better though, with more nuance.

(Although, could you explain to me what the proper english for that sentence would’ve been and why ?)