Ladies! Do you feel a bit twitchy? Is the hair on the back of your neck standing up? Don’t worry — that just means that Reddit’s MGTOWs are talking about you again.
On the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit the regulars are trying to figure out whether women enjoy sex as much as men. Or at all.
The general consensus? Women aren’t really into sex — unless it’s with the mythical Chad Thunderc*ck.
“The more I learn about them,” writes original poster psychomantis01,
the stronger the impression I get that [women] are only really interested in childbearing, money, and companionship. It seems to me, as somebody here once put it, they are only really in love with the ‘idea of being in love’, and not in love with the actual man himself.
Spoken like a man who’s never spoken to a woman.
NuclearTruthBomb agrees.
If women actually loved sex as much as men, they’d be approaching men everywhere, watch porn everyday, and frequently visit male prostitutes.
Of course, they may swoon over the occasional Chad. But realize they are only turned on by upper echelon of men. We only need a woman to be attractive…if even that.
Zombocom1911 reports that women definitely don’t have any interest in having sex … with him:
Women are always saying they love sex but in my experience they are completely f**king frigid and really low sex drive unless you are already having sex with them. They never, ever really ACTIVELY pursue or initiate sex with a stranger because they really just don’t care about it, unless its to get something out of a man, like love, affection, dinners, cards, romance.
They are so completely disinterested in sex and stuck up about it , it makes me f**king sick. This is why they can charge such a heavy price for it, because they really don’t want it and really don’t need it.
A top 5% male like Chad Thundercock may have pussy literally thrown at him though. I am not him, so I wouldn’t know.
As Reddit’s MGTOWs see it, even if women aren’t into sex, it’s pretty much all they have to offer men. As Oldredder puts it:
Outside of sex women have nothing to offer. Most of what they talk about is completely boring, unintellectual or, worse, is catty nonsense and pride in being a cheating slut.
Bartand offers a similarly bitter take:
The only reason they enjoy sex at the beginning is because it is their only way to be loved since they have nothing else to offer. Then later she start to wonder if you like her for more than sex so she start to cut off sex.
As Flaye2 sees it, women use their lack of interest in sex as a weapon against men in the ongoing war of the sexes:
Women seem to have lower drives and they use that to control men. Wives would cut off the sex but at the same time not allow him to satisfy him urges elsewhere, that is evil.
But most of the regulars agree that women do get tingly for Chad.
“With men well above their sexual league, they unreservedly enjoy it,” writes feedmecarrots.
With men in their league, who they are using sex with as a manipulative tool, they can’t enjoy it. It is too much like work.
Not all of the commenters are convinced that women hate sex.
“I’m kind of surprised reading the comments,” writes Antingly, one of the only contributors to the discussion who sounds like he might have actually had sex with an actual living human female.
Sure, some girls seem like they don’t enjoy sex that much, but, some girls will black out during an orgasm. I’m sorry, but I have never experienced anything like that – even when it was really good.
A fellow called givecake, somewhat unexpectedly, offers his fellow MGTOWs some tips in the fine art of lady pleasing.
If you ever wanted to please a woman sexually, it doesn’t hurt to stimulate all 3 areas at the same time.
In case any MGTOWs are reading this post, a quick reminder: The “3 areas” he’s speaking of are the right knee, the left nostril, and the visitors’ center at the Beaver Dam Rest Stop south of Owensboro, Kentucky.
Givecake continues:
Obviously, use your best hand for clitoral stimulation.
The clitoris can be found just inside the left nostril, if the woman in question is right-handed. If she’s left-handed, the clit will be located behind the information desk in the visitor’s center at the aforementioned Beaver Dam rest stop.
Don’t expect her to ever consider doing anything like this amount of work for you.
For one thing, most women don’t have arms long enough to reach all the way to Kentucky.
The MGTOW subreddit really is one of the saddest places on planet earth.
You just reminded me of another thing someone has actually told me.
The “you don’t look depressive right now” person is an old friend I hadn’t seen in several years. Well, here’s something else she said, same night.
“Best way to avoid getting raped is to always consent.”
Jesus dude, if your dick is that itchy maybe you need to stop trying to rub it on everything and get that looked at. You know what approaching stangers on the street for things is called? Panhandling. Doing that for SEX is a testament to how rock-bottom pathetic you guys are.
Yeah, my B…
Apologies rejected.
Here’s what you said.
You didn’t say that the whole cause for my insomnia was the coffee addiction. You didn’t say it in an asshole way, you didn’t try to teach me why I had trouble sleeping. You genuinely asked a question, you let me answer that I needed coffee to keep my brains going when I’m lacking sleep, and you accepted my answer.
