alpha males chad thundercock men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit sex

Do women really enjoy sex, men who hate women ask

Not tonight
Not tonight

Ladies! Do you feel a bit twitchy? Is the hair on the back of your neck standing up? Don’t worry — that just means that Reddit’s MGTOWs are talking about you again.

On the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit the regulars are trying to figure out whether women enjoy sex as much as men. Or at all.

The general consensus? Women aren’t really into sex  — unless it’s with the mythical Chad Thunderc*ck.

“The more I learn about them,” writes original poster psychomantis01,

the stronger the impression I get that [women] are only really interested in childbearing, money, and companionship. It seems to me, as somebody here once put it, they are only really in love with the ‘idea of being in love’, and not in love with the actual man himself.

Spoken like a man who’s never spoken to a woman.

NuclearTruthBomb agrees.

If women actually loved sex as much as men, they’d be approaching men everywhere, watch porn everyday, and frequently visit male prostitutes.

Of course, they may swoon over the occasional Chad. But realize they are only turned on by upper echelon of men. We only need a woman to be attractive…if even that.

Zombocom1911 reports that women definitely don’t have any interest in having sex … with him:

Women are always saying they love sex but in my experience they are completely f**king frigid and really low sex drive unless you are already having sex with them. They never, ever really ACTIVELY pursue or initiate sex with a stranger because they really just don’t care about it, unless its to get something out of a man, like love, affection, dinners, cards, romance.

They are so completely disinterested in sex and stuck up about it , it makes me f**king sick. This is why they can charge such a heavy price for it, because they really don’t want it and really don’t need it.

A top 5% male like Chad Thundercock may have pussy literally thrown at him though. I am not him, so I wouldn’t know.

As Reddit’s MGTOWs see it, even if women aren’t into sex, it’s pretty much all they have to offer men. As Oldredder puts it:

Outside of sex women have nothing to offer. Most of what they talk about is completely boring, unintellectual or, worse, is catty nonsense and pride in being a cheating slut.

Bartand offers a similarly bitter take:

The only reason they enjoy sex at the beginning is because it is their only way to be loved since they have nothing else to offer. Then later she start to wonder if you like her for more than sex so she start to cut off sex.

As Flaye2 sees it, women use their lack of interest in sex as a weapon against men in the ongoing war of the sexes:

Women seem to have lower drives and they use that to control men. Wives would cut off the sex but at the same time not allow him to satisfy him urges elsewhere, that is evil.

But most of the regulars agree that women do get tingly for Chad.

“With men well above their sexual league, they unreservedly enjoy it,” writes feedmecarrots.

With men in their league, who they are using sex with as a manipulative tool, they can’t enjoy it. It is too much like work. 

Not all of the commenters are convinced that women hate sex.

“I’m kind of surprised reading the comments,” writes Antingly, one of the only contributors to the discussion who sounds like he might have actually had sex with an actual living human female.

Sure, some girls seem like they don’t enjoy sex that much, but, some girls will black out during an orgasm. I’m sorry, but I have never experienced anything like that – even when it was really good.

A fellow called givecake, somewhat unexpectedly, offers his fellow MGTOWs some tips in the fine art of lady pleasing.

If you ever wanted to please a woman sexually, it doesn’t hurt to stimulate all 3 areas at the same time.

In case any MGTOWs are reading this post, a quick reminder: The “3 areas” he’s speaking of are the right knee, the left nostril, and the visitors’ center at the Beaver Dam Rest Stop south of Owensboro, Kentucky.


Givecake continues:

Obviously, use your best hand for clitoral stimulation.

The clitoris can be found just inside the left nostril, if the woman in question is right-handed. If she’s left-handed, the clit will be located behind the information desk in the visitor’s center at the aforementioned Beaver Dam rest stop.

Don’t expect her to ever consider doing anything like this amount of work for you.

For one thing, most women don’t have arms long enough to reach all the way to Kentucky.

