alt-right anti-Semitism evil SJWs figurative nazis homophobia infighting ironic nazis irony alert Islamophobia literal nazis post contains sarcasm racism today in breitbart comments

Today in Breitbart Comments: The Nazis were right about everything except how to win wars

The Alt-Right: Literally Hitler, or just figuratively?
The Alt-Right: Literally Hitler, or just figuratively?

In this late-night edition of Today in Breitbart Comments, let’s plunge into an ongoing debate between different factions of Breitbart’s alt-right fanbase.

In the comments to a post titled “Milo on CNBC: A World Run by the Alt-Right Would Be So Much Fun,” we find two distinct types of alt-rightist fighting it out.

On the one side, those who agree with Mr. Yiannopoulos that the alt-right is basically a bunch of lovable scamps, free-speech enthusiasts who don’t really mean it when they say “gas the kikes race war now.”

On the other side, well, those alt-rightists who do in fact mean it when they say “gas the kikes race war now.”

You can see representatives of each of these factions offering succinct summaries of their basic position in this lovely exchange:

Ann Inquirer ✓ᴺᵃᵗᶦᵒᶰᵃˡᶦˢᵗ I-RIGHT-I • an hour ago I like it, and it's not Nazi. It's just fun to have the freedom of speech and poke PCness in the eye. You want to label someone Nazi, label the KuKluxKAIR with their IslamoFauxbia Nazi. 2 • Reply•Share › Avatar CharlemagneDidNothingWrong Ann Inquirer ✓ᴺᵃᵗᶦᵒᶰᵃˡᶦˢᵗ • an hour ago The "Nazis" were right about nearly everything except how to win a war.

Those in the second group tend not to be big fans of Mr. Y, who, as a gay man with a Jewish mother, does not exactly fit perfectly into the traditional Nazi demographic.

Captain John Charity Spring MA IGnatius T Foobar ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ • 2 hours ago Milo is an entryist Jew trying to co-opt a movement of loosely aligned young white men who see their demographic Armageddon approach with the Multicult. Nazis who have seen the data and results of the last 20 years of Cuckolding conservatives. The traitors like Ryan who take the liberal dildo will have to go.

CharlemagneDidNothingWrong • 2 hours ago Milo is a degenerate, and apparently a liar. The Alt Right is first and foremost about white ethnocentrism and race realism. All else stems from those necessary core beliefs.

Still, there are many points of agreement between the two factions. For example, many of those who put themselves in the “lovable scamp” camp turn out to be gigantic freaking racists too. Oh, sure, the scamp campers insist that they’re not really hateful racists. They just have a rather, let’s say, broad definition of what isn’t hateful racism.

White Male I-RIGHT-I • 2 hours ago The GOP cucks are just leftists from the past. They embrace the same things as democrats from 20 years earlier, sometimes less. The alt-right/white nationalism is the only meaningful right-wing movement. Colorblind conservatism won't conserve anything because race is the bedrock foundation of culture and society. Most of us aren't nazis, by the way. You can want the white race to live without wanting jews to die. Most of the nazi stuff is intentionally ironic. The purpose of the trolling is to normalize seeing offensive material and shift the Overton window rightward.

White Male Greg • 2 hours ago Those of us who are a part of it can. It's just hard for establishment types to comprehend a movement that doesn't require adherence to a specific dogma. Broadly speaking, the alt-right is white identity politics. We want to save western civilization. For some that means protecting modern values from Islam. For others, it means undoing the left's post-WWII culture war victories. Our common ground is support for free speech, understanding that western civilization is white civilization, and the desire to save the white race and white countries. Most of us don't hate other races. Some of us even have nonwhite friends. We just don't want them to take over our countries and would not have kids with them.

Yeah, you don’t think people of color have contributed anything to western civilization, you want to ban them from immigrating to the United States based on the color of their skin, and you wouldn’t let your daughter marry one. How could anyone even think you have anything in common with the Nazis?

NOTE TO EXTREMELY LITERAL-MINDED READERS: That last sentence was sarcastic.

REMINDER: This is the audience that Steve Bannon, Donald Trump’s campaign CEO, cultivated for many years as the head cheese of Breitbart — and that Trump was presumably hoping to appeal to by hiring Bannon to run his campaign. These are the people that Trump is empowering and emboldening.

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Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

It’s okay, guys, we can trust him. Some of them even have non-white friends, you see.

8 years ago

Can they really consider those non-white people friends if they have so many conditions on their interactions?

Non-white acquaintances, non-white people they wave or say ‘hello’ to in passing…those I might…*might* believe that these racists know. But friends? No, I don’t believe that is true.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago

Oh hello, ironic racism. Please fuck off.

I think I liked plain ol’ open racism better. Can we go back to that ? Or are we stuck with Milo “IT’S JUST A JOKE” Yiannopoulos ?

Pro-tip, ironic racists : if you have to explain that it’s ironic to everyone, then it doesn’t mean that everyone is too dumb to get the joke. It just means that you’re too dumb to understand what irony is.

8 years ago

Awww, poor Milo. He just can’t get no respect nohow…


8 years ago

Poor Milo, unable to build bridges between the two groups he’s playing for attention and profit, probably not even aware that he’s treading very dangerous waters. My heart bleeds when the racists don’t want him as their leader.

8 years ago

They’re just old-fashioned individuals who’ve come together to protest this postmodern society, in which insulting people based on their sex or race or whatever is seen as deeply uncool. Not fair!

They want to take us back to the good old days when people like them would pack a picnic basket and go witness a lynching.