You’re certainly not someone I’d blame for any of those sentences I listed including this one, you said nothing wrong, so there’s nothing to apologize for.
ETA : Besides, to put it in context, you were asking Ohlmann to stop blaming drug users. That was pretty cool and relevant to cafein use as well, especially since Ohlmann included coffee in that “drugs are bad, m’kay” rant.
Obviously rape is bad because it meets the legal definition of rape, not because one person is imposing their will onto another person. Words are magic and make the bad things into good things.
Just like Roosh V says we we could solve rape by making it legal. Boom. No more rape. Sure some women would still have their lives utterly destroyed for the satisfaction of violent men, but that’s a small price to pay for reducing rape levels to 0%, right?
@Sinkable John
“You should just try walking more, it will help your depression!”
“Maybe if you lost weight you’d sleep better.”
“Don’t eat so late at night.”
“Try paleo, it changed my life!”
Or my favorite, when I’m observed being a “good” fattie:
“What do you mean you can’t come to [bacon-themed hipster restaurant]? Just order a salad!” (No less than five times I was told this.)
“Oh come on, live a little. It’s just one piece of cake!”
“You don’t have to work out every day, you know. You’re allowed a rest day.”
Also, I hope I wasn’t too ‘splainy when I mentioned the waking up a few hours after drinking thing. It was a thing I’d learned that made some patterns I hadn’t noticed before suddenly make sense. 🙂
You know what you’re talking about so you can splain all the things to me 🙂
Plus, for all I said about knowing about that already, I still wrecked a good sleep schedule a few days ago because beer and haven’t been able to fix it since. That’s also when the excessive fear problem started.
Several days on, I still haven’t been able to finish this Dying Light NG+ because I stay away from every scary bit and just run around the open world drop-kicking zombies off the rooftops instead of actually progressing the story. The saddest part is that I could completely nullify the fear by going co-op. That’s what I did with other, scarier games and it worked like a charm. But that was when I still had a gamin pardner, and them days are over.
Content warning: rape, victim self-blaming, self-indulgence
Once again, interjecting what you never asked about (I may have told you guys this, and if so, I apologize). Just wanted to say this, while we have permission to derail:
I came to this blog because of an incident in 2008: a serial predator raped me. He’s in prison until at least 2025 now, not because I went to the authorities (I would never put my emotional health before another’s life and freedom, but it turns out I should have) but because of what he did to many, many others.
In the aftermath of the rape, I was saying a lot of things to myself that sounded very much like the MRA/ PUA/ MGTOW party line on rape. Mr. Futrelle and you Mammotheers started breaking down these, pointing out the illogic, malice, and sheer self-serving shitwittery of these statements.
I think this blog saved my soul and maybe my life. I know it handed me a machete and a compass and told me that maybe if I picked a direction, I could get out of the jungle of my mind.
I’m not important to you guys. I’m not scathingly witty or well-informed. But you guys, what you are doing here is so important to me.
Thank you.
@ Sinkable John
That’s why I watch gameplay walkthrough videos on Youbtube. I am such a chicken.
Hugs and/or love. As much as I can muster
You’re human and you care. That’s all I need
And by the way:
“Not scathingly witty”, is it? I beg to differ ?
I’m really glad that you survived, Aunt Podger. I don’t have anything that I can say, due to privilege and all, but my full admiration goes out to you for being what sounds like an awesome and indomitable person.
Aw, you guys.
I’m not really awesome or indomitable. I survived. I mean, the other option involved not seeing if The Force Awakens was any good. [Spoiler: it had its moments]
Anyway, @kupo, OMG, the “good fatty temptation rag.” The only good thing about it is the mindblown expression people get when they see someone is doing all the “right” things and somehow don’t look like Chris Evans/ the car wash girl from Cool Hand Luke… as if somehow, the universe might not be secretly created to teach them a nice lesson about how personal discipline= whatever you want… and that there are other rewards to healthy living that don’t involve the dubious pleasures of being “pretty.”
@Aunt Podger
You are ! Thanks for sharing. You matter to us, what doesn’t matter is what you think you did wrong. You matter because we understand. Everyone who shares, who helps others see that they’re not alone, matters to me. PirateJennie, you made me realize that what I say does matter to people with similar experiences, and that I’m not alone. That matters. EJ wrote a beautiful post and set up the context for this realization. That matters. Axe apologized even though it was unnecessary, just in case I might have been hurt. That matters.
This blog’s aim is to point and laugh at bullshit people for whom others don’t matter. But what it really does is show that these people are small, isolated and petty. The trolls who come here show it too. For every fucker who comes here baffling us with their bullshit, there’s a dozen defending each other and reminding each other that we matter.
