In this late-night edition of Today in Breitbart Comments, let’s plunge into an ongoing debate between different factions of Breitbart’s alt-right fanbase.
In the comments to a post titled “Milo on CNBC: A World Run by the Alt-Right Would Be So Much Fun,” we find two distinct types of alt-rightist fighting it out.
On the one side, those who agree with Mr. Yiannopoulos that the alt-right is basically a bunch of lovable scamps, free-speech enthusiasts who don’t really mean it when they say “gas the kikes race war now.”
On the other side, well, those alt-rightists who do in fact mean it when they say “gas the kikes race war now.”
You can see representatives of each of these factions offering succinct summaries of their basic position in this lovely exchange:
Those in the second group tend not to be big fans of Mr. Y, who, as a gay man with a Jewish mother, does not exactly fit perfectly into the traditional Nazi demographic.
Still, there are many points of agreement between the two factions. For example, many of those who put themselves in the “lovable scamp” camp turn out to be gigantic freaking racists too. Oh, sure, the scamp campers insist that they’re not really hateful racists. They just have a rather, let’s say, broad definition of what isn’t hateful racism.
Yeah, you don’t think people of color have contributed anything to western civilization, you want to ban them from immigrating to the United States based on the color of their skin, and you wouldn’t let your daughter marry one. How could anyone even think you have anything in common with the Nazis?
NOTE TO EXTREMELY LITERAL-MINDED READERS: That last sentence was sarcastic.
REMINDER: This is the audience that Steve Bannon, Donald Trump’s campaign CEO, cultivated for many years as the head cheese of Breitbart — and that Trump was presumably hoping to appeal to by hiring Bannon to run his campaign. These are the people that Trump is empowering and emboldening.
Sympathisers always irk me.
Couple days ago, some guy vindictively and condescendingly explained how the Nazis never desired world domination and were anti-imperialist because they respected the autonomy of non-whites in their host countries. Double-checking this, it seems very untrue.
And here we have Milo trying to justify his ‘only joking’ lovable scamps when even they (in many cases) seem to want to kick all the other cultures out. And of course (undoing the post-WW2 culture war).
Should I start buying canned food before November hits?
OK, EJ, this was a low blow, now. My eye has something.
Hey, silent readers! If you are reading me, I am very sorry, do NOT, at any circumstances, try to follow me, cause I’m REALLY lost. Eat your vegetables!
Who said Charlemagne did anything wrong? I mean, he ruled in the 9th century, it’s inconceivable he did nothing morally repugnant. But like, is there an SJW campaign to tarnish fuckin Charlemagne that I don’t know about? Who the fuck is he talkin to with that nym? Is he tryna convince his own ass? Fuck it, I put too much thought into this already
You and Scildfreja were my light when I 1st started lurking. Still are, but now I have a whole buncha lights. I find myself pandering to y’all too much, but none of it’s untrue. I do love you, internet buddies. Thx for letting me chill here
And hiya, lurkers, I’m Axe! 🙂
Guys, seriously, I may only post here sporadically, but I read your comments almost every day. Keeps my faith in humanity going when most other evidence I see tells me to just give up.
@ CPphazor
You probably already know this, but for any lurkers who might be lead to believe the Nazis were anti-imperialist….
The principal reason the Nazi regime did not want an overseas empire was that they knew it would be impossible to maintain without a massively expanded navy.
It would have been easy for the Royal Navy to blockade any supplies that had to be routed by sea. Far simpler and safer for the Nazis to exploit a land based expansion and occupation; which is of course what they did.
Anti-imperialist nazis who invaded much of Europe? That’s some critical thinking skills!
This site is the only place I comment on, because y’all are awesome.
Someone needs to kindly remind Mr. White Male that “trolling” to make right wing thinking more mainstream is not original to the Internet. It’s been happening since the 60s with talk show hosts and the current GOP platform and all that stuff. Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, and Bryan Fischer were all alt right before the term was made.
It might even be the context that inspired it but “ironic racism” makes me think of a great PopeHat line
Well, obviously just like gender there is no such thing as race except as a concept derived from the lizard brain.
Why nope, Axe?
Okay, sorry, please folks correct me if I’m wrong, maybe I’m seeing trolls erywhere after the freaking festival that’s happened those last few days, but I just can’t help but read this as someone trying to go all straw SJW, especially since I can’t see what this is doing in the context. Or maybe it’s just the name Pol that does that.