The MGTOW subreddit really is one of the saddest places on planet earth.

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8 years ago

@Sinkable John

I have never seen a fart, either. But I have proof that they exist every time my cat sleeps on my head. That that, Sed Re!

Scolar Visari
Scolar Visari
8 years ago

@Sinkable John
Speak of the devil! I thought for sure the only way to summon them was to repeat their name in a mirror three times. Perhaps the concentration of evil in the original post was so much that it drew them here like a cow pie to flies? I suppose cat pictures are required to cancel this effect out, but I’m allergic. Febreze, maybe? Troll Away doesn’t seem to work that well.

I don’t recall there being many terribly upset with the introduction of Valentina Kerbin (at least, in the IRC room for the game), though I was always under the impression that they were just Warhammer 40,000 Orks writ small who reproduced via dispensing spores upon their untimely demise. After all: How many other species in science-fiction, save for the Orks and Moties, can build somewhat functional complex devices out of scrap found lying by the side of the road? At any rate, there’s some rather, ah, suggestive imagery that comes to mind when one thinks of, “a bunch of dudes playing with rockets”. And to think I always thought they’re we’re trying to show off!

It’s one of those fun initialisms that, like the movement itself, can mean anything you want to!

@EJ (The Other One)
We’ve always been here. In ur blog, watching ur posts.

8 years ago


Why can’t you tickle yourself?

I’m incredibly ticklish and can tickle myself. There are two scenarios where this happens: 1) I unintentionally brush a ticklish area, like accidentally brushing my side with my finger and 2) I touch a specific spot on my foot, intentionally or not. For the first scenario it’s because I’m not expecting it that I’m able to tickle myself. For the second, it’s almost like the knee reflex. My foot twitches away from the sensation of bring touched in that spot.

Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ lindsayirene

That’s right, blame ‘the cat’ 🙂

Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ SJ & kupo

The ‘involuntary’ bit makes sense. Still weird though. Like how I can’t tickle myself even with a bit of grass but if I’m lolling around in the undergrowth the same bit of grass is intolerable.

Robert Walker-Smith
Robert Walker-Smith
8 years ago

The human nervous system is magnificent kludge. I had a lower back injury years ago; the sciatica eventually responded to chiropractic and physical therapy. But it left behind a patch on my left thigh where the skin’s nerve endings didn’t work anymore, so that when I touched it I couldn’t feel the contract.

I have found this thread quite informative. As a male-bodied person who has never been sexually intimate with a female-bodied person, my life experience has not taught me a lot about these topics. But heck, I’ve known where the cervix was, so I’m doing *something* right.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

@Alan, have to wonder if it’s related to parasites and bedbugs and whatnot! It’d be useful to have an involuntary reflex against the tickle of a burrowing mite, but you wouldn’t want it to be firing all the time – just when something you’re unaware of is creepity-crawling where it shouldn’t be.

Hey, now I’m a certified evolutionary psychologist! Lookit that.

Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ scildfreja

That makes sense. It would explain why I can quite happily sleep on a pile of flint when camping but toss and turn if there are biscuit crumbs on an otherwise comfy futon.

8 years ago

Saying that words can’t hurt is saying that words don’t actually mean anything, that they’re just pointless noises or random marks on a page.

Seriously. What the actual fuck do you imagine words are Sedentary Reactionary? I assume it hasn’t escaped your notice that people aren’t psychic. How do you think ideas spread? If words can’t hurt, what are you even doing here? Why do you care what we talk about? Why do you care that we say things that are contradictory of your world view? Surely, if words can’t hurt, nothing bad can possibly come of us saying the things we say.

This is just…a clinic in how patriarchy encourages men to be utterly vapid. We teach boys that they should speak up whenever they feel they have something to say. We teach them that their opinions are always valuable and needed. But we don’t teach them to listen well before offering their opinions.