I don’t even x_x
Can’t even watch gameplay of scary games. I can sometimes watch someone else play those, as long as I’m in the same room and it’s not over youtube.
I’ve been scared by fucking Doctor Who episodes, goddammit ! Incidentally, part of a sidequest I can’t bring myself to do again right now features a Weeping Angel easter egg. Please send halp. I can ace the boss fight at the end of that quest without batting an eyelash but I’m scared of a harmless statue in a dark basement for fuck’s sake. But DL isn’t a scary game, that’s why I got it in the first place. I’m not inherently scared of zombies. It’s just specific situations that I can’t go through right now. Very specific stuff that pulls very specific strings. It’s not even meant to be scary. But it is, for all the wrong reasons.
Oh Amygdala, oh Amygdala, heheheheh, have mercy on the poor bastard…
*Disclaimer : I may or may not be drunk-posting right now, and it may or may not affect my wording and general message. Pardon my all-loving ass 🙂
ETA : something else I’ve actually been told :
“Hey, at least you’re the good kind of drunk !”
I liked that one though.
Of course you’re important to us, silly. I’m willing to bet you have things to contribute here if you felt like it, too. Don’t be afraid to it the urge arrives. Your comments are welcome here!
That sounds pretty awesome and indomitable to me. I don’t think there are any other qualifications!
Also, I’m reading through xkcd again, and serendipity.
Nthing everyone else, Aunt Podger. You’re just as important as those of us dorks who comment here a million times a day!
@ aunt podger
Yes you are. Apart from being important in the general sense, it’s people like you being able and willing to share the experiences you’ve been through that educates ignoramuses like me. That makes you one of the most important, and courageous, people there is
Perhaps I misspoke. It would have been more precise to say, “You don’t know me from Adam’s off ox.”
I survived despite myself. I did some pretty stupid and awful things to try to make the pain stop. (Or more realistically, to transfer the pain to my survivors. Hindsight, yo!) I stopped using Goldbergian plans to stop wasting my share of the oxygen a few years back, but it was after I started to listen to you guys stand against the darkness that I stopped wasting my energies trying to die and started putting my life back together.
Remember that, when you are feeling low. Remember that, when you are besieged by trolls internal or external. You are the reason someone gets up in the morning and grabs coffee instead of spending the day in the wounded fetus asana. You are the reason someone can concentrate upon her job, instead of beating the shit out of herself, and you did it just by talking and being honest and brave and heuristic and funny as hell. You’re pretty awesome, Mammotheers. Anyone who tells you otherwise has an agenda and it’s probably a bad one. To cliché like a motherfucker, you mattered to this starfish, just by being yourselves.
Aunt Podger, from one rape survivor to another: You’re important. You survived. You lived to tell the story and you can, and do, help others through your strength by sharing your story.
You show that there is life after being assaulted. You show that your life can go on and be happy and have meaning, and that wounds will heal.
Your life will never go back to being as it was before, we both know that, but the wounds do heal, and life can be wonderful again.
[/Hallmark card]
@Paradoxical Intention, thanks. :rape survivor secret handshake: Yes, your alluding to your story really helped. “You mean you can go through that soul-killing ordeal and still remain cool?”
@Aunt Podger
I think someone is chopping onions in here.
On a more serious note, I won’t likely forget that, and now you can tell yourself that you’ve made an impact. That when someone is wondering why they bother battling trolls, they’ll remember that it does make a difference and that will give them the strength to carry on.
Sinkable John, thanks for the XKCD link. That was one of the hardest and most important lessons I learned growing up – other people are people just as much as I’m a person. I think some people have either more trouble learning that, or less motivation. Some are actually resistant to the idea.
Aunt Podger – you survived. In my experience, surviving often requires more effort than not surviving. So, good job!
You see, here is where things get tricky in the context of survivor representation. Someone (looking at you, George Will) is going to see all the high fives here and say, “See? Being a rape survivor gets you positive attention.”
My reply this, without minimizing cancer survivor’s plight, I hope, is that so does visible chemotherapy, but on the whole, we’d rather be in Philadephia.
That is a nasty bit of rape culture, innit?
“You’re not acting like my pre-conceived notion of what a rape victim should act like, therefore you weren’t really raped at all! You’re not victiming properly! Cry, damnit, cry! Look sad! Be miserable forever! You’re supposed to be a victim!”
And, there’s also the nasty business you mentioned of assholes coming in and thinking that two rape survivors banding together and giving each other positive attention instead of moping around and sobbing constantly means that women lie about rape “for the attention”.
And, of course, if we do act like a “proper” victim and mourn and cry and get upset, then people get fed up with us and tell us to “shut the fuck up and get over it”.
Damned if we do, damned if we don’t.