Apologies if I’m mistaken, I haven’t slept in a while so the paranoia could be setting in. Meh.
Hi Pinko ?. My name is a considered accident that is completely unrelated to the far right, oops sorry, “alt-right” reddit forum.
In fact, one of the reasons that I was turned-off reddit way back in 2008 was the fascist nature of so much of the content.
I did not learn about the /pol/ thing until recently.
*invokes a messiah I don’t worship*
Moving backwards:
1)’lizard brain’ is an overly simplistic shorthand for a complex set of brain systems and interactions
2)in so much as there is a ‘lizard brain’, most everything we think about comes from there and is refined by our ‘higher reasoning’. Subitizing numbers, nonlexical communication, etc. Name it, it starts in the ‘lizard brain’ or at the very least takes a detour there
3)concepts are not inherently nonexistent, and exempting them on that basis is meaningless distinction
4)Race is the ethnogeographical classification of human populations. That happens, people do that, so it exists. Arbitrary, but not nonexistent
5)Gender and race aren’t just alike. Pretty significant differences, in fact. Laverne Cox is transgender, Rachel Dolezal isn’t transracial
6)Nothing about this is “obvious”. There are fields of study dedicated to understanding race and gender. Race seems to be more or less settled (provisionally useful, but not supported by genetics/cladistics), and that took forever. Gender is not as understood, so what’s “obvious” to you musta escaped the minds of researchers. Let em know, eh?
In conclusion, most of your statement is untrue, and that which is strictly true misses the point entirely. Mayhaps a result of trying to boil down complex subjects down to 114 characters…
Hi Axe.
Concepts are “existant”, agreed. They would not be concepts otherwise, would they? But the concepts can be illusions, can’t they? Just like the concept of race and gender are. I never said that concepts are “inherently non existant”. That would be rubbish. Thanks for straw-manning me….
Yes race is a classification. An illusory one. But a classification nonetheless.
Once again, thanks for straw-manning me…
Gender and race are different. You are correct. Correct but pointless.
And “field of study blah blah blah”? Listen mate, do yourself a favour and read more widely.
Your conclusion needs padding out too. 114 characters? What? What is the nature of your strange attack? I am confused by your irrelevant statements. Please explain.
Hey this just reminded me that rights don’t exist.
Pol, please don’t be an asshole. Axe isn’t strawmanning you: his response was well-considered and (as far as I know) was entirely in line with current academic thought.
Ok. It’s nighty nights for this little black duck. But I enjoyed locking horns with you Axe. Maybe we should do this again sometime?
And goodnight all. ‘Till next time.
And I’m lucky I checked before I sauntered off too. “Asshole”, EJ? Ok, to be honest I didn’t think that I was being like that but I will take note of your criticism and re-read my comments later to see what you were getting at. Thanks. Sometimes I’m not aware of my perceived demeanour and tone in text like this.
I wonder if folks like Milo, Russell Veh, etc., are the political version of bug chasers. In that they know the ideology they are supporting could kill them if its adherents took power, yet that’s why they support it. They are attracted to danger.
Gotta stop tryna bail people out. They never take the hint, and I just feel like an idiot
Sorry about that, everyone. This was such a nice thread too…
Was gonna say, thought better of it. Glad someone did
I hope so. Given the considerable possibility I was either talkin outta my ass or simply made a mistake of omission on any of that (especially re: the gender and trans stuff), I welcome correction 🙂
th-there are other people watching us right now?
Wrong Nazi thread
So ummm, funniest Nazi related humor I know
Okay, that was weird.
So… what’s with the overly-empirical-mindedness lately ? First the Dick Marsh troll who “can’t see his rights” (for fuck’s sake !) and now this happens.
Pol just reads like a troll trying to go straw-SJW with little to no relevance to the thread at large. I mean there’s posting off-topic, and then there’s dropping a random incorrect statement like that with zero link to anything that’s been said so far, besides a whiff of “lemme debunk racism right here right now”.
And then they lash out at Axe for having the gall to correct them, and on top of that they call him “irrelevant” and “pointless” ? What the hell. That was neither true nor an appropriate response. Especially if you’re gonna end with an oh-so backhanded “good debating with you” – which, incidentally, also reminded me of Mack Ditch.
I’m baffled because I seem to remember seeing Pol’s name attached to other, non-trolly comments around. As far as I know, they’re not a troll.