And we’re left with a society full of men who think their every knee-jerk, ill-informed first impression is as valid as the most considered, well-informed, well-evidenced evaluation. We have a society full of men who think that how things seem from their perspective is an accurate representation of how things actually work. We have a society full of men who, when presented with mountains of data and vast bodies of research that all converge on the same conclusion, feel perfectly justified contradicting that conclusion because it doesn’t match their preconception.

(((Hambeast))) Now With Extra Parentheses
(((Hambeast))) Now With Extra Parentheses
8 years ago

FoxKit said

If that’s what gets you going, more power to you, but why would you expect any John or Jane Doe off the street to be interested in sex with someone they don’t know?

I wouldn’t expect it, but it is a thing. It’s something I used to do a lot of. Because I enjoyed it. (short answer)

Longer answer (TMI warning): There was a thrill to meeting someone and finding out that they’re attractive and interesting and then finding out that they’re attracted and interested, too. Attraction being a relative thing, for me there had to be a personal as well a physical attraction and if I felt a reciprocal connection from the other person, it was a bit like magic. I might have been exceedingly lucky, but the vast majority of these interactions was positive, even if I never saw the other person again. Also, very few of them resulted in exclusive relationships.

More TMI: I’m still on pg. 6 and want to reinforce that all people don’t like all the sex things. I don’t like butt play. At. All. If I get a lower back tatoo, it will say: Exit Only Do Not Enter. I also plan to try the belly-button thing.

Lady Mondegreen
Lady Mondegreen
8 years ago

Gary Louis Saltuvthuearth was an average guy: just a beta male, doing his best. Gary worked by day in the stone quarry. It was hard, thankless work, but he did it without complaining. By night he studied rocket science.

Sometimes Gary took a night off from correspondence course rocket science and went to the bars. Gary had had sex with lots of women–really, lots and lots. But the women Gary sexed didn’t satisfy him. They were just sluts, and not even the best sluts. HB7s and worse, the lot of them. All the really hot girls were riding the Alpha Cock Carousel, like the bitches they were.

Then one day Gary met Mary Sue.

Mary Sue Sweetipie was an HB10, but she wasn’t a slut. She was a virgin, because she was saving herself for her husband. Mary Sue didn’t need feminism. She hated feminists, and other women (but not in a catty way) because they were all bitches.

Gary and Mary Sue were perfect for each other. All Mary Sue wanted in life was to be a wife and mother. She was no intellectual like Gary, but she was smart enough to realize that Gary would be a strong, reliable provider, and to nod intelligently when he explained things to her.

Gary and Mary Sue had sex (it was OK, they were engaged). Mary Sue, despite her inexperience, was great in bed, and Gary was the best she’d ever had. Gary asked Mary Sue how many children she wanted, and she said, “however many you think we should have, Tigerpants.” So Gary planned their future, and the days passed in a heavenly dream…

Then, one day, Chad Thundercock came to town…

8 years ago

…And Gary fell in love with Chad, decided that he and Mary Sue should be in an open relationship, and the three of them screwed and had kids and lived happily ever after?

8 years ago

@Lady Mondegreen

Gary was the best she’d ever had

I lost it at that line. Brilliant.

Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
8 years ago

Chad started by gently negging Mary Sue, telling her she’d be really pretty if she changed her hair. And he told her to smile. This was a revelation: Mary Sue had thought she was only supposed to smile when she was happy! After checking his bank book, Mary Sue realized he’d give her superior offspring.

She went to a lawyer to discuss her options. But when he asked waht she wanted to do, Mary Sue realized the lawyer was a White Knight who believes women are allowed to have their own opinions. Which was a bad thing, because….because….Gary had told her why, but now she couldn’t remember. And she couldn’t ask him, because he’d Gone His Own Way, which meant he spent all his time yelling at random women online.

Meanwhile, Chad asked her back to his place to show her his etchings….

8 years ago

I don’t get back tingles if my feet get damp, but eating that super-hot Chinese mustard makes me feel like two icepicks are poking the back of my skull, at those bumps just above the back of my neck. Anyone else?