Breitbart hearts Donald. And Donald hearts Putin. He gave him a shout out last night as a strong leader, not like that Mom-pants guy, Obama.

Putin: He rides a horse bare-chested!

He has his enemies assassinated!

EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

Kootiepatra was right: Breitbart is like what would happen if a comments section had a comments section.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago


What would happen if this comments section had a comments section ?

8 years ago

Would it be nothing but cat gifs?

8 years ago

Is it inappropriate that i laughed when i saw this had 9 comments? I’ve gone and ruiend it now but yeah…

8 years ago

I am ashamed how long it took for me to get the joke.

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

Oh, no, racist being fuckheads on the internet?

comment image

At least this happened today. Marvel in it, people. Marvel. It’s canon. We have to appreciate it.

8 years ago


I must admit i also do exactly the same thing whith other people’s jokes…

8 years ago

Did…did they seriously…

Was there a hint of ‘I have black friends!’ in there?!

8 years ago

A hint. A soupçon? An aroma wafting on the breeze?

Sounds very much like my granny, though she was concerned about mixed marriages in the religious sense … Catholic boys lead good Protestant girls astray, she warned 12 year old me. She didn’t warn me off my Catholic girlfriends and neighbours though. She wasn’t prejudiced.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago

@Valentine & Oogly

Wait, what joke ?

8 years ago

Milo reminds me of someone I met many years ago I was part of a battle re-enactment group. There were several of these groups and many had a high proportion of right wing members. The person in question was pointed out to me at a multiple group show as a “crazy bastard.” During the rehearsals I met him but found talking to him was difficult, he was a rabid Nazi and a holocaust denier. Later I found out from someone who knew his family that his parents were Polish Jews who had fled to the UK during WWII.

It seems that guy shared a dysfunction with Milo, “Hispanics for Trump” members and the few Blacks supporting Trump and may even be likened to those women who support the MRAs.

EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

@Sinkable John:
A circular digression, if I may.

We Hunted the Mammoth has a vast readership, more than a million unique people. If one percent of them read the comments section as well, then that means ten thousand people silently read your posts. That’s around the number of people that an average person meets in their lifetime.

Because of the way that the internet skews, many of those people will be younger and more emotionally isolated than average. This means that for some of them, you may have been the first French person they have encountered. The internet is a funny thing, however, because of how intimate it feels: emotionally, it feels like you’re talking or listening directly to the person. There isn’t the distance that you’d get if ten thousand people were in a room listening to you speak. You feel like a friend.

At least one person will now feel, after reading your posts, that they have a French friend. Before this, when they saw a map of Europe, France was just a hexagonal shape; now it has a human representative. France is that cool guy who goes to metal clubs like them (or like they wish they could) and is always funny, warm and supportive.

When you posted about insomnia, anxiety and finding zombies scary, there was almost certainly one of these people who began crying with relief because someone else feels like they do. This is unbelievably powerful, and this means that from now on when this person reads these comments and they see your name, they will see a stand-in for themselves. When you battle a troll, they will imagine themselves doing it. When you make jokes or talk about your music, they will identify with that and take courage in sharing their own creative energies.

Those commentors who have been here a while longer will probably have several people who identify with them and who take courage in their daily lives from our actions here, just as we do from watching the actions of Éowyn or Pearl or Malcolm Reynolds.

If these people ever met, they might get along very well. They’d talk about how they really identify with Paradoxy’s rant or how Scildfreja inspired them to be a woman in science, or how WWTH showed them that they can be brave too, or how they found that Jack helped them through their own thoughts on gender. As the comments section got more established, they would discuss their other hobbies: knitting, baking, cats, whatever.

This is what our comments section would be like.

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

Wait, what joke ?

I think it was nine sounds like nein or something.

how they found that Jack helped them through their own thoughts on gender

More like wondering how someone could make such a huge ass out of themselves more likely but whatever.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago

More like wondering how someone could make such a huge ass out of themselves more likely but whatever.

Never noticed that you made an ass out of yourself. Then again, this whole blog is dedicated to pointing and laughing at people who do that for a living, so maybe the contrast is why I never noticed ?

Nah, I think it’s just because you don’t :p


That’s… yeah, I hadn’t seen it this way before, but now I do. Whew. Daaamn that was a powerful post, I don’t think I can engrish up the words right now, so I’ma just say :

Hello, unseen friends !

EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

More like wondering how someone could make such a huge ass out of themselves more likely but whatever.

“Oh hey, look at Jack. He was fumbling and awkward and uncertain, and did it anyway, and didn’t die, and everyone still loved him because he was a great person no matter how he identified. It must be okay for me to do the things I’m terrified and awkward and uncertain of doing.”

8 years ago

Milo Yiannopoulos’ rhetoric is extremely immature. A world run by the alt-right would be fun? Does he not read these comments? Does he really just see it a playful trolling when they refer to him as a degenerate Jew? Is he that naive, or that cynical? People with far right views, the ones who go beyond the digital world of the internet, would probably back up their beliefs with real world action if they were in power.

8 years ago

I, um, may have got something in my eye just now. The fact that it happened just as I was reading EJ’s comment is purely coincidental, I tells you!

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago


Right ? I myself hit my elbow right on that spot that hurts like all hell. Or maybe it was a toe. I don’t remember. *sniff*

8 years ago

I like it, and it’s not Nazi. It’s just fun to have the freedom of speech and poke PCness in the eye.

And Brian turns to Max and says: “Do you still think you can control them?”

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