Her Grace Phryne: Tool of the Butt-Worshipping, Lesbian-Powered Elite (also cats)
Her Grace Phryne: Tool of the Butt-Worshipping, Lesbian-Powered Elite (also cats)
8 years ago
8 years ago

No, it just makes me feel like flames are spreading at an alarming rate through my nostrils. (Oddly, I love it.)

Aunt Podger
Aunt Podger
8 years ago

“So…. has Gary ever been to… Owensboro, KY?” purred Chad.

“I don’t think he’s ever been near Kentucky,” gulped Mary Sue, scrabbling at the ink smudge on the side of her hand. (Darn you, Papermate corporation!)

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago


No, it just makes me feel like flames are spreading at an alarming rate through my nostrils. (Oddly, I love it.)

I get this too, but not the nostrils, more like my whole face and the epicenter is my tongue. I love it too.

I’m a sucker for hot spices. I order my kebab with no greens, no fries, and double the harissa. The owner always looks at me like he’s afraid I’m gonna die in the middle of his restaurant.

8 years ago

That’s right, blame ‘the cat’

There will come a tine when you will no longer see my posts, and that will be because my tiny, adorable tortoiseshell kitty inadvertently gassed me to death while I slept.

(((Hambeast))) Now With Extra Parentheses
(((Hambeast))) Now With Extra Parentheses
8 years ago

CrysT said

Re weird wiring, most of have probably had the experience of eating/drinking something frozen & getting a pain in your head. With me, the pain has always been in my upper back, sort of a pinpoint in between my shoulder blades.

Does anyone else get that?

Yep. Hurts like a &@^%$#! Except it’s wider spread for me, not just a pinpoint; more like a fist-sized area. And it throbs.

ETA “That’s right, blame ‘the cat’ ” My mom said that’s why you *have* a cat!

8 years ago


I have severe peripheral and mild to moderate global neuropathy from malnutrition due to dangerously disordered eating. It’s partly why I lurk and don’t comment often, typing can be a slow and painful process.

It’s fairly recent so I’m still getting used to the odd and painful sensations from the damaged nerves in my hands, feet, and other parts of my body. I’m also learning more about nerves and nerve damage than I ever thought I would.

I have a nerve conduction study scheduled for this Tuesday (thanks Affordable Care Act!) and while I’m frightened of how it will feel I’m looking forward to knowing more about what to expect for recovery, or if any more is even possible.

The feelings in my hands and feet are constantly uncomfortable and bizarre, sometimes excruciating to the point I can’t function well. For whatever reason I’ve gotten somewhat used to them over the last few months, I’m guessing just through routine use.

The feelings I’m not adjusting to as well are the odd ones; not being able to feel when my underwear are pulled up (like after peeing), this one spot on my hip that feels like it’s wet with ice cold water, one toe that feels enormous off and on.

I’m not complaining or trying to illicit sympathy, just wanted to add to the discussion about nerves and bodies being fascinating and complex.

Oh! And I’m ticklish to the point that if someone wiggles their fingers at me or if I read about or watch someone being tickled I cringe and giggle. It used to make sex play even more awkward for me since it was likely I’d ball up and start laughing if touched in some places or even approached in others. The best partners were the ones who didn’t mind 🙂

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago


My nerve conduction study was not painful. I would not be worried. It felt strange but more like an itch or like a twitch than like pain.

8 years ago

@ Policy of Madness

Thank you! It’s been very helpful and reassuring to learn of other’s experiences.

I’m just anxious since sensation can be unpredictable for me and I’m not good with rescinding control or being touched, now more so than ever.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago


If your technician is any good, you will not be rescinding control at all. Nobody is going to strap you down and force you to do the study. If you are uncomfortable, you should be able to say so and have the tech slow down and give you time to adjust to what’s happening.

I understand being reluctant to be touched, but you should have total control. If you don’t feel like you do, you might consider requesting a different technician.